Hiking: The Masungi Georeserve

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Hiking is a long, vigorous walk, usually on trails or footpaths in the countryside.

Hiking is a natural exercise that promotes physical fitness, is economical and

convenient, and requires no special equipment. Because hikers can walk as far as they
want, there is no physical strain unless they walk among hills or mountains.

Origin of Hiking

Walking for pleasure developed in Europe during the eighteenth century. About one and
a half million years ago mankind learned how to stand upright and walk. So in some
way you could say that hiking was invented in the Stone Age. Nowadays when we talk
about Hiking and Trekking we mean it in the pastime sense of the word. It is hard to say
when walking as a means of hunting and surviving became walking for fun and
recreation. Throughout the years man has always used walking as a means of
relaxation. Going for a stroll is a great way to meditate on possible dilemmas or to get
away from things and clear your mind.

When it comes to historical milestones in Hiking we would probably have to look at the
historical milestones in Mountaineering and the first ascends of mountains like K2,
McKinley and Everest. These are however accomplishments in mountaineering which
could be considered as the next level in Hiking.

Place to conduct

The best hikes in the Philippines are without a doubt some of the best ways to find the
most amazing views in all of the Philippines. With the Philippines being made up of over
7,000 islands (7,641 to be exact), it’s safe to say the hiking options abound here. So
much so that it can be confusing deciding what to pick when it comes to these amazing

The Masungi Georeserve

Located in Rizal, this is a popular destination for anyone wishing to escape the hustle
and bustle of Manila. This hike is one that’s got something fun for hikers of all ages, as
you have the opportunity to stroll on a suspension bridge through some absolutely
otherworldly scenery.
This is one of the best hikes in the Philippines for anyone who wants a gradual,
relatively easy hike without compromising on awesome scenery. At the summit, you will
find yourself surrounded by a visual delight as you gaze upon the seacoast that is
beautifully framed by the thick woods. This area is absolutely teeming with local flora
and fauna as well, so be sure to keep a lookout for native colourful butterflies and

Tarak Ridge
The Tarak Ridge hikes is an excellent option for anyone looking for a challenging day
hike. When you’re here, be sure to stop for a picnic lunch on the banks of the Papaya
River. This is a good spot for getting all of the rest you can, as the path gets
dramatically more difficult from here on out. Once you get to the summit, you will find
yourself surrounded by gorgeous scenery, including a panoramic view of Manila Bay
and Bataan. When you’re here, be sure to stop for a picnic lunch on the banks of the
Papaya River. This is a good spot for getting all of the rest you can, as the path gets
dramatically more difficult from here on out. Once you get to the summit, you will find
yourself surrounded by gorgeous scenery, including a panoramic view of Manila Bay
and Bataan.

The Ten Essentials Equipment

1. Appropriate Footwear
Happy feet make for pleasant hiking. Think about traction, support, and protection when
selecting well-fitting shoes or boots.

2. Map and Compass/GPS

While phones and GPS units are handy, they aren’t always reliable in the backcountry;
consider carrying a paper map and compass as a backup and know how to use them.

3. Water
As a guideline, plan for half a liter of water per hour in moderate temperatures/terrain.
Carry enough water for your trip and know where and how to treat water while you’re
out on the trail.

4. Food
Pack calorie-dense foods to help fuel your hike, and carry an extra portion in case you
are out longer than expected.

5. Rain Gear & Dry-Fast Layers

The weather forecaster is not always right. Dress in layers to adjust to changing
weather and activity levels. Wear moisture-wicking items and carry a warm hat.

6. Safety Items (light, fire, and a whistle)

Have means to start an emergency fire, signal for help, and see the trail and your map
in the dark.

7. First Aid Kit

Supplies to treat illness or injury are only as helpful as your knowledge of how to use
them. Take a class to gain the skills needed to administer first aid and CPR.

8. Knife or Multi-Tool
With countless uses, a multi-tool can help with gear repair and first aid.

9. Sun Protection
Sunscreen, sunglasses, and sun-protective clothing should be used in every season
regardless of temperature or cloud cover

10. Shelter

Protection from the elements in the event you are injured or stranded is necessary. A
lightweight, inexpensive space blanket is a great option.
Skills needed in hiking

For the most part, hiking is walking. Pretty much anyone can do it and improve their
mind and body through exercise, fresh air, and open spaces. There some special skills
that may come in handy for certain situations you might encounter on your hiking trips.
Take a few minutes to read up and you just might enjoy your next hiking experience a
bit more.

 Keep a Pace
Learn the basic pacing, resting, and rhythm skills for an enjoyable hike.

 Crossing Water
Take care and cross rivers and streams the right way, or not at all.

 High Altitude
Prepare for treks over 9000 feet and recognize problems early for safe recovery.

 Hiking in Hot Weather

Besides taking extra water, learn other valuable skills and tips for beating the heat.

 Hiking in cold weather

Cold weather requires more clothes, more food, more time, pretty much more of
everything. But, its a special time that rewards the determined hiker with rare views of
the wild around us.

 Leave No Trace
Pay special attention to the impact you have on the environment. You may be surprised
how a little care can make a big difference for many years to come. Learn how to
minimize the effects of your passing through the land.

Health-related benefits of hiking

Physical benefits of hiking


Hiking is great for cardiovascular health. Even light hiking can raise the heart rate to a
moderate level which helps improve aerobic fitness and endurance. Over time, your
body adjusts to new fitness levels and you can hike longer, faster, and harder without
feeling as fatigued or out of breath.


As you walk along a trail, your leg and core muscles are constantly engaging and
contracting to provide stability and balance over uneven terrain. As these core
stabilizing muscles strengthen over time, balance improves.


As we touched on above, one benefits of hiking is it helps build stabilizing muscles in
the legs and core to improve balance. But hiking also strengthens other muscles of the


Bone density refers to the amount of bone mineral in your bones. High bone density is
important for preventing broken bones and reducing risk for osteoporosis. High impact
and weight-bearing activities like hiking help to improve bone density by strengthening
the bone tissue moderate to heavy pack.

Mental & Emotional Benefits of Hiking


A 2010 study found that even 5 minutes of outdoor exercise can lead to you feeling
more confident. So imagine how you’ll feel after a day on the trail. Hiking can lead you
to feel stronger, more capable, independent, and ready to take on whatever the world
throws at you.


Research has shown that regular exercise can help relieve insomnia and improve sleep
patterns. While scientists aren’t quite sure how or why exercise does this, it may have to
do with its ability to stabilize your mood and decompress the mind so that the body and
mind are able to relax.


When you hike, blood flows to the brain, carrying with it oxygen and important nutrients.
Studies have shown that this increased blood flow improves connections between
neurons in the parts of the brain that are in charge of memory and cognitive function.
Researchers found that older adults who exercised in short bursts had improved
memory compared to those that didn’t.
Mnemonic about Hiking

Always remember to be safe:

Hike on places that are safe and hike with a companion.

In hiking you need to bring and pack the necessary equipment.

Know your capabilities, limits and check the wheather.

In hiking you need to consume more food and water than your usually

Get a topographic map or a hiking guide book. And enjoy the beauty of

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