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6UNDAY, J O L T J S , . ^ ?

PHONES I Star-Telegram Branch Office North I THONES I 2 7 9| Texas Bank Building |i a 7 9
Subscription*, *d and news Iteme will he received Intra. HONOREE OF DANCE.

How to Carry Money When Travelin|


nt!l |M openuriied hom 0 10 r , ims of school. Function Given si Lake Erie for Miss j }||(K draco llurkett lias returned McGaffey cf Dallas. I from a visit In Mineral Wells. Miss Hay McGaffey or Pallas Mis.* Lillian Melear. who has been I s the guest of her sister. Mrs. S. A. III at the home of James D. Farmer ct JJ. Harrison, v t j the bonoree of a Twenty-fourth street, has gone to Uance given at Lake Erie Friday nlght Merkel for a month's visit. Among those present were: Misses Sirs Angle CUlis has gone to BosCatherine Hopkins. Mazle Er*klne. ton. Mass.. where elie will make her M a r Jlogan, Hnry O'Neal. Cioldle King. home during the summer. Jeannetto Farmer. Minnie tanner. Sirs. W. H. Ryder of rand Is'and. Oraec Bur.'tctt, Willie Iloyd. Norma Moody. Frances Schneider, Julia Bltd- NcK. Is the guest of the family of her ftonff. Kane, Clark, ltauber. Lane. Rn- brother. W. N. SlcCaslIn. Sirs. John B. Walters has returned ker, McGaffey and Mitchell; Me^rs. Arlo Wilson. Kerwln Fisher, lyre Lyt- to Cameron after visiting with Mrs. ton. Jhn Toung. Howard Taillock. Jack ir. D. Crluer. Hatcher A. E. Pankey, Mc.Caulcy. Jno. Sirs. R. B. Alderson will spend the T h n r n a n . Teates, Blaosett, Chamber- rernalu'.nder of the summer In Newlain. Boyd. Ingles, E. W. Ilaker. T. M. Mexico with her husband, who Is thsro Pressley, Clarence Boyd. Crrrde. But- for the benefit of his health. : ler. Baunders, Martin. Ward Farmer Sirs. Frank Allen and son. Slack, of Dr. Holsman, Dr. frnrtlock and Dr. Trospert nvpnuo are In Oklahoma City ! Edwards. to spend a month with relatives. "e- C ?"'?'5'' S f a ' , < D - V l' 1 T . H - E " A " 0 V f SIOKTlJt.NO PREOIHTIO ;?;" The young people were chaperoned Sirs. Clarence Ashmore has returrad 'by Mr. and Sirs. P. A. M. Harrison, from Dallas where ehe visited her sisJlr. and Mrs. TV. F. r.iync. Mr. and ter. Sirs. ij. S. Newman. St. F . A. Bossy. Mr. and lira. W. St. Sirs. Charles Jordan and danahter. Spears. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Harrison, 'Sir. and Mrs, Beavar. Sir. and Mrs. Rena, ore visiting frlenda In Paris, trtUsforiJ. Dr. and Mrs. Covington, where they formerly lived. SIIss Alllo Morris of Alvarado Is the (pad Dr. and Mrs. fiflmore. guest of Sirs. L. A. Adajns of Bryan W I T H MI8S THOMPSON. SIIss Jessie Fansora Mart, who has X lEnloyable Affair Given at Her Heme been the guest of Mrs. Louis Stokes, has returned home. Friday Night. MIj Itaze! Thompson entertained a Mla Sara Stephens of Grar.dvlew. number of her friends at her home on who has hcen the. guest of Sfra. Otho :l.lnoobi avenue, Friday night, with Hamilton, has returned to her home. games and refreshments. W. O. Conner of 2101 Clinton avenue Thows In attendance were: Misses l*rt Saturday for I^avenworth. Kan^ Sllldred Allen. Roth Jack. Buth Allen. for a week. Billy Burkett, Chorda Farmer. Frances Sirs. If. If. Peters of Corrrmeree. who Stiller, Jlay. Backalno, VWa George, bas been here vlsltinj her daughter, Pearl McMillan. Delia Stangel, Nell sirs. w*. F. Stewart, l.aa returned Thompson. Hazel Thompson; Messrs. home. Lee Allen. I. B. Allen. J. D. Bcrkctt, SIIss Slatid SatterfieM. wh") has been Fred Burkett, J. D. Farmer. J. Free- vUlttng friends here, has returned man, Foy George, Jack Thompson. Lester Thannlrche. John Southerland. Sirs. I . SI. Sfunoy and daughter. "Welze.1 Stangel. John Jack. Reginald Leone, bave returned from Slidell. Steal and Shclton Steal. Mrs. W. F. Stew.-.rt is spending a After many pleasant games were In- few days In New Orleans. SIl's Slargaret Bell has returned Uulged In, cako and cream was sirred. . Know 1-Jgr- and do not rest alone on i number of' friends, who y PMftgl* from a visit in Wichita Falls. ocr assertions. They are obvious and , Mick to him. i '*' Miss Re, s ie ytakcr of Nocona Is the Milk Malda' Convention. j potent to all those cognizant of the i At a picnic at Crowley Satcroj'lt' For tb benefit of the Women's guest of her sister. Sirs. W. J. Adams. :map. and conditions. Feeling every j was announced that Will Decker t W Sir. and Mrs. D C. Estcll have reChristian Temperance Union. the I confidence in the wisdom and Impar-| that place was In the field,to >OKI| women of the north side wilt present turned t j flranbury after n visit with Itlallty of t!ie honorable men compos- County Commissioner Duff. PorvU"sjf Editor .Star-Telegram: ,tlon with all sections to which rail- staiements self-praise. However, we ling the rroard. wc rest secur* tlrot .San I precinct No. 1. It has not .been >a play, "The Milk Maids' Convention" Sirs. Jar'* pitman of Clinton avenue. SIIss Elizabeth Rankin of CumberTho city of San Angelo Is 1 > - an|ro.id3 run. and In addition to this we are ready for a mosi searching inves- lAngelo will be selected alter due con-I nounctd whether or not Mr. Porrji w at the high school auditorium. TuesPiOtraiit to nave the West Texas j are at tho first point conveniently tlfatlon. and consider the conditions sideratloii of all point". day evening-. Jfrs. S. O. Lnvejoy Is land. Va., Is tho guest of Miss Eloise ;wlll le a candidate for re-eleclko.'* Johnson. reachtd from all this great section of in this regard our strongest recomIn charge of tho entertainment. CHARLES It. METCALFE. Sir. and Sirs. T. H. Brady of Austin, lb., west and soulhwect that has no mendation, next to our standing as bi who have been guests of Sir. nd Mrs. point Is the proper 00s at which to railroad, but must reach schools ovvr- health. No town, of course. Is perfect. A HORRIBLE HOLD-OP. Notes and Personals S. A. Lund, of Rosen Heights. Have r e TI1I5 Is Ihe counlry that has An occasional murder may occur In any Sir. and Sirs- Ch**. Whltesides have turned home. Ther were accompanied locate the school will doubtless be of forced always to send students place: ami th-re are immoral people - eAbout ten years ago my br jtber was returned from a visit to their parents homo by Sirs. 6. A. Lundy and SIIss general Interest. ;; he!d up' In his work, health and hapHialth s clear ncros the stale to school. Nr everywhere. Toe test Is at Bhorce. ! plness by what was believed to be Sue Lundy. Tho first and moat Important of all argument i J necessary 10 show thq cant do thesn things run Mrs. L. XV. Carpenter and daughter, Str. and Sirs. Foster of nalrd. who R may b boastful tu say it. but 1 hopeless Consumption." writes TV. R. Aran, nro visiting Sirs. Carpenter's fa- have been visiting their daughter, srrs. things to bo considered Is of course Justice of the siare now- coming to ".Ipsccmb of Washington, I^ C. the heulthfulness of the location. It I hem with one facility to which they 1 ther In llelton. a ' s u e e o u M s-n n T n ^ V ^ r s'Sielsi ' ^ " ^11.kinds of remedies ?7nd treat- Tennessee Pros Will lni!tt.,uili*j R. Clemmcms, have returned home. U certainly the duty of the locating have long been wntltlvil. a size equal to ' ^ ' Angclo that c e b i several doctors, but found f ^ Miss Ruth Allen hss returned from foreemtnt of Law Now Vieiitaiif Mrs. R. H. Kendrlck has f"turne<l committee- to give ihls matter more liy reason of the goo.l natural roads , r ri,n < Decatur where she visited her sister. SIEMPIfIS, July ->,- Without Tenn.. Concealmsnt^fll? i from a visit of several weeks In Wau- l>olnts In the s e r e than any oiher fea- and automobile lines In every direc1 c SIIss Fannin Wiley of Mineral Wells rlka. Okla. " , " , . " - " w' " ' ",. I Discoverv and was wholly cured by s l i Flushed with the technical victor r ture. For, with ever}' other d-'idera- tion. Sari Ar*.Rel(> is Jn easy reach of Is tho guest of Misses Ada and Anne - ,. 1 . . , ., . . . . . . .-ioj, n a 1 contained In the decision of Chsscellor Mrs. Will Dlllard. who Tlrltrd Mr. lun, a locRiiun In nn unhealthy place all the eonllreuous territory nol reached llRl.ius interest .,,j ob.e,> athee. good In-;,,, , r e , i e v e a n ( I t l l e , c u r f r o r J n n r < t , , e n r o h l b , o n element,'<n>: nC ' Miss Mae Euckaloo of Decatur Is an.l Mrs. Holland Dlllard of 141ft Lee Is worthlessbonuses end sllrs are of by rillroaJi, and Is cnnvcnleDtly in the t'll'ilual standing and nil Hemorrhages, j resented by Attorneys PertJ**d A things tnsi are raicuij'.el to benefit I Cough' aore lungs. visiting Miss Ruth Allen of I n s p e c t avenu*. has gone to h e r home In Jlar- H value when compared with n healthy Bronchitis, La 1 Hughes, will on next Friday^ajlyii 11* The map and general knowledge ourselves. vd the sojourners within (; r | P j lp j Asthma avenue. i . ' i J U",0"1*1 "-*- : Federal' Judge"son'ford" to dissdrvtrrt It would be a fatal ml'take bi put make tills so cl*\ir that no argument Mrs. O R. Slontgomery and children rid those desiring homes for I fect[or," M : 50c a Misses Jo Kane and Maud Bridges 1 ' : t ! - 1 temporary Injunction restralnlBf .'ul this Institution In any hut the \ery Is necessary on '.Ins point. of Victoria are guests of sirs. John are home from a visit to Tloga...... . . . . . . . -.enforcement of the law prohlbltlrirUs. Site for Buildings Slrs. W. H. Humphrey Is visiting rel. healthiest of nil tiie accessible places tour years as rtudent n Kane of Lake avenue. ?? *2L 'manufacture of liquors In TeiatW. offered the committee, for students ran San AUftelu has H valnlv of must few concrete proofs f theseasser . * I - Gammer. Lowe nrothers. " Mrs. David Smith and son. Divld J r . alive* In Denton. _.,.__.__ . , __, 'Formal notice to this effect was totllr > Sliss Mngglo Crabtree Is tbe gnest then enjoy good health while acquiring desirable sites and any stylr . f taste lloilS. We have flftee, thousand pco. o r - vlsltln? rel-itlves at Richland THlRTEEIi IN RACE , served upon General Lute E. WlUti No such pro of her grandparents In Sulphur Strings. an education ,ITI ,1r'l.-ale young people can easily :a- eallsfleit. The country pie nrrd om- policcrnnrr Springs and San Saba. .representing the Tennessee' Lrev.:ri any other can. In four years' l!fV. buti-J up their Is hluli jiiiil well drained. It Is open portion run be s! SIIss Jlanrle Tiabb Is visiting friends SIIss Flora Helm, daughter of Marhealth and grow into robust men and so that n.. obstruction to the \ lew or bes somo of them ShrcrifPs Office Is est Ccvet-d o l ' " f o r e s t * . , 'ft shall Wes Helm of Decatur. Is vlsltln? In Wichita Falls. women to be useful snd happy teach- breezes will <iccur. and the selection costing much a* J3O.H00. suptsirte.1 On yesterday Chancellor Minor.; Mrs. iwuglas Wo'seiey is horns frem her cousin. Edna Whiteside. A l l County Places. ers a t d citizens. It Is a . c i r l thing to of the olte friun among -everal that can by healthy congregations who put up granted permission .to\have the cut,'_ a visit in Hrownwood. Miss Henrietta Bobrrtson and Mls transferred to tl"-c federal 'courta. '_ ' f -Mr. end Mrs. V. B. Hurley are spend- fore.e students to aitenrt schools where 1." hail will be j s l*l preference of money to build Ihem arid pay their Candidates f o r office t o Walker left Thursday for a. visit in ther are certain 10 le &u-k by r'a?on tiro commlri.'o rdiall dlctaic. prejehcrs. '. the Democratic prlnrarles In Attomey Hugtlei raid tedty'thtt If ith In Seattle, wash. of the unbeslthlness of the locality, as Populstion to Be Served Immense Interest and attendance at July. JPOS. continue to multiplv. r n r - the federal court dissolved UnTb* ; Sir and Mr it. Coo.llSIIss Dora SIcDanlels of Xeedles, s]t*)ndlrg som- tlnie In rU. Louis. is the case of some of the i-to|e schools As Sen Augi lo Is in ',re gr KrM phl- religious revivals; tlm warmest co-up- t.'cularly 1n the race for sheriff. Thl Junction the prohiblUonlits wonlaTa- . C a t . Is the guest of Dr. and Sirs. T. J. Mrs. L. J. wil/on or Slemphts. Tenn_ now existing which were located by .ai renter ( the i..rriti ry. l\ l >! eratlon and goo.| feeling between all office appears to he the most desired " , s t ""or, the enforcement of tht pro-, i Sanders of 21-01 Bryan avenue. lUI'DOflflrs who allowed themselves to course itie n-are,t pini 10 all other Bom to Sir. and Sirs. Charles Rober- Is the guest of hr Ulster, Sirs. Robert be InOuenced by bonuses or political polntn to he er%etf. i; is also most denominations. Court records, with a of any office In the minimum of offenses of every sort. A week ago ihcre were ten known tson. July 19. n. g i r l i'cesi--lt-l- to Ihe greatest rumib-rr of Mrs. N. E. Slash and daughter, Mrs. considerations. A business club Willi a big member- candidates for sheriff, but since then F. W. Thompklns Is moving his famStinson. ar home from n month's visit Manifestly 1,0 student will ever net people now in ihls territory, as well ship of sll classes, iru lu.llug an hon- three additional probabilities have been ily from Sanger to thl plac, where In Chattanooga, Tenn. an education In a sickly place that will as lieirrg nearest thr great rountry orary membership for each minister of ndded to the number. Two of them, it they will resldo In th- future. north and In nriv nay compensate for risk to west, south, southwest, gospel. Charily organizations that 1- positively stnted. are In tire race Sirs A. C . Hagcwoo.l and children C " i North Forth Alrdome. Have health. northwest that is so rapidly settling i let no deserving poor ptreon suff-'r. A. SI. .Moore, the West Weatherford Beaumont are visiting Sirs. Hagowood' been over yet? Well, ymi hs.d better It is in this feature that San An- an.l will ho covered In n few years with) About 1 dozen saloons that obey the 1 parents. Mr. and Sirs. W. II. Duke. c come Packing Vol? I guess yes. Come geio Is particularly strong and attrac- a grear population who will be In easy , |a;v. and refuse to allow minors hablt- street STpeer. and Milt Hammond, for"lan.lley. Joke Bardon. an ".')";, Market avenue. and have :i look. Swor anil West- tive. For It Is a well known fact thnj reach of the school. i drunkards, or Sunday law- brcik-ra old-ri ilroad man. is being strongMr. and Mrs. D. A. Ne-.vmai of Cle- brook. beslde.s others. People say we this city 's one .,f th" healthiest plac The population of Ihr city of S1 1 An- about them. And as a Whole a moral. |y tnlfci .1 er s a candidate, and Is burne, who have been visiting sirs. II. are craay Why? Because we give too In the world. It is famous for ; gelo. itselr of fifteen tliousand people, j rober. progressive cosmopollta.r mas; considering the matter, D. Crlner, havo returned home. much money and presents away. Weil, rib-cme o; malaria or any ills**, puts San A'lgelo clear beyond any ;,.r re-ople Industriously engaged '.'i j .v. SI. Sloore ha* 'never Sir. and Sirs. J. C. Arola have re- we are tr-tting more than we need. whatever th^it Is Indigenous to a coui other city when the Halm or present j building homes, and a city that Is best r< .|ltrcs before but he has turned home from a visit to Mr. and Got to give pome Ivjrk to the people. try. population is consider hich c-r-. for themselves and any person. you"i:' Sirs. W . SI. Hanger of Denton. * Hot nlr? Not on your life. We ha The altitude of two thousand feet tainly entitle, h-r t,. t or old. who Is n ..w ofre or may i,opsi* Sir. and Sirs. <>. t>. .Moore and chil- got Ihe goods and that's what shoi the well uriderhtor.d maxim that the among us. Is known to he the huppv menu dren pro spending the summer month* going people want. That's why skid Induces an.l develop* the most vigorous "Grriiiest gord to th.. greatest numTouching on the te.-nperjn-e aspect 'In Hherrnan.' for the fellow that says North Kurt growth of lardy and mak' ber** is the correcl function of gov- of our conimunlty, thcro Is a curious : .Sir". I.. O. Nabors has as her guert Worth Isn't n live one. nig gifts every ernment, anil the law suggests thai the her mother. Sirs. I.oean Dotr-hnn of other night. Big rash prizes every T\f. happiness and Joy. The absence of committer siiall locate ".iie school with run'or afloat that protesis bnve been h ^ n mountain ranges allows c made agalnt locating here by pro- ! Eddy. day night to amateurs. Two shows due consideration for that principle. hlblllorr towns and people because San Mrs. h. (lo'dsmlth and children hav- every night Come out. Bill, and sec Ftant circulation of a'r. which We have the prop's now. with the Angclo pOw ha* saloons. trols tire extremes of bent, no matter returned frnm._n Visit to friend.? and what we've gut. bow high the thermometer goes. The certainly of s. <ruick growth of popuThis Is a very strange thing, be-1 If you are tired of experiments and promises,-!. relatives In Tyl"r. Anstimi and pure brr'zcs prevent any lation for tile city, and the great sec- cause the law says the committee shall' Invite you to call and I will give you names of peef. Sir. and Sirs. T_ W. Foster are spendoppression. Ksperially Is this true or tion of continuous country, and the ex- consider conditions ns they ezlt. Now 1 pie who have been cured right here, that yod nay. ing some time In'Chicago, St. Lvjis Killed Over Horse Trade. % .EI.FFFDALE. Tessa. July 24.^-<~nar- the night... whlrh are always so cool penditure will be made in the center San AiiRflo him nrvt-r been afni< i-*tl go to them In person and ascertain what they .hire and other eastern points. wire,, put at Sen Angelo. Willi drunken ppuplf. t l"n extent t h a t ' < Sir. and Sirs, E. J. Bradley and chil- ley Frlx of I.lbar. Tenes. was killed at n< to Indues honllhy and invigorating Gon an early boor yesterday nesr Double sleep. The winters are just It wis ne-c-'sary lo vot#- th*: dren arc visiting In Gainesville San Angelo has recently been forced feh etroing and I I W A N T NOBODY'S MONEY WITHOUT'GIVMiss Asale Kitchen of Newark, who Slountaln In a dispute over a horse cold with enoufeh frost to make rr- lo pa>- out nearly half a million dollars Moral sentiment t* so |tatn the destruction "f any summer ow h a v e | xuaslon. with th* law, we no has been attending school here, ha- : - trade. ING T H E M V A L U E RECEIVED. _ - * 1 accumulation llrni eOtlW i-ossihly be for railroad", hospitals and 01 her pub- nnd rit-^ute. la amply suffiolrnt up t" (deleterious to health. The mean of lic necessities. The last two seasons l m \ \ to prpcluilo tho noooprsity f ^ r . I H I D E B E H I N D NO M E D I C A L INSTITUTE I temperature foe winter l> about 58. have not hceir pro.'iitfous for crops. We ttempt to further Increase our f T H A T Y O U C O U L D N O T G E T A T T O SUE FOR must build well known #obr.*ty. by morff law. th*t which Is Hi- bert for vigor and out- are n new country and Idoor exercise. In ninnmr it Is about homes, therefore our money Is all In hn* n e v r yet proven M.o comrlete j D A M A G E S . I H A V E N O DOCTORS EMPLOYED' Tn. which Is dellghtfu' and wltli the nctlve use. rind It Feems a hardship to rfn.edy tho Immoral and druiik-Mi towns I N M Y O F F I C E . Y O U S E E D R . M I L A M WHEN I constant hreezes.. Is r.ever oppressive. force this city to raise and pay a big liavo frit the n-ed for. Y O U COME T O M Y O F F I C E A N D H E TREATS, I There is an abundance of tho purest bonus for s thing to which wo are eem quite Insidious nnd 1mclearly entitled: especially'as we have I>ertlnent for a town that has puff*rel and ls~st water. YOU. never had a dollar of slate money e i - Hit mcli from Its drunken citizens, that I The climate of san Angel" in Ihls Instnrire, ns It has always been. Is a peudrd here for any public Institution. Ihey have attempted to forcibly reform main attraction and asset. There is Especially It looks unjust to compel thempelvc?. by votlnR out e.aloons; to us tit compete with a money bonus. vrotest ocalns-t S^n Anpolo hccausi*. no ore of our rival applicants which will dispute Ihls. nor Is there one of against old towns that have not been forsooth, w frel so atrun< la one abil. them that can compare favorably with compelled as wc have in fight a drouth. ity tu stav sober. snl inculcate sololng this kind of business hero for years and nay P*: San Angelo s to Hits paramount and build a railroads and homes briety Into iur youhc men throuRh exfled. My work Is larger today than ever, and If you'da 'necessary re.|iil-lie factor In tho make- all at "lie tlriV. ample nnd p r e c p t that \m to this lima Fortunately for us the law says tlnii nn nt-c^ssity has arisen fur us to Invoke I office and see for yourself. I treat * up or u proper place |u put th- normal. ! The city maintains nn active and a money bonus shall not control the the doubtful power of the law to asDiseases of Ovaries Losa of Energy I r Intelligent health department which I locution, and our other advantages uro sist In mttklnjg- us sob^r. Strie'.ur. and 1I . > it regulaler the health matters that must I so obvious "d Incomparable that we Any town that exports to ruli Oil! Nervoui Troubles ~ .jbelieve the excellent gentlemen who San Angelo and get coii<ldera*l".> f-r Ml'.vs.y* tie looked nflcr In ariy city Displaced Womb il compose the board of location only n-^.t tho normal school, because th.*lr conCatarrh, Piles,. * , for Instance, the vaccination of sc Menstrual Disorders Children, segregntlon of any one with correct Information In order to make ditions were PO rotten tliey ha.i to vote Kidney, Bladder A J contagious disease, or anything that tire wise decision that will put the out saloons in order tu gct^ iartbHy Whites Heart, Llvtr must be done to prevent th Uuporia- school hero even should some one of our Kober, limit g-t rt-dy for InspeuHo.i and Privato Diseases successfully treated and cared rivals offer such, a large sum ns a and cumuarison with us. N'ow If nny II011 of rllreate from other places. The naturally perfect conditions for bonus thai It would far exeeesl any 11 1 of them of equal Fjr.e will llinff )1health sunplemented by proper atten- monetary Intlwemcnt it would be pos- leai-i .lrunk(-niu-?:s by observailoi nnd i tion to sanitary matters we now have sible for us lo think of. Ihe record's of their c u r l s , then I ft-rj Charsctee of Citizenship Fort W o r t h , T e x a s and will always keep up to the necesone will withdraw any v'U*ri for ?1? | A factor under lire law is the char- normal nl S;in Anirel". I f.-.-l SIK-** r."t ; sities of th- ease, make San Angelo acter of the community which seoks one ir thetn can compare v.'th us s u . - ' tije ideal location for Ibis seh.M.1. th. Tin: If our other inducements were fap lie-: 1 ces.-fully. contract. brlow other applicants, ttie committee It is cunditions, we believe, the comWhenever you n r e would be amply Justified In putting the mltleo will consider. These wo are Taj 10 the Ori!<r !_ not satisfied, goto school here, basing their decision oil ready to ahow. and we have no fear rk Irr this matter our that tho surreptitious attempt to Rain the well known and U'lmlltrd strength the bank and get not familiar with our an ndvantage by such unfair means of our position as U lids paramount > money back. ssibly consider orrr would be of any wall asufnpt us even factor In which no rival town approaches ris. if every man on t <> locating pard hGeograohical Location shuM belone to the prohibition party. The school miisi be located nr a Han Angelo applies fnr th* school The oldest specialist in Fort Worth. Iteferences: The banks,. neHV: point that Is nccessible. Th.. center! and suhmi.s. We bave th* health, ihe apcrs. business men and 6.000 cured people. of any region, with other things MUM' -ographloal center, accessibility; elie. CONSULTATION FREE. .Is alwnv. the most acress'-ble is imber f poimlntlon. church and > The map shows So" Angelo to oral influence*. t*" and in; nearly -n th~ exact center of the countellectual p"oj>:i; right und Justice, as . t r r to bo served state Institution has ever been loThe Santa Fe d here, where'such necessity exCORNER F I F T H A N D t M A I N S T R E E T S . FORT WORTH, TEXA8. Orient from the north and railroad to I i ot these, liiluat are of nubile

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