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keAway English 2 English for Success Sally Trowbridge Lisa Varandani International Edition 2012 Published by McGraw-Hill ELT, a business unit of Graw-Hill Companies. Ine, 1221 Avenve oft New York, NY 10 right © 2012 panies, Inc.All ights reserved 7 publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, oF stored in 2 database o 1 system, without the prior weitten consent of The McGraw-Hill Companies, inc, including, but not limited te inany network or other electranic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning Exclusive rights by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, for manufacture and export This book cannot b ported from the country to which itis sold by McGraw-Hill This International Edition is not available in North Ame IE ISBN: 978-607:15.0588.0 (Student Book with Audio CD) OME FROM MH) 16 15 14 13-12 11 56789 10(7 cher. Miguel Angel Toledo Cast Sponsoring Editor. Ana Laura Martinez Véaquez Photo coordination: A Plus Publishing Services Interior design and production. Page?, LLC Cover design: Jose Palacios ind is considered an extension of the copyright page Photo Credits: The Photo Credits section begins on page McGraw-Hill ELT wwwelt megraw-hillcom Impreso en China Printed in China Impreso por CTPS Printed by CTPS The authors and publisher would like to thank the following review for their invaluable help in developing the TakeAway English se Poxatip Bodeepongse Thaksin Unversity, Thailand Arnon Choisuriya Burapha University Chonbur, Thailand Belay Chen ond English Center, Taiwan Tine Chen Notional Taipe University of Education, Taiwan NNutsakolpach Chouvorrasista __Huachiew Chelermprotiet University Thaland LypetteCoetzer Americon Univesity Alumni Language Center, Thailand Steve Covell Osaka Jogakutn College, Jopan Eric George Konkuk Univesity, Korea Michel Hebert Kanda institute of Foreign tonguages, lapan Sitang Khan Kasetsart University, Thailand Mark Koenig Dain Unwersity, Korea Nicholas Lambert Toyo Univers, fapan Liv-Hue-ting ‘National Culture University, Toiwan Laura MacGregor Gakushuin University, Japan Michael Mactan. Sripatam Univesity, Thailand Use Morgan “Americon Unwversity Alumni Language Center, Thailand Dee Parker “American University Amn) Language Center, Thailand Supakarn Pathong Silpakorn University, Thailand Moriya Plumtee Hankuk Univesity of Foreign studies, Korea {Ubon Pun-ubon Sripatum University, Thalland James Reading yung Hee University, Korea Woralap Sangvatanachai Khon Kaen Univers, Tholand Scot Stewart Kontuk University, Korea Steven Tat “American University Alumni Language Center, Thailand Annu To Taipei YMCA Education Center, Tolwan Stephen P. Van Viack Sookmyung Women's University Graduate Schoo! of TESOL, Korea Isabela Vasil “American University Alumni tanguoge Cente, Thtland Tirenun Wongwinat Stipotum University, Tholand Roy Wowk Dogjin University, Korea ON Unit 1 It’s a great job! 2 Unit 2 Great vacations 4 Unit 3 Cities around the world 26 Unit 4 Wildlife 38 Unit 5 Allabout sports 50 REVIEW 1 62 Unit 6 — Good luck, bad luck 66 Unit 7 — My favorite things 78 Unit 8 Memorable experiences 90 Unit 9 — Ilove chocolate! 102 Unit 10 How can we help? 14 REVIEW 2 126 Grammar Takeaway 130 Irregular Verbs 140 Key to Phonetic Symbols 141 Vocabulary 142 Audio Script 147 Photo Credits 153 Audio Track List 154 SCOPE and SEQUENCE tig Oey TC are Se rer) Poss oro Pee Seer) the world ndangered animals | An encangs Pe Vtg ae ‘Good lckand bad | lucky man! | expressions with get | Revewsimple past | Aucky vet ckeustoms fore nam Peri Things peopecollct | What do you Vocabulary building | Present Enthusasiccallectrs Dc Coa Day Cus! versussimple past | remembe purpose forreadng Aesert ep Cookinginstructions | The passve vo Al about chocolate ad Cesc Inneedothelp | Aservcetip Waystohelp Ctject pronouns | Therecyled goats Su foot ea purpore Grammar Takeaway, page 130 ou aaet tic uy teeta) ree Mr Cee ics Ler Senge Uncle Bert's nephew Culture: Holidays and vacation days ‘Song: Allround the wos ultres Wate conservation vacations Song: The game of fe Culture: otteres around | the world Song: Do youhave heart? Cultre: Stories and cute Song: drink coffe, Ink tea | cutre-chartabe | organizations around the word Intonation in questions | The sound The sounds /av fe and i| | Hoveto haste | Did + subject Sentencestressinthe present perfect Vowel sounds au! how, Too naand infor | Wiordstessin | | Uhreesylablewords | Vowel sounds a” up, fo put and busy 1 Making excuses Making nd responding to suggestions Strategy: Make suggestions agrees and dsagreeing egy: Use pote language Using measurements Strategy: Use shortened word Tallin about ules Strategy: Gain time Responding to good news and bad news Strateay: Show surprise Taking about things you le Sirotegy: Emphasize your ideas Reactingto 2 story strategy Use body language Making, accepting, nd declining offers strategy Make yourresponse pl Making requests and ing excuses Strategy: Use formals informal anguage Witing 2 trave bog Strategy: Use adjectives wating acompanson essay about twocites Strategy Writes conduding Writing an essay about an ‘endangered animal Strategy: Make plan with etais Wating 2 description of a sport Strategy Make a word map Werting 2 story about ck Strategy: Use time expressions Weting 2 descrptve essay Strategy: Use the five senses Waiting 3 story about 3 memorable experience Stratgy: Identify the key events and deta Witing an encyclopedia enty ‘Make an outing Writing plan tohelp others strategy Usealowchart Reading forte main des Summarting Desert ; Making inferences (deawing conclusions) Reading for detail | Understanding sequence Text completion questions | Usten rand recognae tone Identity pros and cons |e suport rit's a great job! LESSON A START Jobs 1 Greet your teacher. Then discuss these questions, Extend Advantages are good things Disadvantages are bad things. 1. What does your teacher do in a typical day? 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the job’ formal 2 Write the job titles next to the pictures. Then listen to check your answers. a scientist nurse financial analyst graphic designer police-officer taxi driver 3 Give the job names for each description ; taxi driver, astronaut 1. jobs that involve transportation police offi 2. jobs that involve working with customers or clients 3. jobs that require a college degree or special schooling 4, jobs that involve handling money 5. jobs that involve using computers Talk about it! QP 4 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about your family and friends jobs. ‘A: What does your mother do? ‘A: She's a nurse. What about your brother! B: She's financial analyst. What about yours? B: He's a student. LISTENING About my job Listen for key words Think of words you know that are related to the topic of the listening. For this exercise think about words related to different jobs. For example: businesswoman = computer, finances, meetings. 1. Before listening These words are from an interview with a woman who describes her job. Look at the words. What do you think her job is? What do you think she does on a typical day? We use adverbs of frequency to talk about how often something happens. These adverbs go after the verb be and usually before other verbs. jE Oe NEW YORK, MORNING <<[FINANCIAL MARKETS EMAILINDIA 5 WORK . 7 YU 100% —atways == 6:00 MEET ‘MEETINGS WORLD [>> sisi WELL-PAYING = SCOTLAND xz often sometimes hardly eve 0% am never late for work Teachers usvally work in schools. never Yorest 2 Listening Listen to the interview and check your answers toexercise1 {ns¥ 3 Listening Listen again. Check (v) how often the woman does each thing. starts work at 7:30 a. 2._ starts work at 6:00 a.m. 3._has phone meetings Score paren | 5._has meetings in India | 4 Afterlistening Read the statements.CirclIrue or False. 1. The woman has meetings every morning, True 2. She works with people in Scotland, True False ~ XN 3. They hardly ever use email to communicate. True False ff 4, She doesn't like meeting in person True False 5. She likes her job True False Talk about it! 5. Work with a partner. Choose a job that you know about. Make a schedule of a typical day for someone with that job. Would you want that job? Why or why not? Talk about it VOCABULAR Job descriptions 1. Where do you see job descriptions? What things do people describe? Yorosl 2 Match the words with the examples. Then listen to check -h_ dangerous a well- paying b. “Idothe same thing all the time. Itisn't very inte boring Not many people do my job. The money isn’t very gi demanding ‘The moriey is great unusual It's a great job because I have the opportunity to do lots of __ interesting rent things. rewarding ‘When you do the job well, you have a great feeling of satisfaction 1 2 3. 4 5. low-paying I have a lot of responsibility in my job and | work very long hou 6 2 8 hy “Ihave to be very careful or | could get hurt Write descriptions for the jobs below. Then add two more jobs and descriptions [2 teacher 3._ student police officer — BeS= at Which description would you most like your job to fit? Which would you least like it to have? Number these descriptions from 1(Id like it the most) to 8 (I'd like it the least), —— dangerous —— boring —— interesting —— demanding _well-paying unusual _ low-paying rewarding Talk about it! SS 5 Now work with a partner. Compare your lists. Talk about what you rated the same and what you have different. Then talk about jobs that would have those characteristics. ‘A: I have rewarding as number 1 and well-paying as number 2. How about you? B: Ihave interesting as number 1 and dangerous as number 2 ‘Az Really? | have dangerous as number 8! Why do you have it as number 2? Because a GRAMMAR Review: questions in the simple present 1 Complete the information questions with the correct question words. Information questions | ___answers___ SEIT |1, What ; 1, What do you do? I'm a financial analyst. np pen: =a 2. ____do you work? In New York ‘question word. However, they A dayourect with peocle — have the same word order as = information quest fren all over the werla?__ | We have phone meetings ation questions. ‘A: Do you like your job? —— do you start work? Usually at 7.30 a.m. Be es Loe Because | work with financial | 5.—doyou start work soearly? | eit ver the world 2. Look at the sentences in exercise 1. Then put these sentence parts in the correct order to form questions in the simple present. [ verbin the infinitive: restof sentence. questionword subject. auxiliary verb: tart soearly? Why you do ‘question word: oe - - 3> Put the words in order to make questions. Then match the questions to the answers. 1. _b_ does / start / she / what time / work /? a. At the local university, What time does she start work? b. At8:00 in the moming 2, auniform / do / why / wear / you / ? Yes, he does as Because it’s required 3. ____go/ you/ where / to school / do /? 4, his job / does / lke / he /? Talk about it! = 4° Work with a partner. Play “What's my job?” Student A chooses a job, but doesn't tell student B. Student B asks questions and guesses the job. ‘A: What time do you start work? A: Where doyouwork? A: Are youa teacher? B: At about 730 am. B: Ata school B: Yes, lam. READING An out-of-this-world job 1 Before reading Look at the pictures in the magazine article. What kind of magazine is it? What do you think the article is about? Talk about your guesses with a partner. 2 Before reading What do you think are the differences between daily life on Earth and daily life in space? With a partner, make a lst Reading Read the article. Look for the things on your lst HELP reading Guess the meaning of new words When you see a new word, try to figure ut if i's @ noun, verb, or adjective. This an help you guess the word's meaning 4 After reading Guess the meaning of the underlined words. Are they nouns, verbs, or adjectives? Compare your answers with a partner. 5 After reading Read the statements. Gitelerue or False. Space station crews usually True (False) stay in space for over a year Astronauts can't speak to their True False friends when they are in space Astronauts spend a lot of True False time cooking Ata space station, the sun True False rises many times in a day. Astronauts use straps to True False stay in their beds, Astronauts usually relax True False after lunch LIFE IN SPACE For most raveling in space dream, However, for more and more pe rking in space on a space reality. A space station is a structuredesigned for astronauts, or people who live and work in outer space. Life on a space station is NOT easy! In space, there are no hot shows no pi \k at some di aspects of life in space. delivery. Let worK Astronauts usually work for about 16 hours a day in space. For work, they do experiments assemble parts of the space station, and repair satellites. Space station crews are often in spac nine month sometimes they stay in space for over a year! for six t but FREE TIME Astronauts have books, MP3 players, and games—just like people on Earth! They use their laptop computers to send emails to family, friends, and colleagues. They can also talk to people back on Earth using technology through their computers and the internet FOOD AND EATING Astronauts hardly ever need to make their food. It often comes in packets and is ready to eat. Some food can be heated or mixed with water. They always use bags and straws for iquid foods like soups, so that the food doesn't fly around the space station HEALTH Zero gravity and changes in daily routine (the sun comes up every 90 minutes) can cause physical problems for astronauts. To be physically in shape, astronauts exercise for a few hours every day. SLEEPING Sleeping can be a problem with no gravity. Astronauts use straps to stay in their beds. Their sleeping bags are often attached to the walls! ATYPICAL DAY 1. Have breakfast and get ready for the day 2. Get blood tests for health checks 3. Do space station maintenance and experiments, 4, Do exercises 5. Have lunch 6. Do more exercises. 7. Finish experiments and check station systems, 8. Have dinner and crew meeting to plan the next day. Have free time for emails, phone calls and personal washing 10. Go to bed. Cea =’ CONVERSATION @ uti Ask follow-up questions to n Talk about it! => 6 Work with a partner. Make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of being an astronaut. Would you like to be an astronaut? Why or why not? Talk about it with your partner. PROJECT 8 Work in a group, Do research on the Intemet to make a list of 10 unusval jobs. Then choose two jobs. Make 2 poster or electronic presentation with the most important information about each one. Answer these questions for each job + What do people with the job do? + What is a typical day like for the job? + What makes the job unusual? = How do people get the job? Is there special training? 0 the class. The class vo ne job most Present your informat on (1) the most unusual job and ( students would like to have. SONG Uncle Bertie’s nephew 1 2 Horcet 3 Before listening Who are the people in your family? What are their jobs? Before listening Match the family words to the definitions, aunt a. your mother or father’s brother 2 cousin by your mother or father's 3. —__nephew your brother or sister's 4, niece daugh 5. uncle d._-your brother or sister's son . your uncle or aunt's son or daughter Listening Read the verses to the song Uncle Bertie’s nephew. Guess the order of the verses. Number the verses from 1 to 5. Then listen to check your guesses. After listening Circiethe best answer. Then check your answers with a partner. 4. The singer of the song is A. Uncle Bertie Uncle Bertie’sn C. Uncle Bertie's brother 2. The singer A. doesn’t have a job B. has adifficult job . has an easy job 3. Thesinger A. has money and is happy B. has money and is unhappy . doesn’t have much money lew After listening Write the underlined words and expressions in the song next to the definitions. 1. a person who works driving a car in fashion expensive clothes _ allows, makes possible the sound you make when something is funny Se RL Lag Oe Ar a ae Every day, every day, oh | miss Nae ae 1 go to work at twelve, twelve-thirty My chauffeur drives me to the door, Hike my job with Uncle Bertie. He lets me watch TV all day, up on the fourteenth floor. ‘After work | meet my friends at Marty's. My nights are laughter fun, and song ‘We go to all the trendy parties. We dance all night until it’s light, but stil there's something wrong. | wake up every day at seven. «lie in bed for four more hours. | get up at about eleven. {rush my teeth, | shave my face, and then | take a shower. Ihave my breakfast at the table. ike my coffee black and strong, | put on my designer labels, {comb my hair, | shine my shoes, but stil there's something wrong. Ihave my lunch with cousin Mabel. It’s expensive and it's three hours long. ‘We always have our favorite table, some caviar, a big cigar, but still there's something wrong. »life? Number the things from 1 (most important 6 (least important) Now work with a partner. Compare your lists. Talk about, what's different and why PRONUNCIATION Intonation in questions 1 1. Intonation is the way a person's voice goes up and down when talking. Listen to the intonation in the questions and complete the rules below. tyes | no questions information questions Do you like your job? What do you do at work? Do you work close to home? | What company do you work for? Are you a scientist? When do you go to class? + with_____questions the intonation falls (Wat the end of the que + with (at the end of ons the intonation rises question N Work with a partner. Make a list of questions about jobs. Mark the intonation. Then ask and answer them using the correct intonation. Conversation Takeaway ~ Making excuses 1 When do you make excuses? Why do you make them? oe A eT lol STRATEGY ‘Yorst 2 Complete the conversations with expressions from the box. Then listen to check your answers. Be poltte Use words like idon'thavetime Ihave alot of homework to do sorry, and thank you to be more I'm busy Im inahurry fmnot hungry right now | [polite when you make excuses Conversation 1 Conversation 2 A Excuse me. ‘A: Excuse me. Would you like to try B: Yes? our pizza? ‘A: Canllaskyou some questions, please? 8: No, thanks. — B: tm sorry, but 1 don't have tis A: Do you want some coffee? A: OK. Thanks anyway. B: I'm sorry, but — A: OK. Sorry to bother you. Conversation 3 Conversation 4 A: Hey, Brian! ‘A: Hey, Jen! Can you help me with B: Hi Alison. my homework? A: Do you want to go to the movies? 8: I'm sorry, but. B: I'msorry, but A: OK.{ll ask someone else. ‘A: OK. Maybe another time. 3 Practice the conversations in exercise 2 with a partner. Talk about it! OD 4 Work with a partner. Take turns asking questions. Politely say no by making an excuse. ‘A: Would you like to go out to eat tonight? B:_I'msorry, but | have to do homework ‘A: OK. Maybe another time Tell me more! Visit the Takeaway English Online Learning Center at Check out the Improve your English with leva Sc, SB meas Writing Takeaway ‘Write 2 topic sentence When you're writing, write a topic Writing a job description sentence for each paragraph. The sentence should give the 1 Writing model Read the job description. Check (v) the eee 3 name of the job that you think It describes. Then underline the _.Twait Kies of the paragraph. topic sentence in each paragraph. _J an engineer _Jataxidriver —_J a language teacher Jaserver ‘Typical responsibilities and schedule People in this job have two main responsibilities. They plan lessons and teach several classes of students. Most people usually work Monday through Friday, and sometimes Saturday. Some people teach in the morning or evening: Other people teach fram 9am. to S pm. ‘Advantages and disadvantages } There are advantages and disadvantages to the jab. One advantage is that people in this job live in many different countries. In addition, they work with lots of different people and make friends allover the world. Also, they feel good because they are helping people. One disadvantage is that, they often travel to different parts ofthe city each day, and they don’t make a lat of money. Also, they spend lot of time away from home, and they often miss their family and friends, Education and training People with this job need special training in order to be hired by 2 school. They usually get 3 certificate or a Master's degree from a university. While they are in school they learn about the language and how to teach it. They often do an internship in a dlassroom with a more experienced teacher to get more experience, 2 Before writing Now complete the graphic organizer using more information about the job in exercise 1. plan lessons usually Monday through Friday ‘travel to many different countries don't make a lot of money learn about the language 3 Planning your writing Now choose a job you are interested in. ‘Complete a graphic organizer like the one in exercise 2. If necessary, do research on the Internet. 4 Writing Write a description of your job. Use the information in exercise 3 to help you Test Takeaway Test-taking strategy Reading forthe main idea Some tests have readings where you must Identify the main idea of a paragraph or paragraphs. The main idea is the most important or the biggest idea in a reading. Ask yourself: In general, what is this reading about? Don't worry about specific information, Use these steps to help you read for the main idea, 1. Read any title or headline to help identify the main idea. 2. The main idea is often stated in the first or second sentence 3. After reading the paragraph, try to summarize it in one sentence. 4. Look for repeated words, phrases, or ideas in the reading. Example Read the paragraph and answer the question, Being 2 police officer isn't always easy. The job can be very rewarding and interesting, but it can also be dangerous. Like many jobs, there are both advantages and disadvantages with this kind of work. If you like doing something different every day and working with people, and you don’t mind long hours, this job might be for you. On the other hand, the pay is not {great and the work can be very demanding. 1. What is the main idea of this paragraph? ‘A. Police work is dangerous and demanding. B, There are good and bad things about police work C. Being a police officer is more difficult than most jobs. 3¢ Tacameer ony feu onthe daadvantages B_Thisis the corect answer. The reading taks about advantages and disadvanta XX. This answer only focuses on the disadvantages PRACTICE Read the paragraph and answer the question, Mark the letter on the Answer Sheet. ‘My sister is a financial analyst. She travels all over the world and earns lots of money. She loves being in London one week and Shanghai the next. She doesn’t have much of a personal life, but she says that will come later, when she’s older. My mother doesn’t understand. She thinks my sister should get married and have a family. Personally, I'm with my sister. 1. What does the author think about his sister's job? Answer Sheet AJ The advantages are greater than the disadvantages. Mack the letter. ‘BJ His sister doesn’t have time for a personal life. 4A) 8) c) C} His mother is unhappy with the situation. = 2 Language Takeaway Unit review 1. Look at the picture Gircle)the correct answer to finish the sentences. 1. Lwork in space. 'm 3. I'm Itake people §._ Bill jobis__. He doesr't AJ anengineer from place to place. make a lot of money. AJ a police officer A) well-payin AJ 2p eee 8} ataxidriver BJ low-payin C) apolice officer sj 2} towtpaying CJ a graphic designer C) rewarding 2. 'm___. take care of sick people. 4. Myjobis___.|havetobe 6. Being a doctoris_ AJ anurse careful or I can get hurt. You feel good knowing AJ interesting you're helping people. B) aserver A} rewarding BJ boring CJ a businesswoman 8) unusual CJ dangerous CJ interesting 2 Girciethe correct answer to finish the sentences. 1. ____doyyou work? At the Valley Hospital? AJ When J) How DJ What 2. Ryan: —__ doyou have lunch? Tia: Usually at about 1:00 pm. AJ Way 8) Where J What ‘DJ When work so early? AJ Whydoyoustart 8} Whyyoustart — ¢} Whystart J Whyyoudostart 4, The sun —__ comes up in the east AS always BJ never CJ sometimes) hardly ever 5. tt____rains in the Sahara Desert. AS usually Bj often c} always Dj hardly ever 6. Doctors ___ go to university before they get a job. AJ sometimes B) hardly ever C} always DJ never Koel 3. Listen, Match each speaker to his/her job. _Jspeaker! _Jspeaker2 __speater3 —_J speaker financial analyst __b a server teacher anurse > Great kata et so VACALIONS _| + mie we wpe sooeton LESSON A \ START Where do you goon vacation? 1 Look at the pictures. Who are the people? Where do you think they are? What are 1 they doing? How do you think they feel? ¥J Kozo) 2 Match the descriptions to the pictures Then listen and check your answers We live in the city, so when we go on vacatio we like to go camping and hiking in nature. The children really ike it, too.” 2, ___"When we go on vacation, we like to relax and do nothing. So we usually go to the beach. We swim and sunbathe 3. I ove the mountains. | always go hiking and ' rock climbing” 4 “Last year we went on a cruise. it was wonderful because they had everything you could want right on the boat—food, entertainment, and even sports 5. love exploring new cities and towns. | spend hours at museums and drinking coffee in the cafés. 6. ___ “Last summer we went on an adventure vacation We went kayaking.” 3 Look at the vacations in exercise 2. Number them from 1 (my favorite) to 6 (my least favorite). Talk about it! = 4 Work with a partner. Talk about your lists from exercise 3. Say why your number 1 is your favorite vacation and why number 6 is your least favorite. LISTENING Favorite vacations 1 Before listening _Anews reporter is interviewing Samantha. Look at the pictures What do you think Samantha likes to do on vacation? In a conversation. listen for the time and place of events. This information helps you understand the rest of the conversation. am 2 Listening Listen and check your guesses for exercise 1 {rani 3 Listening Listen to the conversation again. Write P for activities Samantha did in Paris, CR for activities she is | going to do in Costa Rica, or X for neither. 4. OR gosnorkeling 5. gorock climbing 9, go bicycling 2. go shopping 6. go hiking 10. go rafting | 3. __gotomuseums 7. sunbathe " take a river cruise | 4 godancing «8, _gosightseeing 12, ___gowindsurfing | 4 After listening ircle}he correct words to complete the sentences. Samantha likes / like adventure vacations Exot c Like can be a verb. I ike to go sightseeing, ‘Samantha likes / doesn’t like vacations in cities, Samantha's trip to Paris was two ye Like can also be a preposition. What was it lke? wewne Samantha's trip to Costa Rica was two years ago /i Talk about it! “2 5 Work with a partner. Tell your partner about your favorite vacation. When and where did you go? Who did you go with? What did you do? aN VOCABULARY Vacation activities 1. Number these vacation activities from 1 (the activity you like most) to 8 (the activity you like least). Talk about your answers with a partner. goswimming fl) eat at restaurant: go shopping z play tennis go to museums gobikeriding |) go dancing Inet 2 Write the names of these vacation activities under the pictures. Then listen and check. go hiking go ice climbing go snorkeling gehersebacksiding go sightseeing go windsurfing 30 raftin, 0 skiing take a tou! Br 8 go skiing 3 Name the activities from exercises 1and 2 that you can do in the places mentioned below. | 1. inside goto museums ___ 4, when it’s hot } 2 outside = Shen's cold 3, inthe water | Talk about it! = | 4 Work with a partner. Talk about your favorite activities to do while you are on vacation. | ‘A: When I'm on vacation, | like to go rock climbing and camping | B: Really? | don’t like adventure vacations. | like to go sightseeing and shopping, OO GRAMMAR Go + gerund 1 Read the sentences. rlethe verb goin each sentence. Underline the word a after go in each sentence. Then complete the rule present future | going hiking in the - mountains next summer: ‘She always goes shopping ‘We went shopping when we | We're going snorkeling in the when she's on vacation! | were in Paris, ‘ocean tomorrow. ‘We don't go rock climbing | didnt go dancing last night. She isn't going horseback ‘because it's dangerous. «iding on her next vacation. We use__ + gerund to talk about leisure activities. A gerund is a verb that’s used like a noun. Gerunds end in______. In these sentences_______is the verb and it agrees with the subject. most 2 Complete the sentences with the correct tense and form of go + gerund. Then listen | and check your answers. went snorkelin Bermuda last year. tomorrow. 4. Tom 5. Dan on 6. I in every winter. his next vacation New York last weekend! Talk about it! OM 3 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions. Use the correct verb tense. 1. What activities do you like to do when you go on vacation? 2. What activities do you not like to do when you go on vacation? 3. What activities did you do on your last vacation? LESSON B READING Atravel blog 1 Before reading Look at the pictures from th Where do you think the people writing the blog are means to enjoy something What do you think they are doing? et aR TEe rater. 2 travel blog, To have a good / great time Did you have 2 good time skiing? Kant 2 Reading Read the blog to check your guesses to exercise 1 3. After reading Match each sentence to the blog entry. Check (¥) the correct box. Bonjour! difficult day The weath 1 2. They ike the art. 3, She wrote the blog in a caf 4, They aren't having a gor on 1 4 After reading Write the underlined adjectives in the travel blogs next to the definitions. 1. very good | i 3. not quiet i i i 4, costsa lot of money Dona Bonjour, everyone! That means “hello” in French! Pee ue ote eke eM ce eu Cd interesting place, never boring. There's a lot to see 5. quiet and relaxing : 6 not interesting Ce noe Mut hn ne eu — ete n ene } 7. witha lot of tourists and ee Log stores for touri had lunch at a restaurant. It was very | Peete mac) ete mc! Pee an i blog entry in a café in the most i Pee etn eetarecs ey ee any 1. 4 bor N a Build ary 2 >wde b, Seweh:sntoes 3 en fet RB oppo. 4, ___fantas P 0 ord: 5. rot you k rn 6 nos) y ore NOs Pt 2 ouristy Talk about it! i '°P 5 places for y, sation 6 Make a list of your top 5 places to go on vacation Write adjectives to describe each place on your list Then talk with a partner. Decide on the place you 2. Paris: expensive, to both want to go. Tell the class what place you chose vier and explain why. '- Brevi: exciting, erowded PROJECT 8 Work in a group of three. Choose three activities that you all like to do on vacation. Do research on the Internet to find the best one or two places in the world to do your activities. Prepare a poster or presentation with information to present to the class. Dae a ey Be sure to answer the following questions ‘well! We're in Cairo right now. The hotel is a long for each activity: Pate nd 4. What isthe activity? It's impossible to sleep at night. We've visited a lot of che bess plaeessode monuments. The pyramids were fantastic! We saw the oe te a ee Re a ets eee 3 ach place. What makes ere ee eet eet en ® good for this activity? today, and she's staying in bed. | hope she feels better 4, What time of year is best to go there? Reels 5. How much does it cost to do this ror) activity in each place: ery 6 so, what? | CULTURE Holidays and vacation days 1 Before reading What's your favorite holiday? Do people go to school or work on this day? ne in British Enalish, 3 means a vacation. Fim going on holiday to Mexic Tapst 2 Reading Read the information about holidays and vacation days. in American English, a holiday is an official day off from work 0 These days are sometimes called national holidays or public holic There ate 10 national holidays in the United States. They are New Year's Day, Martin Luther king Jr. Day, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. In the United States, people who work for the government get days off from work on the national holidays. However the government doesn’t require private companies and schools to giv these days off In fact, most companies do not give their employees all of the national holidays A vacation day is also a day different for each workpla United States give their employees ten vacation days per year when th first start their job. Employees then get more days after five or ten years. However, companies are not required by law to give vacation days. et, vacation days are f and each person. M from work. Ho 3 Afterreading Work with a partner. Answer the questions. 1. What are the national holidays in your country? 2. Does the government require all schools and companies to give the national holidays off? 3. Do people get vacation days in your country? 4, How many vacation days do people usually get? font 4 Complete the chart. Japan South Korea Brazil the United States Austria 35 days Listening Now listen toa talk show about paid vacation days around the world Finland Mexico | 35 day 30 days 18 days 10 days 7 days ‘no legal minimum 6 Work with a partner. Ask a the questions. nswer 1. He ny vacation days do peopl our countr 2 on the vacation days? Where do they usually g 3. What do people usually do on nation ey anc 4. Doyou think it’s important to have da ih ' nous 5 think it’s better for the government or the private company to decide how many loyees get? Wh A: | think it’s better for the government to make a law about how many days off people have ally? Why? BR A: Because companies PRONUNCIATION The /y/ sound Koos! 1 The letters ng at the end of a word, such as in the -ing ending, do not usually have a /g/ sound. However, in the middle of a word, there is usually a /g/ sound. Listen and repeat. camping hiking English __ singer fia0s1 2 Now work with a partner and practice pronouncing these words. Then listen and check sightseeing climbing single. —_ windsurfing England skiing rafting angry Conversation Takeaway Making and responding to suggestions 1 Doyou usually make your own vacation plans? If not, do you make suggestions? Does the other person listen to your suggestions? Why or why not? (a1 2. Read the conversation. Then write the words in green in the chart below. Doug: Let's go on vacation next summer! 7 0 Ceo) Carol: Sure, Where do you want to go? a Doug: Hmm... What about Thailand? Make suggestions Carol: | don’t know. | love Thailand, but | went there last You can make suggestions with summer. What about going somewhere new? What about in two ways: Doug: Sounds good to me. Where do you want to go? bout + noun / noun phrase Carol: | know! Why don’t we go on a hiking trip in Peru? what about + verbeir Doug: Abhiking trip? I'd rather not. Maybe something What about a trip t0 Per more relaxing. What about going somewhere new? Carol: Well then, how about Mexico? We can sunbathe ‘on the beach and also go sightseeing, Doug: That sounds perfect! Let's go! | making suggestions agreeing (saying “yes”)_| disagreeing (saying “no”) Let's Talk about it! = 3 > Workin a group of three or four. Make plans for a vacation next summer. Use the conversation in exercise 2 to help you. 4. Tell the class about your group's vacation. Decide which group has the most exciting vacation plans. Group A: We're going to Australia and New Zealand. First, we're going snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef. Tell me more! Visit the Takeaway English Online Learning Center at Check out the Improve your English with Takeaway TV video. Writing Takeaway HELP writing Use adjectives Writing a travel blog Use adjectives in your writing to make 3 it more interesting, Adjectives help your 1 Before writing When you travel, how do you reader “see” what you are writing about. communicate with your friends and family back home? 2 Writing model Read Nancy’s travel blog. Where is she? Is she having a good time? Underline the adjectives in her blog. New York. New York! June 26 Hello, everyone! I'm having a great time in New York. The weather is fantastic—sunny, but not too hot. ‘The hotel is perfect. It's in the center of the city and not too expensive. Yesterday we went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. it was a little crowded. Right now I'm sitting in a small café next to Central Park. There are a lot of people here walking around with their families. There Talk to you all soon! are some artists drawing pictures and some dancers dancing in the street. It's great! Nancy 3 Planning your writing Now complete the chart with information about a vacation. 4 Writing Now write a blog entry for your vacation. Use the information in exercises 2 and 3 to help you. Test Takeaway Test-taking strategy Summarizing Summarizing is writing down or saying the main points of what you read or hear. A good summary includes only the main ideas. It is the general idea without all the details. Use these steps to help you summarize. 1. Don’t write down or repeat everything—only the main ideas. 2. Write down or repeat only important details. 3. Write down or repeat key words and phrases to identify Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How. 4. Write down or say only enough to give the general idea. 5. Take clear notes while you are reading or listening Example ‘You read this information. We love to go on vacation. We go for two weeks every summer and every winter. We go to a lot of different places, but always someplace where we can do outdoor activities. We go to the beach to swim and sunbathe. We goto the mountains to hike and rock climb, We especially love camping in the forest. Last year we went camping next to a beautiful river, You see this test question, i 4. Read again. What is the best summary of the first three sentences? JK We gotoalot of different places. This is a detail, EK Wevacation every summer. This is a detail £ 3% We vacation for two weeks. This is a detail 'D. We love to vacation outdoors This is the c t answer. PRACTICE a Mark the letter Choose the correct answer. Mark thelletter on the AnswerSheet. 4, 4) 8) cc) ) 1. Read. What is the best summary of the 2 A, 8 c >) | second three sentences? vy a ‘AJ The beach is great for swimming | 2. Read. what isthe best summary ofthe third and sunbathing. three sentences? 1B | The beach, mountains, and forest AJ The city is not a good piace to vacation are great places to vacation. | BJ You can go kayaking in the forest. {CJ You can go rock climbing in the {J There are too many people and cas in mountains the city Bj Welovetocampin the forest 5) We love ncanpnexttna es lr Language Takeaway Unit review 1 Girclothe correct answer to complete each sentence, 1. like the mountains. 'm going AJ. windsurfing BJ rock climbing J kayaking 2. Sandra prefers the beach, She's going AJ snorkeling B} skiing CJ sightseeing | 3. Matt lkes adventure vacations. He's going A} tomuseums rafting CJ sunbathing on the beach ‘4. My parents like vacations with different activities. They went | AJ. shopping Bj onacruise ¢) kayaking | We're interested in fish. We went _ yesterday, AJ skiing 8 horseback riding C} snorkeling 2 Complete each sentence with go. Use the correct tense and form of the verb in parentheses. 4 dancing tonight. (dance) in London yesterday. (sightsee) every weekend. (horseback ride) in the Rocky Mountains last summer. (camp) in Chile next month. (raft) = every winter. (ski) oy awn frat 3 Listen to the people describing their vacations. Number the pictures from 1 to 3. > Cities around the world . START ? What’s the city like? 1. Look at the picture. Describe what you see and feel. fant 2. Read the list of words that describe cities. Match the words to the definitions. Then listen and check. 1. _4_ population a. the weather, for example, warm and mild 2 climate b. entertainment and things to do at night; for example, 3. = capital restaurants, clubs, and theaters 4, —__ public transportation where something isin the world; we sometimes use Ss. vocation directions to talk about this 6. nightlife d._ the number of people that live in an area 1. _—_costof ving how much money it costs to live in an area, including | the price for housing, food, and entertainment | f. the government center of a state or country Gg. vehicles for everybody to use; for example buses, it trains, subways, airplanes, and taxis ' Talk about it! ~! 3 Work with a partner, Use the information inthe chart to [ijaanalliat aad talk about the cities. Then add one more city to the chart. | We sometimes = Where's San Francisco? use directions 10 A: B: It’s on the west coast of the United St rt B: talk about location. Really? And what's it ike? Well, the climate. San | UntedSttes. | midsometines | 750000 | aletofestaurants | good xpenave | roncico| westeosst | fosay Tokyo | centraliapan: | hotsummersand | 12500000 | alotofrestaurants | excellent | very __| eastcoast__| mild winters and clubs expensive [mexico | central Mexico | mild | 18300000 | lot ofrestaurants | good nt ay | | tra cubs | eens St ee | — | Foal 2. Listening Listen to Andy talking to his new friend Yet 3 Listening Listen to the rest of the conversation. What do Andy and Chul discuss? ENING Comparing cities 1 Before listening Look at the pictures. What do you know about Seoul and Sydney? Geta cuu4 Chul Gircléthe correct word for each sentence. 7 —~ Preview the tasks 1. Andy is from Seoul Rycney.) Before you listen read the questions, 2. Andyis living in This will help you listen with a focus. 3. Andy is working at / studying at the university 4 Afterlistening Read the sentences Grel§ True or False. 1. Seouland Sylney are very different Goa) fase 2. The summers are hotter in Sydney. True False 3. Sydney is smaller. True False 4. Seoul is more crowded. True False 5. Public transportation is better in Sydney True False 6. t's more expensive to eat out in Seoul True False Talk about it! - 5 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions. 1. Would you rather live in Seoul or Sydney? Why? 2. Isit important for you to live in a modern city? Why or why not? 3. How do Seoul and Sydney compare to your city? VOCABULAR Tell me about the city 1. What's important to you in a city? Number these items from 1 to 5 (1 = most important). tif things Koll 2 Lookat the list of words about cities. Put the words in three groups. Use a dictionary if necessary. Then listen and check. Then add more words you know to each group. bus | har describing climate escrbing cites things / places ina city foggy busy coast clean wast crowded da humid mild noisy safe 3 complete the paragraph about Panama City with words from exercise 2. Panama City is the capital ofthe Republic of Panama in Central / ‘America. It has a population of approximately 1.2 million, so it's a little (1) Panama City is located on the he entrance of | (2) of the Pacific Ocean, Panama Canal, it has a (3) climate, 50 mos the year it’s very hot and (4) There are many n downtown Panama City, and also artments in the (6) Talk about it! i) 4. Think of acity in the world. Describe it using words from | this unit. Your partner guesses the city ‘A: This city is big and crowded. It has some skyscrapers downtown, but it also has many old buildings ar temples. The climate is tropical, so it’s hot and humid | all year. It's in southeast Asia in Thailand, B: Is it Bangkok? A: Yes! 0, GRAMMAR | Comparatives and superlatives Se 1. Read these city descriptions. Underline the adjective in each sentence Then complete the rules below by circling the correct words. comparatives superlatives + Comparative sentences compare 2 /3 or more things. For short words, add -er than / more than. For long words, add -er than / more than. + Superlative sentences compare 2 / 3 or more things. For short words, use the + -est / the + ‘most. For long words, use the + -est / the + most 2. Look at the information about three cities in the United States. Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjective in parentheses. New York 8,391,000 68 [87°F 27°F BNC 13°C) | 7 | LosAngetes | 3,831,200 32 TTF 1'50°F (25°C /10°C) | 8 Miami | _ 386,681 75 OVE / 63°F (33°C 17°C) | 16 1. In New York the air is__eleaner than in Los Angeles. (clean) | 2. Los Angelesis__New York (dangerous) NCQet yess 3. Miami is_______Los Angeles. (warm) rent id tad Vows vege Farns: | 4, New York is city. (cold) ‘good — better — the best 5. Los Angeles is _________ Miami. (safe) bad — worse ~ the worst 6. Mismi is _______city. (dangerous) ‘Seoul’ public transportation is better 7. Los Angeles is________New York. (dirty) than Sydney's public transportation 8. New Yorkis_______city. (dangerous) ‘Sydney Is the worst city for driving. Talk about it! “= 3 Work with a partner. Choose three cities in your country and compare them. ‘A: How about Puebla, Guadalajara, and Monterrey? OK. Monterrey is the largest of the three cities. Yes, and Puebla is the coldest. B: | think it's the highest, too. Yes, think you're right. What else? Read the section titles before you read the entire READING article. They tell you what each section is about. Preview section titles ' . Aworld-class city 1 Before reading What do you know about Sydney, Australia? Read the sentences and ircléyour guesses. 4. Sydney is (sn Dhe capi 2. Sydney's immigrants (the people who came to live i t 4, | 3. Theweather in Sydney is usually Sydney—the perfect city! ] 4. ‘The 2000 / 2004 Summer Olympic Games { foxes) 2. Reading Now read the magazine article and check your guesses to exercise 1 | 3. After Reading Read these statements. | Circla True or False. + Srneyiea site Gis) fase Sydney is Australia's most famous city. capital, bat nat the Although many people think it’s the capital t rational capital of Australia it's only the capital ofthe state . of New South Wales. The capital of Australia 2. Sydney is the oldest True False i ayinhustrl is Canberra. Sydney is, however, the biggest and oldest city in the country. F 3. Sydney is smaller True False | than Canberra Growth of a multicultural city | 4. Less than four milion True False Inlittle more than two hundred years, f People live in Sydney Sydney has grown to become the most 5. Sydney is on the coast True False multicultural city in Australia, The first 6. Sydney has a warm True False group of immigrants came to Australia climate for most of from Europe. Then, in the 1970s, most of * the year. Australia’s immigrants came from Asia. i} 7. The lifestyle in True False Today, the population of Sydney is more Sydney is influenced than four milion, and the culture of the city by California and Europe 8. People in Sydney usually True False wear formal clothes 4 After reading same? How are they different? Complete t Work with a partner, Compare Sydney to the city you live in, How are they th chart with your ideas ro both big cities. isa combination of the cultures of = the people who live there. When you go toa restaurantin Sydney, you can find cuisine ftom around the world, including Thai, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Greek, Italian, and Mexican foods. Life in Sydney The climate, with almost eight months of good weather, makes Sydney the perfect city for outdoor life. What's more, the city has more than 30 beaches along the 37 miles (60 kilometers) ofits coast. In Sydney harbor, one of the world’s most spectacular bays, you can find The Sydney Opera House, Australia's most well-known building. Passing by the Opera House is @ constant parade of small boats, yachts, ferries, and enormous cruise ships In Sydney, a California lifestyle has been combined with European influences in its cafés, movie theaters, theaters, and concert halls, Shorts and sandals are the most popular clothes to wear, and beer and barbecues are everywhere. Today and beyond Sydney has come a long way in a short time. in the ‘year 2000, the city hosted the Summer Olympic Games. This put Sydney even more in the spotlight. Sydney is a world-class city that's looking toward the future. Sydney is more modern, Talk about it! SMP 5 Work in groups. Talk about your charts from exercise 4 cas are bo As sydney and c B: Yes, and | think 5 Is that right? Yes, think so. A: Also Sydney. big cities. ‘eas: o8 pe LeU Oo Bing Use I think so when you think something is correct, but you are not 100% certai The negative form is | don't think so. prosect @ Work in a group. Choose another important city inthe world. Research information about the city, and write a magazine article that answers the questions below. Also include photos. 4. What is the history of the city? What is the current populatio: What's the climate like? What are the food and lifestyle like? What are the most important sights and activities in the city? 6. What are the most important events in the city’s history? = SONG All around the world 1. Before listening Match the cities to the countries. Two cities are in the same country. Then look at the photos on the page. Can you find any of these cities? 1, b a. da 2 b. Colombia 3. Istanbul. India 4, Karachi d. Japan 5, Montreal e. Mali 6 Mumbai. Pakistan 2 Seoul 9. South Korea 8 Timbuktu h. Turkey 9. Tokyo mo) YL around Chorus 1 (1) __ is smaller than (2) ‘Which isn’t quite as big as (3) ___ And (4) ___ is enormous, And (5) even bigger, But (6) is the biggest of them all. I met a girl in (7) She looked like you, But she was just alitde taller. And then a girl in (8) ___, Beneath the stars, With eyes like yours but hers were smaller. Tosool ro Niel STRATEGY 2. Before listening What do you know about each of the cities in exercise 1? Talk about it with a partner. A: A: tm B: No, I'm not sure either! not sur 3 Listening Listen and complete the song with the city names from exercise 1, Chorus 2 I just don't know where I can find A girl to take you off my mind, I need the biggest city in the whole wide world, ‘And maybe there I'll find that girl Chorus 1 There was a git! in (9) She was beautiful, But not as beautiful as you are T've met girs all around the world With lips that smile and hair that curl But none of them compares with you, dear. Chorus 2 Chorus 1 wl Koel 4 Listening Listen again. Answer the question. Check (v) your answer Who is you in 1e song? girlfriend he singe the singer's mother the singer's ex-girlfriend | | | j 5 Afterlistening Match the underlined words and expressions in the song to the definitions. | very big ‘enormous | under, below | is smaller than possibly had the same appearance as. make me forget Talk about it! 7. 6 Work with a partner. Talk about the questions. Do you like to visit different cities and countries? Do you want to live in a different city or country? Why? Why not? Do you have any friends or family in different countries? Do people from your country go to other countries to work? Where do they go? awn o PRONUNCIATION Sentence stress ~ fost 1 In English, we stress the most important words in a sentence. These are the words that carry the meaning. Listen and repeat. Tokyo is more modern than Mexico City. New York is the most exciting city in the world! tal 2 Listen and underline the words that are stressed. 1. The country is more relaxing than the city. 2. The country is safer than the city. 3. The city is more interesting than the country. 4. The city is louder than the country. 5. The country is cleaner than the city. Conversation Takeaway Agreeing and disagreeing 1 Which city would you prefer to live in: Los Angeles, Miami, or New York? Explain. oT UT) Co ag Knol 2 Listen to.a conversation between two friends. aS Use polite language 41. Which city does Jack prefer? ise soil peter tpl) « 2. Which city does Liza prefer? —_____ — infinitive to politely say what you w {emt 3 Complete the conversation with expressions from the box. Then listen again to check your answers. 1 ‘now about that. ‘know what you mean. That'strue-but. | Isee what you mean, but. I totally agree. That's so true! in Jack: Which city would you prefer to live in: Los Angeles, Miami, or New York? ; _Uiza: Well, New York is the biggest city. And it’s probably the most interesting Jack: (1) That's true, but... the air is cleaner in Miami, and it's also the warmest city. | really like warm weather. liza: (2) = I don't ike cold weather. But Miami is also the most dangerous! Jack: (3)____I don't want to be unsafe. Liza: And what about all those hurricanes? Jack: (@)________I think people can plan ahead for the hurricanes. So it's not a big problem. liza: (5) There are a lot of problems with the hurricanes every year. Jack: Yeah, but anyway, | still think I'd prefer Miami, It has a good lifestyle liza: (6) Talk about it! = 4 Work with a partner. Choose three cities you know. Which of the cities would you prefer to live in? Talk about it with your partner. Use the expressions in exercise 2 to agree and disagree. Overall, it’s probably a nice place to live. Tell me more! Visit the Takeaway English Online Learning Center at Check out the Improve your English with Takeaway) en, SRR, rues Writing Takeaway fe Writing a comparison essay about two cities Write @ concluding sentence ‘When your write, end each 11 Before writing What do you know about Dublin (Ireland) reray i wire ccainden and Singapore? Read the sentences and ircleyour guesses. sentence. This sentence should 4. Dubin is bigger Wildlife : (00 more living in the word). START Endangered animals 1 what's your favorite animal? Why? Have you ever seen an endangered animal? Where? Hout 2 Write the names of the endangered animals under the pictures. Then listen and check. Giant Panda | Black Rhinoceros BengalTiger Spotted Tree Fro: 1 mngal Tiger 2. 3. 4 foxc2t 3 Listen to information about the four endangered animals. Complete the chart with the words from the box. Then listen again and check india 4800 Australia_—_—Black Rhinoceros. «3,600 += China_~—=—«3,000 [1,500 Giant Panda = Spotted Tree Frog 4000 __[ Africa | Talk about it! SP . 4 Work with a partner. Make a list of the animal . names that you know in English. Put a star (*) next © jaguars to the ones that are endangered. Use the Intermet ° if necessary. : ° ° 2 2 LISTENING An endangered bird 1 Before listenin, beak ees, nest wing | worm, Kua} 2 Listening Listen to part of an interview about the kakapo, an endangered bird Girelaytrue or False ‘The kakapo 2. The kakapo di 3. The kakapo can't fly 4, The kakapo lives up in the trees in Nev kind of parrot. have wings. Hoot 3. Listening Listen to the rest of the interview. ircle}the correct answers. 1. Right now, the kakapo population is az © 6) 2. The chicks ae H onthe island B inthe wild 3. The islands ae safe because there are no A rats or cats 4, People can help by B people & visitingthe islands 1B sending money Talk about it! > 4 Work with a partner. Talk about the questions. 1. What are common birds in your country? What do they look like? Where do they live? What do they eat? 2. What endangered birds live in your country? Label the picture of the birds with the words in the box. Zealand, Gxetetee We say male and female when we talk abou animals. With people, a male is @ man or boy, A female is a woman or a girl True False True True True Listen for specific information ‘When you listen for specific information, make sure you know exactly what you're with scientists birds listening for and what task ‘you have to complete. Read all of the questions before not visting you isten the islands AA \| VOCABULARY Animal actions 41 Animals can do many things. Match the actions to the animals, 1.8 wir a. bird 2 b. lion 3. fish Tous! 2 Write the actions next to the pictures. Then listen and check. { 1, __name and doseription details of your report in the chart below. Use the Internet as necessary. a: 4° Writing _Now write an essay about your animal. Use the information in exercises 2 and 3 to help you. III Test Takeaway Test-taking strategy Making inferences (drawing conclusions) An inference is something you figure out that you didn't already know or learn. You can use information or clues that you do have to infer, or figure out, new information or facts. Use these steps to help you make inferences. 1. Make sure that you clearly understand the information provided, 2. Use information that you already know to help you. 3. Read between the lines: what conclusions can you draw from all the information you have? 4, Does your inference or conclusion make sense? ‘Can you argue why itis true? Use probably when something is Ukely. You are not 100% sure It will probably rain today. Example Based on the information, answer the questions. Mark the letter on the Answer Sheet Bats are not birds, but they can fly. Bats can't see very well, but they can hear very well COstriches can't fly, but they can run fast. They lay the largest eggs of any bird. Penguins are birds, but they can't fly. They can, however, swim very well 4. Which one of these animals is a mammal? JK penguin Penguins and ostriches are both birds so one is probably not a mammal B. bat This is the correct answer. A bat is not a bird soit’s probably a mammal )& ostrich _Ostriches and penguins are both birds so one is probably nota mammal PRACTICE Read the paragraph and answer the questions. Mark the letter on the Answer Sheet. 4. What is the largest animal discussed? 3. Which animal loves to eat fish? Af bat A) bat 8) ostrich 8) ostrich C} penguin C penguin 2. Which animal is a very good hunter at night? ‘Answer Sheet ‘Aj bat Mark the letter 8} ostrich AEE Pe) J penguin a Tae ay) DP YO Language Takeaway Unit review 1 Complete the crossword puzzle. Across This is a baby bird This animal is orange and brown and is akind of cat 6. This animal ives in China and eats bamboo leaves, 7. We use our eyes to do this. 2. This is when an animal sleeps for many weeks or months. 3. Birds use this part of their body to fly. 5. We use our ears to do this. 2 Gircldthe correct answer to complete each sentence. 1. A: Cantigers. 2: B: Yes, they can AJ toswim 8) swimming DJ doswim 2. A: Can you play soccer today? B: No, F'm going to the mall AS lcan’t BJ youcan't C} tean DJ can't 3. The bat can fly, but it well AJ cansee BJ can'tnotsee —C}can'tsees DJ can'tsee 4. We: video games in class. AJ can'tplaying By can't plays J can'tplay DJ not play 5. The kakapo can't fly, but it trees. | A} cantoclimb BJ canclimb J climbing DJ canclimbs (asl 3. Usten to the lecture. ire) True or Fase. ~ 4. The bald eagle is a small bird. True (False) 2. The bald eagle lives in South America, True False 3. The bald eagle can live to be 30 years old True False 4, The bald eagle is endangered. True False 5. People can’t have bald eagles as pets True False in the United States. > All about sports LESSON A START What sports do you play or do? 11 Look at the picture above. Where are the people? What are they doing? How do you think they feel? Write the names of the sports under the pictures. Then listen and check gymnastics ping-pong kwondo 3 Write the sports from exercises land 2. Then add more sports you know. i 1. played /donein a building, 3. played / done alone Exe tr ‘We use play for sports 2. played / done outside: 4. played / done with a team: that involve a ball. We use 40 for most other sports j Talk about it! 2 He sec She does gymnastics 4 Number these sports from + (your favorite) to 7 (your least favorite) Then talk with a partner about your answers. ‘A: My favorite sport to play is ping-pong. What do you have as number 1? B: | have soccer as number 1 for my favorite sport to play. | have basketball as number 1 iyponso: for my favorite sport to watch, LISTENING cee My favorite sport eeeeeeeee ‘Before you listen, make predictions 1 Before listening You will hear three interviews. The people ff (quesses) about what you will are talking about their favorite sports. Look at the words they jf hear. Then listen for information to use. Talk about any new words as a class. Predict (guess) each ff confirm your predictions. person's favorite sport. Write it next to the name. 1. Samantha 2. Masumi 3. Doug SCARED « B “2 WONDERFUL TR AlL Se, COORDINATION 5 COORDINATION WHITE CLOTHES (>) BEAUTIFUL ° PROTECT MYSELF 52 ICE eo VACATION YORULES ge AF PUCK MOUNTAINS DISCIPLINE = ws ‘SCHOOL WINTER ®KICKS= Grass foot 2 Listening Usten tothe three interviews. Check your predictions in exercise 1. Then answer these questions. Check (v) the correct boxes, 3 After listening Answer the questions about you. 1. What are your favorite sports to play / do? (If you don’t play / do any sports, what's your favorite sport to wateh?) 2. What do you like about the sports? Talk about it! & 4. Work with a partner. Talk about your answers to exercise 3. ‘A: What are your favorite sports? B: One of my favorite sports is badminton. A: What do you like about it? B: It's hard but fun to play. And it’s good exercise. What about you? Az lke to play soccer. It's. A f\ | VOCABULARY Sports actions 1 Work in a group. Take turns acting out different sports. The group guesses the sport fosost 2 Write the sports action words under the pictures. Then listen and check. {bounce hit_——kick_~—ilose—score = sthrow ite ole Ba 2. 3 - 4. } ) @ i 5. 6. 2. 8 | F 3. Write the sports action words from exercise 2 to make phrases. i 1, —hit, throw _ the baseball | 2 thegare iF 3, —____a point t 4. with another team tr 5. the soccer ball | 6. a goal Talk about it! => 4 Work with a partner. Describe a sport and its actions. Your partner guesses the sport. ‘A: You play this sport with a team. Players run up and down a court They bounce the ball Then they throw the ball into a basket. B: Isit basketball? A: Yes! 0 GRAMMAR | Must and have to See 1 Read the sentences, Underline must / must not and have to / don’t have to in each sentence. Check the box to say if it’s obligation (necessity), no obligation (choice), or prohibition (not allowed). Then complete the rule. ‘We use __must__and____ to talk about obligation. We use_____to | talkabout prohibition. We use ___ to talk about having no obligation, 2 Complete each sentence with must, must not, have / has to, or don't / doesn’t have to plus the word in parentheses. Basketball players_must not run_with the ball. They must bounce it all the time. (run) 2. Gymnasts also how to dance. This is required of everyone. (learn) 3. Tennis players. the ball it’s out of the lines. it’s their choice. (hit) 4, Athletes junk food. It’s important that they have a healthy diet. (eat) 5. Baseball players good at hitting the ball, so they have to practice every day. (be) ‘a 3) Work with a partner. Choose two sports. Write the . rules of the game. Use must, must not, have / has to or soccer rule - don't / doesn’t have to. iyave 1 lve Talk about suet have #0 Kick 4 Nowread the rules to the class. The class guesses the sport. ia te head: AJB: In this sport, teams must have Nl players. Players # ‘on the field have to kick the ball or hit it with their head. They must not throw the ball Class: It’s soccer! AB: Yes! A great sporting moment READING j ] 1 Before reading Look at the titles of the two newspaper articles. Guess the answers to these questions, 1. What sport are the articles about? 2. Who are the teams? 3. Why/s the game important? 4 Who won? fosoat 2 Reading Read the articles and check your guesses to exercise 1. First U.S.Cuba NY) game in 40 years ‘The Baltimore Orioles are now the first U.S, baseball team to visit Cuba in 40 years. The Orioles played the Cuban national team yesterday and won the game 3-2, But it wasn’t an easy victory ‘The Orioles were up 2-0 after the second inning, but the score was 2-2 when the final inning started. The two teams played in front of 50,000 people at the Estadio Latinoamericano in Havana, Fidel Castro was there, Baseball is extremely popular in Cuba, and Castro is Cuba’s umber 1 baseball fan. He played baseball for the University of Havana when he was a student Scan for key words When you have a set of specific questions, you can scan the text for those details. Look for key words that help you find the answers. Orioles lose to Cubans | in return game The Cubans took revenge last for the game they lost in Havana two months ago. The Baltimore | Orioles beat the Cubans 3-2 in Cua, but in yesterday's return same at the Camden Yards stadium, the Cubans beat the Orioles 12-6. Rain stopped the game for 56 minutes in the first inning. When the game started again, the Orioles could not stop the Cubans. This was the fist ever game between a Cuban and an American team in the United States, and the Cuban fans at the stadium celebrated the victory with fosoal 3. Reading Read the articles again. €irclthe correct words to complete each sentence. 1. The Baltimore Orioles are from C 2. The first game was in Cuba / the United States. 3. Fidel Castro was / wasn't at the game 4, The Baltimore Orioles / Cuban national team won the first game. 5. The final score of the first game was 2 2. i 6. The second game was played at the Camden Yards stadium / Estadio Latinoamericanc | 7. The Baltimore Orioles / Cuban national team won the second game. ; 8. The final score of the second game was 3-2 / 12-¢ True or False, After reading Gi 1. The last game between Cuba and a US. team was 40 year False 2. The Baltimore Orioles won the first game in the final inning. True False 3. Fidel Castro doesn't know a lot about baseball Tue False 4. The second game was two months after the first game True False 5. Itrained during the second game True False 6. There were no Cuban fans at the second game True False Talk about itt SQ 5 Work with a partner. Talk about great sporting moments, ‘A: One great sporting moment was when Michael Phelps swam at the 2008 Olympics, in Bejing B: That was really exciting! I remember that too. Another great sporting moment was when Spain won the FIFA World Cup championship in 2010. AMZY | ge d a, prosect &@® Work ina group and choose a sport. One person will be a sports announcer. The others will be players. Prepare a role-play of a few minutes in a game / match / competition Present your role-play to the class. The “sports announcer” describes what is happening. Koss) 2 Listening SONG The game of life 1 Before listening Read the questions below. Gircl®the best answers for you. Then talk about your ‘answers with a partner. How are you the same? How are you different? 1. When you have to make ul n, how Jo you do it? a. | usually talk it over with b. | usually write down my idea ¢. | don’t usually talk to anyone. | just think about d. other 2. When you have to make a difficult decision, jong does it take y a. I'm fast—usually a few hours or les: b. Itusually takes a few days, Im slow—it ke me weeks or mor d. other Listen to the song, Write the missing words in the lyrics. You may use the words more than once, have to can't dark game rules side wi lose | 3. After listening What is the main idea of the song? Girclatthe best answer. 1. Sports are good for you 2. Baseball is difficult, 3. It is important to be a good lose isions in life 4. You have to make your own d 4 After listening Write the expressions in red in the song next to their meanings. 1 = yourlast chance 2, ___ = tocome up against something that is difficult and unexpected 3. ___ = todo something very well 4 = dear and simple The Game of Life Sometimes you have to play Though you think you'll never Q) win _ You have to carry on When you want to give in. You can choose, You don’t have to (2) - Sometimes you have to stand up When they tell you that you f Sometimes you have to be strong When they tell you that you aren't, You can choose, You don’t have to (4) — Chorus In the (5) ____ of life There are no (6) in black and white. The road you take, You decide. I's difficult to see much When everything seems (7) == And life throws a curve ball, You (8) _______ bat it out of the park You can choose, You don't have to (9) __ If you want to be a 1 But the other (11) —__ is strong. And you're two down in the ninth, You have to carry on. You can choose You don't have to (12) Chorus You have to fight For the things you believe are right. The change you make Comes from inside. 5 Work with a partner. Talk about the question: 1, Why are sports importan phy ach peo} how tow Explain your answer 2. What do you think about sports video games? Are they the same as doing the sport? Why or why Not? Do you think pe en A curve ball is a ball that seems to be going one way and then changes direction, making it difficult to hit. In baseball, each team plays nine innings. The game ends, when the team loses three players in the ninth innin PRONUNCIATION Have to / has to eset 1 We pronounce have tolike hafta, and has to like hasta Inwriting In speaking Thave to go. Thafta go. She has to go She hasta go. osm 2 Listen to the sentences. Circi@have to or has to. has to 2 haveto —hasto 3. haveto has to 4. have to has to 5. have to has to. 6 haveto —hasto f Gesoat 2 Complete the conversation with expressions from Conversation Takeaway Talking about rules 1 Imagine you want to join a sports club. Write four questions to ask about the club rules. oT le) Gain time the box. Then listen to check your answers. allowed amlallowed ist possible not allowed possible _ prohibited Receptionist: Welcome to the sports club! Do you have any questions? Linda: Um... Yes, | do, (1) _is it possible _to bring a friend with me? Receptionist: As a guest? Linda Yes. Receptionist: Guests are (2) , but you have to buy a one-day pass. A pass is $8.00 for the day. Linda: Wow! That's expensive. Is it cheaper for children? Receptionist: Actually, children under the age of 12 are not allowed in the gym Linda: Ah... see. And (3)____ to bring my own food to the gymn? Receptionist: It's (4) to bring your own drinks into the gym. Food, however, is only allowed in the snack bar, and you have to buy it there Linda: Does that include in the changing rooms? Receptionist: Yes, that’s right. Eating in the changing rooms is (5) _______ either. ‘And smoking is (6) anywhere in the gym Linda: Well, that’s no problem. | don’t smoke! Talk about it! . 3) Work with a partner. Imagine one of you works in a sports club. The other is Joining and has questions about the rules. Role play the conversation. Use the words and phrases from exercise 2, Tell me more! Visit the Takeaway English Online Learning Center at CCheck out the Improve your English with Takeaway TV video the online activities. STRATEGY Use um and ah to pause in a conv sation and give you time to think Writing Takeaway Writing a description of a sport 1 Writing model Complete the description of a sport with words from the box. What is the sport? (court game port run thow te ) e This is 3(1)___game__ that started in the U.S.A. The game is played on a (2) —__ between two teams of five players. Players can (3) or pass the ball to other players, but they have to bounce the ball when they (4) with it, Players must not kick the ball, To score a(S) players have to “make a basket” (throw the ball into the other team’s basket). The winner is the team that scores the most points. Ifthe two teams (6) the game, ° e ° J ~ they play five minutes of overtime to decide the winner. 2 Before writing Complete the word map with information from the model. fete Make 8 word map C (2) players ~ nsscricim "PJ sore ou ate, mate 3 ord ay he oe important words and ideas, | — mst nat @) @ 2 point gh ‘ —__/ 3 Planning your writing _ Now choose a sport to write about. On a piece of paper, make a word map like the one in exercise 2. Write the details of your description. Use the Internet as needed. 4 Writing Now write a description of your sport. Use the information in exercise 3 to help you. Test Takeaway Test-taking strategy Reading for detail Some tests have readings where you must read very carefully in order to find specific information. The specific information, or detail, supports the main idea of the reading Use these steps to help you read for detail 1. Understand the difference between the main idea and supporting detail 2. Know what information you are looking for. Read the questions carefully 3. Pay close attention to each word, fact, or number as you read—stay focused! 4. Highlight or underline important information as you read 5. Ifyou can’t highlight or underline, take notes. Example Read the paragraph and answer the questions. Mark the letter on the Answer Sheet. love my new fitness club, but there are a lot of rules and regulations. | pay $29 dollars a ‘month, but | can only go. on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays are for women. The club is closed on Sunday. Also, if| want to bring a guest itis free the first time and $7 each time after that. Any food or drink is prohibited in the club except for water, Plastic bottles are allowed, but glass is not. Oh yeah, you have to bring your own towel and if you forget they charge you $5 to borrow one. There really are a lot of rules! 4. When can men use the club? XX Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. These are the days for women JK They can't use the club on Sundays. This information is true, but doesn't answe the question . Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. This is the correct answer. j PRACTICE Read the paragraph and answer the questions. Mark the letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. Whatis allowed in the club? 3. What is the main idea of the paragraph? ‘AJ glass water bottles | A] Helies the club, but there are some disadvantages 8} food | BJ There are a lot of rules and regulations. ‘C} your own towel C} Men can only go three days a week, and not on Sunday. 2. How much do guests pay? A) STevery visit ‘Answer Sheet 8} $7 the second visit and every Mark the letter time after that . C CJ $7 the first visit and $5 after that _ A 2) Q 24) 2) 9 = 3) 8) Language Takeaway Unit review 1 Girclaithe correct word to complete each sentence. 4. Hockey / Rugby can be played on a field or on ice 2. You win / lose a game when the other team scores more points than your team 3. People play / do yoga in a studio. 4. You kick / hit the ball with your foot. 5. Ping-pong / Volleyball is played on a table. 6. You tie the game when the other team scores / throws the same number of points. Complete the sentences with must, must not, have / has to, or don’t / doesn't have to, plus the words in parentheses. Hockey players _____a lot of protective clothing so that they don’t get hurt. if they don't wear it, they cannot play. (wear) You ___ yoga ina class. You can do it at home by yourself if you prefer. (do) When playing ping-pong, you _______ the ball twice. if you hit it twice, you lose the point. (hit) Basketball players _____ tall, There have been many successful short players. (be) Track runners ___fastif they want to win, (be) Listen to the person talking about a sporting moment. Write the missing words. For me, the most amazing moment in (1)___sperts_was when Milan (2) Liverpool in the 2005 Champions League final for (3) ____. The (4) ‘was in Istanbul, Turkey. Milan (5)_______ three goals in the first half, and everyone ‘thought it was over. | (6) ____ the game with some friends in a café, and some of them E went home at halftime. But in the second half, Liverpool (7)___ three more goals, and they (8) ‘the game. The (9) was still tied after extra time, too. But in the end, Liverpool (10) ____on penalty kicks. It was incredible! VOCABULARY Put the words and phrases in the five groups. Then write more words that you know in each group. astronaut hibernate nest.——ping-pong snorkeling —_—tige bounce engineer hockey nosy sightseeing -— suburb win crowded gorafting low-paying panda ~—skyscraper—_—takea tou | vacations | ___ities wife sports GRAMMAR Gireigthe correct answers to complete the conversation. Jack: Hey, Lisal How was your trip to Australia? Lisa: It was amazing it was (1Xfhe bes)Y the goodest vacation of my life! Jack: That's great! (2) What / When did you do? Lisa: Well, we spent some time in the city and some time at the beach Jack: Really? What did you do in the city? Lisa: Let's see.. We went (3) sightsee / sightseeing, and we went to some museums. Jack: And what did you do on the beach? Lisa: Well, we (4) went/ going snorkeling. Jack: Really? How was it? Lisa: _ It was amazing! | think it was (5) better / gooder than snorkeling in the Caribbean Jack: Were the beaches as beautiful as the beaches in the Caribbean? Lisa: No, the beaches in Australia were (6) beautifuler / more beautiful. Also you (7) don''t have to / must not wear alife jacket lke in the Caribbean because it's easy to swim in the water. You (8) can / must if you want to, but it's not necessary Jack: Well, you (9) have to / must not wear a life jacket if you (10) can’t / can swim Lisa: Well yes... Then you have to wear one! Listen to three short conv ons. Whi (Girciejthe correct answer. Then listen again ai READING Read Sam's travel blog, Circle) True or False 1. Sam is ir True 2 x le True Falsi 3. Jorge and A ak Engl True False 4. Jorge and Antor at nigh le False 5. Sam liked the jungle better than the rive True False 6. Sams traveling with 7 True False Ik about it! & Work with a partner. Play the “20 Questions” game. Choose a word from Units 1-5. Your partner asks you questions to guess the word. You can only say yes or no, A: Is ita sport (job, animal, noun, v Pere Mea ei en La) Rn ee ee ce See eg one at al! The jungle can be very noisy at night; it was fee ane eee nnd) Deu oe Ei aa may really friendly and we had a good time together. Sete eed the jungle was the best part of our trip, better than our boat trip up the river last week. | have to g eee ees Puan) yok —but | can't cook welll 'm looking forward to Ce VW SA s0 ENCLISH GAME A NETS Pe ered peated Ce ecg See send cen eee neater ee et ets ees eats 1 point fora correct answer (unless doubled by a Chance card), ‘The first player or team to get 20 points wins the game. ‘After each game, diferent person isthe question reader. bE ENT RG > Good luck, bad luck Sette geod LESSON A START Good luck and bad luck customs 1. Do you believe in good and bad luck? Name one time when you had good luck. Name one time when you had bad luck. } Yen 2. Match the sentences about good luck and bad luck to the pictures. Then listen and check Fe — 1. 6 A fourleaf clover brings good luck i 2. ‘Some people believe that if you break i ‘a mirror, you get seven years bad luck | 3. __Insome countries, a horseshoe means good luck | 4, Some people think it’s bad luck to i walk under a ladder | 5. In some counties, Friday the B* @ : analy 9 2 i ( Some people believe that it's bad luck when a black cat walks in front of you T if 7. ___Some people cross their fingers for } good luck 5 8, ___ You are lucky if you see a shooting star. Talk about it! = 3. Work with a partner. Make a list of good luck and bad luck customs or symbols in your culture. Talk about which ones | I" different cultures. people have i you believe in. Gifferent ideas about luck. For } example, in some cultures people say 4 4 Report to the class about the good and bad luck customs. Se eee eee bed luck, Asa class, decide on the most interesting custom for good ane pee ie an unlicky luck and bad luck. day, But in other countries, people say that Tuesday the 13° is unlucky, Pataca | LISTENING Listen for sequence of events When you listen, pay attention to the sequence (the order) of events, This will help you understand the story, Alucky man! 1. Before listening You will hear an interview with Bill Morgan Look at the pictures of Bill’s life. What do you think happened to him? Talk about your predictions with a partner. we foal 2 Listening Listen to the interview. Number the events from 1to 8. Bill won a car. Bill got his job back Bill won $100,000 1 Bill had a heart attack —— Bill got engaged Bill bought another ticket. Bill was in a coma Bill bought a lottery ticket 3 After listening Read the sentences. €ircl® True or Fabs. Bill is a taxi driver. True (False 1 2. Bill was in a coma for seven days. True False 3. Bill's doctors thought he was going to die. True False 4, Bill didn't need a new car True False 5. The reporters bought Bil’s second ticket True False 6. The reporters didn't believe that he hada winning ticket. True False 7. Bill started to cry because he was unhappy. True False Talk about it! = 4. Work with a partner. Talk about these questions. 1. Inyyour opinion, what was the luckiest thing that happened to Bill? 2. Inyour opinion, what was the most unlucky thing that happened to Bill? 3, Talk about a time when your luck went from bad to good, or your luck went from good to bad fosost 2 Read Bill’s story. Match the expressions with get in bold with the definitions. Then listen and check. VOCABULARY Expressions with get 11 Check the things that are true about you. Then tell a partner. What word do these expressions all have in common? text messages a day get any get good grades get get new clothes every week Two years ago Bill got a job 2s an engineer. That’s when he met Lucy. Then he got sick. He went to the hospital, and he got worse. He nearly died. Then, suddenly, he got better. When he came out of the hospital, he got a lottery ticket. It had the winning number. He got rich. Then Bill and Lucy decided to get engaged, Next year they are going to get martied. got better = started to feel well again make a plan to get married = becarne rich found / abtained work ought = started to feel sicker = started to feel sick SN enwewne = become husband and wite Write the expressions from exercises 1 and 2 in the correct columns. Then compare with a partner. Add two more bn expressions with get to each column. Get has different meanings in different expressions 1 get angry. (become) | got 10 emails, (receive / obtain)| | got a lottery ticket. (buy) Talk about it! & 4 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions. 1 2 3. 4, 5. 6. Where did you get the clothes you're wearing? What did you get for your last birthday? When was the last time you got sick? Do people in your country get engaged before they get married? How old are most people when they get married? Do you think the economic situation in your country is getting better or getting worse? GRAMMAR Review: simple past Se 1 Read the sentences, The past verb forms are underlined. Write restor [iret ‘them in the correct column of the chart in the base form and the simple past. base > past | base ~» past 1. Ijust wanted to get back to work Fortunately, | got my old | "a"? wanted | get got job back. 2. had a heart attack. | was in a coma for several days. 3. | suddenly woke up 12 days later. | felt great. 4, | decided to ask my girlfriend to marry me... and she said yes! 5. I bought a lottery ticket. | shouted, “I won $100,000!" a | regular verbs affiemative negative ues / no questions and answers: information questions {coat 2 Complete the conversation with the simple past of the verbs in parentheses. Then listen and check. Ann: What (1)__did you (do / you) last weekend? Bob: On Saturday, | (2) — (sleep) late, and then | (3) ____{clean) my room. in the afternoon, | (4) _____ (go) to the beach ‘Ann: You did? Who (5) _____ (go / you) to the beach with? Bob: Well, | (6) — (go) with Jessica, but we (7)__{see) lots of other people from school there ‘Ann: Really? Who (8)______ (see / you}? (9) __ (be) Torn and Billy there? Bob: Tom (10)___ (be / not there, but Billy (11)___ (be). He (12) ____ (say) that Tom (13) ___ (be) sick ‘Ann: Oh,no!1(14)_____ (call him yesterday, but he (15)___ (answer / not). | (16)______ (know / not) he (17) __ (be) sick! Poor Tom! Talk about it! i 3 Work with a partner. Talk about what you did last weekend, What did you do last weekend? : I went shopping on Saturday morning and then | studied in the afternoon ‘A: Did you get anything good? B: Yes! I got a great sweater and some jeans. \ LESSON 8] eo YU READING A lucky thief 1 Before reading 2 Reading Read the article and check your guesses to exercise 1. Look at the words in the box. They are all from the news article you are going to read. Look up any new words in a dictionary. What do you think the article is about? SPARE TIRE IRE Pe Order the sequence of events When you read, write small ‘aumbers in the story next to each main event to show the sequence, This will help you understand the story THIEF LEAVES WINNING LOTTERY TICKET BEHIND Trevino, Italy — Last week, local doctor Giovanni Ricci was surprised to find that a thief had robbed him. Even more surprising, however, was the winning lottery ticket that the thief left behind. Dr. Giovanni Ricci was going to visita friend on New Year’s Eve when he got a flat tire. Another driver stopped to help Dr. Ricci. The man took off the old tire, put the spare tire on, and then drove off. Dr. Ricci looked in his trunk and realized that the man was a thief. Everything from his car trunk—a suitcase, some tools, and a large box of chocolates—was missing. In fact, the trunk was empty! Then the doctor noticed a lottery ticket fosost 3 Reading Read the news article again. Number the pictures from 1 to 5. 65, Mes A L on the road next to the car. The ticket obviously belonged to the thief, and fell out of his pocket while he was helping Dr. Ricci Dr. Ricci kept the lottery ticket. A week later, he discovered that it was the winning ticket! But Dr. Ricci did not keep the ticket. He put an ad in the newspaper, asking the thief to come and get the ticket. The thief answered the ad, apologized to the doctor for robbing him, and took the ticket When asked why he didn't keep the money, Dr. Ricci told reporters that the ticket wasn't his. “He may be a thief, but I'm not.” DO ee 1 2 3. 4 5. 6 plete the sentence The man took t The man lost / joctor his lottery ticket. The doctor kept / didn't keep the money he man was / wasn't sorry that he robbed the doctor | Talk about it! & 5 Work with a partner. Talk about the questions. 1 prosect &® Work in pairs or small groups. Do research to find out about good luck and bad luck symbols and customs from around the world. Choose one good luck symbol / custom and one bad luck symbol / custom. Prepare and present a short skit for each symbol / custom. The skit should show a person with the symbol / custom and having good or bad luck. Do you think the doctor did the right thing when he gave the money to the thief? | Would you do the same thing? Why or why not? A: What do you think? Did the doctor do the right thing? B: Yes, | think he did. It’s true. The doctor isn't a thief ‘A: Would you do the same thing? Yes, | would. What would you d. ee Use would + verb to talk about] situations that aren't real. A: What would you do if this happened to you? | would (not) give the money to the thief, think | would keep the money because | found the ticket. What would you do in these situations? 1. You find a purse in a restaurant. 2. You find a lot of money on the street. 3. You see someone drop a lottery ticket on the street 4. You buy something in a store and the salesperson gives you too much change 5. You see a thief trying to steal a tourist's purse Koso CULTURE Lotteries around the world 1 Before reading What do you know about lotteries? Read the sentences and irclélyour guesses 1. The first lottery was held in 2. Mos 3. The country with the most lott rly lotteries were opera’ 2 Reading Read the article to check your guesses to exercise 1 Lotteries more than for and oe Lotteries may seem like nothing more than a fun game or an easy way to get rich quickly. However, they have a long history and connection with governmentand social projects, One famous example of this was in China between 205 and 187 s.. During this time, the Han Dynasty used ancient Keno slips to collect money to make the Great Wall of China, Another example is from the ancient Romans, During this time, it was common to give party guests a prize based on a lottery system. Everyone received a ticket, and after a drawing, people would get prizes. The first modern European lottery to award money was held in Florence, italy in 1530, Just like the earlier Roman-style lottery al ticket holders received a small prize. The Dutch also gave money as prizes in lotteries. In these lotteries, people had a 1 in 4 chance of winning a prize. in fact, the English word lottery comes from the Dutch word loterj, which comes from the Dutch noun Jot meaning fate, or something that happens because it was supposed to. The Dutch government-owned staatsloten is still the oldest existing lottery. The first legal lottery in America was held in 1964 in New Hampshire Proceeds went to support education. In the last 20 or 30 years, instant ticket lotteries have also become popular. These tickets allow players | to scratch off a protective coating from a ticket to discover instantly if they have won a prize. The popularity of lotteries is growing all over the world. The United States is currently the country with the most lotteries, 3 Afterreading Match the phrases to complete the information from the article. 1. the first lotteries a. Florence, ttaly 2 a lottery where everyone won a prize b. New Hampshire, United States 3. ___ the first lottery where people Roman lotteries won money d. the United states 4, ___ the origin of the English word lottery fe. a Dutch word 5. ____ the first legal American lottery f Chinese lotteries 6 ‘the country with the most lotteries 4 Afterreading Circid the correct definitions for the underlined words and phrases in the article 1. anci jery new Keery old) 2. award give / take 3. holders: people who sold tickets / people with tickets 4. Dutch: from Germany / from the Netherland: 5. lind 4% 125% 6. proceeds ylost PB ve 7. scratch off; write / remove, take off s & 8. currently: at the moment / possibly Talk about itt SR Xe 5 Work with a partner. Talk about the questions. 1. Whatare the different lotteries in your country? yy oe Who organizes them? . 7 What is the money used for? Which ones have the biggest prizes? How old do you have to be to participate? 6. Do you know anyone who buys lottery tickets? PRONUNCIATION Did + subject Kosoit 1 In past tense questions, we pronounce bid you like Diju, and Did he like Diddy. Inwriting In speaking Did you buy a ticket? + Diju buy a ticket? Did he buy a ticket? + Diddy buy a tickee? {6001 2. Listen to the questions. Write the missing words. 1 Did he _ win that car? —______ have a lottery in ancient times? have a winning ticket? __ get married? get rich? ___ get sick ast night? oy awn Takeaway Conversation Takeaway Responding to good news and bad news 1. How do you respond to good and bad news in your language? {oso 2 Listen toa conversation between two friends. Who do you think has the best news? toeost 3 Complete the conversation with expressions from the box. Then listen again to check your answers. That's great news That's reallya shame That's amazing Ymsorrytohearthat Congratulations That's too bad Maya: Hey, Katel | haven't seen you ina long time. How are you? | Kate: Hi, Mayal Oh, things aren’t too bad. TAPS arent 2 a85 98 eee ea peel tre). tT Kate: Well, I'm getting married next month. STRATEGY Maya: You are? (1) Congratulations | Who's the Show surprise it lucky guy? We usually stess the words in a t Kate: His name is Nick. His grandfather's a millionaire. sentence that show we are surprised or nr ee ee i Kate: Yes, but unfortunately he died last week wwe are sorry, we use a lawer pitch it Maya: Wow. (3) — kk Kate: Yes, itis. He lived a long life, but we're still very sad. So, what’s new with you? it Maya: Not much. |just found out that | didn’t get the promotion | wanted at work. iP Kate: Oh... (4) i Maya: Thank you. And I've been sick all week. Kate: Really? (5) hope you get well soon Maya: Thanks. But the good news is that | just bought a lottery ticket and | won $500! Kate: Really? (6) Maya: Thanks! Now I'm going to get a new TV with the money! ; ; i i i ; it Talk about it! @ i i 5 4. Work with a partner. Take turns telling each other good news and bad news. Respond to the news with the words and phrases from exercise 3. Be careful to use the correct intonation. } Tell me more! Visit the Takeaway English Online Learning Center at Check out the Improve your English with TokeawayG) ch, ERA Sse rary Use time expressions When you write an article, use time expressions—when, while before. after, then, that... this. the next..—to help the reader understand the order of events. Writing Takeaway Writing a story about luck 1 Before writing Talk about a time you ora friend had ‘good luck or bad luck 2. Writing model Read the luck story. Is it about good luck or bad luck?€rel@the time expressions. Then write the details from the story into the timeline. loft work at 6 p.m. riday night, she left work at 6 o'dlock. When she got home, she found an old cat sitting in front of her door. The cat was hungry, so she fed it. She put out a bow! of food and some water. The cat ate the food very quickly, and then continued to sit there. After that, she decided to brush its hair. The cat meowed happily while she brushed it. The next morning, the cat as stil sitting in front of her door! So she fed it again, and it meowed happily again. That night, it was raining, so she let the cat sleep in her kitchen. On Sunday, Alina went to the supermarket. She saw a sign with a picture of the cat on it. The sign said, “Missing cat: Please call 555-7810." When she got home, she called the number, The owner of the cat was very happy! Thirty minutes later, he came to her house to get it. When he got there, he gave Alina $50 to say thank you. After he left, she went to the mall and spent the money on a new pair of shoes.

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