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Subject : ENGLISH
Class/semester : IV/IV
Alocation : 50 Minutes
Kind of text : Descriptive text
Skill/ Aspect : Speaking

A. Standard Competence :

6. To express the meaningful ideas of descriptive text and very simple essay in recount form to
interact with the surrounding nearby.

B. Basic Competence

6.2. To express the meaningful and rethorically steps of simple essay using various of speaking
language accurately, fluently, and understandable to interact with the surrounding nearby in

C. Indicators

1. Students are able to understand the meaning and the purpose of a Descriptive text.
2. Students are able to understand rethorical structure of a descriptive text.

A. Objectives :

1. Students have a clear understanding about the meaning and the purpose of a
descriptive text
2. Students have a clear understanding about the rethorical and generic structure of a
descriptive text.

E. Teaching Material

1. Descriptive text
Descriptive text is a text which describe a particular person, place or thing. In
descriptive text, the writer usually uses the simple present tense.

Here is the structure of a descriptive text.

-   Identification : Identifying phenomena to be describe.
- Description : describing part, qualities, characteristic of the person or something that
is described.
 Description of appearance (how it looks/physical pictures).
 Description of habitat (where it lives)
 Description of other interesting feature.

Going to market
Last Sunday morning my mother and I go to market to buy some fishs and vegetables. We
go by bus. In front we see many women selling dried fidh, vegetables and fruits. There have
many people at the market. Most of them women. My mother buy me a fish-stall to buy some
fish and a kilo of prawn. After that we go to a vegetable-stall to buy some vegetable.before we
go home wo go to a stall to have a drink. We have an ice each. Then we go to the bus stand. We
waiting for the bus. We go home by bus.

F. Methods/Techniqe: Free Writing Technique

G. Learning Activities :

Activity Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities

10’ Pre 1. Greeting to students 1. Greeting to the teacher

activities 2. Checking students attendence 2. Responding the
3. Telling the objective of learning 3. Paying attention
4. Motivating students 4. Motivated

65’ While 1. Introducing descriptive text 1. Paying attention

activities 2. Explaining deeply about the 2. Paying attention
generic structure of descriptive
text 3. Paying attention
3. Giving an example of a 4. Paying attention
descriptive text
4. Modeling the students on how to
start writing by using picture 5. Finding words
series technique together related to the
5. Inviting students to find words topic
related to the topic of the writing 6. Active in constructing
6. Inviting students to write a rough sentences of the text
draft of the descriptive paragraph 7. Paying attention and
7. Showing the students how to active to revise the
revise the draft. draft.
8. Inviting students to finish the 8. Writing the draft in a
draft and writing it into a good good paragraph.

5’ Closing 1. Asking students’ difficulties in 1. Responding the

activities understanding descriptive text, question
2. Asking students on how good 2. Telling their
they understand Picture series experience in
Technique understanding the
3. Explaining to students that the technique
next day they will learn language 3. Responding well
features in descriptive text
4. Closing words 4. Responding well

H. Source
- Text book
- Teacher
- Dictionary
I. Assesment:
- Technique : written text
- Form : Students product
- Instrument : describe Go to Market

Aspect of writing test

Organization Conten Structure Mechanics Total Score

Name t
30 30 20 20 100

Note: Scale of Scoring 0 - 100


Subject : ENGLISH
Class/semester : IV/IV
Alocation : 50 Minutes
Kind of text : Descriptive text
Skill/ Aspect : Writing
A. Standard Competence :

6. To express the meaningful ideas of short functional written text and very simple essay in
recount form to interact with the surrounding nearby.

B. Basic Competence

6.2. To express the meaningful and rethorically steps of simple essay using various of written
language accurately, fluently, and understandable to interact with the surrounding nearby
in the form of recount text.

C. Indicators

1. Students are able to understand simple present tense in a descriptive text

2. Students are able understand adjective and pronoun in a descriptive text.

A. Objectives :

1. Students have a clear understanding about the simple present tense.

2. Students can use pronoun and adjective.

B. Teaching Material
1. Simple present tense
 John has two brothers.
 Does John have two brothers?
 John does not have two brothers.

 Rico goes to school on foot.

 Does Rico go to school on foot?
 Rico does not go to school on foot.

 Raihan is beautiful
 Is Raihan beautiful?
 Raihan is not beautiful

1. Adjective, and Pronoun

Objective Possessive
Pronoun Pronoun
I me mine
You you your
We us our
They them their
He him his
She her her
It It Its

A. Method/ Technique : Free Writing Activities

B. Learning Activities :
Activity Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities

5’ Pre 1. Greeting to students 1. Greeting to the teacher

activities 2. Checking students attendence 2. Responding the question
3. Telling the objective of learning 3. Paying attention
4. Motivating students 4. Motivated

70’ While 1. Handing out a descriptive text 1. Recieving descriptive

activities 2. Explaining deeply about the text
generic structure of the descriptive 2. Paying attention on the
text explaination
3. Explaining Simple Present Tense, 3. Concentration on the
adjective, and pronoun. lessons
4. Giving exercises related to Simple 4. Doing excercises given
Present Tense, adjective, and
5’ Closing 1. Asking students’ difficulties in 1. Explaining the
activities understanding descriptive text, difficulties faced in
2. Collecting the students’ excercises. understanding a
3. Asking students’ difficulties in descriptive text
learning simple present tense, 2. Giving the task to the
adjective, and pronoun. teacher
4. Emphasizing the point of the 3. Explaining the
lesson. difficulties in learning
5. Closing words simple present tense
4. Keep paying attention to
the explanation
5. Responding the closing.

C. Sources:
a. Text books
b. The Teacher
c. Dictionnary

D. Assesment:
a. Technique : Writen text
b. Form : Students’ product
c. Instrument : Describe Go to Market

Aspects of writing test

Organization Content Structure Mechanics Total Score

30 30 20 20 100

Note: Scale of Scoring 0 - 100


Subject : ENGLISH
Class/semester : IV/IV
Alocation : 50 Minutes
Kind of text : Descriptive text
Skill/ Aspect : Writing

A. Standard Competence :

6. To express the meaningful ideas of short functional written text and very simple essay in
recount form to interact with the surrounding nearby.

B. Basic Competence

6.2. To express the meaningful and rethorically steps of simple essay using various of written
language accurately, fluently, and understandable to interact with the surrounding nearby in
the form of recount text.

C. Indicators :
1. Students develop ideas through Picture series Technique
2. Students produce a writing paragraph of a descriptive text.

D. Objectives :
1. Students have a clear understanding about the use of Picture series Technique in
developing ideas.
2. Students are able to write a short paraghraph of a descriptive text.

E. Materials :
1. Descriptive text.
A descriptive text is a text which describes a particular person, place or thing. In a
descriptive text, the writer usually uses the simple present tense.
Here is the structure of a descriptive text.
a. Identification : identifying phenomena to be described.
b. Description : describing parts, qualities, characteristics of a person
or something that is described.
 Description of appearance (how it looks/ physical pictures)
 Description of habitat (where it lives)
 Description of food (what it eats)
 Description of how it breeds (gives birth/ lays eggs/ young looks like)
 Description of behaviour (what its habits are)
 Description of other interesting feature

Example :
My Experience

Everyday this boy get up at o6.00. But in a days this boy get up at 07.00 Morning. He
hurry up to take a bed and then to breakfast and use uniform of school go to school. He go to
school by cycle, he look so weak in his travel. When he arrived to school his teacher angry to
this boy, because so late to came on to class, after he give some suggestion by his teacher, and
then teacher to please that boy to sit down to study. After came back from school he to take a rest
for watching television.

( Adopted from Communicative English in context 1994)

F. Method : Free Writing Activities
G. Learning Activities :

Activity Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities

5’ Pre 1. Greeting to students 1. Greeting to the teacher

activities 2. Checking students attendence 2. Responding the
3. Asking students some questions question
related to the lesson they have 3. Paying attention
learn. 4. Motivated

65’ While 1. Reviewing at glance about 1. Paying attention

activities writing descriptive text using
Picture Series Technique
2.Giving the students a taks of 2. Starting to generate
writing descriptive paragraph ideas and finding words
with a given title ( Habit Action ) related to the topic.
3. Observing the students in doing 3. Writing rough draft of
the task the topic given
4. Helping students if they have 4. Revising the draft and
difficulties in using Picture series asking help from the
Technique or in writing a teacher if there is
paragraph problem in writing the
5. Collecting the students’ works 5.Writing the final draft
and giving the task to
the teacher

10’ Closing 1. Asking students’ difficulties in 1. Responding the

activities writing descriptive paragraph question
2. Giving clear explaination to the 2. Telling their
problems faced by the students experience in
understanding the
3. Telling the students if the next 3. Responding well and
task is describing their idol and prepare the next task.
asking them to prepare it well
4. Closing words 4. Responding well

H. Sources:
a. Text books
b. The teacher
c. Dictionnary

I. Assesment:
a. Technique : Writen text
b. Form : Students’ product
c. Instrument : Describe(”Habit Action”)

Subject : ENGLISH
Class/semester : IV/IV
Alocation : 50 Minutes
Kind of text : Descriptive text
Skill/ Aspect : Writing

A. Standard Competence :

6. To express the meaningful ideas of short functional written text and very simple essay in
recount form to interact with the surrounding nearby.

B. Basic Competence

6.2. To express the meaningful and rethorically steps of simple essay using various of written
language accurately, fluently, and understandable to interact with the surrounding nearby in
the form of recount text.

C. Indicators :
1. Students develop ideas through picture series Technique
2. Students produce a writing paragraph of a descriptive text.

B. Objectives :
1. Students have a clear understanding about the use of picture series technique in
developing ideas.
2. Students are able to write a short paraghraph of a descriptive text.

D. Materials :
1. Descriptive text.
A descriptive text is a text which describes a particular person, place or thing. In a
descriptive text, the writer usually uses the simple present tense.
Here is the structure of a descriptive text.
a. Identification : identifying phenomena to be described.
b. Description : describing parts, qualities, characteristics of the person
or something that is described.
 Description of appearance (how it looks/ physical pictures)
 Description of habitat (where it lives)
 Description of food (what it eats)
 Description of how it breeds (gives birth/ lays eggs/ young looks like)
 Description of behaviour (what its habits are)
 Description of other interesting feature

Example :
A cry for help

A group of pupils went to Kutai Bali Beach for a picnic. The boys very excite when they
saw the sea. Within minutes they change their clothes and run towards the sea. They have begun
to swimming. Some splashed water at each other, they have a ball. Halim is swimming a lone
began to shout “help! help!. He has a cramp in his leg so he can not swim his shout listen of the
boys on the shore. Two of them ran and swim to help Halim. They rescue Halim and then carry
him to shore.

E. Method : Free Writing Activities

F. Learning Activities :

Activity Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities

5’ Pre 1. Greeting to students 1. Greeting to the teacher

activities 2. Checking students attendence 2. Responding the
3. Asking students some questions question
related to the lesson they have 3. Answering the
learn. questions
4. Giving appreciation on the result
of their task by returning the 4. Motivated. The
students’ work back students check their

65’ While 1. Reviewing at glance about 1. Paying attention

activities writing a descriptive text using
Picture Series Technique
2. Emphasizing them to use 2. paying attention and
appropriate tenses, pronoun, opening their notes to
punctuation and capital letter have understanding
3.Giving the students a taks of 3. Starting to generate
writing a descriptive paragraph ideas and finding words
with a given title ( A cry for help) related to the topic.
4. Observing the students in doing 4. Writing rough draft of
the task the topic given
5. Helping students if they have 5. Revising the draft and
difficulties in using Picture Series asking help from the
Technique or in writing the teacher if there is
paragraph. problem in writing the
6. Collecting the students’ works 6. Writing the final draft
and giving the task to
the teacher

10’ Closing 1. Asking students’ difficulties in 1. Responding the

activities writing a descriptive paragraph question
2. Giving clear explaination to the 2. Telling their
problems faced by students experience in
understanding the
3.Closing words 3. Responding well and
prepare the next task.

G. Sources:
a. Text book
b. Teacher
c. Dictionnary

H. Assesment:
d. Technique : Writen text
e. Form : Students’ product
f. Instrument : A cry for help
Aspects of writing test

Organization Content Structure Mechanics Total Score

30 30 20 20 100

Note: Scale of Scoring 0 - 100


Subject : ENGLISH
Class/semester : IV/IV
Alocation : 50 Minutes
Kind of text : Descriptive text
Skill/ Aspect : Writing

A. Standard Competence :

6. To express the meaningful ideas of short functional written text and very simple essay in
recount form to interact with the surrounding nearby.

B. Basic Competence
6.2. To express the meaningful and rethorically steps of simple essay using various of written
language accurately, fluently, and understandable to interact with the surrounding nearby in
the form of recount text.

C. Indicators :
1. Students develop ideas through Clustering Technique
2. Students produce a writing paragraph of a descriptive text.

D. Objectives :
1. Students have a clear understanding about the use of Clustering Technique in
developing ideas.
2. Students are able to write a short paraghraph of a descriptive text.

E. Materials :

1. Descriptive text.
A descriptive text is a text which describes a particular person, place or thing. In
descriptive text, the writer usually uses the simple present tense.

Here is the structure of a descriptive text.

1. Identification : identifying phenomena to be described.
2. Description : describes parts, qualities, characteristics of a person
or something that is described.
 Description of appearance (how it looks/ physical pictures)
 Description of habitat (where it lives)
 Description of food (what it eats)
 Description of how it breeds (gives birth/ lays eggs/ young looks like)
 Description of behaviour (what its habits are)
 Description of other interesting feature

Example :
My School

My school is SMPN 1 Kualasimpang. It is the most favourite Junior High School in

Kualasimpang. The status of the school is Sekolah Standar Nasional (SSN). It has eighteen
classes which are devided into three grades, grade VII with six classes, grade VIII with six
classes and grade IX also with six classes. The school also has one library and two laboratories:
saint laboratory and computer laboratory. Besides, there is a great Musalla where the students
can practice how to pray and learn relegious lesson. On the second floor of the teachers office,
there is a head master office and a big hall where infocus is hanged permanently for any
presentation and other teachers’ activities. Canteen is also available for students to spent their
break time. There is also a wide ground where a basketball and a badminton courts for the
students to play. In my mind, this is the best school in Kualasimpang since lots of trophy has
been collected by the students from year to year. I like to go to SMPN 1 Kualasimpang very

2. Related Vocabulary

canteen Head big
library status master

saint hall like

lab School badminton
computer court
best musalla basketbal
relegious pray

F. Method/ Technique : Picture Series Technique

G. Learning Activities :

Activity Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities

5’ Pre 1. Greeting to students 1. Greeting to the teacher

activities 2. Checking students attendence 2. Responding the
3. Giving information about the question
result they achieved in the 3. Paying attention
previous task. 4. Motivated
4. Motivating students by
appreciating their work.

70’ While 1. Reviewing at glance about 1. Paying attention

activities writing descriptive text using
Picture Series Technique
2. Emphasizing them to use 2. Paying attention and
appropriate tenses, pronoun, opening their notes to
punctuation and capital letter have understanding
3. giving the students a taks of 3. Starting to generate
writing a descriptive paragraph ideas and finding words
with a given title ( My school ) related to the topic.
4. Observing the students in doing 4. Writing rough draft of
the task the topic given
5. Helping students if they have 5. Revising the draft and
difficulties in using Picture asking help from the
Series Technique or in writing a teacher if there is
paragraph problem in writing the
6. Collecting the students’ works 6. Writing the final draft
and giving the task to
the teacher

5’ Closing 1. Asking students’ difficulties in 1. Responding the

activities writing a descriptive paragraph question
2. Giving clear explaination to the
problems faced by students 2. Telling their
3. Telling the students if they have experience in
learned alot of writing a understanding the
descriptive paragraph technique
4.Telling students if the next day 3. Responding well
there will be a test of writing a
descriptive paragraph 4. Responding well
5. Closing words

H. Sources:
a. Text books
b. The teacher
c. Dictionnary

I. Assesment:
a. Technique : Writen text
b. Form : Student product
c. Instrument : Describe your school!

Aspects of writing test

Organization Conten Structure Mechanics Total Score

Name t
30 30 20 20 100

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