2424 Fort Worth Star-Telegram 1909-03-09 7

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Get Transfer on Traction Company's Line and Ride Far As You Please.
The street car line which Is being titended troni 'h" stock yards In Washington HdSMa >i>' the Northern Teiae Traction company Is now completed, and It I? expected that service wilt be started this week. The line Ir.tf-wecU the present Main ilrtet line, and extends north and northraet uf tho Mock ranis to T\>tepco ileir;his o n 'l , v l " T e n up 'to tbe fade territory of North fort Worth and Fort Worth a large tuburban ettlsntclt that has heretofore been almost nil off from the e-onvcnl,r,.-tj of lh>- r'.ty on account of the lack ot transportation facilities. YCltb the i ornpletlon of this line it Is ojtlmated that one may star; at Its northern terminus nnil by transferrins to the Hemphill line In Fort Worth, ttly r'de approximate!; for'a nickel. This Mil be the longest lice In the city.

Prominent Ladies of the White House Qfefe During the Taft Administration





Yesterday we placed on sale a great shipment of Embroideries. These, with our regular stock, make this t h e greatest sale we've ever held. T h e s e embroideries arc placed on special .-ales tables and cover nearly a third of the great second floor space. Notwithstanding the had weather yesterday crowds attended the sale a n d a greater number today took advantage of the great bargains. Come again tomorrow. You are assured a saving of a third to a half. Tables at, choice, j c . <K\ 15c, 19c, 25c. 49c, 08c. $1.49. You will miss a splendid bargain if you fail to come. Match Sets, Bauds, Insertions, Corset Cover Embroideries, FlouncingS and Allovcrs in t h e various lines. See display in windows.

Good Embroideries!
A great purchase of worthy, pood and correct in style Foulards. Silks we know arc good cause we contracted for these direct from the mills. ' No store's tossed, cast off or carried over special sale silks, but new, j u s t woven, spick from the mills. Compare them to anv Si.oo and 5i.25 grades. All new shadings, such a s wisteria, raspberry, taupe, old rose, cinna- * mon, olive, reseda, cadet, gendarme and the staple b r o w n s , tans, navy and black; choice p a t t e r n s : if you want a foulard, see this l i n e ; choice



Thursday. An Informal mulral and f-a was ' riven last Tlvirsday night at the home of Mr. end Mrs- A- ". Chase on Hariri avenue l-y th Rosen HM.:!"- Klndrrfarten assorts'Ion. the hours, being from 3 to C -'clock. There WHS a large numhf present ami the following prr-gra.n was enjoyed: llano solo. Miss Norman Moody. VMtn enlo. JIIss Sara Yate. Fiano solo Mrs. J 1". Williams. Reading. Mr? Kohert Veilil. riano duet. Misses Edna Chase and Ruby George. Piano, solo. Mrs. Robert Vrlhl Reading. Miss llrssle KWHIIOW. Violin solo. Miss Vlda George. Vocal duet. Mioses tula And I,ora Piano solr Miss Udna Chnse. Ladi:t' Aid Society. The Ladles' Aid society of the Christian church will r a f t Thursday afternoon. March 11. with Mrs. lloswcll on Lincoln avenue. Ledge to Entertain. The .Modem ltroth. rhuod of America will cite a bo* supper nt Fruzeur's hall Tuesday nieht March J. The following pnwrnm will be rendered: Opening address. TTof. M. H. Moore. Mnslr by orchestra. Reading. "llasar." Miss Johnnie VttCKXRiriAS-l Morris. - Piano solo. M. J. r. William: Vocal solo. .\frs A. \V. Fierce. PUnn duet. "Witches' Flight." Mrs. 6. \V. Covington and Mrs. J P. \VJ|. ' llara. Vocal duet. "Wa Thee. Was Thou.' Forrest and Ferreil Howell. Heading' "Max Adler on Going t' \"?r Miss Nellie Williams. Jlusla by orchestra. Piano solo. Mrs. G. W Covington. Violin solo. N. raesrur. Mandolin and comet duet J. C. Me Coy. N u m b e r of H i g h C l a s s A n i m a l s Music by orchestra.
t Mrs. A. C. Chase Hast-".-, at I n f o r m a l Musical and Tea Last



N o t often yon find the opportunity t o save o n Nfcw Veiling. By some misunderstanding a double lot was shipped us and rather than return part we were given a rebate, so we turn t h e lot over to you at a saving of exactly 25c a yard. The new Russian mesh in shades oi wisteria, lavender, Alice, Copenhagen, rose, tan, navy, reseda, brown, black; a durable mesh and regular 75c veiling; sale, yard




Several thousand flags on special sale. Have von in mind to decorate your home or place of business? f.et us price you these flags by the dozen, hundred or thousand; all sizes, from 5c t o .





Two Special Lines of

cvT^s J. M

Superbly Modeled Dresses

An opportune time to b u y a gown for t h e Horse -Show. T h e prices quoted arc much under actual worth. Y o u will also find special bargains in Tailored Suits at $10-95 a " d $i1-75-

Notes and Personals. " Smith Luton or Oklahoma City is visiting frlnds and relatives In North Fort Worth. Ben Mann of Dallaj visited friends here Saturday an.l Sunda.-. Entrles> for th Fort Worth horse Mrs. Dock Holland anil little son. week of George, of Chicago, are here visiting show, to be held during the midnight March IS to M eIo.d at* t the home of Charles B. Holland. Monday, with an extraordinarily large f Mr. ar.d Mrs. J. L. Itudlker hai llt. Manager Warren v. Galbrratll Business Streets Will Be DIu- Can Get oa Ticket for Commisgone to Watherford. where they wilt reports a large Increase in the numreside In the future. . E, L. Owsley and family have moved ber of entries over th.- show of last minated With Thousands sion by Petition of Five to Mineral Well*. whre Mr. Ousley year. Thl Is partlcuuirly iruo of the - tas accepted a position as teacher In harness pairs, the four-ln-handa. tan"l"nw and IJI the lailles* claees.* of Electric.Lights. Per Cent of Voters. a boalcess college. Mrs. J. o. Prlc. w ho has Just under Manager Galbrealh received Monday gens an operation at St Joseph's hos a number of entries by telegraph, some pltal. Is improving nicely and will be coming from distant points and statIf Fl w. Frovlne wants to make the Decorators nr-f busy In North Tort brought homq In a few days. ing that tltf horpea have already been the city tittle Miss Allio Harris of Mount shipped. Many ore now en route from Worth iTcpartni-:' for th* nitotiliiR ol* race for commissioner Nn. 3 In"to get a election April 6 ha will have Pleasant Is here visiting her cousin. Kentucky. Tennessee and other Stales, Lh<; Nation.il i^piJers' and RrcMers* petition bearing the .names of b per ,Vr. I t I t Winston. 1363 Jiusk while numbers of head of fine horvea show Saturday and by th** pnd of th*'; cent of the voters In the last regular street **" are arriving dally will are bring nunrMr. and Mrs. E. Tlorsrhow of May- tered in th* Coliseum barns recently -areok the entire business ai?trict of| election. jearl have returned home after' a visit erected. Messages received Tueaday the city will b** a blase or electric* Members of the city Democratic com*Wl Mr. and Mrs. M. Borachow. morning state that the Hughes stabl- llShU, nnd th* building?, decked with j mittee, to whom Mr. Frovine applied Charles Jordan n nd C. E. Klrscliner of Denver, and the I>mg, Armour. Ol- floffs 3 n *' bunting io welcome the! to certify his name a-s a Democratic nve gone to Houston to attend the iver and Cudahy entries from Kansas thous.indji of visitors who will atten<l! candidate, hold that the action of the convention of last Tuesday In IndorsState convention of the Woodmen of City, are on the w a j - . the rrt*t show-. ing the candidates of Ihn open prithe World. The entries now blng classified by Many are I Mrs. R. p. Alderson l home from Mr. Galbreath and his assistant- con- few ndvBncodarriving RIready with a mary mnho them absolutely the candi: exhibits, and the 8 t Louis, wbrp she has been to select tain the names of a number of local and board!nj- houses are rapidlyhotels dates of the Democratic party and fllla stock of spring and summer millinery horse owners, while the horsemen of IrjK and ronma are already beloir held that no one else Is entitled to run as a party nominee. twit. Sh will be located In the North Fort Worth have entered lib- at a pretnlura. This, Is ftltchard building, comer of Central erally and are showing n commendable Amons the amu-cmrnts that the terfere Itwltlipointed out, does not inMr. Prorlne-'a power or avenn. and Main street. disposition to aid the show. Included are Mrs. L. Goldsmith and children are In the list of entries' from this city North PorttoWorth busfness men wlil right to make the race. To do so he nfforvl the ernwdn must lake nction with the mayor and r from Tyler to Join Mr. Goldsmith., are four high .!.m horses recently I prc(iarlng: 1H* a larco ramlral rompanr, which purchased by John Newsum: H. K. |TT|I| i>e pfarr.l Jn the vicinity of Ex- not with the city party committee. A. B. Curtis, member of the city Francis* high class mare. Miss Hunt, chnnpe avenue occupying the vacant winner of many blue ribbons at previ- lots. Advanced representative of this committee from the Eighth ward and ous shows, and many others. amueement company are now on the assistant city attorney, holds that Mr. With Mr. and Mrs. Haywood. Dallas is strongly represented In the prounJ. and toward the rnd of the week Provine'a course Is by petition to the mayor, but considers the party comMr. and Mrs. J. Hayrvood enter-! entry list.-. J. Ashford Hughes, j . the aitractlon^ will arrive. tabled Friday night at their new bun- | Waddy Tat*. Col. Henry Exail, W. I. The North Port Worth street force mitter bound to the open primary canfalow home on Grand avenue In honor' Topp. II. O. Adams. It. II. Adams Is hu*y cettlni" Main street In fine didates. He cites section 8 of the ft Ml Jeanrtln Farmer. Th party; and other enthusiastic horsemen have condition, while th<- ttreet railway Terrell election law as providing for included Miss Jeanettn and Mlu*Mln-i entered In many of the events. s=n rompanies have had large forces of the sitnatlon. This section 19 as folJle Farmer. Miss Clara and Miss Oraco i Antonio and other nouth Texas cities men nt work for several days on their lows: Corkett. Miss Lllllnn Mrlear Ml>| "Independent candidates for office J>rl Smith nnd Miss Maile Ersklne; have representation, while Oklahoma tracks. First class car service city town M ton delecarles Daggett. James Toung. Ward ' gallon, year will h a v e . * i M M i comes.| . ,, M n .r a , throughout the entire pe at a county,namesorprinted election may in the latter contingent , have their on the oft n , t ,.. rmcr. Zae Hnrket; and Dr. Edwards. ficial ballot on nppllcatlon to the. counthe stable of H. II. Johnson of Chickty judge if for a county office, or to the asha. who brings sixteen roadsters tor jCLUB MEMBERS **'**+ exhibition. mayor If for a city or town office: 8 such application being In the same form Additional entries were received by A R E E N T E R T A I N E D and subject to the same requirements OPEN BRANCH OFFICE. wire Monday afternoon for the ladles' [ prescribed for applications to b class, among them belcg the entry" f T h e branch of rice of The Slar- - Miss Hughes Springer of Denver, Mrs. H. C. Babb and MiiJ Bbb Are j made to the secretary of state In cases of state or district Independent nomi 'elegrnm In North Fort Worth daughter of John W. Springer and Hostesses of Tuesday Club nation, provided that a petition of 5 opened MmiiUr. In the rear of the a granddaughter of. Col. William K. per cent of the entlro veto cast In nea- brick buildlna now- iwcupleil Hughes. JIlsl Hprlnger will both ride Members. W the North Texas Iljrik and \ and drive in the various classes. Mrs. Mrs H C. Ilabb and Miss Margie such county, city or town at the last Jack Cudahy. Mrs. J. if. Parker. Miss Babb entertained the Tuesday club at j general election Fhall be required ror Trust Company, on Main street. , l.oula, long of Kansas City, Miss Ma- their home at 2311 Hefuclo street; such nomination." "ear Exchange atcnue. Roth tele- e>i phones ar. Installed nnd all mat- l>el Itoss of For. Worth are among Tuesday. March 5. The roll call was . .1? pertaining *o r*wa and elns- ' those with whom she will come In responded to by .lever toasts to the FIVE HUNDRED "PARTY lrie.l advertisement, | | | I,. . I ompetition. varlnu* moJiUMW. The suiijert for The entries for the jumping classes the afiernoon was "Oliver lioldsmith.' promptly handled fnnn the branch FOR MI$S FARMER office. l'hor. IJ7I. show marked Increase over last year, Miss Nellie Williams gave a rending For the convenience of the pat- ! and full- a dor.en timber-toppers will from noldsmlth. and Mrs. Moody gxve rons of the paper, news Items may perforin nt MA exciting g'ame. Xa a sketch of his life. man s Prizes. *e left at any of the fi-llowln* ' pier Magill of Kansas City, pleasantly The Deserted Village" i d dlsMiss drur lorn. i remembered her* from last year's show, rus'ed by Mrs. Cash. Mrs. McCasIln party ofMinnie Farmer entertained a friends last Monday evening Rlden's drug st >re. corner of ( will bring seven head. Col. Hughes and Mrs- Wolseley. The luncheon In honor of her elster, SfJsa Jeanetto. Twenty-fifth and Market streets | has n pair of "lepr-rr" In his big which followed was benulifully car- who la home fj-om the College of In" R o s e n Heights drug- store, nt t siring. Laurence H. Armour brings a ried o"t In the club colors. dustrial Arts In Denton. The game was Twenty - finh an I Columbus I pair of Jumpers and several nativeThe members prrsent were Mrs. "500." After several Interesting games '"ts. j bred Texas horses are among the m- Cleveland. Mrs. Harrison. Mrs. Cash. prizes were anarded to Miss Clara . Owl drug store. Rosen Inn build- Mr-. * ....-.-j.-... ...i.-. llurkett and Mr. Spears. Mrs. * IITIIIKI.'II. . m - . Wols.le tog. . j Moodv Mrs. Ivwejny. Mr<". Williams. | The guests were: Miss Katherlne lladdawavs drng store. Main ( II Is announced In I.nr.d-41 that | Mr>. ">1rCnsiln. Mrs. Wilson and Sl! Duke. Miss Pearl Smith. Miss Crace " "treet, near Central avenue. t Whltelaw K"iil Is preparing to assume , Nellie Wllllamr. llurkett. Clara llurkett. Jeanetle Pari-_. A, " at li.*-n Inn. North Fort th- dignity of grandfatherhoo.1 and. The guests of the club wrre Mrs. tner and Mls Maile Ersklne. Messrs. ; Worth. I that the household of Mr. and Mrs. J-obhardt. Mrs. McNamney and Mrs., Spears. Daggett. Toung Peden. HufJohn Hubert Ward are buey studying Butler of New Sl-ssid and Miss Normal kstL Parmer and Dr. lidnards. the modem hyglena of tb onrurx. 'Mood* I

i r . s m r ' IfowN is DECORATING

Stylish Onc-Picce Princess, Empire, Dircctoire and TtKSPdb Dresses, made of soft and s h i m m e r i n g silks, louisines, foulards and messalincs, in solid shades of wisteria, burnt orange, banana, t a n . cadet, smoke, gendarme, navy, brown and reseda g r e e n s ; fastened on the side, in front and back, trimmed with dainty yokes and sleeves of lace n e t . embroidered Japanese style, square and Dutch neck effects, also chocker collars; foulards in stripes, coin Jlll.-UU*". 111 M P | ' C S , w i l l dots and conventional figures; an exhibition of dresses that resembles a bower b e a u t y ; priced special at



A mass oi Princess and Empire Gowns, silk and satin faced textures. Foulards, rajah and shimmering mescaline crowd each other in the massive display cases. Each fabric modeled specially t o produce effect that gives tone.and character to the g a r ment. This line includes wisteria, butternut, banana, burnt orange, new blues, smoke, browns, reseda and gendarnic_ 11 auu ^cuu.trint;. uic . trimmings are lovely and assuredly you cannot match these under 35.00 to $4oloo; special price <

$29 J 5


vV********""** !

Charles Taylor of Dallas, representing Parlin A Orenaort. while in the city Monday exhibited to his friends the signature of President Diaz of Mexico on a Masonic certificate. The president himself signed the card r. few days ago during un audience of some length which he granted Mr. Taylor. M. I . Swinehart of Peciei. who is projecting a railroad tu the Davis mountains, spcr.t Monday In Fort "* HEAVY SNOWFALL ' Worth, a guest at the Hotel Worth. . Sam Hampton, lb- well known Can't you sue Texas growing. Farmers' union organizer, returned * li chet at Enid asked Mr. Kwlnchart. "Lumber train: Monday from Illinois, where he at-, Depth of Four Benefit Wheat Will Greatly t tended the State convention of the Coare passing one another in t race't~Ferni.it-ri.il west to build new J Operative Grain Growers- association. ENID. Okla_ March 9.Four Inches snow, accompanied homes and stores. Around Pecos folks held In Springfield last week. Those ofhis locality, early thisby wind., fell In I mornlnt. Tbl a-e needing a litUe rainneedinc li I farmers preach co-operation, sa a Mr. j . the heaviest fall r e m c m b e r e o ^ just a little, though." (Hampton, "and think It is merely the Wheat will t-e greatly beneHted^^HI Mr. Swinehart declares that his rvad'coUea rule put Into practice.

DAUGHTERS ENTERTAIN ANSON VETEPvANS Full of praise* for the Texas health resort. It. D. Yoakum of St. Louts re- Socialists Hold MeetingProgressive turned Sunday from Mineral Wells, Club Will Take Up Sidewhore he has been recuperating for a walk Guilding week. With hint were James O'lKnvd and Martin Casey of Fort Worth. -Mr. ANSON. Texas. March .Camp No. Yoakum Is now en route back to his Ct" United Confederate Veteran*, tttKI headquarters In St. Ixmls. their tegular monthly lm-etlug here Saturday and a goodly number of l!it"The cattlemen have all left Co- :gray.halreil soldiers of nearly a. half were in attendance. manche." said Judgo J. a t ITesler I century ago to established custom tin According Monday. "We are strictly a commer- J local order of the Daughter* of Ihe cial, manufacturing and agricultural furnih some aort of center. ITbe stockmen have all moved I Confediracy for the veterans once enIn further wert and have given way to jtcrtalnment and Ihey prepared a .-..ie the farmers. In a poiltlcnl way things each year, dinner. are mighty quiet about Comanche." j The, socialists held a. meeting here Oeorge W. Rjren of nyer*. Texas, Saturday afternoon but did nothing one of the many cattlemen who are worthy of mention. Anson Progressive club will noon cutting up their ranches into farms lake up the matter of sidewalk buddand disposing of tfcelr land to home- ing ajid It Is designed to raise a fund seekers. Is In the city on a visit to his by private, subscription to begin the old-time frltnd. Tnole Charlie" Mur- work. It is the purport ofour people doch. Mr. Hycrs will be back again do tone extensive. ImproT-nieni or for the Fat Stock Show and Cattle- to public character. a men's Convention.

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