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' T w i x t Dressmaker & Suits
Which will tempt you most? Xcw dress Roods? New suits? Tcrhaps your ideas turn to some ideal of your own or your dressmaker's planning. If so, let us tempt you tomorrow with a wonderful low price on some very rich goods. Some very fancy high-grade Novelty All-Wool Suiting. Wo place on sale 150 yards specially priced for Monday's sale, worth $2.50 per yard, at $1.75 6 pieces, about 270 yards, that sells at Si.50 per yard, for.5J51.00 3, pieces, 135 yards,"that sells for $1.25. we will sell at this special sale for only . S5<? 36b yards of new Ilrilliantinc to be placed on sale in new pill stripe plaids and plain colors, green, blues, fancy and plain black*. we sold for 59c, on sale a t 50 Another big bargain that we just received in Waisting is a Mercerized Cliambray, absolutely fast colors, sells anywhere at i8c, Monday we give in all the newst and popular colors, 25 pieces, about 1,000 yards, at the sale price of 12J& NainsooksHere's a bargain. W c picked them up at a bargain knowing you will have use for them in many ways. W c give you a bargain instead of holding for better prices, as some stores do. 7 i-sc Nainsook for 5 10c Nainsook for T^iG 1,500 3-ards White Pique and Madras g o with the bargain hammer tomorrow; elegant goods, large assortment of patterns, when everybody wants them; 20c goods that sell for that price anywhere; sale price only 15* 36-inch Black Taffeta Silk, guaranteed, for only 91.00 36-inch Half-wool Henriettas for school dresses 25 200 yards 6 i-2c Unbleached Sheeting at 5< ioc Bleached Muslin 7< Heavy Cotton Shirting 5<*

given full opportunity to enjoy the great fall sport. in the rooming the Sans Farcll and the Kntre Nous will hattlo'on the gridiron tor foottnll honors, cheered on by the frlen-la 4 FULLQ of the two clubs. nhoe naitlsans number all tho Uskdera In tho t.mart set. In the afternoon, the university will try N e x t T h u r s d a y W i l l B e O b - conclusions with the Elks, this game promising to be the most Interesting seen hero tills year. The Elks are training s e r v e d a s a D a y of T h a n k s hard for the struggle, realizing the WE PAY THE strength of the 'Varsity, and ths "Varsity a s P r o c l a m a t i o n s H a v e D i - has not let up during the recent Idle SOCIAL FEATURES 1 rected Should B e Done Returning from the football field the a-rctators win barely have time to change apparel for the numerous social features of the evening, and the day will go out SERVICES IN C H U R C H E S with lingering wishes. Hunting will form the holiday recreation of mauy of the city's residents, every street car containing a planning crowd who count on a day In the woods. Football Games in Afternoon The holiday will be generally observed by the business houses, thus giving all an a n d L a t e r W i l l C o m e S o c i a l opportunity to observe the occasion. The federal offices and hanks will be closed; HJSrV F e a t u r e s b y t h e Y o u n g P e o - announcement lias been made that .there will be no stock market: railroad offices TRY will be quiet and those Institutions findp l e of t h e C i t y N u m b e r of ing It lmposslblo to stop work entirely will arrange u partial holiday for their employes. limiting Parties Promised The bird will be king nnd his mandates i 111 be obeyed. KENTUCKY DISTILLERS KANSAS CITY. MO. 5 * *


Queen Bess



There is a rustling among the pretty Tlumcs and Flowers.

T h e Price-Cutting K n i f e C u t s Deep
While this department has done better tlian it has ever clone before wc realize that some stores are not doing so well. When the season is over they will try to unload. W c give you this bargain now while you need them and not after the season is gone. W c offer you your choice of fifty fancy trimmed $5.00. $6.00 and $7.50 "hats for $3.50 200 Street Hats in smooth scratch felt, all new shapes, many that the trimmings are worth as much as t h e price asked, tliat other stores sell at $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00,

next Thursday. In compliance with th presidential and gulicrnatorlal proclamations ruu.-lnir for pro:<er notice of tho time-hoi.ore.1 custom. Texas, with her farmers prosperous to grvatvr extent than ever before, her capitalists profiting from present enterprises and fostering others within the boundailes uf her sovereignty, her mechanics t'liipliiyrd and contented, can truly give Hunks next Thursday, and In all things fT which Texas may be thank rut. Fort Worth iiujr l doubly so. being Messed in that iiioportlon over her kindred In the l^one Star corral.


Our Price 9 8 c
Baby Caps. W e are selling Baby Caps for half their real value, roc. 40c, fioc, 90c and u p .

Ladies Underwear t h a t ' s Good

When we can give you underwear for 50c that has the good points of the dollar garment inour dollar garments don't require the telling about. O u r 50c Union Suits, made adjustable across the bust, full around the hips and very clastic for comfort; d o you want better? 50c or $1.00 Union Suits, separate garments, as low as 2 for .25{5* $1.25 All-Wool Vests at $1.00 Boys' Union Suits 50<* Girls' Union Suits* 2 to 6 .' _3." 30 Knit Leggings that fasten at the waist, for small children. for 25?

Women's Suit News

While brown suits seem to take the lead and we have every shade of brown in almost every cloth that goes into women's suitswe don't forget what we arc striving forto make this the greatest woman's suit store in Texas, where a woman can get the best that money will buy for the least money. You can find your style of suit here. Here's a bargain suit picked from among the new arrivals, in blues, browns and blacks, richly trimmed with silk braid and silk-covered buttons, a suit worth S12.50 anywhere: our price $8.SO These Tourist Suits with the loose fitting backs in all the new Mannish cloths that other stores arc selling for $15.00; our price only $12.50

L i t t l e Things You Need W h e r e Prices Talk

Trices that you know arc right. Bargains that tell of this store's small profit methods. 7-foot Window (linen) Shades, with roller and fixtures complete, any color, for 25f> 2 dozen Pen Points for 5<* 2 dozen 5c Safety Tins for 5 5c Colored Handkerchiefs. 2 for 5 xoe. Hemstitched Handkerchiefs Sifi 25c Box of Paper and Envelopes lO^t 100 sheets of Writing Paper, tablet form, for 5c Half pound cake of Castile Soap for 5 Armour's 5c Toilet Soap. 2 cakes for 5 2 packages of white double wove (25 in each pack) Envelopes for 5d

Both new and bargain priced. W c keep Skirts moving here. W e won't let the styles accumulate. The sharp pruning knife clips the price and away they go, new ones arc taking their place, little price docs wonders in keeping the styles fresh. Before we mention new Skirts, we've assorted a table full of bargains that we are going to offer you; perhaps there are

F i f t y S k i r t Bargains Priced
I n this lot. not a blemish, the only thing is they are odds and ends of this season sizes in Skirts, perhaps your size is among them. You get S3.50 Skirts for S5.00 Skirts for Common Melton Skirts, well made, for $2.50 $3.50 $1.00

A Hose Bargain
Bought at a bargain, wc share the profit with you; it's a chance you don't get every day. Wc make money, you save it. ioc Children's IIoe, fast black, sizes 6 to 9, for 5<S Boys' and Misses' 15c Hose. 3 pair for 25 6 Heavy I'icvclc Hose, that everybody knows retails a t 25c, o u r price" *. ". 20$* Fine Ladies' Fleece Lined Ho-c, 2 pair for 23<> Ladies' extra heavy lined 25c Hose at 19<J Misses* Fast Black Hose, regularly sold at 25c, at 19

New skirts in browns, blues, grays and blacks, in all the new cloths, for S's.00. $6.00. $7.50 and 5f8.oo. Skirts in all the present popular colors, wc save you from $1.50 to 5*2.oo in price.


Ho Believes Executive Committees Should R x Primary After February 1Apex of a Political Volcan*
Editor e* The lrtrsxam. X drain .briefly to enter a protest srainst-*be recent action of the ell j- democratic executive committee In fixing ttia *UU> or December the data for hoiJlnr. tie- primaries to elect candidates for t i e offleea of city marshal and assessor and ecRaetar of taxes. It would aeem (bat the commit tea has fixed tale, date

without looMr.K to the Interest or convenience of the citizens, and without due r-erir.1 to the exigencies that mar confront the democratic party. Into whose keerlna IU destinies are temporarily Blven. Xosr what reason ean lie Riven for holdIns a primary election rVrht at the holiday season, when hundreds nn*t hundreds of our dtlzena can not and will not saerlQco tho time to participate, especially In rlew of tho fact that the election does not take plac* until tho fourth month of 1901. This thing was dona by the committee a few years nso and tho dissatisfaction was genera! and widespread. A more serious phase of the question Is this: This u th only election now teQun-n to be hafl during the rear IKS. Wltn tfie primaries held In December, 19)1. where pell tax receipts for IMJ ean be_uscd> uiera will be no^ncenktre threfor>V for a large numbers dT our cltizrnfro pay their poll tax and qaallfr as voters for tb year 1305. ACI.*r the. 1st of rU>ruary this can aot be dyne. Xosr. titers intent occur a vacancy la some Isnportaait office, or t o r n special election of fJrrrsarhmsj and Tltal conserju-'nees to the material Interests of tho city mlsht come op. Then where would wo appear with p A h i t f a thousand or more of our citizens dlsfranehlsed by failure to pay their'poll t"v, Anothsr phase for the committee to cocalder: Fort TCorth today. In tse opinion of many, la standing on the apex of a pollUcal volcano. ' The situation Is such as to can for wlsa and patriotic actlsn on

the pari of the executive committee. In yesterday evening at Bt. Joseph's Infirmcase Its action In this Instance Is not ary, where ho has been tinder treatment reconMere<l 'and n. l..t-r ilato fixed, say for about one, week. Deceased was a February 13, or even Slarch 1, the field to resident of Texllno. so Inviting for a non-istrtlun candidate that It l.i almost certain to \i-> entered, that too ur.d-r tho most favnrablo con- RELATIVES HEBE OF ditions possible, and a ]...:iti>-.ii plloBURR J. BAMAGE drlver Is aUMe to get In action lirro In April, that will rernlod us of the one used In tho nation on tho Sth InstanL Ilurr J. Kamags, whoso presence at With a view of averting this. Mat of tho White House In an official capacity hnslnc the best Interests of the city s a f e has exposed .President Roosevelt to danguarded, these RugKjcstlim* are respectfully submitted. Let's hear from others. ger of smallpox, as told In the teleLot the right thing be done. It is always graphic reports of but Friday's Telegram, ** "W. L. FARIUS. has two relatives living In this city. 'lev. H. .11". rector of St. Andrew's parish In this clty'ls a brother of lin.-r J. Rama Ca ami Mrs: Kllzabeth Harrlaon of XorWi Fort Worth Is a t nur.t cf A SJARn_INa TEST voyjirc a. UfVDr. T. C. aicrjlat'or Xortfe the svicken official. Neltsbr relative, so Mr ns Is known, aielinopanr. tfx, mad* a sCrtHng t u t lies recclred later jeports the resulting In a wonderful cure. He writes: dltloa of the sick man. as toreportcon. No ot "A patient was attacked with hemorrhages, caused by alccrailen of tb'e spread of tic oontaclon has been received In this city. stomach. I had often found Electric Dltters excellent for acute stomach and Our new corn mill Is now In .operaUrer troubles so I prescribed them. Ths paUent gained from the first, and has tion and w e aro ready to furnish the not had an attack In fourteen months." old fashioned rock ground corn maal like your grandmother used to vat. I t Electric Hitters are positively guaranteed for Dyspepsia. Indigestion. ConatlpaUra la the most Wholesome corn meal made. and Kidney troubles. Try them. Only It sores the choice part of the grain. BOc. at Matt S. Blanton A Co., RccvcS* Tell your merchant that yon must have that corn meal mads by tbs Muga- A Pharmacy and W. J. Fisher. Drydea Company.

Forty-elght ballots only were cast In The earliest recorded appointment of a Thai.ksj{lrlng day was In m^X There had North Fort Worth yesterdiy on the quesbeen an unfavorable season for the young tion of Incorporation for school purposes. American colony, and starvation seemed forty-sir of the ballots favoring such Imminent. To avert the terrible calamlty action. a dny uf humiliation and prayer was apIn view of the light votlns at tho re^ pointed, and In the midst of the solemn ubservanc* the rain descended copiously. cent water works election n heavy vote The crops afterward yielded an abundant was not expected yesterday, but even the harvest. Ta tliank Ood -with, all their lowest estimates were cut by the aclial T o o m a n y cooks number of ballots deposited. Several bets beurts for the good world nnd tho good spoil the broth. things In It." tho first Amctfcan Thanks- had b'en msde that the total number giving was officially proclaimed and duly of votes would not reach a hundred, bat no estimates were placed aa low as fifty. T o o m a n y b r a n d s oth celebrated In the fort church, where Elder Louis islam; acted ns .election officer, lirewstrr preached the first Thanksgiving being assisted by \V. IL Sprinkle and E. II. Mackey s s Judges and A. L. Cappa RELIGIOUS FEATURES and If. C. Moore as clerks. The religious feature of the first Insist Under the decision as made by Thanksgiving day will be observed In voters, the. city will be Incorporated the for HILL, this city by services In many of tha school purposes, the schools being mainchurches, while others will Join In union tained separately from those of the counalways services for the day. Residents* on the south side have already made announce- ty district next term. It having been felt by the citizens that ther were paying ment of their service at the lirondway more than their proportionate share for ITesbyterian church. WIICTH the sermon the schools of the district, considering will i> delivered by Rev. William Ilnrsha of Denver. Services In other churches that the majority were without the city limits. will be announced later. As a special tax hid been levied In the DINNERS TO THE POOR (Bottled the law. Another form of religious observance school district, as ollownl under with the It Is tax. together will Iss the dinners to the poor, arrange* state thought that will be .ample for the allowance, menti* having been made that none In support of the city school*, allowing but the city fchal! go hungry on the joyful oc- forty-five or fifty pupils to each teacher, against the present conditions with Colonil Hay field announces -that the ns some cases almost eighty children to In Christ la n Volunteer Army will make prep- a. teacher. arations to feed from 101) to C O .persons O The construction of additional school at nuT Rast Fourteenth street, and Cup- houses Is also being discussed. tain Gale. In charge of the Salvation NOTE8 AND PERSONALS Army work In this city, has announced The Eosen ireights Literary Society met that, following their time honored custom; the organization will again minister Friday night at the Methodist church. to the poor. The dinner of this organlxa- Only st few members srere present, but a Ion will be held on the Saturday preced- pleasant evening was spent. Miss Nellie n- Chrlatmax at lecmi Main street, the "Williams was elected vice president of efforts nf the army being delayed until *h society In the place of "VT. B. LoveJoy. The next meeting will be held Frithat time. For the Christian Volunteer dinner Col- lay nlghL lections of supplies arc already being Mrs. IL D. Faxson entertained in her made, to which It Is reported the mer- charming manner nt her beautiful home chants are responding liberally. Follow- en West Hill street Thursday afternoon. ing the dinner, dinners will be carried In High five was the choen gam* and after haskcts to poor persons unable to attend a pleasant afternoon dainty refreshments the dinner Itself. were served. The Invitation M Included THANKSGIVING MARKET both Fort Worth and North Fort Worth A Thanksgiving event In this city which ladies. will occur prior to the day Itself will ho Dr. Callaway Is visiting relatives In the Thanksgiving market opened at fifth Bosque county. nnd Houston streets by the W. C. T. XI. Miss Lucille Manning left Sunday mornThis market win he, opened Tuesday aft- ing for a visit *n Jonesboro. Ark. ernoon and remain open during WednesMrs. Robert Spear of Cleburne Is the day, offering Tharkstrlvlng supplies to guest of her sister. Mrs. F. J. Knlpp. thiie wishing to raeke purchases. Dr. Germany, a former Fbrt Worth CARNIVAL ^jS Turkeys, cranberries, pumpkin and medical student, visited In North Fort pies, cakes, celery and all. the Worth this week. things going to make up tho distinct Mesdames F. S. Brooks and G. W. iVmcrlcin Institution, tho Thanksgiving Enstham leave Monday morning for Housllnner. will *f-a placed on sale. From ton to attend the carnival. present Indications, the markets of ths Misses Minnie and Jeanctte Farmer encity will offer fine Thanksgiving sup- tertained very pleasantly at their home on plloa. the turkeys this year being reported Prospect avenue Saturday night. Dancing as more than usually fat and tempting, and games were Indulged in. and every Tickets on sale Nor. SO to SS, Ilaltei ,-;: while nil the sldo pieces for the meal ore one reports a nice tlm." Thosa present being offered temptingly nt the stores. were: Mlses vin-on. Moody. ISoyj and to Nor. 23. Through-rleepcrs leaving' Farmer, and Messrs. Boyd. Anderson, 7:30 p . m , arriving Houston n e s t . FOOTBALL. GAMES Manning and Farmer. IThlle the ..i.ier folk ore religiously ob- eoutherland.J. E. Buchanan anj wife, a morning, at 6:10.Born. t Fhone 4SS for reservations. serving the day. the youngsters will be E. A. PENNINGTON. C. P. A. Sll Main S t , Worth HoteL THE VALUE OF CHARCOAL Few People Know How Useful It Is In WHAT THE NATIONAL Preserving. Health and Beauty. Nearly everybody knows that charcoal FSOVZSIONER SAYS Is the safest and roost efficient disinT O A L L POINTS I N T H E fectant nnd purifier In nature, but few The National Chicago, a realize Its value when taken into the hu- standard trade raper. avs of Texas: " It sloes not matter what the occasion man system for the same cleansing puror where "the speakers talk stock, 'crops Charcnal Is a remedy that the more you or boll weevil, bankers and merchants, lake or It the better: It Is not R drug at even lawyers, doctors and preaches, are all. but simply absorbs the gases and im- no exception. They aa have the Texas isirltles always present In the stomach development fever. Hog and hominy was ONE FARE PLUS T W O DOLLARS nnd Intestines and carries them out of '* e first economic cry of the south. TexFOR T H E ROUND T R I P the pystcm. as heard and Joined in. Then she became Charcoal sweetens the breath after pregnant with prosperity and has given smoking, drinking or after eating onions firth to more enterprises than even the most optimistic citizen of the Lone Star and other odorous vegetables. Charcoal effectually clears and Im- State had hoped for tn bis wildest dreams. proves the complexion. It whitens the Texas has 10.0d0.OCS cattle and millions teeth and further acts as a natural a n j of hogs, sheep and horses for good measlier live stock alone are worth neareminently safe cathartic. It absorbs the Injurious gises which ly JTOe.000.000. Texas has a normal cotcollect In the-stomach and twwels: It dls- ton crop of 3.000.000 bales. At last year's were over SISO. ftcts the mouth aud throat from the prices thesealone. worth this lint CKX.COO for the lint From dropped li.I.on of catarrh. All druggists sell charcoal In one form 1.S0O.OO0 tons of seed, worth 110 per tua or^nother. but probably the best char- St the gin. or for the !oL This coin and the most for the money la In made the cotton crop worth S1C3.009.000. 8tuart. Charcoal Lozenges; they are Texas has over worth of railcomposed of the finest powdered TVI1- roads of all kinds, besides trolley lines N E A R L Y T W E L V E HOURS low charcoal, said other harmless actl-' and equipment for tha same. Texas has QUICKER T H A N A N Y peptics In tablet form or rather In the I109.WO.000 Invested In factories of other OTHER LINE. ,] form at large, pleasant tasting lozenges, Kinds. Texas Is one of the greatest fruit, Dates of sale, Dec 20-31-22 and M; jf the charcoal being mixed with honey. coal, lumber, grain and mining states In - nation. Texas Is. possibly, ths great- limit, thirty dsra ffym cate of sale. ; The dally use of these loxena-es will soon J. est natural prtrcleutea field fen this age In B. P. TTJTaCER, tell In a much Improved condition of the O. P . ft T. A . . Gem general health, better complexion; sweeter any country. A hundred otner things ot t-resth and purer blood, and .the beauty i complimentary nature might be said of It la that no possible harm caa result bout inauswial Trans, Twenty-clre years from, their oontlnued use. hut oa the' TOTCJCXS was a comparative wUaerneu. contrary, great bencflL - _ Today the state has muTtafted t y A Buffalo pfayslalan In^srosstlng or the strength fonrfstd ami no roan can now' l-eiierits of charcoal, aaysi - i advfee even estimate what tha passIM Stuart'a Dharcoal Lozenges to alt rm- the great state wlfi be a decade hense. i l ' n n sasYerlng from gas In stomach and Energy Is 'alive everywhere. The- rich, bowels, and to clear the complexion and natural wealth of the commonwealth Is jrurlfy the breath, mouth and throat: I being tnrousht to life, and everything feels eHso hellers ths liver Is greatly benefrtej It as by a magla touch. Texans ara talkby the dally use of them; they cost but Ing a art doing. It la twenty-five cents a box at drug stores. state. already a packlag house center of J and although In aome sense patent importance." Pluto Concentrated Water nges than In any ot ordinary char- pen Clem Is by regulatlna- tha'ilrer. ventlon la bettor than tha knife. l*T W W r T i i g , iMlaaiaas,

.. -


$ 9 . 0 0 Hovxstoni and Return .

Houston & Texas Central R.1L




A nSftlVE C s " Wt

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