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A Survey Of Aircraft Engine Health Monitoring Systems

Article · February 2001

DOI: 10.2514/6.1999-2528 · Source: CiteSeer


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2 authors:

Irem Y. Tumer Anupa Bajwa

Oregon State University NASA Ames Research Center, CA, United States


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(c)1999 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics


A Survey of Aircraft Engine Health
Monitoring Systems
Downloaded by Anupa Bajwa on February 4, 2019 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.1999-2528

I.Tumer and A. Bajwa

NASA Ames .Research Center
Moffett Field, CA

35’h AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion

Conference and Exhibit
20-24 June 1999
Los Angeles, California
For permission to copy or to republish, contact the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500, Reston, VA, 20191-4344.
(c)1999 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics



kern Y. Turner *
NASA Ames Research Center
Downloaded by Anupa Bajwa on February 4, 2019 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.1999-2528

Caelum Research, MS 269-3

Moffett Field, California, 94035
(650) 604 2976

Anupa Bajwa
NASA Ames Research Center
Recom Technologies, MS 269-3
Moffett Field, California, 94035
(650) 604 1851

ABSTRACT peratures,etc. Oil supply to critical parts, such as bear-

This paperpresentsa survey of enginehealthmon- ings, is vital for safe operation.For monitoring fuel and
itoring systems for commercial aircraft. The state of oil status,indicatorsfor quantity, pressure,and temper-
practiceis exploredhrst, with the purposeof identifying ature are used. In addition to thesecrucial parameters,
the shortcomingsof currentsystems.The stateof the re- vibration is constantlymonitored during engine opera-
searchto addressthese shortcomingsis them surveyed tion to detectpossibleunbalancefrom failure of rotat-
to explorethe alternatives.Researchandmonitoring ap- ing parts, or loss of a blade. Any of theseparameters
plications for various other types of enginesprovide a can serveas an early indicator to preventcostly compo-
good basis for further exploring the topic. This survey nent damageand/or catastrophicfailure, and thus help
is meant to serve as a precursorto engine health and reducethe number of incidents and the cost of main-
monitoring researchat the NASA Ames ResearchCen- taining aircraft engines[55].
ter. To accomplishthis demandingtask, enginemoni-
toring systems(EMS) have becomeincreasingly stan-
dard in the last two decades,in step with advancesin
ENGINE MONITORING SYSTEMS aircraft enginesand computertechnology.The first Air-
Aircraft enginesconstitute a complex system, re- craft GasTurbineEngineMonitoring Systemguide was
quiring adequatemonitoring to ensureflight safety and publishedby the SAE in 1981 [ 11. It provided guide-
timely maintenance[28]. Cockpit displaysindicate en- lines to airlines and enginemanufacturersin their de-
gine performancethroughvital information such as ro- sign and implementationof EMS. The current state of
tational speeds,enginepressureratios, exhaustgastem- practicefocuseson using someform of EMS on all air-
craft, especially on military aircraft. For commercial
aircraft, routine use of EMS for Engine Health Moni-
*Copyright 01999 by the American Institute of Aeronauticsand toring (EHM) poseschallenges,mainly dueto the abun-
Astronautics,Inc. All rights reserved.
(c)1999 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics

danceand ambiguity of the data to interpret, and due to manceparameters,and transmissionto the ground only
the high number of false alarms that cause the users’ when an exceedanceis observed.Even though the data
reluctance to rely on the results. To overcome these are collected at a sufficiently high sampling rate during
practical problems, researchershave been developing flight, this data is not stored for further analysis. In-
many other advancedtechniques. This paper presents stead, a single value (e.g., rms value) is transmitted to
a survey of the current state of practice and researchin the ground personnelfor maintenancepurposes,in or-
EHM. The purposeof this survey is to identify the cru- der to detect generaltrends over a long period of time.
cial needsin the area of engine health monitoring, and Cockpit instrumentreadingsare taken once a day, or on
the promising areasof researchto resolve the perceived every flight during cruise conditions. Recorded data is
problems in current practice. processedand compared to “normal” data established
by the manufacturer or operator. One problem with
Downloaded by Anupa Bajwa on February 4, 2019 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.1999-2528

data collected for commercial aircraft is the low sam-

CURRENT STATE OF PRACTICE pling rate due to the high cost of data transmission to
Engine performancemonitoring, a current trend in the ground personnelfor further analysis (for mainte-
monitoring the gas turbine engine’s day-to-day condi- nance, for example). Engine manufacturersare work-
tion, is proving to be very effective in providing early ing on determining whether an on-board diagnosis for
warning information of ongoing or impending failures, maintenancepurposes would be preferable, since the
thus reducing unscheduleddelays and more seriousen- problem is due to the inability and cost of transmitting
gine failures. The goal is to have these performance and storing large amountsof data.
parametersas a reliable indicator of developingdefects
and impending failures that are detected and repaired
during inspection and overhaul. The following is a sum- Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis
mary of the current issues for engine monitoring sys- Certain kinds of engine failures will result in spe-
tems that are implemented on commercial aircraft en- cific changesin the parametersbeing monitored. Many
gines. airline and engine manufacturing companies work to-
gether to implement engine monitoring and diagnosis
systemsto monitor and diagnosea minimum set of pa-
Parameters for Engine Monitoring Systems rameters,for known setsof defects,collected over many
The typical parametersthat are recommendedfor years of operation [12, 17, 35, 38, 39, 48, 50, 52, 551.
monitoring in aircraft are temperatures(inlet, outside Official guidelinesfor implementing such systemshave
air, exhaust gas, compressor,turbine, bleed air), pres- been around for two decades[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9, lo].
sures (inlet, compressor, discharge, lube oil, bleed Even though these guidelines provide a sufficiently
air), oil system (quantity, filters, consumption, debris, thorough set of guidelines to implement EMS systems,
contamination), vibration (rotors, shafts, afterburners, commercial aircraft have not achievedan effective en-
reduction gears, bearings, transmissions, and acces- gine monitoring status,mainly due to strict FAA regula-
sories), life usage (operating hours, start times, fa- tions, the high cost of implementing such systems,and
tigue, stresses,cracks) and additional parameterssuch the high number of false alarms.
as speeds,fuel flow, throttle position, nozzle position,
The standardmeans of monitoring parametersin-
and stator position. For commercial aircraft, the main
volves the comparison of parametersto reference lev-
parametersthat are monitored to determine engineper- els or evaluating shifts through time by trending. Ex-
formance are: (1) aerodynamicperformance: EPR (en-
ceedancemonitoring involves the storageof a record of
gine pressureratio), F/F (fuel flow), RPM (speed),EGT data whenever an engine operating limit (e.g., speed,
(exhaust gas temperature), and, throttle position; (2)
temperature)is exceeded. Operating limits for such
mechanical performance: vibration amplitude and oil
parametersare typically set by engine manufacturers
consumption. basedon design performancemodels, and by operators
basedon field experiencefrom other airplanes and en-
Data Collection gines [8]. Limits for vibrational signaturesare set by
The current practice for commercial aircraft re- expectedpeak vibrational amplitudesat the relevantfre-
quires the continuous on-board monitoring of perfor- quenciesand averagebaselinesignaturescollected over

(c)1999 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics

time [2, IO]. Automatic troubleshootingproceduresor with developingfaults. The aim of theseefforts is to re-
expert system diagnostics are used when rules can be place the standardthreshold setting and fault detection
defined adequately,to identify the most probablecause process, by enhancingthe feature extraction capabili-
of the exceedanceand estimate the possible damage. ties. Researchin the areaof fault diagnosisaims to find
Commercial software packageshavebeendevelopedin automateddiagnosistools which provide the automatic
conjunction with the engine manufacturersto accom- generationof more meaningful and accurate fault di-
plish the exceedancedetectionand diagnosistask, once agnosticinformation. The efforts tend to move towards
the exceedancedata has been transferredto the ground combining the knowledgefrom standardexpert systems
station [S]. with theoreticalknowledge and test-rig information, to
The automation of the diagnosisstep using the ex- develop more reliable aud thorough fault libraries and
ceedanceand trend data relies on building trend and classification tools. There are other applications, such
Downloaded by Anupa Bajwa on February 4, 2019 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.1999-2528

baseline signature databasesthrough engine manufac- as helicoptersand the spaceshuttle engines,where en-
turer’s data and through field experience [5]. Expert gine monitoring systemshave advancedfurther than for
systemsoftwarepackagesattemptto capturethe knowl- commercial aircraft. Experience from these applica-
edge of the experts, and provide possible diagnosesto tions provides valuable insight into the problems and
the operators, in a quick and automatedfashion [8]. potential solutions that work to improve the effective-
Commercially developedsoftware packagesare avail- nessof enginemonitoring systems.
able for use in aircraft monitoring [ 171.
Research in Engine Parameter Monitoring
Perceived Problems in EMS Practice Monitoring systemscollect large amounts of data
The current stateof practice of EMS is flooded with that are usually analyzedoffline. Well-establishedsta-
problems waiting to be resolved. Many of the prob- tistical methodsare still the norm. The implementation
lems result from the strict regulations airlines and en- of thesemethodshas grown in sophisticationand speed
gine manufacturershave to follow, and the difficulty with increasesin computationalpower [29]. For typi-
in justifying the cost of implementing such systemsfor cal engine parameterssuch as temperatures,pressures,
commercial aircraft. Most of the problems concentrate and speeds,exceedancesand trends are monitored us-
on the high number of false alarms. False alarms are ing commercially availablesoftwarepackages[ 19,541.
causedby several factors. The main factors that most If a predefinedlimit is exceeded,a cockpit caution is
researchersfocus on are: (1) unreliable feature extrac- activated, and performance data are recorded for fur-
tion algorithms for detection of the relevant failure in- ther investigation on-ground [19]. Alerts basedon ex-
dicators; (2) insufficient failure knowledge for diagno- ceedancesand trend reporting have provided improved
sis of failures with expert systems. Additional issues diagnostic capabilities in commercial and military air-
contributing to these factors are insufficient sampling craft I:351.For vibrational diagnostics,health indicators
of engine parameters,cost of transmitting the data to are establishedby meansof signal averaging,by gener-
the ground, cost of implementing more elaboratemoni- ating component-specificvibration signatures.The idea
toring systems,and ambiguity causedby the inadequate is to use a variety of indicators from time-domain (syn-
alert-reportingand interactivetroubleshootingmethods. chronously time-averaged)and frequency-domainsig-
nals, specific to engine components,as well as ampli-
tude and phasemodulation signatures[44]. Alerts are
CURRENT STATE OF RESEARCH generatedwhen changesin indicator trends exceedthe
set thresholds.
To addressthe practical problemsfor EMS in com-
mercial aircraft, researchershave been searching for
better feature extraction and fault diagnosis methods, Helicopter Health Monitoring One of the most
with the purposeof providing a reliable meansto moni- active areasof researchin engine monitoring is in the
tor and diagnoseenginefailures. Researchin the area of developmentof Health Usage and Monitoring Systems
monitoring aims to find better anomaly detectionmeth- (HUMS) for helicopters [ 18, 30, 34, 51, 541. HUMS
ods that discriminate betweendata characteristicsfrom have beenimplementedon a number of helicoptersfor
an acceptablecondition and trendswhich are associated severalyears,providing valuablein-flight experienceto

(c)1999 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics

determinethe successand benefits of implementing an exampleis modeling and monitoring arcjet thrustersus-
engine monitoring system on aircraft. While the cost ing geometricalparameters,inlet conditions, electrical
of implementing such systemsis still high, the rate of parametersand performance parameters [ 111. Other
failure to detect vital faults using HUMS is decreas- examples,including rocket engine failure detection by
ing steadily. Benefits due to HUMS include improved means of system identification, and an implementation
safety and reducedmaintenancecosts [30,34]. of a diagnostic system using feature extraction algo-
The HUMS experienceprovides a valuabletestbed rithms, can be found in [ 13, 37,4 1,421.
for collecting fault databasesand testing the effective-
ness of monitoring systems on helicopters. For ex- Research in Automated Fault Diagnosis
ample, researchshows that traditional monitoring sys- The traditional means of achieving automateddi-
tems (e.g., pressure, temperature, torque) can be en-
Downloaded by Anupa Bajwa on February 4, 2019 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.1999-2528

agnosis is by establishing a library of faults, based on

hanced by introducing a thorough vibration monitor- field experienceand manufacturer data [8], and using
ing tool [18, 45, 571. Vibration monitoring can en- this knowledge to build an expert system to identify the
hancethe capabilities of traditional parametermonitor- potential failure sources.There are commercially avail-
ing techniques,by adding information about vital fail- able softwarepackagesthat are implementedto achieve
ures causedby the rotating componentsof a jet engine. this task on aircraft [19, 541. The reliability of such
Early detection of such indicators is crucial in avoiding packagesdependsgreatly upon the accuracy of faults
catastrophicfailures. For example,damageto one of the identified by experts. Years of accumulation of knowl-
bearings will result in an increasein the amplitude of edgeis typically necessaryto establishall the necessary
vibrational components,and a possible increasein the rules for engine diagnostics.Even when a good knowl-
temperaturemeasuredon the casing around that bear- edge basis is established,new engines still need to be
ing. As a result, the monitoring of the temperaturepa- tested based on these rules, as variations between en-
rameter,if complementedwith the monitoring of bear- gines can causedifferent fault signatures.
ing vibrations, will result in a more accuratedetermi- Many of the researchefforts focus on establishing
nation of the severity and causeof failure. In addition, reliable and thorough setsof fault libraries to assurecor-
novel methods to detect fatigue-relatedcracks are being rect diagnosis[ 16,35,54]. However, the main efforts in
developedin the researchcommunity to help with the the researchcommunity concentrateon improving diag-
life usage monitoring of aircraft engines [51, 53, 541. nosis reliability by either combining the rule-baseddi-
The goal is to establisha reliable library of fault patterns agnosismethodwith other AI techniques,such as neural
and health indicators that will help in assuringmore re- networks and fuzzy logic [49, 201, to “learn” the nec-
liable discrimination between faults. The detection of essaryrules, or combining the rules and test data with
the correct trends and signaturesfor normal operation theoretical knowledge, basedon models of engine per-
vs. faulty statesdependslargely upon the ability to ex- formance. A summary of the main methodsis provided
tract the relevant featuresfrom the data. below.

Rocket Engine Monitoring Another very active Model-based diagnosis Model-based diagnosis
areais health monitoring of the SpaceShuttle Main En- presentsa powerful complement to expert systems by
gine (SSME) or rocket engines in general. An exam- adding to the knowledge databaseobtained from field
ple is using a model-basedsystem for the SSME [27]. experienceand experts. Model-baseddiagnosis mainly
Using information from a thermodynamicmodel of the concentrateson combining theoretical knowledge with
engine and using sensor measurements,predictions of test rig information [47, 491. Examples of models
sensoroutputs are made and comparedwith actual out- are propulsion system modeling [26], finite element
put to detect failures. A thorough model for propul- modeling [23], and autoregressivemodeling [24]. In
sion systemsis developedin [32] and is applied to the model-baseddiagnosis, an estimated system model is
SSME [33]. In the unmannedspacecraftrealm, moni- compared to a nominal system model. The residual
toring and control determinethe successof the mission. between the two models provides a measure of the
The critical issue is the type and number of parameters deviation between the estimated and nominal models,
to be measuredto characterizethe system’s health. An and is used to make a decision as to whether a failure

(c)1999 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics

has occurred [40, 47, 493. An essentialrequirement a decision tree describing the data. The central choice
for model-based diagnosis is the development of an in the algorithm is selecting which attribute to test at
accurate system model. An example is a spectral each node. One popular algorithm is ID3 [43], which
model of the plume of the SSME that is used to grows the tree top-down, at each node selecting the
monitor the engine by extracting chemical data from attribute that best classifiesthe local training example.
the runtime electromagneticspectrum and comparing Some other potential knowledge discovery techniques
it with known signatures[ 131. Other examplesinclude propose the use of fuzzy cognitive maps [31], fuzzy
a model-based vehicle health monitoring system for belief nets [25], and other soft computing techniques
the SSMH, an example of military usage monitoring for diagnostics and prognostics [14]. The methods
of fracture-critical parts using modeling, and the make use of whatever data and knowledge is available
use of model-basedreasoning for gas turbine engine to achieve reliable diagnosis in cases where failure
Downloaded by Anupa Bajwa on February 4, 2019 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.1999-2528

diagnostics[ 15,27,56]. modes are not thoroughly understood for reliable

detectionand diagnosis.
Neural networks-based diagnosis Neural
network-baseddiagnosis is another means of comple-
menting rule-baseddiagnosis. Neural network models
This paperprovides a survey of enginehealth mon-
can be used instead of traditional models as a meansof
itoring tools used for monitoring the condition of cru-
providing a nonlinear modeling technique[47]. Neural
cial flight parametersand critical componentsin com-
network models can also provide a general tool for
mercial aircraft. A survey of guidelines and papersde-
classifying test data for comparisonto theoretical data
scribing current practice and implementation issues is
from other models [23, 491. The main advantageof
first presented.The perceivedproblemsin current prac-
neural networks is their ability to learn the faulty and
tice are identified based on this survey are, followed
normal operating signaturesfrom actual test data and
by a survey of the state of the researchin the field to
help with the reliable classificationof faults in engines,
addressthe shortcomingsof current systems. Specifi-
without requiring detailed system models. However,
cally, papers are surveyed that addresstwo critical is-
a thorough neural-baseddiagnostic tool requires the
sues: (1) lack of reliable feature extraction tools; (2)
collection of extensive training data, including all
lack of reliable failure diagnosis tools. Researchpa-
possible fault signatures,to develop the model. One
pers are complementedby practice and researchin other
possiblesourceof training datais from flight tests,as in
types of engines,such as helicopter enginesand rocket
the study on helicopter rotor loads [22]. A new method
engines.Most of the researchideasfocus on developing
proposedfor training neural nets is the fuzzy learning
improved feature discrimination tools to reduce false
rate steepestdescent(FSD) method [36], which makes
alarms,and developingmore reliable fault classification
the training processmore efficient. Other examplesof
tools to combine all availableknowledge. The future of
using neural networks for gas turbine enginesand for
EHM systems for commercial aircraft is strongly de-
the SSME are found in [20,41,46].
pendentupon weighing the cost of implementing such
systemsversus their longterm benefits. Experience in
Other Al Techniques for Diagnosis As EHM other aircraft such as military aircraft, helicopters, and
has become mainstream, there is a wealth of aircraft the space shuttle can ‘be used to prove the benefits of
engine monitoring data being collected routinely. such systems.Most enginemanufacturersare currently
Extracting useful information from these data, for conductingresearchon the implementationof such sys-
making better technical and strategic decisions, is the tems, particularly for condition-basedmaintenanceto
next challenge. Knowledge discovery in databases reducemaintenancecosts.
is a data-driven approach that is widely applicable The survey presentedin this paper servesas a pre-
in many fields of research [21]. For example, de- cursor to a group of researchersat the NASA Ames Re-
cision tree learning is one of the most widely used searchCenter, Computational SciencesDivision. The
methods for inductive inference, which approximates purposeof this literature survey is to understandengine
discrete-valued functions and is capable of learning failure modes and engine condition monitoring prob-
disjunctive expressions.The outputof the algorithm is lems, and to use this information to develop engine

(c)1999 American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics

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