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第十章 冠詞


例:I met a beggar on my way home. (回家途中,我遇見一位乞丐)
例:An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
註 1:母音字母(a、e、i、o、u)開始的單字,需要用”an”。(但該字母之發
例:a useful pen a European an umbrella
註 2:hour(小時) honest(誠實) honor(榮譽)...等字,其首字母雖為 h (子
音字母)但因 h 不發音,所以需用“an”。
例:The chair he is sitting on is broken.
1. 專有名詞與不可數名詞之前。
例:Mary is friend of mine. 例:Money talks.
2. 泛指總稱。
例:Horses can run very fast.
3. 三餐、運動、及學科名稱前。
例:What do you want for dinner? 例:How about playing tennis?
例:He is good at math.
4. by+交通工具或方法。
例:He mailed it by air. 例:He goes to school by bus.
1. 表示宇宙間獨一無二的。
例:the sun、the moon、the sky。
2. 表示方向。
例:the east(東方)、the west(西方)、the right。
3. 表示計算單位。
例:by the pound、by the month。
4. 樂器名詞。
例:play the piano。
5. 河流、海洋、雜誌、海灣等。

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例:the Pacific Ocean (太平洋)、the Bible(聖經)、the Reader’s Digest(讀者文摘)。
one of (其中之一)、few of (少數一些)、some of (其中一些)、many of (很多的)、most
of (大部分的)、all of 、all。
例:One of the children is missing. (其中一個小孩不見了)
例:Taipei is the largest city in Taiwan. (台北是台灣最大的城市)
七、比較級形容詞與 of the two (兩者之中)相連:
例:Tom is of the two boys.
(A)taller (B)the tellest (C)tallest (D)the taller
例:The docotor and teacher is my friend.(這位醫生兼教師是我的朋友)一個人
例:The docotor and the teacher are my friends.(這位醫生與這位教師是我的朋友)
例:The book on the desk is Mary’s. (桌上的書是瑪莉的)
例:The man whom you saw yesterday is my uncle.
例:What a clever boy he is!=How clever a boy he is!

1.He is (A)a honest man (B)an honest man (C)a man honest (D)an man honest
2.She is playing . (A)piano (B)a piano (C)one piano (D)the piano
3.All here very diligent. (A)student (B)students (C)the students (D) a
student (E)the student
4.Tom is regarded as businessman in Taipei.
(A)best (B)most famous (C)the richest (D)happier
5.He is the everybody likes him.
(A)so honest a boy (B)so an honest boy (C)such a honest boy (D)such honest a boy
6.He is such man that he can not hold the pen tight.
(A)a drunk (B)a drunken (C)drinking (D)drunk a (E)drunken a
7. is a very fashionable place in Taipei city.
(A) Taipei Park (B)The Taipei Park (C)A Taipei Park (D)An Taipei Park
8.They are playing .
(A)basketball (B)one basketball (C)the basketball (D)a basketball

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9.“Is she an Amerian?”“No,she is European.” (A)the (B)an (C)a (D)much
10.I have never seen large apple before. (A)such (B)such an (C)a such (D)such a
11.I like to play tennis. (A)a (B)an (C)x (D)the
12.The workers are paid . (A)by the week (B)for a week (C)to a week (D)in a week
13.What kinds of do you want? (A)book (B)the books (C)the book (D)an book
14.Diamonds, an hardest substance in nature, are valuable crystal of carbon.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

15.Before World War II one of problems of the day in most countries was unemployment.
(A) (B) (C)

16. twenty-four can be divided by 2、3、4、6、8 and 12.

(A)Number (B)A number (C)The number (D)Numbers
17.A cow is as a horse. (A)strong as an animal (B)as a strong animal
(C)as strong an animal (D)as an animal strong
18.It is to go fishing. (A)fun (B)a fun (C)funny (D)funs
19. of this house has been removed by the servant.
(A)The furnitures (B)The furniture (C)Furniture (D)A furniture
20.He is . (A)a honest man (B)an honest man (C)a man honest (D)an man honest

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