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The level of contamination of air inside closed doors is referred to as indoor air
pollution. It points towards all the pollutants (biological, physical or chemical) which
pollute the air in any indoor environment (office, house, commercial buildings, movie
theaters, etc.)
Indoor air pollutions are divided into many types ( Carbon monoxide, Benzene,
Formaldehyde, etc.).
Cities is the main victims of indoor pollution. Indoor pollution is extremely prevalent in
emerging and underdeveloped countries.
To provide a comfortable environment for the inhabitants, the indoor air quality (IAQ)
within closed doors should be free of pollutants. Otherwise, the residents may be at
higher risk for health problems.
Long-term exposure to poor indoor air quality may have hidden negative effects in the
human body, which can also lead to potentially serious health risks in the future. It's also
difficult to determine the exact causes of these preventable health risks later. Indoor air
pollution disrupts our overall health and should be avoided.
First, one of the main and most serious causes of indoor air pollution is the burning of
solid fuel sources. It is a solid fuel such as wood, charcoal, peat, coal, straw, etc. This
form of fuel is mostly used in rural areas where it is the main source for cooking. eating
and the smoke rising in the thick house. It has affected the women because they often
cook.In the long run, it is the biggest threat of indoor air pollution

Second, tobacco smoke is harmful to everyone who breathes in it, especially children
and women. It is also the maximum source of harmful indoor air pollutants. Smoke
particles along with harmful gaseous pollutants contaminate indoor air and are very
harmful to the health of the people in the room. For example, smokers after a period of
time will have yellow teeth and lung cancer, eventually leading to death. Above all,
cigarette smoke is also a threat when it comes to indoor air pollution.

Next, the use of cleaning chemicals while cleaning, poor quality decorations is also the
cause of this pollution. Chemical containers contain volatile organic substances, which
are released into the air after each use. These cleaning agents contribute to indoor air
pollution. The same goes for decorative products of poor quality, they are often very easy
to peel off the paint, and those paint layers are easy to dissolve into the air and cause
pollution. Wang Fang, General Secretary of the Association of Control Industry Indoor
Pollution Shanghai says that decorative pollution has two origins: poor quality building
materials and widely used boards. Inferior materials are easy to be abandoned but planks
are a must for decoration. In summary, while cleaning chemicals and decorations are not
a common cause, they are also a contributing cause of indoor air pollution.

Last but not least, indoor air pollution due to construction materials is also a pretty
serious problem. Radioactive pollution is emitted from building and decorative materials,
such as some radioactive elements called Radon that give rise to brick, stone and concrete
walls. Benzene and Formaldehyde appear widely in building materials. build. Benzene
found in paint leads to cancer and Formaldehyde appears in interior materials including
boards and adhesives. Therefore, construction materials are also the cause of indoor air
The effect of indoor air pollution can be harmful to human with so many disastrous
diseases from long-term health issues to an extent of potential lung cancer risk. Carbon
monoxide from fuel-burning stoves, heaters, and other appliances can prevent oxygen
movement in the body. Symptoms of CO poisoning usually have a feeling of dizziness,
headache, nausea, difficulty breathing. If CO poisoning occurs while sleeping or
drinking alcohol, the poisoned person will slowly fall into a coma, stop breathing and die.
The old, babies, pregnant women and people with health issue are more sensitive with
carbon monoxide. Another harmful natural gas is nitrogen dioxide which usually use in
gas-fueled cooking and heating appliances, leading to respiratory infections. Furthermore,
sulfur dioxide which produced as a by-product in the combustion of coal, oil, and gas and
cause acid rain to corrode buildings, destroy trees, and turn land into deserts can causes
diseases for people such as pneumonia and eye pain. Raddon is a radioactive gas that
seeps from the earth and rocks beneath your home and contributes to indoor air pollution.
Radon can enter a home through foundation cracks, walls, and drains, and it is the second
leading risk factor for lung cancer. Pesticides, which are used in every household to kill
pests, are one of the most dangerous sources of indoor air pollution. These can irritate the
skin and eyes, affect the nervous system, and cause cancer.
We shouldn’t use of biomass at homes in which to improve indoor air quality. Rural
women, in particular, should be informed about the dangers of utilizing biomass as a
cooking fuel and taught on a more economical alternative.
Further more, we must stop deforestation right now. We are murdering our natural air
cleaner by chopping down trees. They are very important to our environment.
We can also grow plants at home. Growing plants in your home will help to keep the air
inside your home clean and fresh. CO2 is taken in by plants in order to produce oxygen.
They can act as natural air cleaners in enclosed spaces and provide a quick solution to all
indoor air pollution issues.
Besides that we can use exhaust fan to exchange the indoor polluted cooking smoke
with outside fresh air. In addition, it maintains the kitchen free of contaminants caused by
cooking. Industries and factories should not operate without exhaust systems as well.
To summarize, the world will not change in an instant, nor will it alter on its own. Every
person bears responsibility, and we must all do our part to prevent indoor air pollution
from worsening. That means we must make responsible decisions to reduce indoor air
pollution and implement them on a daily.

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