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J A N U A R Y 7. 1903.



The Grea^t Odds aci\d Ends SaJej

Yoke Overcoats
Were $16 5 0 . SIS. S 2 0 . $ 2 2 . 5 0 G R E A T BARGAIN D A Y S A T

F a - n c y Suits
Wero $18. $ 2 0 . $ 2 2 . 5 0 . $ 2 5


Greatest Increase I* In Passenger Coaches* But Other Equipment Is Increased ProportionatelyTexas Railroads Show Favorable Comparison ^ With Rest of the Country The tabic of statistics of cars and locomotives ordered In 1902, prepared by the Railway Age and just Issued In the January numbeeof that masazlne. presents tome Interesting comparisons. In 1902. 195.248 freight cars -were ortiered against 193.139 for 1901, or anyncrease in freight car equipment of X.S09. Four thousand six hundred sixty-fivo locomotives were ordered against 4.340 for 1902. an Increase of 325. This shows less than Hve freight cars for every new engine ordered during the year. When it Is considered, too, that a large percentage of the new engines ordered were of a. larger type end capable of hauling several more cars to the train than the engines built in 1901. the discrepancy between the orders of locomotives and of freight cars is still further emphasized.


C e n t u r y Building, E i s h t h txnd M a i n

builders" art and arc exceedicgiy well arranged and decorated. The full trains harmonize in color and finishing, and are compactly vestibuled from end to end, each platform being completely covered with rubber mats ani well lighted, forming an avenue the full length of the train. The leading color is a pleasing shade of green Inside and out. with rich cathedral glass ventilators and heavy plate S'ass windows. The reclima= aad seats are upholstered in vel vet plush and the smoking compartments and toilet rooms are equipped with leather covered high back seats The inside finishing is in Flemished oak. with full width French bevel mil rors at each ead. and the floors are covered with Wilton carpets, the whole blendtng into a delicate and attractive shade of green. One of th*> most interesting features is the ease with which the windows are adjusted hy simply pressing a spring, without the tugging and profanity usually necessary l* such operations. The lram3 are brilliantly lighted by a new sy.tem of acci>lene gas, arranged in clusters of shaded globes, and are heated at an even temperature by steam. The automatic slack adjusters and air and steam couplers and brakes are of tne most approved patterns and Insure absolute safely at nigh speea. The elegant cafe car service is probably the chief attraction, food in anv quantity and variety being obtainable at all hours at most reasonable rrices. Tho equipment throughout Is on a high plane and is thoroughly in keeping with the Midland's reputation as the leading road of the slate.

T h e G r e a t Store F o r M e n ^ ^ N2


CHICAGO. Jan. 7.A public lest of nba! is claimej by its invemor ard the company cni o gaged in its n.aiiufaciure to be CITY LOSES FART OF SUIT 3EGUN . the lalest an.l highest <!o-.elipmotor vehicle for III AGAINST IT CY J. VY. HERBERT oirrymg cf Ireignl. was given in the cragrsted and bidly paveJ downtown streets yesterday sttemcrn. witn results enThe figures for passenger coaches tirely satisfactory- Starting show (hat in 1902. 3.459 coaches were lrom the L'nijn Leagu? club. ordered against 2.873 for 1901. an inthe new horseless truck was crease of 5S0. This increase m orrun rapidly up and djvin SMe JuJnirervt Rendered for Second, Third. ders of passenger coaches Is not aostreet, thro-igh several of the norxnal. considering the annual losses Severth, Eioiitn ard Watcr-.vsrkz cross streets, and finally as far by wreckage and by wear of passensouth a s Twelfth street in >\'aBonds Ietere:t, An-ount'ng to Apger coaches, and at the same time the ba.-li avenue displaying proximately $Co.000Other Conrls number of new trains, particularly in a hitch itsqua!m=sin respect to May Be Fought Liter , the west and southwestspeed power and ease of conPassenger Figures trol The Ireight carried in th.3 exhibition weighed 3.0"0 Of the passenger coaches, the marounds. The vehicle is the inThe case of J W. Herbert versus jority were, of course, plain coaches, vention of William O. Worth, the city of Fo.-t Worth has been debaggage cars, combination cars, postal who began his experiments in cided in favor of the piaintifT to the cars and express cars. There wore this direction in ISS1. Mr extent that the city is hoi-' debtor for 413 cars ordered which do not com* Woith points out the cLief under anv of these heads. Of the 413. interest on the second, third, seventh, value of his final machine as besix were tourist cars, twenty-nine cafe eighth and waterworks bonds, interest ing its siraple and effective cars, thirty-eight dining cars and five en the other bonds originally covered method of transmitting power, buffet cars, or seventy two cars on in the smr b^ing dropped on account the constancy of speed motor, which meals can be served. There of the admission of the plaintiff toat and an ingenious method of were eleven observation cars ordered, the amounts of individual bondholders gearing and coupling by which thirteen official cars. 201 chair cars the motorman may at will conin these series were less than $2,000 and thirty-four parlor cars. There vert the bich speed into pother each and. therefore, out o' the juriswere seventy six new sleepers, other and thus double the traction cadiction cf tue L'ated States circuit than Pullmans, which were not given. pacity of the vehicle. It is also court. The interest amounts to about Fort Worth Roads ci-imed that a wagon of this $3C-A\ kind can do the work of three The showing made by roads enterordinary teams of equal IoadiDg Argumn* vesterday was directed to ing Fort Worth compares favorably capacity, at a cost for maintethe demurrers of the city against the with any of the established roads of the nance of half of what is requirand before the close country. THREE RAILROADS COMPARED plaintiffs petition yesterday afternoon ed for one such team. of the sessicn The Chicago. Rock Island and Tex2S ruled tbit evidence ordered fifty ballast cars, 300 stock Union Pacific. Rock Island and Atchi- Judge Meek the recitals the the faces contained in on cars and S O box cars. A son Grouped of the tends at issue constituted an The Fort Worth and Denver City orAn three the city's dered 200 box cars, one cafe car and great interesting comparison ofwes estoppel againstthai part of oemurrer railroad systems of the and. therefore, ihe proseven engines (three consolidated and the Union Pacific. Atchison and Rock ceedings was disposed of before the GIVES CATTLEMEN MORE TIME four ten wheelers). Islandhas been made by Broke- adjournment last evening The International and Great North- Boissevain. of the Xew York stock ft Tiie case went lo Jnai this morning Kansas Bsard Extends the Open Seaern ordered l 0 tank cars. 300 flat son to Jan. 20 cars, three- dining cars and six ten- exchange. I presents many statistics at 10 o'clock. Toe coupons and the of the actual operations of the three bonds at issue were introduced as evi wheel engines. TOPEKA. Kan, Jan. 7.The KanThe Frisco system ordered 3.950 box systems heretofore unattainable. It dence. The court heid that the ordi- sas livestock sanitary board has issued car3. 1.106 coal cars, 225 flat cars, ti-n shws that the annual number of pas- nance's printed on the back of tbe the follawing bulletin extending the pressed steel cars, seventy cabooses, sengers per mile of road operated is bonds were inadmissible as evidence. open season for southern cattle: iiincty-eight ballast cars, twenty-eight 593 for the Union Pacific. 012 for ti.e The ordinance m conneet'on wi:h tho "Notice is hereby given that the coaches, ten chair cars, six postal cars, Atchison and 2.104 for the Rock Isl- waterworks bonds was ruled to be ad-| time for receiving cattle from south of three combination cars, twelve bag and; revenue tons carried per mile op- raiESible by reason of its connection l a e Kan=ss :state line and federal quargage cars, four baggage and express erated, 1.504 Union Pacific. 1,476 At- with the preuoiis mortgage. i ennne line Iis extended to. and mcluJcars and 219 enginesone of the best chison and 2,109 Rock Island; average Ordinances relating to all of the oth-| _ a . . 130J. All persons wishshowings made by any road in toe receipts per ton per mile operated. er bend issues were ruled out, t h e ii n s s tJ o r L.-,,0 , h e l r P a t f I c , l n l o Kansas m United States. 1.0S9 cents Union Pacific. .9SS ccn's court holding that the recitals on the. l a i I s t a T a I , themselves of this opporThe Missouri. Kansas and Texas or Atchison and 1.140 cents Rock Islan.i. faccs o f t h e bonds were conclusive, tunnv. The same restrict.ons will prethat tbe bondholder " a s . n , o t dered S00 box cars. 500 stock cars. 10 movement The mileaee of the three systems is: bound to look beyond the face of the 'J vail in the as indicatedofincattle above damp cars, 100 flat cars, four caboosmentioned bulletin ises, ninety-six ballast cars, fifty pas- 3.710 Union Pacific 7.S50 Atchison, f.- bond itself. j sued by this commission Nov. 1, 1902." The court instructed the plainti senger coaches and ninety-nine en- 794 Rock Island, while the funded debt per mile respectively is $37,159. attornejs to prepare judgment and a gines. PACKERS WILL MAKE ALL SOAP gross InThe Cotton Belt placed orders for t - $25,645 and $26,613. The Union Pa- recess was taken at noon till 2:30 this per mile i3 JS.13S for 0C0 box cars. 175 ballast cars, one par- come $6,297 Aichison and $6,700 Rock- afternoon Independent House Thinks Its BusiThis morning City Secretary r . lor and caff car, and thirty-five en- cific. ness Island. All the roads show remarkable Knox Montgomery U*!S t'se stand and KANSAS CITY. Doomed gines. Jan. 7.In the opindiversity of business, and notably m testified to his knowledge the records ion of the general western agent of one Roads Entering Texas the ease of Rock Island carrying 10 of the council contained no previous of the b.g Chicago soap houses, who The showing for roads originating in per cent corn. 2'> per cent products of disposition for the payment of the inor entering Texas is still more Interat Midland hotel yesterday. mines and 20 per cent of agriculture, terest on the bonds other than that wes timetne coming when the packing esting. A comparison of the figures is provided for in the ordinances relating Ihe shows that for railroads in the south- the remaining being miscellaneous. houses will practirally drive out the directly to the bonds at issue. west (only those entering Texas being Hard-Fought Case regular houses from the field of soap taken), IS per cent of tne freight cars. The crowned heads of every nation. manufacturing. The rich men, poor men and misers 13 per cent of the passenger cars and At noon today City Attorney Orrick "I have the soap business All Join in payins tribute to more than 22 per cent of the engines was tired, but still smiling. The case for twenty J'Cen in he said yesterday, years," DeWitfs Little Early Risers. were ordered- The total figures as H. Williams, San Antonio. Tex, opened Monday coming, and since "and I have never known a time when deducted from the table are as folMr. Orrick ha*, been writes: Little Early Riser nils are that time much of the time in at work, the business* was as hard to handle as lows: Freight cars. 30S3: passenger defense the best I ever used in my family. I speaking it is ,now. We did an , immense bustcoaches. 45G; engines. 1.043. Th unhesitatingly recommend them to of the city s position The cae has The gain In locomotives is far ont of everybody. They cure Constipation. been closely contested at every point a b ? a f J n v t h l n w e e r e r d l d h c f o r e > J | Q proportion to the gain in freight and Biliousness. Sick Ileadacne. Torpid and practically all of the citations , the profits were not so large. The passenger cars, especially the former Liver. Jaundice, malaria and all other from previous decisions that were ob- entry of the big packing houses into tainable were used. II Indicates a danger that has alreadv liver troubles. has been pointed out as one of the tenIt is probable that the bondholders the soap business their had a great effecL Of course is dencies of the southwest, i. e ordering owning coupons on which interest is not anecLng ns so very competitionyet. seriously engines to haul freight without orderAn Ideal Winter Trip duo in less sum than $2,000. these ing cars to put it in. While it Is true The Midwinter Carnival opens at EI cases being thrown out of the United as we sell dollars where they sell that during the past year tne scarcity Paso. Tex, Jan. 12 and closes Jan. 17, States circuit court, will recommence cents, but it Is increasing all the time, and I th.nk that in a few years they of engines, on Texas roads at least, 1903. This is the third successive car- suit in the lower courts for recoverywill practically monopolize the field. has been a serious difficulty, yet the nival held in the southwest, and 2s Taey have entered the business on a shortage of cars was never greater. A Scientific Discovery be expended for The scarcity of freight cars will con- more than $20,00" willvisitors the man- Kodol does for the stomach that which big scale, and they are able to drive the entertainment of tinue to make itself felt annually until agement hopes to excel anything the it is unable to do for itself, even when out competition just as thoroughly In better means for meeting it are de- southwest has ever known. Two thou- but slightly disordered or overloaded. the long run as they have already done vised than merely by multiplying moKodol supplies the natural juices of sand dollars has been appropriated to digestion and does the work of the in the packing business Itself." tive powtr. the world's champion miners' reck stomach, relaxing the nervous tension, Stop It drilling conlest. $>0 to the while the inflamed muscles of that orA neglected cough or cold may lead and tournament, $1,OOQ cnamarc allowed HANDSOME PASSENGER TRAINS pionship gun shoot, big civic, military gan digests what to rest and heal. Ko- to serious bronchial or long troubles. dol you eat and enables Don't take chances when Foley's fraternal parade, the Gaskell-MuaThose of the Texas Midland Are Fam- andcarnival company of thirty combin- the stomach and digestive organs to Honey and Tar affords perfect securdy transform all food into rich, red blood. ity from senoos effects of a cold. ous Over the Country The Texas Midland railroad enjoys ed shows, thousands of Incandescent Reeves' Pharmacy, Ward's Pharmacy I'ghts and six mile search the distinction of possessing the most be used for illumination lights will The oat and sugar crop of the United and Arlington Drag Co. Bands of luxuriously equiDped day trams west music, bull fights and other attractions States have each increased six toid in of the Mississippi, and probably with on Mexican soil are features. The fifty years. Sldewslks Good sidewalks enhance values. Call few equals in any section of the coun- Texas ^nd Pacific Railway Company try. The principal trams, consisting will sell tickets on Jan 10. 11 and 12, So short is the wheat crop of Aus- n us for prices on all kinds. of mail, baggage and express cars, day good for return leaving El Paso Jan. tralia that inquiry for American wheat L. S. LEYERSEDGB & SON. coaches, reclining chair cars and cafe 17, for $15. Sec any ticket agent. Columbia Building. is being made. Phone 1010. cars, are striking models of the carA Doctor's Bad Plight Big Slaughter "Two years ago, as a result of a seOne dozen $5 $1. vere cold. I lost my voice," writes Dr. Short tine only. photographs forfirstGuaranteed M. L. Scarborough, of Hebron, Ohio, JOHN SWARTZ. "then began an obstinate ccugh. Every class. 703 Main streeL remedy known to me as a practicing physician for thirty five years, failed, Texas Drug C o . 1407 Main streeL and I daily grew worse. Being urged to try Dr. King's Xew Discovery for Stamps of 3II denominations; money Consumption. Coughs and Colds. I CTders payable anywherefound quick relief, and for last ten 1 6 9 7 Is the Number of Thos. days have felt better than for two years." Positively guaranteed foi ion's undertaking parlors at 110S Main Throat and Lung troubles by W. J StreeL Open day and nishL The Wo-nan's Store ^ ?ll Houston Street Fisher, 302 Main strset and 413 Hous ton street. 5c and $L0o. Trial bot





IFree Lessons!
OR exhibition.


lumping Grcunds = Established e-S Arrangements Made for Moving Arlington Calaboose to the Packing Hcuse District Deputy Sheriff Tridg: Is Appointed Assistant MarshalOther Business "Mc. this is our first purchase," remarked Town Attorney William P. McLean l3st night, as he proudly exhibited an enormous morocco bound volume, elaborately embellished in gils and inscribed with tho word "Minutes."


611 Houston S t r e e t

Bovm a B-ROILESl
Expert Key Filling. Type**filer and S a f e R e p a i r i n g .


1006 Houston St.

Phono 851

Great Clean-Up Sale!



rinMni "Did you pay for it, or stand 'em eff?" asked Alderman John McCarty. The attorney frowned, as though he thought the dignity or his oSlce had been impeached. Then Mayor Farm- COST OF FCTROLEUM FCH FUEL er rappd for order, and the Norili GREATLY EXCCE03 COAL INTERUREAN TO MINERAL WE OPTICIAN. 713 MAIf Fort Worth city council was declare I The Towns Along the Line Ar ' to be in session. ing Hard for It About the first official words of MayMineral Wells .Index: There i 4 or Farmer were to the effect that a"? .o be a well directed move on foot f had been approached by the agent of' an inienirban line from a fire extinguisher concern, whom he) Worth through Sprlnjrtown to had invited to be present at the coun-i Changes Made at Plants of the Citi- al Wells. The little towns all ak ctl meeting. The major glance! I zens' a-:d Fcrt Worth Light and route are working energetically 1 around, as thougn he suspected some-! Power CompaniesSouthern Cold road. There is no doubt but that] the intention of tbe interurban t one present of oeing the agent in quo>Stores- Company and Other Firms lo Mineral Wells in the neartion. but nobody plead guilty and tbe to Rc-auip Their Furnaces The Index believes it will be a I regular order of proceedings was redid help to our city and that thet An Unlucky Thirteen pany should be encouraged In e v ^ After the list of Council committees Comparisons between the cost of an- way possible. This line has the chal" had been read, it was discovered that thracite ecal In Xew ,Ycrk and Beau- of two routes, Weatheriord a* only thirteen committees had been ap- mont oil fcr fuel purposes, delivered at Springtown, but we verily believe SB* pointed. For a time consternation pre- Fcrt Worth, are now in order. Prices era! Wells should encourage the ro^t vailed among the fathers of the ne-v have advanced ElncC the shipments through Springtown. as It wooM.*< municipality. Finally the attorney ex- first br-gaa and the end is cot yet in more beneficial to this town. Of cool* claimed: "Look here, we roust es- sight. Host of the large ptants in this we would gladly welcome the road orer tablish another committer." city which have been burning oil will any roate, yet lo parallel the Tex This proposition was received with return to the use of coal aus soon a3 and Pacific would seem quite fooUat hearty approval by the aidertoen and the necessary changes la tbe fur- Meeting! have been held at i * J they decided to establish a committee naces can t e made. The Citizens" Whitt. Spr.ngtown and other plaee^ on streets and alleys, but one has not Light and Power Company has already and the farmers will no soubt eojO*-, yet been appointed. done so. R_ I. \\l>ite. manager of that bute a great deal of work and "ft* On roil call. .Mayor James D- Farm- corporation, said tcday: towns some money. The road wID.< er and three aldermen. B. C. Smith. a good business from tbe start. J 3 ^ Fuel Oil Expensive William Mink and John McCarty, responded, but the others arrived soca **TVhen we made our contract with tbe Waters Pierce Oil Company we afterwards. agreed to pay -j:>i cents per barrel or Council Proceedings It was reported that a contract had less for crude petroleum, delivered, as keen let for the public printing, ant the oil was then soiling: at only S or 10 the police committee stated that ar- cents per barrel at the wells and the rangements had been made for mov- Ireight amounted to 32i cents per ing the calaboose now at Arlington, to barrel. We coasumed between sevenThe colo-wave fla-j North Fort Worth, at an expense of ty and eighty parrels per day. and at means z e r o weather, $13. The enclosure is an iron cage, that Price the oil was much less ex- i c y , moisture-laden heretofore used for Ihe detention of pensive than coal. At the present winds, and the beginprice cf oil. which is about 60 cents at ning of winter in earnconvicts employed on the public roads during the day, and Is regarded as the well, the cost would amount to esL To Catarrh suffero\er SO cents a barrel, which makes ers there is nothing reasonably secure. Alderman B. C. Smith, for tbe com- its use for fuel purposes prohibitive. mittee on public improveaients, stated We have again begun the use of coal for with the return of cold I that arrangements had been made to and evpect, as soon as our rurcaces all the disagreeable symptoms of < establish a dumping ground, and that can be adapted to the change to dis- appear: blinding headaches, dim an enclosed tract of land m the bottom continue the use of oil altogether. We stuffy feeling about the nose that I lands near the city had been secured began using oil fourteen months ago breathiagdiQcnlt, chest pains, I for that purpose. The committee, he and were the first In the city, I be- d isease prepresses,a d iscnxrge of z said, had also been looking into prices lieve, to adopt iL Up to this time it ingmatterfronithethro*tandnos_ hawking and spulingvj and locations for a public building, and has resulted in a large saving and we one continually most disgusting daer" Catarrh is a had three sites on Main street it. view, oo not regret the experiment" The foul mucons secretions that are c Other Changes Made which could ue purchased for sums stantly droppinp; back into the i ranging from $1,200 to $2,300. Inquiry at tbe plant of the Fcrt contaminate and poison I Alderman J. J. Lydon. another mem- Worth Light and Power Company de- distributed throcghont the body, a n t j ber of the building committee, called veloped the fact that the furnaces of then becomes a decp^eated, jr* attention to the advantages of an ele- that corporation, which we'e fitted to persistent disease that must b e ! vated site at Eleventh and Main burn oil. had been changed to admit through the blood, for it is beyond 1 streeLs. which could be purchased for of Ihe use of coaL "We had a con- reach of sprays, washes, TKlwv' " ' $1,300 on very favorable terms, and tract with one of the Beaumont com- vernal treatment of any kind. expressed the belief that this was an panies to furnish us oil for a period of S. S. S. soon ideal location for a city balL The re- four years," said Superintendent Jo- Catarrhal matterclears the system of l and purges port of the committee was accepted. seph C- Lord last night. ""The supply, the irritating poisons, thnsthe blocdj and its members given further time to however, was not kept up and the de- checkingthe further progress of this I look over the ground. livery has been very irregular and un- ons and far reaching disease. \ The by-laws for the government of satisfactory, causing ns mnch annoyLook out for Catanh in winter, for o tbe council, and list of ordinance*, ance. We have just completed chang- stirsthebloodandcausesexcessires were then read and revised in some ing our furnaces, which consumed tion of muens and brings to life all I unimportant particulars. A proposi- from seventy to eighty barrels of oil slumbering poisons that make " tion to reduce the proposed saloon tax per day. back to coal. I estimate that the rnostaboi from $3;%0 to $75 was defeated. It oil at its present price Is nearly twice of all diseases. S S f keeps the blood was moved and carried that all taxes as expensive as coal." such perferxi c should be made due and payable on The Southern Cold Storage Comthat cold waves<: the first of November each year. pany and Brown's Ice Company will no alarm and Aldermen I.ydon. Mink and Grant shortly resume the use of coal after were appointed a committee to confer an experiment with petroleum, and the change from the heat of I with Dr. (Jilmore regarding plans for burners at the Cameron and rigorsofwinterprodncenot taking care of the indigent poor of the nchor flour mills are being taken cuL | Write us if yon have Catarrh, ana t tity. who might need medical att: Changes will also be made in several t Pbysiaanswilladriseyonwithootclias, laundries which have experimented | Boot on Blood andSkinT" Deonty Sheriff J. E. Fridge was ap- with oil. Tbe Swift Specific Co., AUuta, I pointed assistant town marshal at At the office of the Southern Cold salary of $40 per month. In addition to Storage Company it was learned that his duties for the county. tneir contract would expire Feb. 1, DR. I . C. McCOY, SPECIALi A regular meeting of the council will after which they expected to resume) Practice limited to piles, fistulas, bo held next Tuesday evening. Ihe use of coal. They at present con- tures, bladder, kidney, sume about fifty barrels per day.whlch skin diseases. Treatment Daeaea The one great virtue of Burnett's Va costs t i j i cents per barrel. They re- 33 years' experience and cures nitta Extract is purity. It is real va ported that tbe company with which teed. Oldest specialist In the nilla extract and nothing but vanilla they had the contract -'as adhering Ex-President Board U. S- Pension cxtracL (Always me Burnett's.) strictly to the agreement, hut would amlncrs; ex-President Board of not contract for the sale of-any more cal Examiners. Office, corner Main and oil at figures less than double the pnee . Fort Worth. Texas. ~ ; , diarsed at present.



EYES] ntc l Ef A liU LORI




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