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Experimental Heat Transfer: A Journal of

Thermal Energy Generation, Transport,
Storage, and Conversion
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Comparative Study on Heat Transfer

Enhancement of Low Volume
Concentration of Al2o3–Water and
Carbon Nano-Tube–Water Nano-Fluids in
Transition Regime Using Helical Screw
Tape Inserts
a a
Click for updates Sandesh S. Chougule & S. K. Sahu
Discipline of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology, Indore, India
Accepted author version posted online: 11 Jun 2014.Published
online: 11 Jun 2014.

To cite this article: Sandesh S. Chougule & S. K. Sahu (2014): Comparative Study on Heat Transfer
Enhancement of Low Volume Concentration of Al2o3–Water and Carbon Nano-Tube–Water Nano-Fluids
in Transition Regime Using Helical Screw Tape Inserts, Experimental Heat Transfer: A Journal of
Thermal Energy Generation, Transport, Storage, and Conversion, DOI: 10.1080/08916152.2014.926432

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Experimental Heat Transfer, 29:1–20, 2016
Copyright q Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0891-6152 print/1521-0480 online
DOI: 10.1080/08916152.2014.926432



Sandesh S. Chougule and S. K. Sahu

Discipline of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Indore, India
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This study reports the comparison of heat transfer and friction factor characteristics of
helical screw inserts in Al2O3 –water and carbon nano-tube–water nano-fluids through a
straight pipe in transition regime with constant heat flux boundary condition. Experiments
were carried out by using 0.15% volume concentration of Al2O3 –water and carbon nano-
tube–water nano-fluid with helical tape inserts of twist ratio, TR 5 1.5, 2.5, and 3. The
thermal performance of helical screw tape inserts with the carbon nano-tube–water nano-
fluid is found -to be higher when compared to the Al2O3 –water nano-fluid. In addition, the
maximum enhancement in heat transfer was obtained for the carbon nano-tube –water
nano-fluid with helical tape inserts of twist ratio 1.5. The increase in pressure drop of the
Al2O3 –water nano-fluid with helical screw tape inserts is found to be higher compared to the
carbon nano-tube –water nano-fluid helical screw tape inserts at lower value of twist ratio.

Keywords aluminium oxide nano-fluid, carbon nano-tube nano-fluid, transition regime,

helical screw tape inserts, Nusselt number, friction factor

Single-phase fluids, such as water, engine oil, and ethylene glycol (EG), are used as
coolant in various industrial applications, such as electronic devices, transport vehicles, and
in process industries. However, these fluids possess poor thermal properties. This problem
has successfully been overcome by dispersing small particles with high thermal conductivity
in these conventional fluids. Initial studies associated with the dispersion of micrometer-sized
particles exhibited problems with dispersion and flow. Later, Choi [1] developed nano-
particles and reported an enhancement in thermal conductivity by dispersing the nano-
particle in conventional heat transfer fluids. The fluids containing the nano-meter-sized
particles, termed nano-fluids, were found to possess substantially higher thermal
conductivities compared to the base fluids. To improve the thermal performance, various

Received 24 January 2014; accepted 14 May 2014.

Address correspondence to Sandesh Chougule, Discipline of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of
Technology, Indore M.P. 453441, India. E-mail:;
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at


Cp specific heat (J/kg K) Greek Symbols
D diameter of the test section diameter (m)
Dp pressure drop (N/m2)
f friction factor m dynamic viscosity (kg/m2-s)
h convective heat transfer coefficient r density (kg/m3)
(W/m2 8C) f volume concentration (%)
I current (A)
k thermal conductivity (W/m K) (water,
nano-fluid) bf basefluid
L test section length (m) in inlet
m mass flow rate (kg/s) nf nano-fluid
Nu Nusselt number, hD/k out outlet
P pitch of the helical screw tape insert pt plain tube
(m) s nano-particles
Pe Peclet number, rC p uD=k w wall
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Q heat input (W) Abbreviations

Re Reynolds number, ruD/m HI helical screw tape inserts
T temperature (8C) ID inner diameter
u fluid velocity (m/s) OD outer diameter
V voltage (V) TR twist ratio
W weight of nano-particle (kg) SSA specific surface area

heat transfer enhancement techniques have been employed in various thermal devices, such
as heat exchangers, air-conditioning systems, heat recovery systems, and refrigeration
systems. The enhancement in heat transfer rate may reduce the size of the system. The heat
transfer enhancement techniques are broadly divided into two categories, namely, the active
method which needs an external power source, and the passive method, which does not need
any external power source. Among various passive techniques, twisted tapes, wire coil
inserts, and helical screw tapes have mostly been used in ducts because of its higher efficiency
in the improvement of heat transfer rate [2–8]. The improvement in heat transfer rate by
using twisted tape may be due to various reasons, namely, the decrease in hydraulic diameter,
the increase in the length of the flow path due to helical configuration of twisted tape, the
increase in the shear stress at wall, and the tube leading to improvement in fluid mixing.
It may be noted that by using twisted tapes and helical screw tapes with nano-fluids
may provide the heat transfer benefit both due to enhanced thermal conductivity of nano-
fluids, improvement in fluid mixing and increasing the heat transfer length. Recently,
nano-fluids were used simultaneously with heat transfer enhancing devices, namely helical
screw tapes and twisted tapes [9 –18]. Sharma et al. [9] investigated experimentally the
heat transfer coefficient and friction factor for transition flow in a tube and with twisted
tape inserts with Al2O3 –water nano-fluid. The heat transfer coefficient of nano-fluid
flowing in a tube with 0.1% volume concentration was found 23.7% higher when compared
with water at a Reynolds number of 9,000. The maximum friction factor with twisted tape
at 0.1% nano-fluid volume concentration is 1.21 times that of water flowing in a plain tube.
Also they concluded that there is not much increase in pressure drop compared to water
when nano-fluids are used at the same values of twist ratios (TRs). Sundar and Sharma
[10] reported experimentally the heat transfer and friction characteristics of Al2O3 – water
nano-fluid in a circular tube fitted with twisted tapes of different TRs of 5, 10, 15, and 83.

They used water and alumina/water nano-fluids of volume concentrations 0.02, 0.1, and
0.5% for the experimental study in the Reynolds number range of 10,000 – 22,000. It was
found from their results the heat transfer coefficient and friction factor of 0.5% volume
concentration of Al2O3 – water nano-fluid with TR of five are 33.51% and 1.096 times,
respectively, compared to the flow of water in a tube. Sundar and Sharma [11] studied
experimentally and reported on the turbulent convective heat transfer and friction factor
behavior of Al2O3 nano-fluid in a circular tube with different aspect ratios of longitudinal
strip inserts. The experiments were conducted with water and nano-fluid in the range of
3,000 , Re , 22,000, particle volume concentration 0– 0.5% and longitudinal strip aspect
ratios of 0– 18. Results indicate that heat transfer coefficients increase with nano-fluid
volume concentration and decrease with aspect ratio. Wongcharee and Eiamsa-ard [12]
experimentally studies heat transfer, friction, and thermal performance characteristics of
CuO –water nano-fluid in a circular tube fitted with modified twisted tape with alternate
axis. They reported in their results that the maximum increase in thermal performance
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factor was obtained for CuO – water nano-fluid of 0.7% volume concentration for twisted
tape with alternate an axis at a particular Reynolds number of 1,990. Chandrasekar et al.
[13,14] investigated experimentally the heat transfer and friction factor characteristics in a
circular tube fitted with wire coil inserts using Al2O3 –water nano-fluid as the working
fluid. The experiments were performed using wire coil inserts having different pitch ratios
with Al2O3 –water nano-fluid having 0.1% volume concentration of nano-particles as the
working fluid. The experimental results reveal that the use of nano-fluids increases the heat
transfer rate with a negligible increase in friction factor in the plain tube and the tube fitted
with wire coil inserts. Suresh et al. [15,16] conducted a comparative study on thermal
performance of helical screw tape using Al2O3 –water and CuO – water nano-fluids. The
helical screw tape inserts (HIs) with TRs Y ¼ 1.78, 2.44, and 3 were used in the
experimental study using 0.1% volume concentration Al2O3 –water and CuO –water nano-
fluids. Thermal performance factor of the HIs using CuO –water nano-fluid was found to
be higher when compared with the corresponding value using Al2O3 – water. The higher
thermal conductivity of CuO nano-particles compared to Al2O3 nano-particles is also play
an important role in better heat transfer enhancement of CuO – water nano-fluid. Sundar
et al. [17] experimentally studied turbulent convective heat transfer and friction factor
characteristics of magnetic Fe3O4 nano-fluid flowing through a uniformly heated
horizontal circular tube with and without twisted tape inserts. Results exhibit that heat
transfer and friction factor enhancement of 0.6% volume concentration of Fe3O4 nano-
fluid in a plain tube with twisted tape insert of TR 5 is 51.88% and 1.231 times compared to
water flowing in a plain tube under the same Reynolds number. Naik et al. [18] reported the
transition flow convective heat transfer and friction factor characteristics of water/
propylene glycol-based CuO nano-fluids flowing in a horizontal circular tube fitted with
and without helical inserts. Experiments were conducted by inserting helical inserts having
a TR in the range of 0 to 9 and Reynolds number ranging from 2,500 to 10,000. Result
exhibit that the Nusselt number obtained with a 0.5% concentration of CuO nano-fluids is
about 28% higher in a plain tube and is increased further, up to 5.4 times over the base
fluid, when the helical insert with TR 3 is used. The friction factor penalty is much less
compared to the benefit of heat transfer enhancement.
It is evident that several experimental studies have been reported to evaluate the
heat transfer characteristics of various nano-fluids in a plain tube. In addition, several
researchers have reported the heat transfer and friction factor characteristics of twisted and

wire coiled inserts using various nano-fluids. It has been reported that carbon nano-tubes
(CNTs) have the high thermal conductivity, high aspect ratio, low specific gravity, and
large specific surface area (SSA) [19,20]. Although various nano-fluids have been used to
evaluate the heat transfer characteristics of helical screw inserts, the functionalized CNT –
water nano-fluid has not been used to analyze the heat transfer and friction factor
characteristics with helical screw inserts. In view of this, an attempt has been made to study
the heat transfer and friction characteristics of helical inserts by using CNT – water in
circular tube. An attempt has been made to compare the thermal performance of helical
inserts by using CNT –water and Al2O3 – water nano-fluids.

Multi-walled CNTs and alumina were received from M/S Nano-shel LLC
(Wilmington, Delaware, USA). The physical properties of Al2O3 and CNT nano-particles
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are listed in Table 1. An SEM image of MWCNT and Al2O3, captured using field emission
scanning electron microscope (FESEM) (Carl Zeiss Microscopy, Germany) is shown in
Figures 1a and 1b. In the remaining text the MWCNT is written as CNT for the
convenience. Here, the CNT –water nano-fluid with 0.15% volume concentration was
prepared by the functionalization acid treatment method. According to this method, a
simple acid treatment provides better stability to the CNT –water suspension. The acid
treatment method essentially introduces hydroxyl group at the surface of CNT leading to
conversion of the CNT surface from hydrophobic to hydrophilic. Here, CNTs were
initially immersed in a mixture of H2SO4/HNO3 (3:1) at room temperature to break up the
winding state [21 – 24]. Subsequently, CNTs were treated in an ultrasound bath (USBT-
9.0L Ultrasonic Cleanser, 200 W, Rico Scientific Industries, India) for 2 h and upheld for
15 h. Further, this solution was neutralized by using ammonium hydroxide and filtered
with a 0.22-mm cellulose acetate membrane. The CNTs were washed several times using
deionized water until the pH was adjusted to 5.5. When a surface suffers oxidation,
chemical elements are adsorbed, forming functional groups. These groups are either
positive or negatively charged. In this procedure hydroxyl and carboxylic groups are
inserted on the surface of the nano-tubes. Because of the equal charge of these groups,
CNTs repel each other, leading to the dispersed form of the solution [21 – 28]. While,
Al2O3 – water nano-fluid is prepared by simply dispersing specified amounts of nano-
particles in deionized water without the addition of any surfactant. To make the nano-fluid
more stable and to remain more dispersed in water, an ultrasonic vibrator was used.
Sonication was done for 1 h continuously to obtain a more stable and evenly dispersed
nano-particle suspension. The average sizes of the particles are found to be 63.5 and

Table 1. Geometrical specifications and characteristics of nano-particles

Material Multi-walled CNTs Material Alumina

Appearance Black powder Appearance White powder

Purity .99.5% Purity 99.99%
Diameter 20 –30 nm Diameter ,100 nm
Length 3 –8 mm pH Value 6.6
SSA 90 –350 m2/g SSA 15–20 m2/g
Specific density 3.250 g/cm3 Specific density 3.428 g/cm3
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Figure 1. SEM image at magnification of 20,000 £ of: (a) MWCNT particles and (b) Al2O3 particles.

121 nm for 0.15% by volume concentration CNT –water nano-fluid and Al2O3 –water
nano-fluid, respectively.
Here, the hydrophilic nature of the nano-fluid was tested by the static wettability test.
It may be noted that static wetting occurs when a small liquid droplet is deposited on a
smooth, homogeneous stationary copper surface. The degree of static wetting is usually
defined by the equilibrium contact angle (ue). For the higher values of contact angle
(ue . 908), the wetting is considered to be poor. While, for a lower contact angle
(ue , 908), the liquid wets the solid surface. With the decrease in the contact angle, the
degree of wetting increases and the complete wetting is achieved for zero value of contact
angle (ue ¼ 0). In the present study, tests have been carried out to measure the
contact angle of various fluids, such as water, CNT –water nano-fluid, and Al2O3 –water
nano-fluid, with a plain copper solid surface by using the contact angle meter (model

HO-IAD-CAM-01A; Holmarc Opto-Mechatronics Pvt. Ltd., Kochi, Kerala, India) and the
results are shown in Figures 2a, 2b, and 2c. The contact angle was found to be 57.628,
48.458, and 44.828 for water, Al2O3 –water nano-fluid, and CNT –water nano-fluid,
respectively. This shows that addition of nano-particle increases the surface wettability.
The volume concentration of nano-particles is evaluated as
volume of nanoparticle
f¼ £ 100; ð1Þ
volume of nanoparticle þ volume of base fluid
2 3
6 rs 7
f¼6 7
4W s W bf 5 £ 100: ð2Þ
rs rbf
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Figure 2. Equilibrium contact angle on plain copper surface, droplet resting on a level copper surface:
(a) pure water, (b) Al2O3 –water nano-fluid, and (c) CNT –water nano-fluid.

A thermal properties analyzer (KD-2 Pro; Decagon Devices, USA) with an accuracy
of ^ 5.0% and Redwood viscometer-I (Pullman, Washington, USA) with an accuracy
of ^ 1.0% were used to measure the thermal conductivity and viscosity in the nano-coolant
at various sample temperatures.

Test Facility
The schematic view of the test facility developed to study the flow and convective heat
transfer characteristics of the Al2O3 and CNT nano-fluid in a tube with helical tape inserts is
shown in Figure 3. The test facility consists of test section, power supply, nano-fluid supply
system, cooling section, and instrumentation scheme for measuring temperature. The test
section is made of a 1,000-mm-long copper tube of 10.5 mm ID and 12.5 mm OD. One end of
the copper tube is fitted to a 1,000-mm-long PVC tube of 10.5 mm ID and 12.5 mm OD. This
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long PVC tube, termed the calming section, is made long enough to ensure fully developed
flow at the entrance of the test section. The test section at the inlet was connected to the
calming section and outlet to the heat exchanger by a Teflon connector.
The copper tube is heated uniformly by wrapping two heating elements made of
nichrome heating wire (20 gauge, 53.5 V, 1 kW). The nichrome heating wire has ceramic beads
insulation that prevents the direct contact of nichrome wire and the test section. The terminals of
the Nichrome heating wires are connected to an auto transformer and the power supply to the
test section is varied by varying the voltage. The entire test section is insulated by using glass
wool insulation to minimize heat loss from the test section to the surroundings.
Six calibrated resistance temperature detectors (RTD) PT100-type temperature
sensors with an accuracy of ^ 0.18C are placed in the thermo wells mounted on the test

Figure 3. Schematic diagram of test facility.


section at distances 0.15, 0.30, 0.45, 0.60, 0.75, and 0.90 m from the inlet of the test section
to measure outside wall temperature. In addition, two calibrated RTD PT100-type
temperature sensors are located at the inlet and outlet of the test section to measure the inlet
and outlet temperature of the working fluid. The RTD wires at these locations are
designated as T1 through T8.
The inside wall temperature was evaluated by calculating the tube wall temperature
drop from 1D radial heat conduction equation. A digital acquisition system (DAS; model
34970; Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, California, USA) is used for recording the
temperature. A peristaltic pump (RH-P1201; Ravel Hiteks Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, India) with a
maximum capacity of 2.5 L/min is used to feed nano-fluid from the coolant storage tank to
the test section. The coolant flow rate of the peristaltic pump is controlled by varying the
rotational speed. The peristaltic pump was calibrated by using a measuring glass jar. This
was achieved by collecting the volume of water in the jar for a given time interval and
comparing with the volume flow rate calculated from the rotational speed of peristaltic
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pump. The flow rate of the nano-fluid is controlled with a bypass valve arrangement, and the
remaining fluid is sent back to the storage tank. The nano-fluid which is heated in the test
section is allowed to cool by passing it through an air cooler. The pressure drop across the
test section is measured using a differential pressure transducer (D9824-6-005BD; Omicron,
San Diego, California, USA) with an accuracy of ^ 0.25% mounted across the test section.
Also, a U-tube manometer with carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) as manometer liquid is used to
measure the pressure drop during the experimental investigation. The HIs with various TRs
were fabricated by winding uniformly a copper strip of 3.5 mm width over a 2.5-mm copper
rod and then painted with insulating gel. The geometrical configuration of HIs are shown in
Figure 4. The TR, TR is defined as the ratio of length of one twist to the diameter of the twist.
Three inserts with TRs of 1.5, 2.5, and 3 are used in the present experimental investigation.

Experimental Test Procedure

Experiments were carried out to evaluate the convective heat transfer and friction
factor characteristics during flow of water and nano-fluids through the tube with helical
tape inserts. The storage tank is filled with the working fluid and the circulation pump is
turned on to initiate the flow of coolant through the test section. The coolant mass flow
rate is measured by varying the rotational speed of the peristaltic pump. The flow is
adjusted to carry out the experiments in the Reynolds number range of 2,400 to 4,000.
After adjusting the required flow rate, the electric power is supplied to the heating
element to heat the outer surface of tube. During heating, the surface temperature and
the electric power level are monitored through the DAS and a voltmeter, respectively.
After reaching the steady state condition input power to the heating element and
temperature at various locations of the test tube are noted by using voltmeter, and DAS,
respectively. Initially tests were conducted with water and the results were compared
with the results of Gnielinski [29] to validate the test set-up. Later, various working
fluids, such as CNT – water and Al2O3 – water, in the tube were used to study the friction
factor and heat transfer characteristics. Subsequently, the screw tape inserts were
inserted in the tube to study their effect on heat transfer and pressure drop
characteristics. To evaluate the friction factor characteristics during the flow, the power
supply was switched off and the pressure drop was measured by using a differential
pressure transducer (D9824-6-005BD). The tube wall temperatures, inlet and outlet
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Figure 4. (a) Geometrical configuration of HIs and (b) HIs used in the present work and their geometries.

temperatures of the working fluid, mass flow rate, and electric power input are recorded
during each test run. The pressure drop is measured by switching off the electric power
supply to the test section. An error analysis is made to evaluate various errors
associated in the experimental analysis following the procedure suggested by Coleman
and Steel [30] and ANSI/ASME standard [31]. The uncertainties associated with
various parameters namely, flow rate, wall and fluid temperatures, voltage, current, and
pressure drop were evaluated to estimate the combined uncertainty in Reynolds number,
Nusselt number and friction factor on the basis of a 95% confidence level. The
maximum uncertainty in various parameters, namely, Reynolds number, friction factor
and Nusselt number were found to be ^ 1, ^ 3, and ^ 2%, respectively.


Experiments were carried out by using 0.15% volume concentration Al2O3 –water,
and CNT –water nano-fluid with helical tape inserts of TRs, TR ¼ 1.5, 2.5, and 3. Reynolds

number is varied in the range of 2,400 to 4,000. The test data were used to calculate the
Nusselt number, friction factor, and thermal performance factor for various Peclet numbers
in the transition flow regime with and without HIs. This is detailed next.

Thermal Conductivity and Viscosity of Measurement

Figure 5a demonstrates the experimentally measured value of thermal conductivity
for CNT – water and Al2O3 – water nano-fluids [34,35]. The thermal conductivity of nano-
fluids increases with the fluid temperature and the viscosity is found to decrease with
temperature. At higher fluid temperature, the Brownian motion of nano-particles
intensifies, consequently the microconvection increases resulting in an enhancement of the
thermal conductivity of nano-fluids. The enhancement in the thermal conductivity with
temperature for CNT – water and Al2O3 –water nano-fluid is shown in Figure 5a. Earlier,
various authors [17,32] reported similar observations during their experimental
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investigation. The absolute viscosities of nano-fluid at different temperatures are estimated

by using a viscosity meter Redwood viscometer-I. Repeated tests are conducted with water
and nano-fluid to test the reliability of the values. The values of viscosity are found to be in
excellent agreement with the values available in literature. Figure 5b shows the test data for
viscosity of CNT – water and Al2O3 –water nano-fluid. It can be observed from these figures
that the absolute viscosity of nano-fluid increases with particle volume concentration and
are in close agreement with the values reported by earlier researchers [17,33].

Heat Transfer Study

The total heat supplied to the test section and the heat absorbed by the working fluid
is estimated from Eqs. (3) and (4), respectively:

Q1 ¼ VI ðenergy suppliedÞ; ð3Þ

Q2 ¼ mC
_ P ðT out 2 T in Þ ðenergy absorbedÞ; ð4Þ
ðQ1 2 Q2 Þ £ 100%=Q1 , 3%; ð5Þ

Here, the heat balance between the heat input (Q1) and heat transfer rate of the water (Q2) is
less than 3%, shown by Eq. (5).
Newton’s law of cooling in Eq. (6) is used for estimation of experimental heat
transfer coefficient, and the experimental Nusselt number is evaluated by using Eq. (7):

h¼ : ð6Þ
AðT w 2 T f Þ

Here, T w is the average temperature of the wall and T f is the average bulk temperature of
fluid, where

T3 þ T4 þ T5 þ T6 þ T7 þ T8 T1 þ T2 hD
A ¼ pDL; T w ¼ ; T f ¼ Nu ¼ ; ð7Þ
6 2 K
where D is the diameter of the test section, h is the average heat transfer coefficient, and
K is the thermal conductivity of the working fluid.

(a) 0.85

Themal Conductivity, (W/mK)



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20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Temprature, (°C)

(b) 0.0011


Absolute viscocity, (N.s/m2)






20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Temprature, (°C)

Figure 5. Variation of: (a) thermal conductivity and (b) absolute viscosity with temperature for nano-fluids with
0.15% volume concentrations.

The Nusselt number of single phase fluid reported by Gnielinski [29] is expressed
G Re 2 1;000Pr
Nu ¼  0:5  ; ð8Þ
1 þ 12:7 G2 Pr 2=3 2 1


G ¼ ð1:58 ln Re 2 3:82Þ22 ; 2;300 , Re , 5 £ 106 0:5 , Pr , 2;000

In this investigation, to validate the test facility, the tests have been carried out by
using pure water. The Nusselt number for water obtained by using Eq. (7) is compared with
the values obtained from Eq. (8) of Gnielinski [29] and are shown in Figure 6. The
deviation between the present prediction obtained from Eq. (7) and the values obtained
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from Eq. (8) are found to be less than ^ 3%. This indicates that the present test facility is in
good condition and can be used to evaluate the heat transfer characteristics of both Al2O3 –
water and CNT –water nano-fluid.
Figure 7 depicts the variation of Nusselt number with Peclet number. Under similar
conditions, the Nusselt number of both the nano-fluids (Al2O3 –water, CNT –water) is
higher than that of water. This may be due to the fact that the nano-particles increase the
thermal conductivity. In addition, the collision among nano-particles and between the
nano-particles and tube wall increases the energy exchange rate leading to an increase in
the heat transfer rate. It is observed that Nusselt number increases with Peclet number.

Gnielinski equation [29]
Nusselt number (Nu)



2400 2800 3200 3600 4000
Reynolds number (Re)

Figure 6. Comparison of experimental Nusselt number with Gnielinski equation.


Water Al2O3 + HI (TR=3)
0.15% Al2O3 Al2O3 + HI (TR=2.5)
0.15% CNT Al2O3 + HI (TR=1.5)
160 Water + HI (TR=3) CNT + HI (TR=3)
Water + HI (TR=2.5) CNT + HI (TR=2.5)
Water + HI (TR=1.5) CNT + HI (TR=1.5)
Nusselt number (Nu)


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15000 20000 25000 30000 35000
Peclet number (Pe)

Figure 7. Variation of Nusselt number with Peclet number.

Tests have been carried out using 0.15% volume concentration of Al2O3 – water and CNT –
water nano-fluid. The heat transfer characteristics of both nano-fluids (Al2O3 – water and
CNT –water) were found to be higher compared to the pure water. In addition, the CNT –
water nano-fluid exhibits enormous enhancement in heat transfer over the Al2O3 – water
nano-fluid for the similar conditions. Previous researchers [16] have reported a similar
observation for Al2O3 –water nano-fluid in their experimental investigation. This may be
due to the following reasons. The size of the CNT and Al2O3 nano-particles used in the
present investigation is found to be 20 nm and100 nm, respectively. CNTs possess higher
thermal conductivity, higher aspect ratio, lower specific gravity, larger SSA, and lower
thermal resistance compared to Al2O3 [19,20,34,35]. The CNT nano-particle have a porous
structure, CNT in water creates capillary action leading to enhancement in heat transfer. It
may be noted that the higher thermal conductivity and large specific SSA of CNT nano-
particles play an important role in the heat transfer enhancement. Therefore, the
enhancement in heat transfer for CNT – water nano-fluid is found to be higher compared to
Al2O3 – water nano-fluid.
Tests have been carried out to estimate the heat transfer enhancement of pure water
and nano-fluids with the HI. Three different TRs, namely TR ¼ 1.5, 2.5, and 3, are
considered in the analysis and the results are depicted in Figures 7 and 8. The HI exhibits
higher Nusselt numbers in both nano-fluids and pure water. It is observed that the
enhancement in Nusselt number was found to increase with the decrease in the TR for both
pure water and nano-fluids. The thermal performance of CNT –water nano-fluid is found to
be higher compared to Al2O3 – water nano-fluid and pure water both in the plain tube and
the plain tube with inserts. It is observed that the Nusselt number of all the working fluids,

0.15% Al2O3 Al2O3 + HI (TR=2.5)
0.15% CNT Al2O3 + HI (TR=1.5)
300 Water + HI (TR=3) CNT + HI (TR=3)
Water + HI (TR=2.5) CNT + HI (TR=2.5)
Water + HI (TR=1.5) CNT + HI (TR=1.5)
Enhancement in Nusselt number (%)

Al2O3 + HI (TR=3)



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15000 20000 25000 30000 35000
Peclet number (Pe)

Figure 8. Enhancement in Nusselt number at different Peclet numbers.

namely, CNT – water, Al2O3 – water and pure water for the plain tube with helical inserts is
higher compared to the plain tube for a given Peclet number. This is due to the fact that the
plain tube fitted with helical inserts decreases the hydraulic diameter and increases the fluid
velocity leading to the increase in the Reynolds number; and therefore, the Nusselt number
increases with inserts. In addition to this, the turbulent intensity of the fluid increases at the
tube wall leading to excellent mixing. This leads to the re-development of thermal and
hydraulic boundary layer which enhances the heat transfer rate. The average enhancement
in Nusselt number of Al2O3 – water and CNT –water in the plain tube were found to be
12.90 and 33.58%, respectively, compared to the water as the working fluid. The
enhancement in Nusselt number was found to decrease with the increase in Peclet number
and is shown in Figure 7. The enhancement in the Nusselt number of pure water with TRs
of 1.5, 2.5, and 3 were found to be 159.60, 125.85, and 91.30%, respectively. In addition,
the increase in the average Nusselt number for TRs of 1.5, 2.5, and 3 were found to be
172.81, 131.21, and 99.33%, respectively, for the Al2O3 – water nano-fluid. While, the
CNT –water nano-fluid exhibits 215.55, 173.25, and 120.32% enhancement in the Nusselt
number corresponding to the TRs of 1.5, 2.5, and 3, respectively. It may be noted that the
enhancement in the convective heat transfer is due to the addition of nano-particles and the
use of HIs. It is observed that the enhancement of Nusselt number of pure water with HI is
larger compared to the enhancement of Al2O3 – water and CNT –water nano-fluids in the
plain tube for a given Peclet number. It may be noted that the mechanism of heat transfer
rate is different in both the cases. The heat transfer enhancement in the case of nano-fluids

is due to various reasons, such as improved thermal conductivity of nano-fluids compared

to pure water, Brownian motion of nano-particles, and particle migration. While
enhancement in heat transfer with HIs is due to the random movement of the fluid particles
that increases the energy exchange rate leading to the enhancement in heat transfer. The
higher turbulence intensity close to the tube wall results in an excellent fluid mixing and
the redevelopment of thermal and hydraulic boundary layers. This essentially enhances the
heat transfer rate.

Pressure Drop Study

The pressure drop (DP) measured across the test section is used to determine the
friction factor ( f) using the following relation:

f ¼   2  ; ð9Þ
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L ru
D 2

where u is the fluid velocity (in m/s), r is fluid density (in kg/m3), D is the diameter of the
test section (in m), and L is the length of the test section (in m). Blasius [30] developed an
expression to evaluate the friction factor valid in the range of 3,000 , Re , 105 for pure
water as

f ¼ : ð10Þ

The experimental friction factor of water is obtained by using Eq. (9) and is shown in
Figure 9. The present test data were found to be in good agreement with the values
obtained by using Blasius [36] correlation (Eq. (10)). The deviation between the present
test data and theoretical values are found to be within 4%.
Figure 10 depicts the variation of friction factor of various working fluids, namely,
CNT –water, Al2O3 – water, and pure water with Peclet numbers both for the plain tube and
the plain tube with HIs. It was observed that the increase in the pressure drop of pure water
due to the dispersion of nano-particles (CNT, Al2O3) is minimal. However, the pressure
drop was found to increase significantly with the use of helical inserts in the plain tube for
both Al2O3 – water and CNT – water nano-fluids. It is observed that the friction factor
increases with a decrease in the TR. The maximum friction factor of CNT –water nano-
fluid with inserts was found to be 7.75, 6.67, and 6.15 times the friction factor of a plain
tube with water corresponding to TRs of 1.5, 2.5, and 3, respectively, at Pe ¼ 16,000.
While, the maximum friction factor of Al2O3 – water nano-fluid with inserts was found to
be 8.04, 6.95, and 6.19 times the friction factor of plain tube with water corresponding to
TRs of 1.5, 2.5, and 3, respectively, at Pe ¼ 16,000. It is observed that at TR ¼ 1.5, the
Al2O3 – water nano-fluid exhibits higher pressure drop compared to CNT nano-fluid. This
may be due to the fact of the larger size of an Al2O3 particle (100 nm) compared to a CNT
nano-particle (20 nm). Because of the larger size of the Al2O3 particle, the nano-fluid
(Al2O3 –water) exhibits higher viscosity and reduces the free flow area in the presence of
inserts. Therefore, the pressure drop in the case of Al2O3 – water nano-fluid is higher
compared to the CNT –water nano-fluid.

Blasius equation [29]

Friction factor (f)


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2400 2800 3200 3600 4000
Reynold number (Re)

Figure 9. Comparison of experimental friction factor with Blasius equation.

0.15% Al2O3
0.15% CNT
0.8 Al2O3 + HI (TR=3)
CNT + HI (TR=3)
Al2O3 + HI (TR=2.5)
Friction factor, (f)

CNT + HI (TR=2.5)
Al2O3 + HI (TR=1.5)
CNT + HI (TR=1.5)



16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000
Peclet number (Pe)

Figure 10. Variation of friction factor with Peclet number.


Thermal Performance Factor Analysis

Thermal performance factor (h) is the parameter usually used to evaluate the effect
of enhancement in heat transfer rate and the increase in the pressure drop. This is defined
the ratio between the Nusselt number ratio (Nu/Nupt)and friction factor ratio ðf =f pt Þ3 for
the same pumping power condition [4, 6– 7, 10, 13 – 16]:

ðNu=Nupt Þ
h¼ 1
ðf =f pt Þ3

where Nu and fdenotes the Nusselt number and friction factor with enhancing factor
(helical inserts), respectively. While, Nupt and fpt represents the plain tube Nusselt number
and friction factor, respectively. Figure 11 depicts the variation of thermal performance
factor of various working fluids, namely, water, Al2O3 – water and CNT – water nano-fluid
with Peclet number. It is observed that the values of h are higher for the low TRs
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irrespective of the working fluid and Peclet number. This may be due to the generation of
stronger turbulence/swirl flow by the helical screw inserts with lower TR. This indicates
that HIs with the lower TRs should be considered for the saving of energy for a given
operating condition. In addition, the thermal performance factor (h) was found to decrease
with the increase in Peclet number. This may be due to the increase in the pressure drop
with the increase in Peclet number.
It may be noted that the value of h needs to be greater than unity for the net energy
gain in the system. The values of h for the CNT – water nano-fluid is found to be higher
compared to the Al2O3 –water nano-fluid and pure water for all TRs (1.5, 2.5, and 3) and

Water + HI (TR=3)
Water + HI (TR=2.5)
Water + HI (TR=1.5)
1.4 Al2O3 + HI (TR=3)
Al2O3 + HI (TR=2.5)
Al2O3 + HI (TR=1.5)
Thermal performance factor (η)

CNT + HI (TR=3)
CNT + HI (TR=2.5)
1.3 CNT + HI (TR=1.5)





16000 20000 24000 28000 32000 36000
Peclet number (Pe)

Figure 11. Variation of thermal performance factor with Peclet number.


for the Peclet number varying between 16,000 and 33,500. It is observed that the values of
h are higher for the low TRs irrespective of the working fluid and Peclet number. This is
due to the stronger turbulence/swirl flow generated by the HI in the case of insert with the
smallest TR. Here, h is found to vary between 1.35 –1.16, 1.29 –1.21, and 1.22– 0.97 for
TRs of 1.5, 2.5, and 3, respectively, using CNT –water nano-fluid as the working fluid.
While, the thermal performance factor of the Al2O3 –water nano-fluid (by volume 0.15%)
varies between 1.19– 1.02, 1.16 –1.01, and 1.10 – 0.88 for the TRs of 1.5, 2.5, and 3,

An experimental investigation has been carried out to study the heat transfer and
friction factor characteristics of various nano-fluids (Al2O3 – water and CNT –water) by
using 0.15% volume concentration with helical tape inserts of TRs, TR ¼ 1.5, 2.5, and 3.
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Peclet number is varied within the range of 16,000 –33,500 during the present
investigation. The following conclusions are made from the analysis and detailed next.

1. The addition of the nano-particle to base fluid (water) reduces contact angle
leading to an increase the wettability of the surface.
2. The use of HIs in a plain tube causes intensification in heat transfer with a
significant increase in pressure drop.
3. Moreover, Nusselt number for the tube fitted with helical inserts is higher than
that for the plain tube for a given Peclet number, because the tube fitted with
helical tapes decreases the hydraulic diameter and increases the fluid flow with
the addition of swirl generation. The enhancement in Nusselt number decreases
with an increase in Peclet number, and it increases with a decrease in the TR.
4. The experimental results show that the CNT – water nano-fluid gives an
enormous enhancement in heat transfer over Al2O3 –water nano-fluid, because
CNTs offers a high thermal conductivity, high aspect ratio, low specific gravity,
large SSA, and low thermal resistance as compared to the Al2O3 – water nano-
5. The friction factors caused by the helical inserts were considerably higher than
those generated by the plain tube and its increases with a decrease in TR. There is
not any significant difference found in the friction factor by addition of Al2O3 and
CNT nano-particle in base fluid because of the low volume concentration of
6. The experimental results show that HIs give better thermal performance
when used with the CNT – water nano-fluid than with Al2O3 –water nano-fluid
and the thermal performance factor using the CNT – water nano-fluid is higher
than the corresponding value using Al2O3 –water for all TRs involved in this

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