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A Investigatory Research
Presented to the Faculty of
Sto. Tomas National High School,
Sto. Tomas, La Union

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Subject

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Cleaning has recently been described as an occupational risk due to a rise in the recorded

incidence of respiratory effects such as asthma and asthma-like symptoms among cleaning

employees. It was unclear which cleaning-related exposures induced or aggravated asthma and

other respiratory symptoms due to a lack of comprehensive occupational hygiene research and

workplace exposure data. There was a current need for a comprehensive assessment of cleaning

product ingredients and occupational exposures. Floor wax was a wax-based preparation that

was used to clean, finish and polish floor.

Commercial floor wax is intended to cover floors, improve longevity, and reduce scuff

marks (George, 2012). It is particularly useful in households with cement floors because it

contains a solution that can be used to make the floor radiant, glossy, and shiny.This type of wax

had been widely used for floor care for centuries. These waxes were often designed to last

longer. But, commercial waxes were created using synthetic materials or a combination of

synthetic and chemical components.

According to Lee (2019) they are made of synthetic materials or a combination of natural

and artificial elements, including harmful chemicals and highly toxic substances that might cause

health concerns. Cresol, formaldehyde, and dangerous compounds such as nitrobenzene,

perchloroethylene, phenol, toluene, and xylene were the most prevalent synthetic wax

constituents used in floor wax. There were many alternatives that can be used instead of the

synthetic materials used in commercial floor waxes. The fruits and vegetables peels that are rich

in potassium can be used as one of the ingredients in making alternative floor wax.
Surprisingly, Avocados contain about 152 mg and 345 mg of potassium per 30 g and one-

half fruit, respectively. Also, avocados are naturally very low in sodium with just 2 mg and 5.5

mg sodium per 30 g and one-half fruit, respectively (USDA, 2011).Combining the two ideas that

avocado peels contain potassium and are slippery, it can be used as an alternative floor wax

Laurus persea Linn. (Avocado) peels contain nutrients and chemicals that can be used to make

items such as floor wax. Because avocado floor wax is organic, it is not hazardous and, more

importantly, it is inexpensive.

This study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of Laurus persea Linn.

(Avocado) peel as an alternative floor wax as so the avocado peels can be recycled into good

quality product and be useful to households. Also, to reduce the harmful chemical components

found in the commercial floor waxes.

Conceptual Framework

The goal of this study is to see the effectiveness of avocado peel that is obtained from

already eaten avocados as an alternative in making floor wax. During transfer from the place that

it was obtained to the experimental site, the standard technique for handling the specimen was


In the table below it shows the relationship between independent and dependent

variables. The concentration of avocado peel acts as an independent variable because it was

manipulated to have different result on the dependent variables. The dependent variables are the

shininess, odor and friction.

Fig 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Statement of the Problem

This study investigated the effectiveness of Laurus persea Linn. (Avocado) peel as an

alternative floor wax.

Specifically, this study aims at the following objectives:

1. To evaluate the shininess of alternative floor wax and that of the commercial floor wax.

2. To evaluate the odor of the alternative floor wax by conducting survey at least 15 people.

3. To test the static friction of alternative floor wax and commercial floor wax using tilted

plane method.


There is a significant difference between the shininess of the alternative floor wax and

commercial floor wax.

There is a significant difference in the coefficient of static friction between the alternative

floor wax and commercial floor wax.

Significance of the Study

Avocado is a fruit that is known for its delicious taste and nutritional benefits. After

eating avocado people tend to throw away it’s peel and just adds up to trash. Instead of throwing

away the avocado peel, it can be used for making the room shiny. Avocado peel is rich in

potassium which is perfect in making floor wax.

Floor wax is known for cleaning purposes but it has harmful side effects that are bad for

the health. It also has pungent odor that irritates people after applying especially in numerous

amount. Applying floor wax especially in a closed room makes the odor worse. Making floor

wax using avocado peel can help people save money on floor waxes. It can also benefit the

environment by reducing the amount of organic waste.

This study will be conducted to reduce the negative respiratory and dermatological side

effects associated with floor wax, with the same or better quality than currently available floor w

Definition of Terms

Avocado (Laurus persea Linn.) is an edible fruit and delicious fruit that is the source of

the main ingredient in making alternative floor wax.

Avocado peel refers to the main instrument of the study to reach in potassium that is

perfect for a substitute in making alternative floor wax. It is also the main ingredient of the


Kerosene is one of the ingredients in making avocado peel floor wax and to make the

floor wax not so sticky.

Wax candle refers to the was cut and melted and used as one of the main ingredients in

making alternative floor wax.

Test shininess is the method if testing the shininess by its luminous flux using Google

journal app.

Static friction test is a method of testing that is used in calculating the friction of the

avocado peel floor wax.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will be limited only for the investigation of avocado peel as an alternative

source for making floor wax. We chose this study for further investigation if avocado can be an

alternative source for floor wax and how we can help our mother Earth.
Chapter 2


Avocados are high in potassium, B vitamins, and vitamin K, among other nutrients.

They're also abundant in fat, notably heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, unlike other fruits.

Avocados are also an excellent source of fiber. In fact, it is considered as God’s greatest gift to

humanity (Popenoe, 1935).

Laurus persea Linn Avocado) is classified as a member of the flowering plant family

Lauraceae. The term 'Avocado' is derived from the Aztec word 'ahucatl.' Its other names are

'alligator pear' and 'butter fruit.' It has long been cultivated for food and medicine due to its high

nutritional content as well as its healing capabilities.It is originated in Mexico, Central or South

America, and was originally grown in Mexico around 500 BC (Duester, 2000; Rainey et al.,

1994; California Avocado Commission, 2011).Avocados are grown in a variety of tropical and

Mediterranean climates across the world, with Mexico being the biggest producer in 2019,

accounting for 32% of the global total.

When mature, the domestic variety' fruit has a buttery flesh. Avocados have green,

brown, purple, or black skin when ripe, and can be pear-shaped, egg-shaped, or spherical.

Commercially, the fruits are chosen while they are immature and ripened after harvesting.

Avocado peel's important vitamins and other components also aid to protect the skin from UV

radiation and sunburn. Avocado peel contains fats and oils that not only hydrate but also feed

your skin by giving it with important nutrients for repair and development.

People have been cleaning their wood floors with kerosene for centuries. Kerosene not

only prevents your floors from becoming dull, but it also removes heal marks, crayon, and

lipstick without harming them. Floor wax may be created from old candles by burning them until

they melt completely, then adding a little kerosene to the melted candles. This is a great polish,

especially for wooden floors, because it repels termites.


According to The New Encyclopedia Britannica (1993), wax is any flexible substance of

animal, plant, mineral, or synthetic origin that differs from lipids in that it is less greasy, tougher,

and brittle, and contains primarily high molecular weight components. Waxes melt at a

reasonable temperature and harden into firm films that may be polished to a high sheen, making

them excellent for use in a variety of polishes. SpecialChem S.A. (2010) states that wax surface

modifiers fulfil several of a floor polish's performance requirements. Correct selection and

application will govern how the polish reacts to buffing, reduce black heel markings, and give

slip control, i.e. the proper coefficient of friction to give traction for foot movement in wet or dry


Related studies of Alternative Floor wax (Banana Peel)

Surprisingly, banana peels are high in fiber, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Magnesium, and

Potassium. Potassium (78.10mg/g) and manganese (76.20mg/g) were the most abundant

in banana peels. When consumed orally, the peel's high potassium concentration helps to

maintain normal blood pressure. According to Dr. Kiyoshi Mabuchi and his team tested the

slipperiness of banana peels on wood and discovered that they had a CoF of only 0.07, making

them twice as slippery as ice and five times as slippery as wood. It can be used as an alternative

floor wax because banana peels contain potassium and are slippery.
Chapter 3


Research Design

This experimental study will investigate the effectiveness of Laurus persea Linn.

(Avocado) peels as an alternative floor wax. The avocado peel was collected from the already

eaten avocados and was transported to the experimental site, Sto. Tomas National High School

with due care and protected it in any form of damage.

Sources of Data

The research will be conducted in Sto. Tomas National High School. The experiment

took place in STEM 12 Classroom in 4th Floor Building.

Research Procedure

The materials used for the experiment are 45g of candles, 45g of kerosene, 3 small

containers and 35 g of avocado peel. As for the tools and equipment used are spoon for stirring,

mixing pot, bowl, cauldron, strainer and stove. The avocado peel was cleaned thoroughly with

water. Then it was cut into small pieces and places them in a bowl. The candles were prepared by

chopping them in to smaller pieces for it to be melted easier

Production of Floor wax

1. Prepare all the materials and equipment needed.

2. Melt the 15g of chopped candle in the cauldron on low heat until it turns to

3. Put the 5g of avocado peel in the melted candle and stir it on

low heat for at least 5 minutes.

4. Pour the kerosene and continuously stir for at least 10 minutes.

5. Turn off the fire and remove it carefully from the stove

6. Pour it on the container and let it cool down in a room temperature.

7. Wait until it forms like a wax.

8. Repeat the steps with 10g and 20g of banana peel concentration.

Testing for Shininess

The avocado peel floor wax with different avocado peel floor wax was applied

on the different part of a cemented floor and measured the shininess by its luminous

flux using Google journal app. Record and compares its luminous flux.

Testing for Odor

A survey was conducted to at least 15 people to compare the level of odor between the

alternative floor wax and a brand X floor wax.

Testing for Friction

The friction was tested using tilted plane method by applying the avocado peel floor wax with

different avocado peel concentration on different ceramic tiles. Then tilt the plane until the block

slides. Record the angles when the block slides.

Statistical Analysis

To test the shininess of the avocado peel floor wax, journal was used to determine its

luminous flux. The odor was tested by conducting a survey to at least 15 people and solve for T-

test. The friction was determined by using tilted plane method and solving its static friction

coefficient (µ).The data collected (luminous flux and angles) was compared using One- way

Analysis of Variance between commercial brand X and the avocado peel floor wax. On the other

hand, T-test will was used to determine the significant difference on the odor between the two


Flow Chart

Chapter 4


The major goal of the Avocado Peel floor wax acceptability test was to see how effective

Avocado Peel floor wax as an alternative floor wax. It also seeks to determine the average odor

difference between the Avocado Peel and a commercially available floor wax, Brand X floor

wax using T- test. In order to quantify the shininess of each avocado peel concentration and

calculate it, the researchers used Google journal app to quantify the shininess and measure it by

its luminous flux. Then one way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to determine if there

is any difference between three concentrations used in avocado peel floor wax with using alpha=

0.05. Below is the table showing the summary of results of shininess with different avocado peel


Table 1. Results of different concentration of avocado peel to its shininess (lux)

Avocado peel (g) 5g 10g 20g
Trial 1 10 lux 10 lux 13 lux
Trial 2 7 lux 9 lux 14 lux
Trial 3 9 lux 10 lux 14 lux

Table 1 shows that every avocado peel concentration in different grams shows different

shininess (lux). It is evident in Trial 3 wherein the higher the grams of Avocado peel the

higher evidence of shininess. This findings also goes with Trial 1 and Trial 2.

The interpretation above shows that the higher grams Avocado peel to be put in the

mixture the higher chance to meet the shininess of the desired output.

Using One way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) every concentration was compared if

there is a significant difference between the concentrations.

H0; µ5g= µ10g= µ20g

H1; Not all µ s are equal


Table 2. Anova Single Factor

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
8.6666 2.3333
5g 3 26 67 33
9.6666 0.3333
10g 3 29 67 33
13.666 0.3333
20g 3 41 67 33

Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between 0.0019 5.1432
Groups 42 2 21 21 53 53
Within Groups 6 6 1

Total 48 8

The result shows that the three different concentrations are differed significantly since the

F- statistics (F) is greater than the F- critical value and has P-value that is less than the alpha of 0.05.

This means that different concentration of avocado peel will affect its shininess. Thus the null

hypothesis H0 is rejected.

Another test called T-test is used to quantify and determine the level of odor between

avocado peel floor wax and brand X floor wax. A survey was conducted with 15 people and let them

compare the odor criterion between the two floor wax by rating them one to five(5 - no odor; 4 -

mild; 3 – moderate; 2 - strong odor; 1 - very strong odor). The table 3 below shows the

respondent’s responds on the two different floor wax.

Table 3. Respondents Response of the two different floor wax

Avocado Peel Floor wax Brand
5 2
5 4
5 2
5 3
5 2
5 2
5 3
5 2
4 2
3 5
3 2
2 4
2 5
4 4
4 3
Mean 4.133333 3

The researcher used Microsoft Excel to easily calculate the p-value.

H0; There is no statistically difference between the two samples

H1; There is a statistical difference between the two samples

The T- test results shows that there is a significant difference between the avocado peel

and brand X floor wax since the p- value < 0.05 thus we reject the null hypothesis H0. By

looking at the table 4 on the next page the banana peel floor wax was not strong compared to

the odor of the Brand X floor wax. The respondents consist of helpers, janitors, security

guards, students, and mothers. The researchers chose this group of respondents since they were

the members of the society most familiar with floor wax, thus, they can give a fair decision

when asked about the odor.

To calculate the friction the researchers uses the tilting plane method. The method used is

a representation of a static friction in an incline plane where friction is calculated by its static

friction coefficient (µ). To calculate the static coefficient friction the formula used is tan(ɵ) where

ɵ is the angle when the mass on the plane starts sliding. The table below shows the static friction

coefficient of each floor wax with different avocado peel concentration.

Table 4. Calculating the significant difference between the two floor wax using two- tailed, unpaired T-
test (a=0.05)

Avocado Peel Floor

wax Brand X
5 2
5 4
5 2
5 3
5 2
5 2
5 3
5 2
4 2
3 5
3 2
2 4
2 5
4 4
4 3
Mean 4.133333 3
StDev 1.125463 1.133893
Variance 1.266667 1.285714
n 15 15
p-value 0.010386

Table 5. Friction results of different avocado peel concentration


g 0.16 0.21 0.21 0.58 0.193333333
g 0.29 0.25 0.32 0.86 0.286666667
5g 0.36 0.31 0.31 0.98 0.326666667

The table shows that every avocado peel concentration shows different static coefficient friction (µ).

Below is the summary of result friction using One way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

Table 6. Anova: Single Factor Summary

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
0.32666 0.00083
5g 3 0.98 7 3
0.28666 0.00123
10g 3 0.86 7 3
0.22666 0.00083
20g 3 0,68 7 3

The summary of result friction using One way analysis of variance (as shown in table 6.)

shows that the independent variable (avocado peel) affects the dependent variable (friction). It

also states that the three concentrations differ significantly since the F- statistics (21) is greater

than the F- critical value (5.143253) thus the null hypothesis H0 is rejected. The highest

concentration (20g) has the lowest static friction coefficient which means that floor wax will have

the least effort or least angle to slide because the higher the coefficient friction the more effort or

angle to make the mass in an incline to move.

Table 7. Statistical Tests Results Summary
Criteria Type Of Test Used Alpha P-value Conclusion Interpretation

Odor T-test two tailed 0.05 Reject Ho Brand X floor

unpaired samples 0.010386 wax has strongel
for means odor than the
avocado peel
floor wax.

s One- way Analysis 0.05 0.001953 Reject Ho Using different
of variance kinds of
avocado peel
(ANOVA) can
affect the

Friction One- way Analysis 0.05 Reject Ho Using different

of variance 0.593112 kinds of
avocado peel
(ANOVA) can
affect the

Chapter 5



Avocado peels can be recycled and used to help the environment by reducing waste. There

were numerous strategies to reduce such trash in order to maintain the cleanliness of our

surroundings and to avoid the damaging effects of pollution on us. One of the strategies to

reduce waste in our environment was to recycle fruit leftovers, one of which was the avocado

peel. Avocado peel can be used as a substitute for paraffin in floor wax.

This type of debris can help to lessen the hazardous compounds contained in commercial

floor wax. Also, as a substitute for kerosene, candle wax can assist the Avocado peel in

producing high-quality floor wax. Avocado peels can be found in abundance in trash cans,

particularly on side streets.

This type of alternative can be employed by Filipino households because all of the

ingredients required for this product are readily available. The price of this compared to the

brand X floor wax, the alternative was less expensive. Using candle wax as a peeling agent was

the same as using brand X floor wax is the same or greater than the Brand X floor that is

commercially available.


Future researchers should improve the existing method in making avocado peel floor wax and

explore more on the ratio of avocado peel and other ingredient like the kerosene and candles.



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