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Coal & Mining

Nortech Trinity India Private Limited

INDIA +91 9971466668

Bulk Material Handling System

(Business & Marketing Plan)

India holds a fair advantage in cost of production and conversion costs in Coal & Mining, steel
and Petroleum and other verticals. Its strategic location enables convenient exports to develop
as well as the fast-developing Indian markets.

Nortech Trinity has already identified many opportunities in India for TECHNOLOGY
COMPANYE especially in Coal & Mining, Petroleum and Chemical & Fertilizers and other


Coal India Ltd will be investing between INR 20,000 and 275000 crore by March 2024 to switch over to
mechanised coal handling and loading systems at its mines. It will be implemented at identified 35 projects
with a yearly production capacity of 4 million tonnes and above. The move is part of its thrust on green
initiatives and upgradation of mechanised loading system in first-mile connectivity — coal-transport from
pithead to dispatch points.

“Piped conveyor belt transportation is a covered system for movement of coal and thus promotes

environment safety and prevent possible coal pilferage,” a Coal India executive said. CHPs with
mechanised loading and reduced manual intervention spurs better quality in coal supply.
Around 420 million tonnes of coal is planned to be loaded through silos and surge bins, which will be set up at
35 identified mines, elevating total mechanized loading to 571 million tonnes by 2023-24. CIL aims to produce
880 million tonnes by FY 2024, 65% of which would be moved through a covered pipe conveyor system by
then and loaded mechanically. Infrastructure for 24 silos and 11 surge bin loading systems will be set up in all
of the subsidiaries of CIL by FY 2024 for mechanised loading..
At present, coal is transported through road by trucks from the pithead to dispatch points which tend to add
up to dust and air pollution. Coal loading on to wagons is done through payloaders, which is prone to
overloading or underloading apart from susceptibility of extraneous material being loaded leading to quality

“Improved loading time will bring down the wagon idling. Wagon cycle time will be reduced by a few hours,
thus increasing wagon availability. It is a win-win situa ..

India produces 95 minerals– 4 fuel-related minerals, 10 metallic minerals, 23 non-metallic

minerals, 3 atomic minerals and 55 minor minerals (including building and other minerals).
Rise in infrastructure development and automotive production are driving growth in the sector.
Power and cement industries are also aiding growth in the metals and mining sector. Demand
for bulk transportation Systems is set to continue, given the strong growth expectations for the

Market Size
India is the 3rd largest producer of coal. Coal production stood at 676.51 million tonnes in FY18.
India has the 5th largest estimated coal reserves in the world, standing at 319.02 billion tonnes
in FY18.

India ranks 4th in terms of iron ore production globally. In FY19, production of iron ore stood at
210 million tonnes. India has around 8 per cent of world’s deposits of iron ore.

India stood as the third largest crude steel producer with output of 101.4 million tonnes in 2018.
Crude steel production in the country rose to 102.34 million tonnes in FY19.

According to Ministry of Mines, India has the 7th largest bauxite reserves- around 2,908.85
million tonnes in FY17. Aluminium production stood at 1.60 million metric tonnes during Apr-
Sept 2017 and is forecasted to grow to 3.33 million tonnes in FY20.

• Cumulative FDI inflows into the metals and mining sector between April 2000 and June 2018
stood at US$ 14.33 billion as per Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP).

• Under the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act of 1957, FDI upto 100%
under Automatic route is allowed for the mining and exploration of metal and non- metal
ores including diamond, gold, silver and precious ores, while FDI upto 100% under
Government route is allowed in for mining and mineral separation of titanium bearing
minerals and its ores.
• The Government of India is taking steps boost the country's domestic steel sector and raise
its capacity to 300 million tonnes (MT) by 2030-31.

• FDI caps in the mining and exploration of metal and non-metal ores have been increased to
100 per cent under the automatic route.
• In July 2018, Union Minister of Coal, Railways, Finance & Corporate Affairs launched a
mobile application ‘Khan Prahari’ and Coal Mine Surveillance & Management System
(CMSMS) developed by Central Mine Planning and Design Institute (CMPDI).

Following are the achievements of the government in the past year:
• 33 blocks of major minerals were successfully allocated in 2017.
• The Multi-sensor Aero-geophysical Survey of the obvious geological potential area was
inaugurated on April 07, 2017.
• Mining Surveillance System (MSS) was launched on January 24, 2017. It aims to curb
illegal mining activity through automatic remote sensing detection technology.

There is significant scope for new mining capacities in iron ore, bauxite and coal and
considerable opportunities for future discoveries of sub- surface deposits.
Infrastructure projects continue to provide lucrative business opportunities for steel, zinc and
aluminium producers. Aluminium production is forecasted to grow to 3.33 million metric tonnes
by FY20.

Iron and steel make up a core component of the real estate sector. Demand for these metals
is set to continue given strong growth expectations for the residential and commercial building

Targated Segments
The major Thrust areas/segments are as below

1. Coal & Mining, Steel, Petroleum, Aviation & other verticals.

2. Minister of Railways and Metro – DMRC and other Metro Rail Corporations
3. Chemicals & fertilizers vertical
4. Other Verticals where Bulk materials handling systems required

Strategy for India Operations

In First Road Show/ tour we will covered following companies

• Coal India Limited

• CMPDI Limited
• SAIL RMD Division
• NMDC Limited
• MOIL Limited
• GAIL and others

Nortech Trinity strongly recommends that KEI Industries Limited, JSC SIA AKONIT and
Nortech Trinity to form a JY company in India to enter into a strong relationship with Indian
Petroleum, Coal & Mining, Chemicals and Fertilizer companies and apply for Pilot projects
with targeted clients in India.

It will be wise to look for Low Hanging Projects initially and convince the companies to
specifications designed of forthcoming projects as per JSC SIA AKONIT and gradually
grow the interest towards Short Term and Long term projects mainly Conveyor Belts, Mine
Management and also Bulk Material Handling Systems of complete Mines for Indian Mining

Proposed Business with INDIAN

Digital transformation

The digital transformation of any mining industry is the automation and

optimization of all the processes of formation of the cost starting from the
drilling process to the output of finished products at the processing plant.

Single platform for all mines

Integration of different solutions into a single digital platform for the

industry allows to achieve a synergistic effect and bring additional value.

From sensors to artificial intelligence

A prerequisite for building a digital enterprise is a zero level, which

includes the installation of Conveyor Belt Systems, sensors, controllers,
diagnostic systems that collect and store telemetry from key equipment
and production and technological systems, that used to increase the
production and speed the operations..

Mine to mill and planning– entire mine management, analytics and real-
time planning

Environment, health and safety system including work orders, positioning

of personnel, safety management, fatigue monitoring

Maintenance management including predictive maintenance

First step of Bulk Material Management Systems.

Small Pilot Projects related to Small steps towards introducing the JV
company TECHNOLOGY COMPANY with ambitions and challenges of
Coal & Mining sector covering Bulk Material Handling Management, Fleet
Management Systems and also projects like Mine Planning and
introduction towards Modernization and Fast Production.

Second step.
Maintenance and safety management

Short Term Projects like Mine Management, Automation of existing

Fleets, Preventive Maintenance, Covering Health, Safety and
Environment projects with implementation of AI & IIOT and Robotics for
betterment of Indian Mines.

Third step.
Mine to mill management

Short Term and Complementing the existing Mine Management systems

and improving and trending towards complete Automation with large
projects and also Digital Mines including building Control Rooms and

Centralized Control Rooms and a Pilot of converting at least two mines

into Digital Mines.

Fourth step.
Fully unmanned production.

Getting into full phase with complete Bulk Material Handling & Mining
projects in different clients and also offering Automated Equipments from
TECHNOLOGY COMPANY to Indian customers. Also offering Tailor Made
solutions for Indian Coal & Mining Customers in India and Overseas mines
in different parts of the world.

Coal India Limited

• Coal India Limited Managing 116 ongoing mining projects

• Seven wholly owned coal producing subsidiaries and one mine planning and consultancy company

• Total income of Rs 507.33 billion (US$ 7.23 billion) in H1 FY19

• Produces around 84 per cent of India’s overall coal production

Coal India Limited (CIL) is a state-owned coal mining corporation which came into existence in
November 1975. It has been awarded the status of Maharatna company. With its normal production of
79 million tonnes (MT) in the year of its establishment, Coal India Limited is today the world's largest
coal producers. CIL circulated through 82 mining areas, seven full-owned coal producer subsidiaries
and one mining scheme and consulting company spread across eight provincial states of India. CIL
manages 200 other establishments such as workshops, hospitals. In addition, 26 technical and

management training institutes and 102 vocational training institutes are also managed by CIL. Indian
Institute of Coal Management (IICM), a state-of-the-art management training as 'Excellent Center' - is
run by India's largest corporate training institute which is CIL. The company also conducts multi-
disciplinary management development programmes.
Company Website:

CMPDI Limited

CMPDI is a premier consultant in openpit and underground mine planning and design in coal, lignite and other minerals.
CMPDI has prepared over 900 mining project reports with individual project capacity up to 25 Mtpa.

CMPDI is a premier consultant in openpit and underground mine planning and design in coal, lignite and other minerals.
CMPDI has prepared over 900 mining project reports with individual project capacity up to 25 Mtpa.

CMPDI holds a position of eminence in the field of environmental engineering both in coal and other sectors. CMPDI has
well equipped network of 6 laboratories located in various coalfields to regularly monitor air, water noise parameters.

NMDC Limited

• 5,382 Employees

• Four operating mines

• Total income of Rs 89.01 billion (US$ 1.13 billion) in FY19 (between April-December)
Incorporated in 1958 as a Government of India fully owned public enterprise. NMDC is under the
administrative control of the Ministry of Steel, Government of India. Since inception it has been involved
in the exploration of wide range of minerals including iron ore, copper, rock phosphate, lime stone,
dolomite, gypsum, bentonite, magnesite, diamond, tin, tungsten, graphite, beach sands etc. NMDC is
India's single largest iron ore producer, producing about 30 million tonnes of iron ore from three fully
mechanised mines (Bailadila Deposit-14/11C, Bailadila Deposit-5, 10/11A (Chhattisgarh State) and
Donimalai Iron Ore Mines). The company has been categorysed by the Department of Public Enterprises
as "NAVRATNA" Public Sector Enterprise in 2008.
Company Website:

SAIL Limited
(RMD Division)

Raw Materials Division (RMD), the mining wing of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL), is operating 8
iron ore mines and 2 flux mines spread over Jharkhand, Odisha and Madhya Pradesh to supply Iron ore,
Limestones and Dolomite to SAIL steel plants in eastern sector of the country.

RMD’s iron ore mines are located at Kiriburu, Meghahatuburu, Gua and Chiria in Jharkhand, and at
Bolani, Barsua, Taldih and Kalta in Odisha. Flux mines are located at Tulsidamar in Jharkhand, and at
Kuteshwar in Madhya Pradesh.

With its headquarters in Kolkata, RMD has Customer Services Offices (CSO) at Rourkela, Durgapur and
Bokaro; and city offices at Ranchi and Bhubaneswar. Formed in 1989,RMD has been able to ensure
100% iron ore supply to the steel plants by establishing synergy between all the mines and rationalising
supply in terms of quantity and quality.

While SAIL steel plants are gradually ramping up hot metal production, RMD mines are also enhancing
its capacity, for which modernisation and expansion programmes are being carried out at different mines.
In order to boost Blast furnace productivity a 4 MT pelletplant will come up at Gua Ore Mines, which will
utilise iron ore fines of the mines.

MOIL Limited


MOIL is a Schedule “A” Miniratna Category-I Company. It was originally incorporated as Manganese
Ore (India) Limited in the year 1962. Subsequently, name of the Company was changed from
Manganese Ore (India) Limited to MOIL Limited during the financial year 2010-11.

MOIL was originally set up in the year 1896 as Central Province Prospecting Syndicate which was later
renamed as Central Provinces Manganese Ore Company Limited (CPMO), a British Company
incorporated in the UK. In 1962, as a result of an agreement between the Government of India and
CPMO, the assets of the latter were taken over by the Government and MOIL was formed with 51%
capital held between the Govt. of India and the State Governments of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh
and the balance 49% by CPMO. It was in 1977, the balance 49% shareholding was acquired from CPMO
and MOIL became a 100% Government Company under the administrative control of the Ministry of

During the Financial year 2010-11, MOIL got listed on 15th December, 2010 on National Stock Exchange
and Bombay Stock Exchange. After the listing, the shareholding in the company, of Govt. of India, Govt.
of Maharashtra and Govt. of Madhya Pradesh is 71.57%, 4.62% and 3.81% respectively. Rest 20%
shares are held by the public.

At present, MOIL operates 10 mines, six located in the Nagpur and Bhandara districts of Maharashtra
and four in the Balaghat district of Madhya Pradesh. All these mines are about a century old. Except 3,
rest of the mines are worked through underground method. The Balaghat Mine is the largest mine of the
Company. The mine has now reached a mining depth of about 383 meters from the surface. Dongri
Buzurg Mine located in the Bhandara district of Maharashtra is an opencast mine that produces
manganese dioxide ore used by dry battery industry. This ore in the form of manganous oxide is used
as micro-nutrient for cattle feed and fertilizers. MOIL fulfils about 50% of the total requirement of dioxide

ore in India. At present, the annual production is around 1.1 million tonne which is expected to grow in
the coming years.

Proposal for Mining Projects in India.

We shall initiate the introduction and Akonit’s roadshow and High level meetings with Coal India Limited,
CMPDI Limited, SAIL RMD , MOIL Limited and NMDC Limited and follow up discussion with Nortech
Trinity at New Delhi. Nortech Trinity is being advised to prepare and submit proposals to respective

We need to introduce and submit draft proposals for individual companies

Formation of TECHNOLOGY COMPANY India Private Limited as a Start up company in India and
register as a technology vendor with targeted PSU’s and Private sector Coal & Mining Companies in

Low hanging Pilot project

1. Assessment
2. Requirement of Bulk Material Handling Systems
3. Real Time Operational Planning System
4. AI & IIoT based Predictive Maintenance system
5. Material Handling Systems and Pilot Projects
6. OEM Embedded Systems
7. FMS for Open Cast Minings
Midterm Projects for Coal & Iron Mines

1. proposal for Full implementation of FMS or MMS

2. Proposal for Drilling using AI & Robotics
3. Better Control of Mines by establishing Central Control Room for
Coal Mines
4. Automation of Existing Fleets
5. Geofencing recommendation and implementation
6. Integration of existing OTIDS systems and Upgradation
7. Pilot projects towards Coal & other Mines
8. Supply of New Automated Equipments

9. Maintenance & Spare Parts Supply System through establishing


Longterm Projects for Coal & Iron Ore Mines

1. Digitalization of mines and integration towards complete control

2. Operating Mines with AI & IIoT and Robotics Systems on Profit
Sharing Model
3. Tailor Made Innovation Projects
4. Large & Complex Projects for Mines
5. Implementation of Industry 4.0
We need to prepare TECHNOLOGY COMPANY’s proposal based on above indicative subjects with
financial model / Payment Systems.

Proposed Project Details for 2023-2025 (2

S.I. Company Projects Expected in Value of the Project Amount Required
2019-21 (INR) (Year 2023-25) (INR) Approx.
1. Coal India Bulk Materials Handling INR 20,000 Crores INR 60.00 Crores
2. NMDC Bulk Materials Handling INR 900 Crores INR 5.00 Crore
3. MOIL Bulk Materials Handling INR 525 Crores INR 2.50 Crore
4. SAIL (RMD) Bulk Materials Handling INR 200 Crores INR 4.00 Crore
TOTAL INR 20,975 Crores INR 71.50 Crore

The Total Business is in access of INR 20,000 Crores (Approx. $3 Billion Dollars) for the financial year
2021-25 can be achieved with the customers like Coal India Limited, NMDC Limited, MOIL Limited and
SAIL RMD Division and also other verticals like Petroleum, Chemicals & Fertilizers with regular follow
up and actively supported by the team Lead by Mr. Ashutosh Gupta, Nortech Trinity Group and other
associates on regular and dedicated manner.

TECHNOLOGY COMPANY, AVANI INNOTECHand Nortech Trinity’s JV company can expect contact
signing of $ 100 000,00 USD in 2022-23 and Nortech Trinity Group can extend support system if
TECHNOLOGY COMPANY, AVANI INNOTECHand Nortech Trinity’s JV company can cover the
expected costs towards promotion of Business by Paying Advance to cover the Business Development
and other Travelling expenses of different nature.

Nortech Trinity is expecting an budget to meet the initial Introduction and Business
Development and also for the Approval from the targeted Clients for Year 2022-23 in
tune to INR 2,40,000,00 (Approx USD 323683.20000) in Three tranches, can be
transferred in every Four Months.

Prospective Steps of Payments

1. Immediate as Nortech Trinity Group to initiate the Business Development and

can raise an invoice of INR 80,00,000.00 (INR 80 Lacs + GST of 18%)
2. At the Time of writing the Technical specifications as per recommendations of
TECHNOLOGY COMPANY, AVANI INNOTECHand Nortech Trinity’s JV company and
same specifications are the base of writing the tenders for AI, IIoT and
Robotics based tenders in Mining systems. Nortech Trinity shall inform and
raise an invoice of INR 80,00,000.00 (INR 80 Lacs + GST of 18%)
3. 3rd Installment shall be paid by TECHNOLOGY COMPANY, AVANI INNOTECHand
Nortech Trinity’s JV company Group at the time of publication of Tender document
and Nortech Trinity shall inform and raise an invoice of INR 80,00,000.00 (INR
80 Lacs + GST of 18%)

Roadmap of Contract Signing

Following are the stages where we will be getting closure towards the Contract Signing, we
need to understand the following:

1. Formation of TECHNOLOGY COMPANY Vist India Private Limited or a JV

between AVANI INNOTECHGroup and JSC Akonit and Nortech Trinity
2. Registration with Start Up India
3. Registration as Vendor with PSU’s
Trinity’s JV company Proposals
5. Getting participated in Pilot Projects (Small as big as INR 2,00,000,00 +
each project), We can expect approx. 5-6 such projects in next 6-8
6. Getting the various Tender Specifications Finalized by July - August
7. Tender Participation and other processes
8. Tender Award and initial process
9. Project implementation and Project Stages
10. Completion of Projects and Payment

1. Idea Generation and Solution

Screening phase
Target: Detail study of the TECHNOLOGY COMPANY’s Products, Solutions, identify, investigate, evaluate and
discuss relevant reasons for the occurrence and breach of Security specially at Airports, Railway Stations and
Bus Terminals and propose solutions for prevention. Investigate and document the ideas as a basis for decision
for solution development stage.


• Identify and describe the need & cause for the AKONIT’s Systems.
• Investigate and document maximum of three (3) different and possible Solution for overcoming the
• Explore possible implications on package functionality and the implementing process.
• Confer the strength and weakness of the solution related to operation process and possible implications
for present Systems.
• Provide a high level relevant cost analysis of these alternative solutions including cost of Material
Handling Systems and possible implications in the selection process to enable choice of the best option
for solution development stage.
• Discuss the solutions and recommend on e

Delivery: Prepare a report with technical descriptions to discuss our findings and draw conclusions on the
alternatives. On this basis Client Organization can (together with Nortech Trinity) decide solution to be developed.

2. Solution Development &

Implementation phase
Target: Develop and demonstrate the selected solution to fulfil the agreed specifications.


Detailed project plan to be discussed and agreed with Ministry of Coal & Mining and DGMS of India,
Petroleum, Railways, Rapid Rail Corporations and Chemicals & Fertilizer and other targeted clients.

• Select appropriate Case studies and presentations with set parameters / technologies
• Select and include technology for preventing security lapse
• Perform trials, testing and verification of critical properties/ target areas
• Producing security lapses with appropriate solutions with evident functionality
• Security trials and relevant experiments to verify that the systems works as expected
• Confirm the run ability of trial run on Oil & Gas, Coal & Mining, Airports, Bus Terminals & Railway Stations,
including total project development and/or appropriate fitments / line modifications
• Clarify and confirm any issues related to Enforcement/ regulations.
• Identify, specify and test any needed modifications

Deliverables: Technical documentation of projects for clients without fail, with positive test results, solution benefits
and modifications needed.

3. Up-scaling and in plant

implementation phase
Target: Establish reliable supplier of new solution, facilitate new technology introduction at System Integrator /
suppliers, installation of the solution at suppliers or in given sites and finalize any modifications, if required.


• Supplier selection, assessment and demo & Pilot Projects.

• Technology supplier cooperation and technical installations.
• Testing and verification of final solution assembly including product (Trials) processing, filling and
installations, fitment and product testing including product (Trials) quality, shelf life, Site performance,
fulfilment of targets

Deliverables: Establish and agree final customers specifications, technology installations and suppliers, verify and
approve supplier and installed technologies, conclude machine and process modifications and implement new
solution in production.

Fee Structure
Please find below the fee structure:

1. The Fee proposed for the Road Show / initial High End Meetings shall be USD 36,000 +18% GST ($
36000 Only) This means the following cost-split:

2. Success Fee per Project shall be 25% of the Total invoiced Value + GST
50% is to be paid at the time of receiving the Purchase Order or Order Confirmation. Balance 50% payable
within 7 days after receiving of payment.

3. Follow-up discussions (Each Important / High End Meeting) will be charged at an hourly rate of USD
500.00 ($ 500 Only).

4. The above fees do not include service and other applicable taxes. Such taxes will be charged as per rates
and rules applicable as per Indian Tax System.

5. Any travel expenses (transportation, accommodation and such) for meetings requested by
TECHNOLOGY COMPANY / Clients is not included and will be documented and invoiced at cost + 10%.
No such activities will be carried out by Nortech Trinity unless requested in writing.


Main contact persons for this Service/Study at Nortech will be:

Technical & Commercial issues

Ashutosh Gupta


Phone: +91 9971466668 and +91 9910513444


Nortech quotation reference number: 241630121

After the quotation has been signed by TECHNOLOGY COMPANY OY the quotation number will be replaced by
a Nortech Trinity project number that shall be used in all further correspondence and communication.

Some Leading Clients Profile

• Incorporated in 1958 as a Government of India fully owned public enterprise.

Under the administrative control of the Ministry of Steel, Government of India,
the NMDC is India's single largest iron ore producer, presently producing about
30 million tonnes of iron ore from 3 fully mechanised mines.
• The NMDC is actively involved in the exploration of a wide range of minerals
including iron ore, copper, rock phosphate, lime stone, dolomite, gypsum,
bentonite, magnesite, diamond, tin, tungsten, graphite, beach sands etc.
• NMDC is presently producing about 20 million tonnes of iron ore from its
Bailadila sector mines and 10 million tonnes from Donimalai sector mines.

• 5,382 Employees

• Four operating mines

• Total income of Rs 89.01 billion (US$ 1.13 billion) in FY19 (between April-December)
Incorporated in 1958 as a Government of India fully owned public enterprise. NMDC is under
the administrative control of the Ministry of Steel, Government of India. Since inception it has
been involved in the exploration of wide range of minerals including iron ore, copper, rock
phosphate, lime stone, dolomite, gypsum, bentonite, magnesite, diamond, tin, tungsten,
graphite, beach sands etc. NMDC is India's single largest iron ore producer, producing about
30 million tonnes of iron ore from three fully mechanised mines (Bailadila Deposit-14/11C,
Bailadila Deposit-5, 10/11A (Chhattisgarh State) and Donimalai Iron Ore Mines). The
company has been categorysed by the Department of Public Enterprises as "NAVRATNA"
Public Sector Enterprise in 2008.
Company Website:


2017 Three mines of NMDC have received five Star Rating. NMDC Ltd. wins the Golden Peacock Corporate
Ethics Award 2017.

2016 NMDC has been awarded Ispat Rajbhasha Shield (first prize) amongst PSUs of Ministry of Steel.

2012 NMDC has incorporated a Joint Venture Company between NMDC and Jharkhand State Mineral
Development Corporation.

2011 NMDC signed a contract agreement for turnkey execution of a Sinter Plant.

2008 Conferred the 'Navratna' status.

2008 Strategic partnership with Spice Metals and Minerals for management of metal and mineral projects
outside India.

2008 Accredited as the - Centre of Excellence - in the field of mineral processing by UNIDO.

2007 Bailadila Iron Ore Project Deposit five, 10 and 11A certified with ISO 9001:2000.

2007 Bailadila Iron Ore Project Deposit 14 and 11C certified with ISO 9001:2000.

2002 Commenced production of iron ore from Bailadila Deposit No.10/11A.

1998 Conferred the Mini Ratna status by Department of Public Enterprise, Government of India.

1989 Incorporated our subsidiary – J & K Mineral Development Corporation Limited as a joint venture with J &
K Minerals Limited.

1958 NMDC was incorporated on November 15 as National Mineral Development Corporation Private


• Hindalco operates 51 units in 13 countries

• Workforce of 35,000

• Total income of Rs 106.99 billion (US$ 1.53 billion) in H1 FY19

• World’s largest aluminum rolling company

Hindalco Industries Limited, metals flagship company of the Aditya Birla Group, is the industry leader in
aluminium and copper. Hindalco is the world’s largest aluminium rolling company and one of Asia’s biggest
producers of primary aluminium. Its state-of-art copper facility comprises a world-class copper smelter and a
fertiliser plant along with a captive jetty. The copper smelter is among the world’s largest custom smelters at a
single location. Hindalco ranks among the global aluminium majors as an integrated producer and a footprint in
10 countries outside India. Hindalco has been accorded Star Trading House status in India. Its aluminium is
accepted for delivery under the High-Grade Aluminium Contract on the London Metal Exchange (LME), while its
copper quality is also registered on the LME with Grade A accreditation.
Company source:


2017 Novelis entered into JV agreement in May 2017 with Kobe Steel to sell 50 per cent of its ownership
interest in its Ulsan, South Korea facility.

2016 Highest ever production of aluminium and alumina produced at 1.1 million and 2.7 million tonnes

2007 Acquisition of Novelis.

2006 MoU signed with the government of Madhya Pradesh for a greenfield aluminium smelter in Siddhi

2003 Hindalco acquires Nifty copper mine & Mount Gordon copper mines, through Aditya Birla Minerals

2002 Amalgamation of Indo Gulf Corporation Limited’s copper business, Birla Copper, with Hindalco.

2000 Acquisition of controlling stake in Indian Aluminium Company Limited with 74.6 per cent equity holding.

1999 Aluminium alloy wheels production commenced at Silvassa.

1988 Material handling unit introduced up-to date warehousing equipment.

1962 Commencement of production at Renukoot (Uttar Pradesh) with an initial capacity of 20,000 MTPA of
aluminium and 40,000 MTPA of alumina.

1958 Incorporation of Hindalco Industries Limited.


Vedanta is one of the world’s largest natural resources

company with interests in Zinc, Lead, Silver, Copper, Iron Ore, Aluminium, Power and
Oil & Gas, with a significant foothold across India.

The company has a number of major operations across, deep breath, Copper (Vedanta
Ltd. Copper Division – Sterlite Copper), Zinc (Hindustan Zinc Ltd), Aluminium (Bharat
Aluminium Company Ltd, Vedanta Ltd – Aluminium Division), Iron Ore (Vedanta Ltd –

Sesa Iron Ore), Oil & Gas (Cairn India Ltd), Power (Vedanta Ltd – Power Division,
MALCO Energy Ltd, Hindustan Zinc Ltd).

And breathe.

The fully integrated zinc operations currently hold 79% market share in India’s Zinc
industry. Vedanta is also one of the largest silver producers globally with an annual
capacity of 16moz.

There is huge end-demand for zinc in India, particularly since the galvanizing sector
continues to deliver strong growth. The country’s investment in infrastructure is also
driving end-demand for zinc, and this momentum is likely to continue for many years.

• 65,000 employees

• Total income of Rs 709.70 billion (US$ 9.84 billion) in FY19 (between April-December 2018)

• World’s second largest zinc-lead producer

• Largest primary producer of aluminum

Vedanta Limited is one of the world's leading diversified natural resources companies. The
company’s main businesses focus on zinc, lead, silver, aluminium, copper, iron ore, oil & gas
and commercial power, while its operations span across India, South Africa, Namibia, Ireland
and Australia. The company holds industry-leading market shares across its core divisions.
Vedanta Limited is a Vedanta Group company.
Company Website:

2017 The company wins Platinum and Gold at LACP Vision Awards.

2016 Vedanta wins accolades at Frost & Sullivan Awards 2016. Vedanta wins accolades at the 55th ABCI

2015 Sesa Sterlite Limited renamed Vedanta Limited.

2013 Merger of Sesa Goa and Sterlite Industries undertaken in an all-share deal. The company’s name is
changed to Sesa Sterlite Limited.

2012 Sesa Goa Limited has completed the acquisition of Goa Energy Private Limited.

2011 Sesa Goa Limited acquired the assets of Bellary Steel & Alloys Limited (BSAL).

2006 Vedanta Resources plc, a diversified metals and mining group, acquires 51 per cent controlling stake in
Sesa Goa Limited from Mitsui & Co. Limited.

2005 Forbes Asia ranks Sesa Goa as one of Asia's 200 companies with sales more than US$ 1 billion in its
"Best Under A Billion" study.

1999 The company has acquired Narrain Mines, Karnataka.

1996 Amalgamation of the 100 per cent subsidiary, Sesa Shipping Ltd. with Sesa Goa Ltd.

1990 Vedanta Limited in association with Kembla Coal & Coke Pvt Limited, Australia set up Sesa Kembla
Coke Co Pvt Ltd to produce coke.

1986 The first phase of the beneficiation plant and with a capacity of 7.5 lakh tonnes per year, was

1981 Company was converted into a public limited company.

1979 Mingoa Pvt Ltd was amalgamated with the company.

1965 Incorporation of the company under the name as Sesa Goa Private Ltd.


• Managing 116 ongoing mining projects

• Seven wholly owned coal producing subsidiaries and one mine planning and consultancy

• Total income of Rs 507.33 billion (US$ 7.23 billion) in H1 FY19

• Produces around 84 per cent of India’s overall coal production

Coal India Limited (CIL) is a state-owned coal mining corporation which came into existence
in November 1975. It has been awarded the status of Maharatna company. With its normal
production of 79 million tonnes (MT) in the year of its establishment, Coal India Limited is
today the world's largest coal producers. CIL circulated through 82 mining areas, seven full-
owned coal producer subsidiaries and one mining scheme and consulting company spread
across eight provincial states of India. CIL manages 200 other establishments such as
workshops, hospitals. In addition, 26 technical and management training institutes and 102
vocational training institutes are also managed by CIL. Indian Institute of Coal Management
(IICM), a state-of-the-art management training as 'Excellent Center' - is run by India's largest
corporate training institute which is CIL. The company also conducts multi-disciplinary
management development programmes.
Company Website:

2016 Coal India signs MOU with EESL for energy projects & Coal India enters into an agreement with Solar
Energy Corporation of India Limited.

2012 Coal India signs MoU with Government and it gets 116 mines from government to boost output.

2009 Conferred with the "World’s Largest Coal Producing Company" Award at the first Dalal Street
Investment Journal PSU Awards, 2009.

2009 Award of ‘Navratna’ status to the company by the Department of Public Enterprises, GoI.

2008 Award of ‘Mini Ratna’ status by the Department of Public Enterprises, GoI, to CCL.

2007 Award of ‘Mini Ratna’ status by the Department of Public Enterprises, Government of India (GoI) to the
company and to MCL, NCL, SECL and WCL.

1992 Formation of MCL as our subsidiary to manage mines Talcher and IB valley.

1986 Formation of NCL and SECL as subsidiaries of the company.

1980 Construction of the low temperature carbonized plant started in Dankuni Coal Complex.

1975 Change of name of our Company to 'Coal India Limited

1973 Incorporation of Company as 'Coal Mines Authority Limited'.

Kudremukh Ltd

Kudremukh is a flagship company under the Ministry of Steel, Government of India,

formed in 1976. It is the country’s prestigious Export Oriented Unit, with iron ore
mining, filtration technology and production of high quality pellets.

The company has a major pelltization complex located in Mangalore, the coastal city
of Karnataka. There, the annual capacity of the plant is around 3.5 million tons of iron
ore pellets.

Bharat Aluminium Company

Bharat Aluminium Company, a subsidiary of Vedanta Resources, Bharat has the

distinction (one of many) of being the first to have Captive Power Plant. BALCO has
two Bauxite mines in Chhattisgarh state – one at Mainpat with a capacity of 7, 50,000
TPA and the other at Bodai Daldali (Kawardha) with a capacity of 12,50,000 TPA.

BALCO is playing a crucial role in introducing Aluminium as a potential alternative to

other metals like Steel in construction, and Copper in power transmission industry,
and was the first to produce alloy rods for conductors used across the industry.

Gujarat Mineral
Development Corporation Ltd
Incorporated in 1963 to develop major mineral resources in India, with a Silica Sand
quarrying plant for crushing and screening of Silica Sand required the Glass Industry.
Fast forward nine years and the company was granted a Lignite Mining Lease at
Panandhro, Dist. Kutch. It started its Lignite mining operation which gave an
opportunity for GMDC to develop its first Lignite mine to cater the fuel demand of the
Industries in the State.

As recent as 2015, the company announced a Lignite Mine of 1 mMT per annum
capacity at Umarsar, Dist. Kutch. Withsix operating Lignite mines in the State, the
GMDC became the largest merchant seller of lignite in the country. GMDC has also set
up a 1.5 million TPA Pyrite Removal Plant at Bhavnagar Lignite Project on Built on
Operate (BOO) basis for removal of Pyrite nodules.

Hindustan Copper
Incorporated under the administrative control of the Ministry of Mines, Hindustan
Copper Ltd is the nations only vertically integrated copper producing company.
Hindustan manufactures copper from the stage of mining to beneficiation, smelting,
refining and casting of refined copper metal it downstream.

The bulk of the operations are spread across India, Khetri Copper Complex (KCC) at
Khetrinagar, Rajasthan, with the Indian Copper Complex (ICC) at Ghatsila, Jharkhand,
Malanjkhand Copper, Project (MCP) at Malanjkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Taloja Copper
Project (TCP) at Taloja, Maharashtra.

Rajasthan State Mines and Minerals


One of the premier public sector enterprises of the government of Rajasthan, with a
primary focus in mining and marketing of industrial minerals. The company has a
number of mining operations focusing on phosphate, lignite, limestone and gypsum.

The major activity of RSMML is the mining of Rockphosphate ore, with one of the
largest mines in the country at Jhamarkotra. Jhamarkortra is a major player in
contributing 98 percent of rock phosphate production in India.

The company also owns and operates a number of Lignite deposits, with the Giral
mine producing around 12, 00,000 MT per year.

National Aluminium Company Ltd

Established in 1981, NALCO is a Navratna CPSE under the Ministry of Mines, Govt of

The company has a 68.25 lakh TPA Bauxite Mine & 22.75 lakh TPA Alumina Refinery
located at Damanjodi in Koraput dist. of Odisha, and 4.60 lakh TPA Aluminium Smelter
& 1200 MW Captive Power Plant located at Angul, Odisha.

But it’s not only metals, NALCO also has two wind power plants - A 50.4 MW wind
power plant at Gandikota, Andhra Pradesh and another of 47.6 MW wind power plant
at Jaisalmer, Rajasthan.

Nalco has a fully mechanised opencast bauxite mine in Damanjodi. The present
capacity of mines at Damanjodi, is 68.25 lakh TPA, which works out around 6825,000
tonnes per annum.

Hindalco Industries Limited is the metals flagship company of the Aditya Birla Group
and just so happens to be an industry leader in aluminium and copper. A turnover of a
small sum of US$17 billion makes Hindalco the world’s largest aluminium rolling
company and one of the primary producers of Aluminium in Asia.

Hindalco has operations in aluminium, and copper, with a world class copper smelter
that stands as one of the world’s largest custom smelters at a single location.

Looking at the company’s aluminium smelting operations, and there are many (Uttar
Pradesh, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh) produce a combined 1.3 million tonnes of primary
aluminium per year.

Hindustan Zinc Ltd

Hindustan Zinc, a subsidiary of Vedanta Group, is an exploration company with a key
interest in zinc, lead and silver. The company is one of the world’s largest integrated
producers of zinc, while also being up there as one of the major players in lead and
silver production.

Hindustan has a metal production capacity of over one million tonnes per annum
across its key zin mines in Rampura Agucha and Sindesar Khurd, as well as smelting
complexes in Chanderiya and Dariba in Rajasthan.

There is also power generation on the agenda, with the company owning 474 MW of
coal based thermal captive power plants in Rajasthan to support its metallurgical
operations. This environmentally friendly power generation includes 274 MW of wind
energy and 35.4 MW from waste heat generation.

Mr. Ashutosh Gupta with NMDC Mr. Ashutosh Gupta with BHEL C&MD

Mr. Ashutosh Gupta with SAIL C&MD Mr. Ashutosh Gupta with C&MD ,Coal
India LTD C&MD

Mr. Ashutosh Kumar Gupta With Coal India Technical Team at

MD & CEO, Nortech Trinity

Mr. Ashutosh Gupta with Minister of Mr. Ashutosh Gupta with Minister of
Steel Heavy Industries

Mr. Ashutosh Gupta with Minister

Chemical & Fertilizers Mr. Ashutosh Gupta with Minister of
Indian Railways


+91 9971466668, 9910513444

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