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Student Name: palak

Student ID: 5935

Assessment Summary
SITHKOP004 - Develop menus for special dietary
Unit Details

This is a summative assessment, which requires

Assessment Type each student to have adequate practice prior
to undertaking this assessment

Assessment 1 Written Task

Assessment Methods Assessment 2 Project& Role-play

Assessment 3 Project& Role-play

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Assessment information................................................................................................. 4
Purpose........................................................................................................................ 4
Unit description ......................................................................................................... 4
Key competencies ................................................................................................... 4
Foundation skills ........................................................................................................ 4
Performance evidence .......................................................................................... 5
Knowledge evidence ............................................................................................. 5
Assessment Conditions............................................................................................ 7
Pre-requisites .............................................................................................................. 8
Terminology used ..................................................................................................... 8
Completing the assessments/Expectations ...................................................... 8
Assessment ................................................................................................................. 8
Summary of assessment methods and tasks .................................................... 8
Instructions: ................................................................................................................. 9
Required resources ............................................................................................... 10
Reasonable adjustment ...................................................................................... 10
Plagiarism policy .................................................................................................... 10
Academic appeals .............................................................................................. 10
Reassessment process.......................................................................................... 11
Assessment records ............................................................................................... 12
Declaration ............................................................................................................. 12
Assessment submissions and contact details ................................................ 12
Assessment 1 – Written Questions............................................................................................ 15
Instructions for Students ....................................................................................... 15
Assessment Outcome – Assessment 1 ................................................................................... 45
Assessment 2 – Project ................................................................................................ 50
Instructions for Students ....................................................................................... 50
Resources required for assessment .................................................................. 51
Scenario.......................................................................................................................................... 52
Task 1 – Role-play ......................................................................................................................... 52
Role Play Observation Checklist – Assessment 2, Task 1................................................... 53
Task 2 – Design and cost menus .............................................................................................. 55
Part A- Proposal ............................................................................................................................ 55
Part B - Questionnaire ................................................................................................................. 56

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Performance Checklist and Assessment Outcome - Assessment 2, Task 2 ................ 57

Task 3 - Project .............................................................................................................................. 59
Performance Checklist and assessment outcome for Assessment 2, Task 3 .............. 60
Assessment 3 – Project ................................................................................................ 61
Instructions for Students ....................................................................................... 61
Resources required for assessment .................................................................. 61
ASSESSMENT 3 – Project 2........................................................................................................... 62
Task 1 – Role-play ......................................................................................................................... 62
Role Play Observation Checklist and assessment outcome – Assessment 3, Task 1 63
Task 2 – Design and cost menus .............................................................................................. 65
Performance Checklist for Assessment outcome - Assessment 3, Task 2 .................... 66
Task 3 – Role-play ......................................................................................................................... 67
Role Play Observation Checklist and assessment outcome – Assessment 3, Task 3 68
Task 4 - Project .............................................................................................................................. 69
Performance Checklist and assessment outcome for Assessment 3, Task 4 .............. 70

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Assessment information
Purpose This document represents the main assessment instrument for the unit of
competency SITHKOP004 - Develop menus for special dietary requirements
Unit description This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge
required to develop menus and meal plans for people who have special
dietary needs for health, lifestyle and cultural reasons. It requires the ability
to identify the dietary requirements of customers, develop special menus
and meal plans to meet those requirements, cost menus and to monitor
and evaluate the success of menu performance.

The unit applies to all hospitality and catering organisations that prepare
and serve food. This includes hotels, clubs, restaurants, educational
institutions, health establishments, defence forces, cafeterias, kiosks, cafes,
residential caterers, in flight and other transport caterers, event and
function caterers.

It applies to those people who operate independently or with limited

guidance from others such as senior cooks, chefs, catering supervisors and

No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements

apply to this unit at the time of publication.
Key 1. Identify menu requirements.
competencies 2. Develop menus and meal plans for special diets.
3. Cost and document special menus and meal plans.
4. Monitor special menu performance.
Foundation skills Reading skills to: Read and interpret complex details of health-related
problems and cultural meal requirements.
Writing skills to: Write comprehensive menus, meal plans and
recommendations for cooking methods.
Oral Listen and respond to routine customer feedback, and
communication ask questions of health and other professionals to
skills to: inform menu choice.
Numeracy skills to: Calculate the cost of producing dishes for menus and
meal plans.
Learning skills to: Continually research information on emerging dietary
Evaluate diet-related health problems and design
skills to:
varied menus to address them

Identify budgetary constraints and adjust menus to

include the most cost effective options.
Planning and Access and sort information required for menu design
organising skills to: to coordinate a timely and efficient development
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Technology skills Use computers and software programs to cost and
to: document menus and meal plans.
Performance Evidence of the ability to:
evidence  develop and cost at least six menus or meal plans that individually or in
combination meet at least six different special dietary requirements as
specified in the knowledge evidence
 two of the above menus or meal plans must reflect one or more cultural
or religious dietary requirements as specified in the knowledge evidence
 two of the above menus or meal plans must address the special dietary
requirements of different customer groups as specified in the knowledge
 evaluate each of the above menus by obtaining at least two of the
following types of feedback:
 customer satisfaction discussions with:
 customers
 employees during the course of each business day
 customer surveys
 improvements suggested by:
 customers
 managers
 peers
 staff
 supervisors
 suppliers
 regular staff meetings that involve menu discussions
 satisfaction discussions with:
 customers
 allied health professionals
 dietitians
 medical specialists
 seeking staff suggestions for menu items
 develop above menus and menu plans within commercial time
constraints, demonstrating:
 methods for responding to feedback and adjusting menus
 basic principles and practices of nutrition.
Knowledge  culinary terms and trade names for:
evidence  substitute ingredients used to produce dishes with special dietary
 ingredients suitable for meeting basic nutritional needs
 ingredients that cause common allergic reactions
 food additives and preservatives
 main types and culinary characteristics of special diets that are part of
contemporary Australian society:

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 eating regimes:
 elimination
 macrobiotic
 exclusions for allergies, contraindications with medicines or food
 fat-free
 fluids
 food preferences
 food restrictions
 gluten-free
 high carbohydrate
 high or low energy
 high or low protein
 high fibre
 lacto ovo
 low carbohydrate
 low cholesterol
 low fat
 low gluten
 low kilojoule
 low sugar
 modified sodium or potassium
 modified texture
 nutritional requirements
 portion size
 substitutes:
 gluten-free flour
 yeast-free flour
 non-sugar sweeteners
 sugar-free
 type one and two diabetes
 main types and culinary characteristics of cultural or religious diets that
are part of contemporary Australian society:
 halal
 Hindu
 kosher
 vegan
 vegetarian
 main types of customer groups that have special dietary requirements:
 adolescents
 athletes
 children
 defence forces
 elderly
 health care
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 ill or injured
 infants
 international tourists
 nutritional and energy requirements due to physical condition
 people in areas affected by disaster or environmental extremes
 people from different socioeconomic groups
 people in remote areas
 those with weight problems:
 underweight
 overweight
 obese
 meaning of:
 drug-food interactions
 food allergy
 food intolerance
 key health and legal consequences of failing to address special
 allergic reactions
 anaphylaxis
 food sensitivity or intolerance reactions
 basic principles and practices of nutrition:
 nutrients and their food sources
 influences on food choice
 food and beverage selection influences
 food labelling and interpretation
 role and implications of using food additives and preservatives
 health implications of food choices
 role of good nutrition in avoiding dietary diseases
 effects of various cooking methods and food storage on nutrients
 primary components of Australian Dietary Guidelines, in particular those
for older Australians, children and adolescents and their use in menu
 methods and formulas for calculating portion yields and costs from raw
 butcher’s test
 standard measures
 standard yield tests.
Assessment Skills must be demonstrated in a hospitality industry business operation or
Conditions activity for which special menus and meal plans are prepared. This can be:
 an industry workplace
 a simulated industry environment.
Assessment must ensure access to:
1. computers, printers and software for costing and developing menus
and meal plans
2. Australian Dietary Guidelines
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3. recipes that accommodate a range of special dietary requirements.

Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations’
requirements for assessors; and:
 have worked in industry for at least three years where they have
applied the skills and knowledge of this unit of competency.
Pre-requisites NIL
Terminology The following terms are used in each assessment task to guide the student
used and assessor as to what is expected from each assessment task:
1. Instructions: Provides a brief description about the assessment task and
broadly indicates what the Student is required to do.
2. Conditions of assessment: Outlines the conditions in which the
assessment must be undertaken. In some cases, it will give options for
the student about what to base the assessment task on and whether it is
practical demonstration or project.
3. Description of task/decision making rules: Advises the student and the
assessor of the task description and the criteria that the assessment must
meet in order for a satisfactory result to be awarded.
4. Due Date - the date on which assessment falls due.
Completing the Assessors must ensure that students completely understand the assessment
assessments/Ex process and various assessment tasks before undertaking the assessments.
pectations This assessment tool is structured in a way that each assessment task clearly
outlines the:
• Instructions for completing the assessment task;
• Conditions in which the assessment must be conducted;
• Evidence that must be presented by the student; and
• Decision-making rules by which the evidence will be judged.

Every assessment task will require satisfactory completion in order for

students to be deemed Competent. The students will need to adhere to
any guidelines on length of answers required where stipulated. Please note,
a paragraph is three or more sentences.
Assessment Each assessment task has a section for the assessor recording the
assessment outcome as either ‘Satisfactory’ (S) or ‘Not Satisfactory’ (NS).
Once the student satisfactorily completes all assessment tasks, the assessor
will complete the assessment summary cover sheet and record either a
“Competent” (C) or “Not Competent” (NC) outcome.
When awarding any assessment result, assessors must ensure that feedback
for the student is recorded in the spaces provided after each assessment
task and on the record of assessment outcome.
Summary of The assessment methods that are used in this assessment tool are:
assessment Assessment Method of
methods and Task # Assessment
tasks 1 Questions You are required to answer 39 short answer
questions related to this unit.

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2 Project 1. Task 1 is a role-play in which you are

required to meet with the manager of
the aged care centre (Assessor) to
discuss the needs for the lunch menus.
2. Task 2 has 2 parts. In part A, you are
required to prepare a proposal for two
cyclical lunch menus. In part B, you
should design a questionnaire for the
residents to get their feedback about the
quality of your menu.
3. In task 3, you are required to revise the
menus based on the feedback from the
centre staff and prepare a draft email
covering note to the centre manager,
discussing the feedback you have
received, and the actions you have
taken/ will take to address the feedback.
3 Project 1. Task 1 is a role-play in which you are
required to meet with the manager
(Assessor) of the child care centre to
discuss the needs for the lunch menu.
2. Task 2 is project in which you are required
to prepare a proposal for cyclical lunch
menu for the child care centre.
3. Task 3 is a role-play in which you must
meet with two educators (staff who are
responsible for the children’s care and
learning) (role-played by Assessor and
people nominated by your assessor) at
the child care centre, to get their
feedback and suggestions about the
4. In task 4, you are required to revise the
menu in order to incorporate the
suggestions and feedback.
Instructions: • You can seek clarification regarding the assessment required to be
• You can ask for reasonable time from Assessor for preparation of project
or Assessment
• You can seek information on additional reading material and reference
for completion of the assessments
• If you have any special needs, you can seek assistance from Assessors
depending upon the nature of the need.
• You can seek assistance from assessor while using special diagnostic

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• Review the observation checklist/decision making rules to know what is
expected of you. You may refer to the observation checklist for
observation based assessments at any stage prior to the
commencement of your assessment. You must not refer to this checklist
whilst you are being assessed
• Your assessor will also explain to you the observation process prior to the
Required Each assessment task in this assessment tool outlines specific resources that
resources the student must have access to as part of the assessment process.
Assessors must ensure that students have appropriate access to these
resources before any assessment is conducted.
Reasonable Acumen Education enables reasonable adjustments to be made to
adjustment assessment procedures for students with special needs, such as people with
disabilities or with language or literacy difficulties. Assessing knowledge is
usually assessed through written or oral, short-answer tests where assessors
seek to determine the extent of the student’s knowledge.

Following are some of the examples of adjustments that can be made for
the students:
• Ask questions orally instead of in a written format
• Provide equipment such as text enlargers, image enhancers, and voice
• Give the student more time to complete the assessment;, allocate a
different time for completion of the assessment;
• Offer a separate, quiet room.
• Modifying or providing equipment
• Adapting delivery strategies
• Ensuring that course activities are sufficiently flexible, providing
additional support to student where necessary
• Customising resources and activities within the training package or
accredited course
• Monitoring the adjustments to ensure student needs continue to be
Plagiarism Acumen education takes a systemic approach to the treatment of
policy plagiarism in academic work. The policy is intended to promote honesty in
learning and assessment and respect for the work of others. Contravention
of this policy will result in students being penalized.

Please read the plagiarism policy available in your student handbook and
to be aware of the consequences and to understand your rights and
Academic • Where a student wishes to appeal an assessment they are required to
appeals notify their assessor in the first instance. Where appropriate the assessor

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may decide to re-assess the student to ensure a fair and equitable

decision is gained. The assessor shall complete a written report
regarding the re-assessment outlining the reasons why assessment was
or was not granted.
• If this is still not to the student’s satisfaction the student shall formally
lodge an appeal by submitting a written letter within one week of
receiving the results using the form 10.1 for Complaints and appeals
outlining the reasons for the appeal. They shall lodge this with student
administrations department and the appeal shall be entered into the
‘complaints and appeals register’.
• The Course coordinator shall be notified and shall seek details from the
assessor involved and any other relevant parties. A decision shall be
made regarding the appeal either indicating the assessment decision
stands or details of a possible re-assessment by another assessor
appointed by Acumen.
The student shall be notified in writing of the outcome with reasons for the
decision. The student shall also be provided the option of activating the
external appeals process if they are not satisfied with the outcome. The
student is required to notify Acumen if they wish to proceed with the
external appeals process.
Reassessment 1. Student will be assessed as being competent only upon satisfactory
process completion of all the assessments in a unit.
2. If a student is not able to demonstrate satisfactory completion of all of
the required assessments of the unit, the result for that unit will be
recorded as Not Competent.
3. If a student has submitted all the tasks and successfully completed
more than 50%* of the assessment tasks for a unit, they will be provided
with specific feedback and invited to re-submit their assessment.
4. If a student has submitted and not successfully completed more than
50%* of the assessment tasks for a unit, they will be required to
undertake the unit again.
5. In the case of re-submission, the following actions shall occur:
• The student must apply for resubmission within one week of the result
is made available to him/her. This means that the student is
responsible to acknowledge that he/she has received the result and
has been deemed NC for the units of competency undertaken.
• Reassessment may need to be arranged every weekend on
Saturday evenings in order to minimize disruption.
6. If a student is assessed as “Not Competent’ after the resubmission, he or
she will be identified as a student-at-risk and an Academic
Performance Improvement (API) Plan will be created during an
Intervention Strategy Meeting between the Acumen’s Operations
Manager, Trainer & Assessor and student. The date for a third
assessment will be nominated by the student in consultation with Trainer
& Assessor, but should be no longer than 1 month from the previous re-
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submission date.
7. One re-submission is allowable per unit per student free of cost.
Additional re-submissions will be charged at $200.

If the student remains ‘Not Competent’ after a third re-submission, he or

she will be notified that this result is final and he or she will be unable to
successfully complete the course in which they are enrolled at this point.

* Due to the variance in the amount of work completed for each

assessment task in a unit, 50% will be determined by the number of
assessment tasks submitted as opposed to the amount of evidence
Assessment We are required to retain a copy of your assessment and all other
records evidentiary records. If you require a copy of this assessment submission
please be sure to copy it prior to submitting it to us.
Declaration You must sign the student declaration confirming the authenticity of your
submitted work, understanding the requirements to complete the
assessment tasks and that the assessment process including the provisions
for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained to you and that
you understand these processes on the assessment summary cover sheet.
Acumen Education cannot assess any submitted work until the declaration
is received.
Assessment You must submit this completed assessment tool to your trainer on the due
submissions and date. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding the
contact details assessment process:
Phone: 03 9044 6402/03 84151244

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This form is to be completed by the assessor and used as a final record of student competency.
All student submissions including any associated checklists (outlined below) are to be attached to this cover sheet before placing
on the students file. Student results are not to be entered onto the Student Database unless all relevant paperwork is completed
and attached to this form.
Student Name: palak tandon 5935
ID No:
Email: 0451803233
Unit Code &
SITHKOP004 - Develop menus for special dietary requirements
First Submission  Subsequent submission 
Please attach the following documentation to this form S = Satisfactory
NS = Not Satisfactory

Assessment 1 Written Task S | NS

 Task 1–Role-play S | NS
 Task 2, Part A – Project
Assessment 2 S | NS
 Task 2, Part B - Questionnaire
Task 3 – Project S | NS

 Part A –Role-play S | NS

 Part B – Project S | NS
Assessment 3
 Part C – Role-play S | NS

 Part D – Project S | NS
Final Assessment Result for this unit
(Student will be assessed as being
competent only upon satisfactory  Competent  Not Competent (Comments)
completion of all the above mentioned
The Evidence provided is:

 Valid  Sufficient  Authentic  Current

Student Declaration:
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks. The assessment
process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained to me and I
understand these processes. I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my
own work and I have acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose
of this assessment.

Student’s Signature: Date: _______/_______/_______
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Final feedback:

Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid,

reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I
have provided appropriate feedback.
Date: _______/_______/_______

Administrative use only

Entered onto Student

________________ ________________
Management Database
Date Initials


Assessment Task


Competent - C Not Competent - NC

Result of Reassessment
(Please circle the Final Assessment Outcome)
Feedback to Student

Please provide general feedback on the Student’s performance.

Assessor: I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student,
and I have provided appropriate feedback.

Administrative use only

Entered onto Student

________________ ________________
Management Database
Date Initials

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Assessment 1 – Written Questions

Instructions for Students

• This is the first of the three assessment tasks you must complete satisfactorily to be deemed
competent in this unit.
• In this task, you must answer thirty nine (39) questions that cover the knowledge
requirements of this unit.
• Read the Assessment description carefully.
• Assessment may be submitted in Microsoft Word format or may be handwritten. Clearly
label your work with your name, unit code, unit title, Assessment Task and respective
Question number with the answer to all the documents and sheets that are attached to
your submission.
• Acknowledge clearly when and how you are drawing on the ideas or phrases of others.
• Consult your assessor when you are unsure about how to acknowledge the contributions of
others to your thought and writing.
• Read the Plagiarism policy and procedure carefully to understand the consequences that
you could face if your work is plagiarized.
• Seek clarification regarding the assessment required to be done, if you do not understand
the task.
• Ask for reasonable time from Assessor for preparation of project or Assessment.
• Seek information on additional reading material and reference for completion of the
• Students with special needs can seek assistance from assessors depending upon the nature
of the need.
• Submit this document along with your assessment work.
• Assessment may be completed in your own time and is due one week after the module
end date.

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Written Questions

1 List the ingredient substitution/s and/or recipe substitution you could make for the
following dishes based on each dietary requirement in the chart below:
Dietary requirement Banana cake Beef Wellington

Coeliac Gluten free flavour use Gluten free flavour or just

use the roast beef with
mushroom sauce.

Low fat diet Use low fat butter - Use lean beef
- Use low fat cream & butter

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Comments

2 List 2 common food additives or preservatives found in packaged foods and list why
it’s important the food label lists these on the product:

Some people are allergic to these additions

-Customer to have a chance to choice
for example: - msg & -tomato powder

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Comments

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3 List 2 types of oils suitable for someone with high cholesterol:

Olive oil
-peanut oil

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Comments

4 List 3 foods that can commonly cause an allergic reaction:


Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Comments

5 Briefly describe the following diets in the chart below, what foods they can eat and
Diet Foods that can be eaten Why

Diabetic -Less sugar products insulin deficiency

Gluten free any food that doesn't have gluten - coeliac disease
Immume system

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Low -Low fat food only There a chance of getting

cholesterol/ -Need to use low fat cooking methods heart attacks
Low fat

Low gluten high gluten products food intolerance

Sugar free same as diabetic increase the risk of heart


Vegan No meat at all lifestyle choice

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Comments

6 What is the difference between a Vegan diet and a Vegetarian diet?Why is it

important for Vegans and vegetarians to eat food high in Protein and vitamin
B12?(60-80 words)
Vegans - No meat at all they might be highly allergic to meat or any animal products.
Vegetarians - they consume egg or milk products
The have to get necessary protein for the body from vegetable products. Eg. chick pea,
its important because they wont get a chance to get protein through the meat products so
they have to eat food that are high in protein.

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Comments

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7a What is meant by the term drug food interaction? Why is it important to follow
instructions from a customer if they can’t eat a certain food due to medication they
take?(60-80 words)

A drug-food interaction occurs when your food and medicine interfere with one another.
Interactions can happen with both prescription and over-the-counter medicines. These
include antacids, vitamins, and iron pills. Not all medicines are affected by food. Some,
though, are affected by what you eat or when you eat it. Taking a medicine at the same time
you eat can cause your body not to absorb the medicine. Or certain foods may delay or
decrease the absorption of the drug. For example, you should not combine dairy and
antibiotics. This is why some medicines should be taken on an empty stomach (1 hour before
eating or 2 hours after eating).
Some medicines cannot be taken with certain types of food. The food can cause a reaction
that changes the effect of the medicine. It also can create or heighten side effects. An
example of this is having grapefruit or grapefruit juice with cholesterol drugs. If you take an
ACE inhibitor, you should avoid foods high in potassium, such as bananas.
On the other hand, some medicines are easier to handle when taken with food. If you don’t
take them with food, you may feel nauseous or dizzy. This is often the case with some

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Comments

7b Provide a description for the following ingredients. Which allergic reactions can these
ingredients cause?
Gluten protein component in grain.
Eg. wheat, rye, Barley
- coeliac disease
-Gluten in tolerance

MSG its a flavor enhancer thats mostly used in Asian cooking

Flushing, sweating, chest pain, and weakness are all
potential reactions to MSG, Other symptoms include
headache, facial pressure, drowsiness, and numbnes.

Nuts A nut is a fruit composed of an inedible hard shell and a

seed, which is generally edible. In general usage, a wide
variety of dried seeds are called nuts. coughing,stomach

Eggs the hard-shelled reproductive body produced by a bird and

especially by the common domestic chicken; also : its
contents used as food. Vomiting,Stomach cramps

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Lactose a large sugar molecule that is made up of two smaller

sugar molecules, glucose and galactose. bloating, gas,
abdominal pain

Salicylates Salicylate sensitivity is thought to be caused by an

overproduction of leukotrienes, which are inflammatory
mediators that have been linked to a variety of conditions,
including asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory
bowel disease

Histamine mast cells release histamine which triggers allergy

symptoms. So, if a person eats fish that has a high level of
histamine, the response may resemble an allergic reaction
to that food. Certain kinds of fish are more prone to cause
histamine toxicity. headaches or migraines
nasal congestion or sinus issue.
Sulphites Sulfites are preservatives used in some drinks, foods and
medications. Sulfites can cause allergy like reactions
(intolerances), with symptoms such as wheezing in people
with asthma, allergic rhinitis (hay fever), and urticaria

Fish & shell fish Shellfish allergies are most often the immune system's
response to a protein found in shellfish muscles called
tropomyosin. Antibodies trigger the release of chemicals
such as histamines to attack the tropomyosin. The
histamine release leads to a number of symptoms that can
range from mild to life-threatening.

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Comments

8 List 2 food intolerances:

Gluten intolerance
Lactose intolerance

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Comments

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Why is important that you don’t serve someone nuts if they have mentioned they are
allergic to them? (40-50 words)
As a food handler it is your responsibility. otherwise if they had them they might get severely
allergic and might died or have permanent disabilities.
if not they might take legal action against you and the company.

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10 What is anaphylaxis?What should you do if a customer is suffering from anaphylaxis?

(60-90 words)

Anaphylaxis is a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. It can occur within

seconds or minutes of exposure to something you're allergic to, such as peanuts or bee
stings. we need to get them the immediate medical attention. Reassure them that help is
on the way. Lay the person on their back. Raise their feet up 12 inches, and cover them with
a blanket. If the person has stopped breathing or their heart has stopped beating, CPR will
be needed

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11 What are the symptoms that can determine an allergic reaction from food? List 5.

-Face swelling
-Tightening in breath

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12 Describe one type of food intolerance and describe the symptoms:

Lactose - They can't have diary products

bloating, gas, abdominal pain

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Comments

13 Describe the following terms in relation to cultural diets: (30-40 words each)

Cultural diet Description of term

Halal In general every food is considered halal in Islam unless it is specially

prohibited by the Qur’an or the Hadith . By official definition, halal foods are
those that are:
Free from any component that Muslims are prohibited from consuming
according to Islamic law (Shariah).
Processed, made, produced, manufactured and/or stored using utensils,
equipment and/or machinery that have been cleansed according to Islamic

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Hindu The majority of Hindus are lacto-vegetarian (avoiding meat and eggs),
although some may eat lamb, chicken or fish. Beef is always avoided
because the cow is considered a holy animal, but dairy products are eaten.

Kosher -Jewish people

-No meat & diary products together
-No shellfish
-No game birds

Vegetarian the practice of abstaining from the consumption of meat (red meat, poultry,
seafood, and the flesh of any other animal), and may also include abstention
from by-products of animal slaughter

Vegan one thing all vegans have in common is a plant-based diet avoiding all
animal foods such as meat (including fish, shellfish and insects), dairy, eggs
and honey - as well as avoiding animal-derived materials, products tested on
animals and places that use animals for entertainment.

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14 What are the advantages of having more options available for a range of cultural
diets on a menu?

increase of target dientail

increase of target income

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15 In the table below, list the types of foods that contain the following nutrients

Nutrient Foods commonly containing high amounts of this nutrient

Vitamin C Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower. Green and red peppers.

Fibre Beans. Lentils and other beans are an easy way to sneak fiber into your diet in soups, stews and salads.

Carbohydrates Dairy. Milk, yogurt, and ice cream. Fruit. Whole fruit and fruit juice

Protein lean meat and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds and legumes/beans' group.

Omega 3 fats Fish and other seafood (especially cold-water fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, herring, and sardines)

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16 Describe why you must have a range of healthier food and beverage selections on
the modern menu: (10-20 words)
people are mostly going for the healthy foods and drinks these days, so its important to have
different selections of healthy foods and drinks to select from.

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17 Why is it important to eat a balanced diet including lots of fruit and vegetables? What
can be the consequences of eating a poor diet?(80-100 words)
A well-balanced diet provides important vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to keep the body
and mind strong and healthy. Eating well can also help ward off numerous diseases and
health complications, as well as help maintain a healthy body weight, provide energy, allow
better sleep, and improve brain function.

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18 a) What is the legal requirement regarding food labelling when foods include
preservatives or additives?
b) What are consequences of not following food labelling requirements?

-That they need to inform what they have added to customer to choose.
-Fines & penalties

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19 What can happen to vitamins contained within fruit and vegetables if they are boiled
or stored in liquid? 30-40 words
Some are evaporate or dilute in water.

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Comments

20 Where can you find dietary information for Australians including children, adolescents
and older Australians?
in the government website.

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21a How might a diet for an older Australian commonly differ from a healthy 25 year old?

older people are more concern about the nutrition than the young people

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21b What are the dietary requirements of children in Australia? Briefly describe in 40-60

-Plenty of fruits & vegetables

- instead of artificial drinks drink more water.
-More lean meat rand fish products

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22 A pork rib loin costs $ 8.00 per kg bone in. It takes 20 minutes to trim it and the
trimming loss is 60% (60% fat and bones with 40% meat left). You serve 200g per serve
to the customer. You can purchase a kg of pork steaks (no bone) for $12.00 per kg.

How would you purchase your meat? State your reasons.

1kg = 1000g = $8
60% waste= 600g
40% quality meat=400g/200=2 portions
$8/2=$4 per person
-1kg= 1000g=$12
100% quality meat = 1000g= 5 portions (1000/200=5)
12/5= 2.40 per person
so its so cheap to buy steak than the rib lion.

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23 Add up the total food cost of the ingredients required for Mussels sailor style:

Costs of each ingredient is as follows:

concassée 0.5 each $0.10
Black mussels 250 g $2.40
Butter 20 g $0.05
Bacon rasher 0.5 each $0.60
Button onion 0.5 each $0.10
Garlic clove 1 each $0.10
Dry white wine 40 ml $0.40
chopped $0.05
French bread 0.25 each $0.20

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Calculate the total cost of 23 serves of mussels sailor style.

Calculate the correct sales price per head assuming that the food cost will be 30% of
the sales price.

$3.80= round it up =$4

4x23=$ 92
$92/3x10=920/2=306.67 or 4/30x100=$13.33

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24 List 5 ways daily dietary fibre intake can be increased.


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25 List 3 main categories of macro-nutrients and what so they include.


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26 List 5 factors which must be considered when planning and preparing children’s

-Include more fruits & Vegetables

-use water
-Dairy products
-less amount of salt
-more meals but low portions
-lean meat

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27 List 5 dietary measures which can be used to improve blood cholesterol levels.

Reduce saturated fats. Saturated fats, found primarily in red meat and full-fat dairy
products, raise your total cholesterol. ...
Eliminate trans fats. ...
Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. ...
Increase soluble fiber. ...
Add whey protein.

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28 Suggest 4 measures which could be used to assist with weight loss.

-lean meat
cut calories
cut fats
cut carbs

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29 Describe the health conditions that can be prevented or treated with the following
dietary intakes:

Dietary factors Preventative Function

High dietary fibre, low fat intake -It lowers the chance of heat attack & strokes cancers

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High intake of plant foods, low It reduce the constipation

salt intake

Low fat and saturated fat Lowers the chances of getting cancer

Low alcohol intake Reduce the chance of liver diseases

Adequate to high calcium you gets joint pain, osteoporosis


Infrequent and low sugar intake Lowers the chance of getting diabetes tooth problems

Adequate iron and folate lower chance of getting amentia


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What is the purpose of texture modification? List 5 nutritional and preparation factors
30 which must be considered when preparing texture modified foods.

some people have difficulty in swallowing

-Pureed products
-minced moist products
*Need to identify customer requirements
*Need to identify how to remain the nutrition's in food while preparing them (cooking
*Identify the tools & cleanliness of them
*Presentation should be appealing & attractive
*Identify the sauces & condiments
*Food preparation area clean & sanitized
*Good hygiene practices

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31 List 5 aspects you need to consider when planning and preparing meals for customers
with special dietary requirements in order to prevent potential health consequences
and to prevent negligence:

-Target group
-age category
*prior discussion - Nutrition types, etc
*Checking the special instruction & documentation
*Testing of new recipes
*More on habitude dishes
*Good hygiene practices

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32a Give three reasons for using additives in food products?

Discuss any three implications of using food additives in diet?
- to enhance the flavour.
- to preserve the nutrition value
-reducing the waste
- reduce the spoilage

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What are preservatives?What are the side effects of using preservatives in food? (20-
40 words)
Preservative is to reduce the spoilage & increase the shellfire.
- allergies

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33 What is macrobiotic diet? Describe in about 20-40 words.

The macrobiotic diet was developed in the 1920s by a Japanese philosopher called George
Ohsawa. He believed that by eating a simple, healthy diet, we could live in harmony with
nature. He also believed that his macrobiotic diet could cure cancer and other serious
The macrobiotic diet aims to avoid foods containing toxins. Many people follow a completely
vegan diet with no dairy products or meats. But some people eat small amounts of organic
fish and meat.
There is no scientific evidence that the macrobiotic diet treats or cures cancer.

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34 List 4 different types of customer groups that have a special dietary requirement.

Lactose Free
Gluten Free

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35 How do you assess the dietary trends and regimes for contemporary diets? 80-100
Weight Loss Diets : Less intake of Food and alcohol, reduced fat intake
Macrobiotic Diet : Brown Rice & Water, originated from Zen buddhisum in Japan, when
taking long period iron deficiency and calcium deficiency
Stone age and stone diets : this is more popular with celebrities to loose weight and keep the
and also diets that are related to some complications that people have due to their illnesses

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36 What are the key health and legal consequences of failing to address special
requirements?60-80 words
Failing to address a customer's allergies can lead to a civil lawsuit. Once the customer
informs you, whether in written form or verbally, of his/her allergies, you are now legally
accountable for using this information for future decisions. For example, if you are a waiter
and a customer informs you before ordering that he is allergic to shrimp, you are accountable
for telling the customer which dishes on the menu have shrimp. It is also your duty to inform
the chef or line cook of the customer's allergies if you are not familiar with the ingredients of
the dish.

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Comments

37 Write special dietary requirements and dish name for the following groups

Group Special dietary requirements Name of the Dish suitable for

this group
Athlete / Deference forces Foods like meats, legumes Grilled lean meat + chargrilled
and dairy products are good vegetables or salad + baked
sources of protein. Fat is potatoes OR crusty bread to
important in the athlete's diet serve
as it provides energy, fat-
soluble vitamins and essential
fatty acids. However, fat
should be eaten in moderation.
A low-fat diet is a good
approach for everyone

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Ill or Injured Food with high vitamins & Pan seared salmon with
protein roasted

International Tourists mostly nut free and high on grilled chicken with couscous

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People in areas affected by minimum requirement of baked fish with roasted potato
disaster or environmental calories and nutrients are
similar to other disasters and
are ... Assessment of
nutritional needs of
individuals, vulnerable
groups, families, and ... like
diabetes, cancer, and
immunodeficiency also need
special attention

People in remote areas In particular, compared with steak and vegetables

cities: Prices of healthy and/or
fresh food are often higher.
Some fresh fruit and
vegetables may be harder to
find. Some healthier
alternatives, such as
wholegrain bread and
reduced-fat milk, may be
harder to find. The supply of
safe drinking water may be
less reliable.

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38 What are the food labelling requirements for special dietary menus?

The NEW labeling requirements allow consumers to make informed choices about
the food they buy. Changes such as; allergen labeling which is vital to those
with allergies to foods and mandatory nutrition information which provides
important nutritional information to consumers. The customer has the right to
know what the ingredients are in a particular food. The main general labeling
requirements cover:
prescribed name;
legibility requirements;
food recall information;
ingredient listing;
date marking;
nutrition labeling;
percentage labeling;
direction for use and storage;
country of origin;

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39 What is the role of good nutrition in avoiding dietary diseases? Your brief response
should be in relation to obesity, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and cancer.

Recommendations were made to help prevent death and disability from major nutrition-
related chronic diseases. These population nutrient intake and physical activity goals should
contribute in the development of regional strategies and national guidelines to reduce the
burden of disease related to obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, several forms of
cancer, osteoporosis and dental disease. They are based on the examination and analysis of
the best available evidence and the collective judgment of a group of experts representing
the global scope of WHO’s and FAO’s mandate.
Key findings include:
Obesity:the imbalance between declining energy expenditure due to physical inactivity and
high energy in the diet (excess calories whether from sugar, starches or fat) is the main
determinant of the obesity epidemic. Increasing physical activity, plus reducing intakes of
foods high in fat and foods and drinks high in sugars, can prevent unhealthy weight gain.
Taking these simple goals to concrete action requires major social and environmental
changes in order to effectively promote and support healthier choices at the individual level.
Diabetes:excess weight gain, overweight and obesity and physical inactivity account for the
escalating rates of type 2 diabetes, worldwide. Diabetes leads to increased risk of heart
disease, kidney disease, stroke and infections. Increased physical activity and maintaining a
healthy weight play critical roles in the prevention and treatment of diabetes.
Cardiovascular diseases:cardiovascular diseases, the major killers worldwide, are to a great
extent due to unbalanced diets and physical inactivity. Risk of their main forms, heart disease
and stroke, is reduced by eating less saturated and trans fats, and sufficient amounts of (n-3
and n-6) polyunsaturated fats, fruits and vegetables and less salt, as well as by physical
activity and controlling weight. Reduction of salt intake helps reduce blood pressure, a major
cause of cardiovascular diseases.
Cancer:tobacco is the number one cause of cancer, but dietary factors contribute significantly
to some types of cancer. Maintaining a healthy weight will reduce the risk for cancers of the
esophagus, colorectum, breast, endometrium and kidney. Limiting alcohol intake will reduce
risk for cancers of the mouth, throat, oesophagus, liver and breast. Ensuring an adequate
intake of fruit and vegetables should further reduce risk for oral cavity, oesophagus, stomach
and colorectal cancer.
Osteoporosis and bone fractures: fragility fractures are a problem of older people. Adequate
intakes of calcium (500 mg per day or more) and of vitamin D in populations with high
osteoporosis rates helps to reduce fracture risk, so does sun exposure and physical activity
to strengthen bones and muscles.

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