Bylaws9 1 09

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Governing Board and Responsibilities

Revised 9/1/09 The board of directors shall consist of a minimum of 13 members. The officers shall be chosen for a 1 year term to be voted on by all league members present at the last meeting of the current season. A qualified vote of the board requires a quorum of 7 board members (at least 7 board members needed to conduct a vote). Votes will be decided by a simple majority (1 more than 1/2 the board members voting). President -oversees running of league, conducts meetings,

works with school administration & rotary, acquires building use, scheduling of games and practices.
Vice President- works with president to run league, equipment

ordering & collection, contacts outside sponsors when needed

Treasurer-handles all league finances: deposits, payment of

bills & insurance

Secretary- keep minutes, coordinate all public notifications

concerning meetings, sign-ups and publicity

Boys Travel Division Director- oversees all travel teams, attends

League meetings, scheduling of travel games, pays home referees, assists travel coaches when necessary
Girls Travel Division Director -oversees all travel teams, attends League meetings, coordinates referees for home games,

scheduling of home games, assists travel coaches when necessary

Rotary Representative - works with president, acquires rotary

Boys In-Town Division Directors (3) game schedules, gets referees,

oversees division
Girls In-Town Division Directors (3) game schedules, gets referees,

oversees division

The Treasurer shall submit a proposed budget at the first meeting of the year, to be held in August, along with a detailed financial statement from the last season. New items for the budget shall be heard and voted on by the board. The adjusted budget shall reflect the proposed costs for the upcoming season, which will help determine the cost of player registration. All expenditures above and beyond what is budgeted shall require board approval.

Bylaws - Travel Division

The rules and regulations are adopted to govern the operation, procedures and conduct of the Amesbury Travel Division and its members and coaches. In the event of any conflict between any of these rules, regulations or applicable laws of the respective leagues, the Amesbury Youth Rotary Division By-Laws shall govern.

Selection Of Coaches
Each team shall have 1 head coach and no more than 2 assistant coaches. Head coaches for the upcoming season shall be selected and approved by the current board. Head coaches must notify the board of the selection of assistant coaches before the start of the current season. Adults who are interested in coaching at the travel level must notify a board member by the last sign-up date of the upcoming season.

Responsibilities of Coaches
Head coaches are responsible for their respective league schedules, running and managing their team and practices. Notify parents of selected players in writing of their rules and regulations along with a complete seasons game schedule. Head coaches or assistant coaches are expected to attend every meeting and be available to work a minimum of 1 league sign-up. Head coach is responsible for collecting and handing in travel fees to the Treasurer no later than January 1 of the current season (no mailing of money). Coaches and assistants must attend a league sponsored coaches and referees clinic prior to the start of the season.

To the extent practical, the Amesbury Youth Rotary Travel Division shall consist of teams in those levels that participation allows. (Fifth grade, sixth grade, seventh grade and eighth grade) The number of teams at any level shall be a function of the number of qualified girls and boys, the availability of practice space, reasonable time and costs, and league openings. Players shall play at their current grade level unless the boards deems necessary to pull a player up due to lack of qualified age level players for a team, or based on extraordinary ability with board approval. The above includes gender. Girls/boys will not be allowed to play on opposite sex teams unless deemed necessary by the board in accordance with previous statement. . No player shall be added to the team roster during the season without board approval and proof of need.

Team, Player and Coachs Conduct

Team, player, and coachs conduct shall at all times reflect good sportsmanship and conduct becoming a participant in the Amesbury Youth Rotary Travel Division. A coach or the president or the Division Director may elect to bench, not play, or take other appropriate disciplinary action against a player, if, in the coachs, presidents or Division Directors judgment, the players conduct is deficient in this regard. This rule applies to team and coach. Removal of coaches from their position either by temporary suspension or on a permanent basis will be a full board decision, no exceptions.

Uniforms and Equipment

Teams and players wearing the Amesbury Rotary uniform shall maintain them in good condition. Players are responsible for the uniforms provided them and shall return them at the last game (play off) to the head coach. Each team will be provided a game ball, score book, and first aid kit, which shall be returned to the Division Director or Vice President no later than March 30.

Tournament Play
The league will pay for one tournament and the play off costs for each travel team per season. All other tournament play must be paid for by the players or the coach may petition the board for available funds.

Selection of Teams
Travel teams will be selected at a 2 session try-out by a qualified, independent party not affiliated with team. Coaches will be named to the team, per Section 2, after the body of players is selected. The board of directors will be responsible for finding and naming selection process officials. Selection officials must be approved by a qualified board vote. Previous year's coaches are welcome to provide a rating of players at the end of the season for potential use by the selection official.

Roster Size
Travel team rosters will be no more than 12 players, ten being the best working number for playing time and instruction. It will be up to the head coach's discretion as to final team size within a 10-12 player roster.

Residency Requirement
Players must reside in Amesbury or South Hampton or attend school in the Amesbury School District.

Bylaws - In-Town Division

The rules and regulations are adopted to govern the operation, procedures and conduct of the Amesbury In-Town Division and its members and coaches. In the event of any conflict between these rules, regulations or applicable laws of the respective divisions, the Amesbury In-Town Bylaws shall govern.

Selection of Coaches
Each team shall have 1 head coach and no more than 2 assistant coaches. Head coaches for the upcoming season shall be on a volunteer basis. Head coaches shall appoint their own assistants unless the governing board has long time, in good standing coaches who wish to continue their volunteerism. In this case coaches will be asked to team up with such persons by the governing board.

Responsibilities of Coaches
Head coaches are responsible for the selection of their team at the draft or placement meeting in the case of the 3rd and 4th grade division. They are to hold 1 practice per week during the AYRBL season. They are responsible for the running and managing of their team during practices and games. Head coaches and/or assistant coaches are responsible for attending league meetings. Coaches must work with division directors and be available to referee within their division a minimum of 3 games per season. All coaches are expected to adhere to the leagues code of conduct and promote skill development and a positive experience for the youth of Amesbury. Coaches shall have the authority to discipline any player whose conduct is in contrast to the AYRBL Code of Conduct, including loss of playing time and suspension as spelled out in the Code of Conduct. The coach shall report the matter to the Division Director in a timely manner.

Responsibilities of Division Directors

Division Directors will be responsible for the overall running of their respective division for the current season. will set the game schedule for the season within the time slot provided by the governing board. Directors will also will get referees for their division games. will submit game schedules for the division prior to the first game. Division Directors shall will provide team roster and their sponsor information to the Vice-President with in a week of the first games, who will see that the information will get to the sponsors as soon as possible. must attend all league meetings or send an interim. 5

Division Directors must hand in equipment provided to coaches in the division to the league Vice President no later than March 30.

The number of teams at any level shall be a function 1. of the number of qualified boys and girls, 2. the availability of practice space, 3. and reasonable time and cost. All players shall be evenly distributed amongst the teams for that season. Teams shall be made up according to the grade level it comprises. No exceptions shall be made within the in-town divisions. The divisions shall be organized as follows unless participation grows and allows for expansion at any level; o 3rd & 4th boys, o 5th & 6th boys, o 7th & 8th boys, o 3rd & 4th girls, o 5th & 6th girls, o 7th & 8th girls.

Team, Player and Coachs Conduct

see Section 5 Travel Division

Uniforms and Equipment

Teams and players shall maintain and respect the game T-shirt provided them. At the conclusion of the season, the shirt is theirs to keep. Game shirts must be worn for games, practice is optional. Teams and players shall not in any way change the shirt by cutting during the season. All equipment provided a division or individual team must be turned in to Division Directors within two weeks of the conclusion of the season. Division Directors must hand in equipment to the league Vice President no later than March 30.

Play-offs will be played by the 7th & 8th grade boys and girls each season in place of their last week of games. Games are single elimination and schedule is based on standings for that season. 5th & 6th grade girls and 5th & 6th grade boys divisions playoffs are optional and shall be determined each year by the current coaches. 3rd & 4th grade divisions will not have playoffs.

Coaches and assistants are responsible for teaching basic skills and violations at each level that are appropriate to basketball development at that level, as listed below or handed out. 6

Coaches Education
Each coach at the Travel and In-Town Division level, in order to provide more qualified instruction, must attend at least 1 league-sponsored coaching and refereeing clinic (3 dates provided) prior to the start of the current coaching season.

Residency Requirement
Players must reside in Amesbury or South Hampton or attend school in the Amesbury School District.

AYRBL Rules and Regulations

1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) 9.) Gym Rules must be adhered to and followed at all times by players, coaches and spectators. League Code of Conduct will be maintained during practices and games. Violations of this code will result in action by the governing board. Hanging around the gym before, during or after practices will not be tolerated. Players in violation can receive 1 game suspension. Any defacing of school property by a team or player shall result in action deemed necessary by the governing board. All teams shall play a man to man defense only. NO ZONES The playing of zones by team or player will result in a technical foul. Games must begin and end within their scheduled time. Division Directors and board members can make necessary decisions as far as time to move games along. Overtimes will only be allowed when time is available. If time does not allow for overtime the game will end in a tie. Games will not be postponed. They will be played or canceled. The League President will notify Division Directors and they will notify their respective coaches. Each player on a team shall be given equal playing time. No player shall be limited in their experience and shall be allowed to experience all aspects of the game.

10.) Only players warming up for their immediate game will be allowed on the gym floor. 11.) Arrival at practice more than 15 minutes prior is not allowed. Repeat violations of this policy shall be reported to the president and acted upon by him/her. 12.) Standard basketball rules will be followed for all teams. Exceptions to these rules must be agreed upon first by the division coaches and then receive governing board approval Fouls will be called at the discretion of the referee. Intentional fouls will result in a technical and the player must be sat by the coach. (1 and 1 on the 7team foul, on the 10th foul 2 shots) Technical fouls result in 2 shots and possession of the ball. A maximum of 5 timeouts per game unless otherwise set by Division Directors. Length to be set by division. 7th & 8th grade boys can play a full court man to man up to a 15 point lead, when they must go to half court defense until the score goes under 15 points. All other divisions shall play a half court man to man at all times No jewelry, watches or earrings will be worn at practices or games. 8

Each game will start with a jump ball. Otherwise, the alternating possession rule will be in effect. Players have 5 seconds to release the ball on the inbounds. Players have 10 seconds to get the ball over half court or loss of possession will result. The three second rule and back court will only apply to those teams playing on a full court. If a player fouls out, the coach has 30 seconds to replace the player. If a team has fewer than 5 players (7th & 8th boys) and fewer than 4 players (all other divisions) at game time, they may play with that number. The other team does not have to. If a player fouls out, the team must play with four. If a team has less than 4 players at 7th & 8th grade boys and less than 3 players in all other divisions, the game is called. In the event of offsetting technicals, shots will be taken in the order in which they occurred. Players or coaches with 2 technical fouls in a game will be expelled from the game. Any profanity used by a player or coach will result in a technical foul. Substitutions can only be made on a whistle stopping play. During a two shot foul substitutions can be made by either team after the first shot. In a one and one situation substitutions can be made before the ball is handed to the player on the foul line or if indicated by the referee. Substitutions are allowed during time outs as long as the player checks in with the scorers table. Disrespect towards referees, shown by players, coaches or spectators, is unsportsmanlike-like conduct. Anyone doing so will be charged with a technical foul. At the discretion of the referee, they may be warned on the first offense. Reaching or stepping over the line during an inbound by the defensive player will result in a warning on the 1st offense and a technical foul on the 2nd offense.

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