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Department of Education



Lesson Exemplar Template

Grade Level: Five Learning Area: ________Science_________
Learning Area/s Integrated: ____________________________________________________________
Integration Approach Used: (Please Check)
Multidisciplinary √Interdisciplinary Transdisciplinary
I. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick)
Communication Learning and Innovation Problem Solving
Critical Thinking Information Media and Technology Life and Career
Focused Learning Competencies (LC) (Use Curriculum Guide)
S5FE-IV-g-h-7 infer the pattern in the changes in the appearance of the moon

II. Focused GAD Principle/s and DRRE to be integrated

a. GAD Principles – use-gender sensitive language
b. DRRE- enumerate safety measures/precautions when observing the moon at night
III. Intended Learning Outcomes

differentiate the phases of the moon

predict the pattern in the changes of the appearance of the moon using a
moon phase calendar

complete a moon phase calendar to show the changes in the

appearance of the moon in a month

Attitude show appreciation of the moon through a song

Values exhibit enthusiasm, appreciation and teamwork in doing the activities

IV. Learning Content/s

The phases of the moon are simply the shape of the sunlit part of the
moon as seen from Earth. The appearance changes for the following
reasons: the moon orbits the Earth; both the Earth and the moon orbits
the Sun; and moon’s rotation on its axis
CG Science 5


Videoclips on phases of the moon and moon phase song, Moon Phases
Calendar activity sheet, markers/crayons, moon phases chart

V. Learning Experiences (5Es)

Engage Ask the learners the following:
7mins  What is your favourite time of the day? Why? (Guide the learners to
answer NIGHT)
 What are the things you see in the night sky? (Focus on the moon)
 Describe the surface of the moon as seen on Earth? (round, yellow, has
black patches)
 What have you noticed with the shape of the moon every night?
 Why do you think the moon changes its shapes or faces?
 What causes them?

*Note the learners’ answers to the questions.

Now, let us watch a video and find out why.

Explore Before playing the video clip on the changes of the appearance of the
5mins moon, tell the learners to note of the following while watching.

1. Different phases of the moon

2. Causes of the changing phases of the moon

Explain After watching the video clip, post on the board the Moon Phases Chart,
18mins then ask the learners the following:

 What happens to the appearance of the moon as seen on Earth in

a month? (changes)
 What do we call these changes on the appearance of the moon?
(phases of the moon)
 What are the different phases of the moon? (new moon, waxing
crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning
gibbous, last quarter, waning crescent)
 How does each phase differ from the others?
 What causes these changes? (moon’s revolution on Earth,
moon’s rotation; and both moon and Earth revolve the Sun)
*Note: use the Moon Phase Chart to show the movement and
position of the moon as it orbits the Earth.
 Why do people on Earth view only one side of the moon?
(because the moon rotates completely the same time it takes to
revolve on Earth)
 What do these phases tell about the characteristics of the moon?
(the moon is always lit; it revolves and rotates every 28 days)
 How do we relate the month to lunar cycle?

Elaborate 1. Encourage the learners to pose questions on the topic.

15mins 2.

3. After the activity, play the Moon Phase Song and let the learners
sing along.

Evaluate Identification. Identify the phases of the moon.




VI. Learning Enablement

Make a Moon Chart using any recyclable materials and label the different phases.

Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Oder No. 42, s. 2016

Prepared by:

___________BLASY JEAN J. BARAGA____________


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