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CHEST Supplement


Molecular Biology of Lung Cancer

Diagnosis and Management of Lung Cancer,
3rd ed: American College of Chest Physicians
Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines
Serge Patrick Nana-Sinkam, MD, FCCP; and Charles A. Powell, MD, FCCP

Based on recent bench and clinical research, the treatment of lung cancer has been refined, with
treatments allocated according to histology and specific molecular features. For example, target-
ing mutations such as epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) with tyrosine kinase inhibitors
has been particularly successful as a treatment modality, demonstrating response rates in selected
patients with adenocarcinoma tumors harboring EGFR mutations that are significantly higher
than those for conventional chemotherapy. However, the development of new targeted ther-
apies is, in part, highly dependent on an improved understanding of the molecular underpin-
nings of tumor initiation and progression, knowledge of the role of molecular aberrations in
disease progression, and the development of highly reproducible platforms for high-throughput
biomarker discovery and testing. In this article, we review clinically relevant research directed
toward understanding the biology of lung cancer. The clinical purposes of this research are (1) to
identify susceptibility variants and field molecular alterations that will promote the early detec-
tion of tumors and (2) to identify tumor molecular alterations that serve as therapeutic targets,
prognostic biomarkers, or predictors of tumor response. We focus on research developments in
the understanding of lung cancer somatic DNA mutations, chromosomal aberrations, epigenetics,
and the tumor microenvironment, and how they can advance diagnostics and therapeutics.
CHEST 2013; 143(5)(Suppl):e30S–e39S

Abbreviations: ALK 5 anaplastic lymphoma kinase; EGFR 5 epidermal growth factor receptor; EML4 5 echinoderm
microtubule-associated protein like-4; FDA 5 US Food and Drug Administration; FGFR 5 fibroblast growth factor receptor;
FISH 5 fluorescent in situ hybridization; miRNA 5 microRNA; NSCLC 5 non-small cell lung cancer; PCR 5 polymerase
chain reaction; SCC 5 squamous cell carcinoma; TKI 5 tyrosine kinase inhibitor

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in

the United States, with 157,000 deaths annually,
small cell lung cancers (NSCLCs) treated identically,
solely on the basis of clinical stage. Based on bench
and in the world, with 1,375,000 deaths annually.2 and clinical research, the treatment of lung cancer
The overall 5-year survival for lung cancer remains has been refined, with treatments allocated accord-
at 16%, which is significantly lower than the mortality ing to histology and specific molecular features. For
rate for other common cancers, including colon, breast, example, targeting mutations such as epidermal growth
and prostate cancer. The discrepancy in the mortality factor receptor (EGFR) with tyrosine kinase inhibi-
rate of lung cancer compared with other cancers has tors (TKIs) has been particularly successful as a treat-
several explanations. First, lung cancers are typically ment modality, demonstrating response rates in patients
detected at an advanced stage. The anticipated imple- with EGFR-mutated adenocarcinoma that are signif-
mentation of population-based screening for lung can- icantly higher than those for conventional chemo-
cer is expected to decrease mortality. Second, compared therapy. However, the development of new targeted
with the other common cancers that share adenocar- therapies is, in part, highly dependent on an improved
cinoma as the histology, lung cancer is heterogenous understanding of the molecular underpinnings of
histologically and biologically. Until recently, lung can- tumor initiation and progression, knowledge of the
cer was treated as a homogenous disease with all non- role of molecular aberrations in disease progression,

e30S Molecular Biology of Lung Cancer

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and the development of highly reproducible platforms ment of the tumor. Each of these critical steps remains
for high-throughput biomarker discovery and testing. the focus of intense clinical and laboratory investiga-
In this article, we review the clinically relevant tion. Although tobacco consumption remains the pri-
research directed toward the molecular biology of mary risk factor for the development of lung cancer,
lung cancer. The clinical purposes of this research are only 10% of smokers develop lung cancer. Thus, inter-
(1) to identify susceptibility variants and field molec- individual differences in susceptibility as modulated
ular alterations that will promote the early detection by genetic and epigenetic factors play an important
of tumors and (2) to identify tumor molecular alter- role in lung carcinogenesis. In reviews, Hanahan and
ations that serve as therapeutic targets, prognostic Weinberg3,4 outlined the crucial molecular alterations
biomarkers, or predictors of tumor response. The lit- that are important for cancer development. In the
erature review was restricted to English-language following sections, we outline several of these cancer
papers from 2007 to 2012 that addressed the follow- hallmarks as they apply specifically to lung cancer.
ing six topics: somatic mutations in NSCLC; lung
developmental and differentiation pathways in ade-
1.1 Somatic DNA Mutations
nocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC);
copy number alterations and gene rearrangements Multiple somatic mutations contribute to malignant
in NSCLC; epigenetic changes in promoter hyper- transformation in lung cancer. Mutations within tumor
methylation and microRNA (miRNA) expression in suppressors, oncogenes, and DNA repair-related genes
NSCLC; lung tumor microenvironment; and EGFR, may function in concert to confer a biologic advan-
K-ras, and echinoderm microtubule-associated protein tage to tumors. Mutations at the chromosomal level
like-4 (EML4)/anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) (3p, 9p21, 12p, 17p13, 13q) in the form of loss of het-
alterations treated with TKIs of ALK inhibitors. erozygosity, translocations, deletions, and point muta-
tions have all been well described in lung cancer.5-7
1.0 Lung Carcinogenesis These mutations, in turn, may be used as diagnostic
and prognostic biomarkers. The development of rapid
The processes of tumor initiation and progression and sensitive sequencing technologies has advanced
involve a multitude of orchestrated steps that encom- the characterization of the multitude of somatic muta-
pass DNA damage and mutations induced by ciga- tions inherent in many tumors.
rette smoke carcinogens, to field carcinogenesis and Early studies using sequencing technologies were
preneoplasia in the airway epithelium, to the develop- focused on individual target genes such as p53 and
p16.8,9 Traditionally, Sanger sequencing has served as
Manuscript received September 24, 2012; revision accepted the primary modality for exon-based sequencing, but
November 30, 2012. it has limitations that include decreased sensitivity
Affiliations: From the Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical
Care and Sleep Medicine (Dr Nana-Sinkam), Medical Oncology, for the detection of low-frequency mutations. The
Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; and the Division of Pul- majority of sequencing-based investigations have been
monary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine (Dr Powell), Mount designed to target specific tumor suppressors and onco-
Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY.
Funding/Sponsors: The overall process for the development of genes. The Tumor Sequencing Project, conducted
these guidelines, including matters pertaining to funding and con- in 188 cases of lung cancer, identified 26 genes that
flicts of interest, are described in the methodology article.1 The harbored mutations significantly above the baseline
development of this guideline was supported primarily by the
American College of Chest Physicians. The lung cancer guide- rate in uninvolved adjacent tissue,10 including several
lines conference was supported in part by a grant from the Lung commonly identified mutations in EGFR, p53, and
Cancer Research Foundation. The publication and dissemination K-ras, among others. More advanced techniques that
of the guidelines was supported in part by a 2009 independent
educational grant from Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. survey the genome now allow for the simultaneous
COI Grids reflecting the conflicts of interest that were current as detection of multiple mutations. A recent demonstra-
of the date of the conference and voting are posted in the online tion of a comprehensive approach to whole-genome
supplementary materials.
Disclaimer: American College of Chest Physician guidelines are sequencing in a patient with adenocarcinoma demon-
intended for general information only, are not medical advice, strated not only previously identified mutations within
and do not replace professional medical care and physician advice, K-ras, TP53, and CDK4, but numerous less well-
which always should be sought for any medical condition. The
complete disclaimer for this guideline can be accessed at http:// described mutations within genes such as NEK9 and MUC16.11 In addition, investigators were able to iden-
Correspondence to: Charles A. Powell, MD, Division of Pulmo- tify mutations within nonprotein coding regions. This
nary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, Mount Sinai School of
Medicine, One Gustave Levy Place, Box 1232, New York, NY 10029; study and others confirm the concept that single tumors
e-mail: may harbor several genomic aberrations ranging from
© 2013 American College of Chest Physicians. Reproduction those at the chromosomal level down to single nucle-
of this article is prohibited without written permission from the
American College of Chest Physicians. See online for more details. otide variations that all must be taken into consider-
DOI: 10.1378/chest.12-2346 ation with prognosis and treatment response in the CHEST / 143 / 5 / MAY 2013 SUPPLEMENT e31S

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correlation of mutations. Su et al12 described two assays to the approval of pemetrexed in the first-line, second-
termed SNaPshot and polymerase chain reaction line, and maintenance settings. The results demonstrated
(PCR)-based sizing assays that may also be used to clear-cut and very significant treatment-by-histology
detect select somatic mutations in genes commonly interactions with regard to both progression-free and
implicated in cancer. High-resolution melting repre- overall survival, thus confirming the superior effi-
sents another PCR-based platform for initial mutation cacy of pemetrexed in patients with nonsquamous
screening that holds some promise.13,14 In the future, NSCLC.25 In addition, mutations of EGFR and K-ras
it is likely that exon-specific or whole-genome-based and translocations of EML4/ALK are largely confined
sequencing will supplant existing technologies for to adenocarcinoma.26 These findings have prompted
screening tumor genome alterations. a major shift toward targeted therapy in lung can-
cer management, as detailed by Socinski et al27 in the
article, “Treatment of Stage IV Non-small Cell Lung
1.2 Lung Developmental and Differentiation
Cancer,” in the American College of Chest Physicians
Lung Cancer Guidelines, thus mandating that diag-
Current paradigms suggest that lung carcinomas nostic specimens be acquired and processed in a fashion
arise from pluripotent stem and progenitor cells capa- that permits the histologic subtyping of NSCLC.28 In
ble of differentiation into one or several histologic studies using immunostains to subtype NSCLC in
cell types. These paradigms suggest that lung tumor cytologic specimens, Loo et al29 and Nicholson et al30
cell ontology is determined by the consequences showed that thyroid transcription factor-1 and mucin
of gene transcriptional activation and/or repression vs p63 stains are the best stains for detecting ade-
events that recapitulate embryonic lung develop- nocarcinoma vs SCC, respectively. However, none
ment.15-17 The hypothesis that lung cancer arises from of the antibodies used in immunohistochemistry is
the aberrant expression of genes involved in lung 100% specific and sensitive for this differential diag-
development is supported by gene expression studies nosis. Further details on clinical immunophenotyping
demonstrating similarities between signatures obtained of lung cancer are found in the article by Schwartz
from human lung tumors and signatures characteristic and Rezaei,31 “Diagnostic Surgical Pathology in Lung
of normal lung development.18,19 Genes associated with Cancer,” in the American College of Chest Physicians
early lung development are more often expressed by Lung Cancer Guidelines.
small cell lung carcinoma and by other aggressive tumors Identification of putative progenitor cells and stem
with poor prognosis.20,21 Taken together, these obser- cells of lung cancer is an active area of investigation.
vations suggest that poor differentiation is linked to the The objective is to target these cells to prevent can-
molecular parameters of early development represent- cer development and to treat established lung cancer.
ing lung stem and progenitor cell programs, and that To date, no cell that strictly exemplifies the hallmarks
the gene signatures of these phenotypes are important of a stem cell has been confirmed as a lung cancer
for lung cancer progression and clinical outcome. stem cell. Putative stem and progenitor cells include
The importance of identifying the NSCLC histo- basal cells expressing p63 and cytokeratins 5 and 14,32
logic subtype has increased recently because of the epithelial cells expressing the five-transmembrane
demonstrated success of histology-specific chemo- glycoprotein CD133,33 isolated cancer cells with high
therapeutic regimens. Until recently, all patients activity of aldehyde dehydrogenase1,34 and bronchi-
with NSCLC were treated without regard for his- oloalveolar stem cells identified at the bronchioloalve-
tologic subtype. The first data suggesting the impor- olar duct junction in a murine model of lung cancer.35
tance of histologic dependence were shown in the
phase I-II trials of the vascular endothelial growth
1.3 DNA Copy Number Alterations and Gene
factor antibody bevacizumab.22 These results indi-
cated that the drug was effective, but that toxicity was
increased in patients with squamous histology. Sub- Chromosomal abnormalities including amplifica-
sequent trials (eg, Eastern Cooperative Oncology tions, deletions, and rearrangements have been inves-
Group 4599) were restricted to patients with non- tigated extensively in lung cancer. One commonly
squamous histology,23 and current US Food and Drug used assay, fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH),
Administration (FDA) approval is applicable to these relies on fluorescent labeled DNA segments to detect
patients only. regions with chromosomal aberrations. Early studies
More recent clinical studies have shown a major demonstrated that FISH could identify chromosomal
treatment-by-histology interaction in the responsive- aneuploidy in established lung cancer samples rang-
ness of advanced stage IV NSCLC to pemetrexed. ing from primary tumors, to effusions, to bronchial
Scagliotti and colleagues24 performed an interaction washings.36 Sokolova et al37 showed that FISH carried
analysis of the three pivotal phase 3 studies leading a sensitivity of 84% and a specificity of 82% in the

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detection of lung cancer in bronchial washings. The suppress both metastases and growth. Interestingly,
results from several studies suggest that FISH could elevated SOX2 may correlate with a favorable prog-
complement the diagnostic accuracy of cytology. For nosis in SCC 58 but an unfavorable prognosis in stage 1
example, Nakamura et al38 compared FISH with con- adenocarcinoma.59
ventional cytology and determined that FISH had a Fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR)1 is selec-
specificity of 100% and a sensitivity of 87%. Halling tively amplified in SCC (22%). Reports from in vivo
et al39 detected a sensitivity of FISH of 71% in bron- and in vitro studies indicate that FGFR1 amplifica-
chial brushing specimens and 49% in bronchial wash- tion signifies sensitivity to treatment of SCC with
ing specimens. Select FISH probes have been used as FGFR inhibitors.60 Additional studies suggest that
a diagnostic assay for the detection of lung cancer.39-41 metastatic SCC may be particularly susceptible to anti-
For example, in a cohort of patients with lung can- FGFR agents.61 TKIs including ponatinib (AP24534),
cer and a control group with nonneoplastic disease, which have potent anti-FGFR properties, are currently
FISH for MYC (8q24), EGFR (7p12), and chromo- being investigated in lung cancer in phase 1 trials.62
somes 5 and 6 in bronchial brushings showed increased
sensitivity compared with conventional cytology.42
Varella-Garcia et al43 recently showed that chromo- 2.0 Epigenetics
somal aneusomy in sputum as detected by FISH may
2.1 Methylation
be useful in the early detection of lung cancer.
An emerging application for FISH technology has Over the past several years, investigators have deter-
been to determine EGFR status and, thus, TKI sen- mined that epigenetic changes within the human
sitivity. Mutational analysis for EGFR is increasingly genome at the level of chromatin remodeling, histone
becoming standard in the assessment of adenocarci- modifications, and DNA methylation can alter the
nomas, given the significant response rates to EGFR/ expression patterns of critical tumor suppressors and
TKI inhibitors among patients harboring mutations.44,45 oncogenes to influence malignant transformation.
The role of the EGFR copy number in determining Aberrant hyper- and hypomethylation of CpG islands
therapy or response remains unclear. Some studies represent the most common finding, ranging from 15%
suggest that the EGFR copy number correlates with to 80% of lung cancers.63 Several genes that have been
mutational status and, to a lesser extent, with drug identified, including CDKN2A, FHIT, APC, p16, and
responsiveness.46 Another study confirmed that muta- RASSF1A, appear to be commonly methylated.64-67
tional status is the most valuable predictor of respon- Methylated genes may be detected using several
siveness, independent of copy number or protein techniques. The majority of early studies used tech-
expression.47 Several phase 2 and 3 trials have been nologies such as methylation-specific PCR and restric-
conducted to answer this question, but the results have tion landmark genomic scanning, which are targeted
been inconsistent.48,49 Two meta-analyses confirmed to specific genomic regions and candidates. These
that EGFR mutational analysis, not FISH, is the assay techniques have proven successful in identifying pat-
of choice to predict response to TKI therapy.50,51 terns of methylation that distinguish tumor from nor-
The EML4/ALK protein represents a fusion between mal tissues and also in identifying clinical subgroups.68
ALK and EML4 that is present in approximately 4% High-throughput profiling allows for global epigenetic
of NSCLC.52,53 The rearrangement is associated with analysis for candidate genes within promoter CpG
response to the targeted ALK inhibitor crizotinib. A islands; 39 untranslated regions; and noncoding regions
comparison of different methodologies for dysregu- of the genome, including miRNA, long noncoding
lated ALK detection concluded that ALK break-apart RNAs, and ultraconserved regions.69
FISH could accurately detect rearrangements.54 Thus, Both global and gene-specific epigenetic changes
the break-apart assay is now FDA approved to deter- are being tested as noninvasive biomarkers for early
mine treatment with crizotinib. However, studies are detection and prognosis of lung cancer.70,71 System-
ongoing to determine if a complementary set of assays, atic examination of the “methylome” can be used to
including immunohistochemistry, FISH, and reverse further subclassify molecular and clinically distinct
transcription-PCR, may be helpful in clinical decision subgroups of lung cancer and to potentially guide
making. therapeutic decisions. Brock et al72 examined the prog-
SOX2, located at chromosome 3q26.33, is a tran- nostic value of methylation patterns for seven genes
scription factor gene involved in foregut development (p16, MGMT, DAPK, RASSF1A, CDH13, ASC, and
and pluripotency that has been shown to be amplified APC) in the setting of resected stage 1 NSCLC. The
in SCCs, including lung.55,56 In fact, SOX2 carries a authors demonstrated that pairs of gene combina-
specificity of 95% in distinguishing SCC from adeno- tions of p16, CDH13, APC, and RASSF1A served as
carcinoma.57 Several studies have shown that SOX2 risk factors for recurrence. Methylation analysis for
has oncogenic properties and that direct targeting can specific genes is now being applied to biomarker CHEST / 143 / 5 / MAY 2013 SUPPLEMENT e33S

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discovery efforts using noninvasive specimens. Belinsky histologies.84-86 The role of miRNA in the clinical set-
et al73 demonstrated in sputum that the analysis of ting remains unclear, awaiting large, prospective pro-
methylation patterns in a panel of predetermined filing studies that demonstrate reproducibility.
genes had predictive value for the eventual develop-
ment of lung cancer among high-risk smokers. An 3.0 Tumor Microenvironment
independent study concluded that methylation pat-
terns within sputum correlated much better with pri- The past few decades have seen a new appreciation
mary tumor than did methylation within serum.74 for the role of the tumor stroma in cancer initiation
Epigenetics analysis is being integrated into clin- and progression.87 Signaling between the stroma and
ical trials. De Fraipont et al75 examined tumor sam- epithelium, via direct contact and secreted mediators,
ples for methylation of RASSF1a and DAPK1 within is essential for tumor initiation, growth, differentia-
the French Intergroup (IFCT-0002) phase 3 trial of tion, progression, and metastasis.88 The tumor stroma
neoadjuvant treatment of stage I to II NSCLC and is a complex system composed of fibroblasts (cancer-
determined that methylation of both genes showed associated fibroblasts), macrophages (tumor-associated
prognostic efficacy. macrophages), other immune cells, vasculature, and
extracellular matrix.89 Cancer cells modulate the stromal
microenvironment via secretion of a variety of growth
2.2 microRNA
factors, including transforming growth factor-b,90
During the past 2 decades, investigators have deter- platelet-derived growth factor, vascular endothelial
mined that large noncoding portions of the human growth factor, and basic fibroblast growth factor. In
genome may harbor functional capacity. These regions turn, the stroma can produce antiangiogenic factors
of noncoding RNA are now known to have gene regu- and recruit an antitumor immune response. Alterna-
latory function. miRNAs (or miRs) represent perhaps tively, the stromal response can facilitate tumor pro-
the best studied of this group of noncoding RNAs.76,77 gression via the release of growth factors that feed
Currently, there are . 1,200 human miRNAs. Based back to tumor cells, participate in new vessel growth,
on in silico analysis, miRNAs may regulate up to two- and promote tumor growth and invasion.87 The stroma
thirds of the human genome.78 miRNAs have been can have powerful tumor-promoting effects. For
implicated in all the fundamental hallmarks of cancer example, culturing cancer-associated fibroblasts with
initiation and progression. Profiling studies have dem- initiated prostatic epithelial cells enhances tumor
onstrated global differences in miRNA expression growth and invasion,91 and in a murine model, loss of
between lung tumor and noninvolved adjacent lung TbRII in fibroblasts can promote tumor initiation in the
tissues.79 These initial observations have led to research adjacent epithelium.92 In addition to its roles in lung
focused on functional in vitro and in vivo validation of tumor initiation and progression, the stroma, in coop-
single-miRNA single-target relationships and on link- eration with tumor cells, can establish a niche within
ing patterns of miRNA expression to clinical parame- the lung that is conducive to the establishment and
ters such as prognosis and therapeutic response. growth of metastatic foci from other primary tumors.93,94
Several studies have examined miRNAs as prognos- Several researchers have directed research toward
tic biomarkers in lung cancer. The earliest studies in understanding the prognostic significance of immune
stage 1 adenocarcinomas demonstrated that increased cell composition within and surrounding the lung
miR-155 and decreased Let-7a2 correlated with poor tumor. Various immune cell compartments have been
survival.79 Landi et al80 identified a 5-miRNA signa- examined, including macrophages (M1 vs M2), T-helper
ture that correlated with survival. Saito et al81 deter- (CD4 and CD8) cells, cytotoxic T cells, T-regulatory
mined that miR-21 consistently correlated with poor cells, B cells, natural killer cells, neutrophils, and
outcomes among early lung stage cancers from three myeloid-derived suppressor cells.95 To date, there is
independent cohorts. Another study suggested that no validated immune cell biomarker of prognosis.
patterns of plasma miRNA may be used for risk strati- The fields of cancer immunology and immunotherapy
fication in lung cancer screening programs.82 Other are evolving; thus, it is possible that further research
studies have been unsuccessful in correlating miRNA will provide clinically important biomarkers of prog-
to outcome. A study among patients undergoing sur- nosis and predictors of response to immunotherapy.
gical resection and adjuvant chemotherapy found
no association between select miRNAs and survival 4.0 Oncogene Addiction: EGFR,
or response to therapy.83 A few select miRNAs have K-ras, EML4/ALK Alterations
emerged as having the capacity to distinguish histo-
logic subtypes. Several studies have determined that The oncogene addiction hypothesis states that pre-
miR-205, which is overexpressed in SCC compared cise targeting of discrete fundamental genetic alter-
with adenocarcinoma, can be used to distinguish the ations in tumors will kill tumor cells and result in

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clinical response.96 The successful application of this (PF-02341066) in patients with ALK-translocated,
principle has been demonstrated in lung adenocarci- advanced lung carcinoma. In 82 patients with FISH-
noma using agents targeted toward EGFR and ALK.97 testing-confirmed translocations, crizotinib at a dose
EGFR is a 170-kDa tyrosine kinase receptor that is of 250 mg po bid led to a dramatic 57% response rate
overexpressed in 40% to 80% of NSCLC.98 It can be and a 6-month progression-free survival of 72%. Sub-
targeted with small-molecule TKIs, such as erlotinib sequently, based on data from this phase 1 trial, crizotinib
and gefitinib, which bind to the ATP-binding pocket has been approved by the FDA for the treatment of
of the receptor. The sequencing of tumor samples patients with NSCLC tumors that harbor the ALK
from responding patients in clinical trials of TKIs led translocation as detected by an FDA-approved FISH
to the discovery of somatic mutations in the EGFR test. In line with recommendations from the American
tyrosine kinase domain.44,45 The activating and onco- Society of Clinical Oncology, we recommend testing
genic mutations reported to date are in exons 18 to 21, for molecular alterations in EGFR, K-ras, or ALK in
affecting the tyrosine kinase portion of EGFR. The advanced-stage lung adenocarcinoma (see the article
majority of mutations are either small deletions of by Socinski et al27 “Treatment of Stage IV Non-small
exon 19 affecting a 3-amino acid sequence or a point Cell Lung Cancer,” in the American College of Chest
mutation L858R on exon 21. Mutations affecting Physicians Lung Cancer Guidelines). Sequential test-
exon 20, such as small insertions in T790M, account ing for EGFR, K-ras, and ALK is reasonable, begin-
for 3% to 5% of all EGFR mutations, and although ning with either K-ras or EGFR analysis, with ALK
they are activating, they are also associated with resis- analysis reserved for K-ras- and EGFR-negative spec-
tance to EGFR TKIs. The prevalence of EGFR muta- imens. Concomitant testing is not necessary unless
tions varies by ethnicity, from 5% to 20% in whites, to sequential testing causes a delay in treatment.
20% to 40% in the Asian population; the mutations Despite the high frequency of clinical response seen
are less common in black patients.99,100 Clinical trials in patients treated with TKIs for EGFR mutant lung
from Japan from Maemondo and colleagues101 and tumors and with crizotinib for tumors that are posi-
from the West Japan Oncology Group,102 and from tive for ALK, drug resistance and relapse invariably
the OPTIMAL study in China,103 have shown that develop.97 Research directed toward understanding
TKI therapy in EGFR mutant adenocarcinoma results the biology of acquired resistance in these tumors
in response rates of . 70% and longer progression-free indicates that tumors can evade inhibition through a
survival when compared with conventional chemo- variety of complex mechanisms. For example, Katayama
therapy in advanced lung adenocarcinoma. Together, and colleagues107 examined tumor biopsy specimens
these studies strongly support the role of molecular from 18 patients with crizotinib resistance and deter-
testing in lung adenocarcinoma for identification of mined that resistance was attributable to acquired
EGFR mutant cancers104 and suggest that TKI treat- ALK somatic mutations in five cases and to alterna-
ment is the preferred first-line therapy for advanced tive mechanisms of resistance, including activation
EGFR mutant tumors. The American Cancer Society of other tyrosine kinase receptors such as EGFR and
has issued a provisional clinical opinion that patients KIT, in others. Sequist and colleagues108 examined
with NSCLC who are being considered for first-line tumor biopsy specimens from 37 patients with EGFR-
therapy with an EGFR TKI should have their tumor mutation-positive tumors with acquired resistance
tested for EGFR mutations.105 to TKIs. Interestingly, five resistant tumors developed
Because key lung cancer mutations are mutually a morphology that was consistent with small cell car-
exclusive, an alternative to EGFR mutation testing is cinoma and were sensitive to small cell therapies.
K-ras mutation testing. K-ras mutations are present Importantly, three patients showed resolution of the
in approximately 30% of lung adenocarcinomas and resistance alteration in the absence of EGFR inhibi-
are confined to three codons, which lowers the cost and tors and were, thus, sensitive to the resumption of
complexity of mutation sequencing. K-ras-mutation- therapy. These studies indicate that biopsies of resis-
positive tumors are resistant to TKI therapy; thus, tant tumors may provide important information that
a positive test obviates the need for EGFR mutation can guide subsequent therapy.
testing. Adenocarcinomas that are negative for EGFR
and K-ras mutations can be screened by FISH for the 5.0 Molecular Profiling in
presence of chromosomal translocation of the ALK Early-Stage Lung Cancer
gene. ALK gene translocations, mainly EML4/ALK,
were recently identified as an oncogenic mechanism in To discriminate a poor prognosis from a good prog-
NSCLC, present in 3% to 5% of tumors, predominantly nosis in early-stage lung cancers, a multitude of gene-
adenocarcinoma.52 Kwak and colleagues106 published profiling studies have been conducted on early-stage
the first human experience with ALK inhibition through NSCLC, each proposing a signature of prognostic
the use of the dual ALK/MET inhibitor crizotinib genomic information that correlates with patient CHEST / 143 / 5 / MAY 2013 SUPPLEMENT e35S

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outcomes, and may subsequently guide decisions the manuscripts and recommendations. Further details on the
Conflict of Interest Policy are available online at
regarding adjuvant chemotherapy.109-110 However, the Endorsements: This guideline is endorsed by the European
lack of reproducibility of signatures among indepen- Society of Thoracic Surgeons, Oncology Nursing Society, American
dent studies raises concerns for implementation of Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology, and
the Society of Thoracic Surgeons.
this technology in routine clinical practice. Variations
in patient selection, platforms, and statistical inter-
pretation among studies and a lack of evaluation in References
prospective clinical trials have all been implicated as 1. Lewis SZ, Diekemper R, Addrizzo-Harris DJ. Methodology
contributing factors to this issue.111 for development of guidelines for lung cancer: diagnosis
and management of lung cancer, 3rd ed: American College
Studies integrating gene signatures into clinical trials of Chest Physicians evidence-based clinical practice guidelines.
are beginning to demonstrate promise. Zhu et al112 Chest. 2013;143(5)(suppl):41S-50S.
demonstrated that a 15-gene tumor signature derived 2. Jemal A, Bray F, Center MM, Ferlay J, Ward E, Forman D.
from patients enrolled in the JBR.10 adjuvant chemo- Global cancer statistics. CA Cancer J Clin. 2011;61(2):69-90.
therapy trial (National Cancer Institute of Canada Clin- 3. Hanahan D, Weinberg RA. Hallmarks of cancer: the next
generation. Cell. 2011;144(5):646-674.
ical Trials Group) could successfully identify high-risk 4. Hanahan D, Weinberg RA. The hallmarks of cancer. Cell.
patients who would benefit from adjuvant therapy.112 2000;100(1):57-70.
Gene signatures in noninvasive specimens continue 5. Wistuba II, Lam S, Behrens C, et al. Molecular damage in
to be examined for the purpose of early diagnosis of the bronchial epithelium of current and former smokers.
lung cancer. However, several issues remain in the J Natl Cancer Inst. 1997;89(18):1366-1373.
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search for a noninvasive biomarker, including selec- erozygosity in epithelial cells obtained by bronchial brush-
tion of proper source (eg, blood vs sputum), selection ing: clinical utility in lung cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 1999;5(8):
of the ideal profiling method, and analysis of data. 2025-2034.
Thus, gene expression profiling of sputum, airway, and 7. Carpagnano GE, Foschino-Barbaro MP, Spanevello A, et al.
blood shows promise but will require a extensive val- 3p microsatellite signature in exhaled breath condensate
and tumor tissue of patients with lung cancer. Am J Respir
idation and prospective evaluation prior to clinical Crit Care Med. 2008;177(3):337-341.
application.113-116 8. Chiba I, Takahashi T, Nau MM, et al; Lung Cancer Study
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