Bishop Museum Board of Directors Statement

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For more than a week, Bishop Musuem CEO Melanie Ide has used the court of public
opinion in an effort to dissuade the Board of Directors from continuing an independent
investigaton into serious workplace concerns. She threatened to resign several times if the Board
did not change its course, but has now informed the Board that she will not resign, citing pleas
from the community that she stay.
The Bishop Museum Board is focused on voices that are coming from inside the Museum,
pleas for action that have been unheard for too long. These appeals paint a picture of a hostile
work environment; they speak of frustration, stress, and fear, and it is our fiduciary duty to pay
attention. A number of talented staff have left the museum in recent months, many citing a toxic
work environment as a factor in their decisions to leave. After a concerted attempt to work with
leadership to address these issues was met with continued resistence, we had no choice but to act.
The Board is not acting without guidance. We are following the advice of experienced
employment counsel who has hired an independent investigator to thoroughly review employee
concerns. Standard operating procedure in these instances is to create an environment that allows
employees to feel secure in participating. This is why Melanie Ide and two other executives were
placed on paid administrative leave, and this has been explained to those involved.
We have not asked for Melanie Ide’s resignation. Our goal is to conduct an impartial review
of the Museum’s workplace environment, and we had hoped she would welcome that. To be
clear, the Board is not directing the investigation; the timing and order of interviews is being
done at the discretion of the independent investigator. The three leaders on paid administrative
leave will be among those interviewed.
We wanted to get through this investigation privately and quietly, so as not to damage the
Museum’s reputation and cause further distress among the staff. We regret the accusatory and
divisive language aimed at the Board from individuals who have heard only one side of the
situation. However, for the sake of the Museum and its dedicated employees, the Board will not
deviate from our course of action.
A healthy and secure staff is the foundation of any successful organization. Vision for the
future is critically important. We have respected and supported Melanie Ide’s vision throughout
her tenure, and acknoweledge her significant contributions to the Museum. But we reject a
narrative that ignores the important contributions of many people -- over many years -- to the
success of Bishop Museum, and fails to acknowlege a kuleana to protect our staff colleagues.
The kuleana to identify and resolve problems within the workplace initially rests with
salaried management, but is also vested in the powers of the Board when it becomes necessary
for the Board to step in. We have done so on behalf of those inside voices, and we are committed
to carrying it through. The health and well being of our staff is too important to ignore.
July 15, 2022

1525 Bernice Street • Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96817-2704 • Ph: (808) 848-4145 • Fax: (808) 847-8252

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