Impacts of Sleep Deprivation On The Academic Performance of Grade 12 Senior High School Students in A Private Non-Sectarian Institution

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Impacts of Sleep Deprivation on

the Academic Performance of

Grade 12 Senior High School
Students in a Private Non-
Sectarian Institution
Benedict Faith P. Barnido
Clarisse Leslie Obedencion
Keith E. Vaso
Kirt Brian J. Chavvez
Mardz U. Jumuad
Thym Kristofer L. Daapong
The following are the objectives of what the researcher wants to achieve in the study:

1. To find out the impacts of sleep deprivation on the academic performance of the
Capitol University’s Grade 12 STEM (Engineering) Senior High School students.

2. To find out the factors that contribute to sleep deprivation in students.

3. To know did the new education system (Online-Learning) leads the students to
be sleep-deprived and at high risk of academic failure more and even before the
of the Problem
Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

A. Age B. Sex C. Strand D. Average Grade E. Sleep latency and Sleep duration

2. What are the factors of sleep deprivation that affect students’ academic
A. Mental/Cognitive Performance B. Mood and Behavioral Changes

3. What are the factors that contribute to the sleep deprivation of students?
A. Environmental B. Time Management
The respondents of the study will be the Grade 12 STEM-
Engineering Senior High School students of Capitol University
SY. 2021- 2022, with a total population of 146 students. The
STEM program is divided into three tracks: (146) Engineering,
(153) Nursing Aide, and (38) Information Technology
The researchers will be using the Stratified Sampling type of Probability Sampling, where a
group comprising the sample is chosen in a way that such group is liable to subdivision
during the data analysis stage. As mentioned in the research respondents, 146 respondents
will be the population size of the study with a 107 total sample size. The researchers have
come up with a 95% confidence level and a 0.05 margin of error as it is the school’s
accepted number of tolerance.
To get the data needed, self-administered questionnaires will be distributed to a hundred
and seven (107) STEM- Engineering students through online surveys using Google Forms.
The researchers will use a close-ended type of questionnaire divided into three sections:
The Introduction, The Demographic Profile of the Respondents, and the close-ended
evaluation questions part. In the Introduction section, the research's purpose, instructions,
and the consent/ data privacy notice are stated. In the Demographic profile of Respondents
section, respondents will be asked about their age, sex, strand/section, average grade,
sleep latency, and sleep duration. In the last section, close-ended in a multiple-choice and
scaling type of questionnaire will be used to ask the respondents to achieve the study’s
This research gave the following findings based on the study conducted.

Grade 12 STEM- Engineering Senior High School 60% of the respondents said they usually sleep 5-
Students exhibit good academic performance. 44 7 hours a day, 21.1% of them sleep only 3-4 hours,
or 48.9% of the respondents attained a 91-95 and 17.8% sleeps 8 hours and above. As noticed, if
average grade range from the first semester of SY to combine all the results of the hour ranges given
2021-2022. that are below the average sleep a person needs,
the majority of the respondents fall to having
sleep loss.
Most of the respondents “Often” experienced the Almost half of the respondents take a lot of time
given questions related to the common to fall asleep as 45.6% of them take “30 minutes
symptoms of sleep deprivation in above” to fall in asleep.
Mental/Cognitive Performance and
Mood/Behavioral Change factors.
Above half of the respondents live far
from a crowded place gaining 49 (54.4%)
votes and 53 (58.9%) living with proper
ventilation at home.

Most of the respondents 58.9% are not light

sleepers. However, 15 (16.6%), respondents who
are light sleepers are easily distracted by noise
vehicles when sleeping, 16(17.7%) by cat and dog
noises, and 9(10%) by neighbor/people
35 or 38.9% of the respondents are “Sometimes”
flooded with house chores and responsibilities, with the
same value of votes, they tend to “Always” do a lot of
thinking before sleeping as well. When it comes to
doing important things, 39 or 43.3% of the respondents
“Sometimes” tell themselves that it's better to wait until
they are feeling more inspired to work it.
Most of the respondents are likely to pressure themselves on
deadlines and this falls to procrastination and time management.
47.8% of the respondents have an attitude to pressure
themselves about deadlines as they tend to work best during,
32.2% of them tend to be careful, 11.1% like challenging
themselves by racing against the clock, and 8.9% of them are
punctual and finishes things on time.

Most of the respondents get distracted when they’re not

motivated and have been struggling in keeping their enthusiasm
to get something pressing important to do. 43.3% of them start
working on it, but stop if they get bored 34.4% start right away
without hesitation, and 17.8% of respondents start working on it
but drag it out with distractions. The rest of the 4.4% of
respondents tend to likes procrastinating.
Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are formulated:

The majority of Grade 12- STEM Engineering

students exhibit good academic performance
reflected in their average grade from the last first
semester SY. 2021-2022. Most of the Grade 12 STEM- Engineering students
The sleep latency of the respondents or the often experience the common symptoms/ signs
duration of how long it takes them to fall asleep at of sleep loss related to the Mental/Cognitive
night is reported to be 30 minutes and above, Performance and Mood/Behavioral Change
more than the normal sleep latency that generally factors from the given tests which reflect their
hovers between 10 and 20 minutes. cognitive functions and mood swings.

Most of the students’ sleep duration was For the environmental factors, half of the
reported to be 5-7 hours only but combining all respondents are heavy sleepers, and having
the results of the hour ranges given that are proper ventilation at home as well as living away
below the average sleep a person needs, the from crowded places may be the cause. Half of
majority of the respondents fall to having sleep them are light sleepers and get easily distracted
loss. by environmental noises.
Most of the respondents always do a lot of thinking (overthinking) at night.
This could be because of processing what has happened during the day or
worries. Our daily worries can often creep into our thoughts at night-time
and this can seriously disturb our sleep. They often use a lot of time using
their gadgets before sleeping which stimulates our minds and makes it
harder for us to sleep.
The students have difficulties in managing their time doing things they
need to do. Almost the majority of them have been struggling in keeping
their enthusiasm to get things done immediately which may lead to
procrastination down to sleep deprivation due to poor time

Most of the students exhibit a good academic performance reflected in their average grades.
However, it contradicted several studies in terms of academic procrastination and
performance, as well as the relationship between these sleep loss factors as the findings
somehow say as the students seem to experience such changes in behavior and
mental/cognitive performance. Their emotional and psychological health seems to decline
due to sleep loss or anxiety.
Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the following are recommended:

Improving Check-ins or Check-in Activities at school as well

as at home would be a great help. Taking a time and creating
a place where people, not just students, can pause, explore,
manage, and understand their emotions and situations.

Student’s situation before or after the new academic system

where they continue their academic journey at home should
be taken account. Participation of the people around them
and self-control from dithering could help.
Accessing more tests and directly consulting eligible
professionals regarding this sector for more accurate and
viable results.

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