Assignment 2 - Career Plan - Tran Thien Thanh Tung - Final

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MGMT 1003 Strategic Career Design – Assessment Cover Sheet

Assessment: Career Plan

Due date: Week 11 – Friday 15th January by 10 pm.

Weighting: 40 % of total marks

Name: Tran Thien Thanh Tung

Student ID: 19812993
Student Email:
Name of Tutor: Dr. Tien Nguyen

Workshop Day and Time: Friday at 11 am.

Semester and Campus: Trimester 3A 2020, Singapore Campus.

Title: Career Plan

Word Count: 1902.

Pre-Submission Checklist

This checklist is a practical reminder to help students before submitting their assessment:

1. Ensured that file name for the document I am uploading to Turnitin contains ☒
my full name. E.g. "Assessment 1_John_Smith"

2. Used quotation marks (“ …”) to indicate all direct quotes from authors and ☒
used in text references to cite these in line with Chicago referencing
standards (including page numbers)

3. Used in text references to cite paraphrasing and ideas from authors in line ☒
with Chicago referencing standards (including page numbers indicating
where those ideas come from the in text cited)

4. Included a complete Chicago formatted “References” list at the end of this ☒

case study, in alphabetical order by author name.

5. This assignment is my own original work, except where I have appropriately ☒

cited the original source.

Table of Contents


Who Am I?......................................................................................................................................4

Career Mission Statement................................................................................................................5

Professional Profile Summary.........................................................................................................5

Personal Branding and Digital Identity Footprint...........................................................................6

Employability Skills Self-Evaluations.............................................................................................7

Professional Network Development................................................................................................8

Career Goals....................................................................................................................................8

Main and Alternative Timelines......................................................................................................9

Long Term Career Vision..............................................................................................................10





“I want to look back on my career and be proud of the work, and be proud that I tried
- Jon Stewart.
An individual's career success can be judged as the expected professional satisfaction with the
results they achieve over their lifetime (Ballout 2007). However, the expected professional
satisfaction may constantly change along the career time-life based on various aspects such as
new challenges, life-style adjusting or the meaning of life (Harbidge 2006).

In a world situation that is constantly moving for change and development under the impact of
many recent events such as the technology boom, globalization and the COVID-19 pandemic,
poses new challenges along with opportunities for everybody. It could be seen that the new
opportunity of career success is for people who have flexibility and elasticity with the ability to
work in multi-fields to adapt to a variety conditions and functions (Collin and A. Young 2000).
Besides, the ambitions in life about promotion, money, fame, the ability to respond to the family
and balance in life also affect the expected professional satisfaction (Arthur, Khapova and
Wilderom 2005). Moreover, human awareness of community protection, equal rights protection
and protection of the earth are increasingly enhanced as human economic activities are
increasingly developing, such as Sustainable development goals (SDGs) (The United Nations
n.d). This has also influenced the career decisions of recent generations (Danczyk et al. 2012;
Cavas et al. 2011; Bauer and Aiman-Smith 1996).

As my experience working in Vietnam, I have experienced the above-mentioned facts while also
realizing that my passion for work has changed according to my satisfaction in terms of income,
promotion, social position and potential goals. In order to continue to develop my career, I
decided to increase my knowledge by going to Curtin University, and I have been learnt that in
order to have a successful and sustainable career, professional knowledge which is being taught
in school is essential to securing my career path (Downing et al. 2017). In addition, the current

"boundaryless" career trend has gradually replaced loyalty to a company for a long time as
traditional (Sullivan and Baruch 2009). Thus, to ensure the success of employees like me, there
should be a specific plan practice to achieve the best results.

Who Am I?

"Desire! That's the one secret of every man's career. Not education. Not being born with hidden
talents. Desire." 
- Johnny Carson

It was really difficult to know who I am at the beginning. After four working-years in my
country, Vietnam, from 2015 to 2019, I realized that I am an ambitious person with a strong will
to rise. I graduated Vietnam Singapore Vocational College in 2012, then I spent a year at home
to help my mom with home-business. After that, I worked as an apprentice at a local garage
before applied a job in a Toyota dealership. At that time, I insisted that I had learned car
technology so I had to work as a mechanic. However, I chose to work as a chassis repairman and
painter because during the working time at the garage I knew the job of mechanic is not for me.
Until 2015, I quit the job and strived to apply for a sales-consultant job in a Ford dealership.
Through an initial difficult time, I have achieved a lot of success here, in turn the best-seller titles
monthly and annually. In 2019, marking a new milestone in my life, I had the opportunity to be
promoted to the sales-leader, but I turned it down and decided to study abroad because I realize
my own ambition and desire and I need more knowledge for my career be able to flourish.

Presently, during Strategic Career Design in Curtin University, I am able to understand the
factors that lead me today, what abilities that I have and what I could become in future.

The Inheritance Factors (Appendix A) let me know that which I have now greatly influenced by
my mother's initial decisions then the aura of the work environment and surrounding friends and
co-workers. Difficulties in life and the lack of a husband to help raising 3 children made my
mother have to make difficult decisions at that time. These circumstances and conditions have
influenced me from many aspects such as forging emotions, rising, independence, understanding
value for money and love.

Following my Good Time Journal (Appendix B), I found that I easily get frustrated with jobs
that don't show obvious results or are not sure of results. One thing is for sure that the jobs that
generate instant and spontaneous income always fascinate me. However, I always know the
importance of the job to focus on completing the job on time and achieving the required effect.

According to my Compass Activity (Appendix C), my desire at work is very clear. A high level
of income matching my ability besides a good position in society will be the top attraction for
me. Yet, besides sharing and helping others will bring me even more happiness.

My Odyssey Plans (Appendix D) indicate that I know what I need to do in future to catch my
self-requirement. My strengths and weaknesses are tailored to the plans. Help and support for
family members and close-relationship are also in advance. At the same time, there is also a plan
for my passions and hobbies.

Career Mission Statement

“Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy.”

- Paulo Coelho.

My ultimate desire to achieve is to have the full capacity to help people who have suffered
hardships and deprivations like me, starting from those close to me. I am happy when I feel that I
make others happy. The belief that is always strong in me, it is that with determination and effort
I will achieve what I am aiming for. Never wanting to see the people around me struggling with
what they want, I'll help them get it.

Professional Profile Summary

Through the process of working and studying up to now, I have trained the ability to be patient,
under pressure and analyze to handle situations in a scientific way. Besides, my time as a sales

consultant has helped me get many skills such as understanding customer psychology,
persuading ability, arranging work under target pressure, or planning to reach targets.

Personal Branding and Digital Identity Footprint

"A reputation for a thousand years may depend upon the conduct of a single moment.”

- Ernest Bramah.

As someone who has experience working in the business, I do personal branding through social
networking sites like Facebook and Linked. The information I share will always be distilled and
related to work, or new economic, financial or new product situations. I sometimes post some
personal information to help people better understand my lifestyle and interests. I always avoid
getting involved in political stories or time-was losing controversy about sideline scandals.
Especially with Linked in, the images that have always been professionalized in my profile and
the titles and achievements I have achieved in the past are fully described in the profile of the
staff next to the ability description as well as the qualifications and experience. And one thing is
for sure, I will always update and build my personal branding over the time such as I will share
my professional experiences or participate in discussions on issues related to my industry to
exchange knowledge and help people, in addition to increasing participation in social activities to
build credibility for self.

Although participating in social media has many risks such as disclosing personal information or
engaging in controversial cases that adversely affect your brand, but if you know how to manage
risks well and have a reasonable strategy, currently, social networking will contribute to building
the fastest brand and also a channel to reach customers or employers fastest (Edosomwan et al.

Employability Skills Self-Evaluations
“We recruit for attitude and train for skill,”
- Atul Gawande

As a university student it is essential to have and follow a career plan. This shows a self-
understanding of strengths and weaknesses with a long-term goal, which is also one of the
prerequisites for being able to find a job in future (Sirbu, Popa and Pipas 2014; Bridgstock

According to my Employability Report (Appendix E), point out that my strength is being able to
adapt to working in a professional, multicultural, responsible environment with my position and
those around me. On the other hand, my weak point is quite critical when sometimes I ignore
other people's feelings and even my own, which is very harmful to my network execution later
and is something else. I need to fix it as soon as possible.

After finish the Belbin Test (Appendix F), I realized that I am a person with good teamwork
ability, able to connect people together through a number of virtues such as mature, confident,
having ability to identifies talent, clarifies goals, co-operative, diplomatic, listen and averts
friction. However, there are something need to be improved to get better success or effectiveness
in work in future such as be more drastic in coping with difficult situations, avoiding clones of
manipulating others or manipulating the right to coordinate work when in the middle of difficult
decisions, be more confronted.

All in all, I am confident with the employability skills which I have and am aware of the
weaknesses which I need to overcome for better results in the future.

Professional Network Development
“Your network is your net worth.”

- Porter Gale.

I believe I have a private professional social network (Appendix G) and is closely related to my
profession. Moreover, it can be suitable for my future career development plans towards career
skin and maximization of income, team work and mutual support for growth. I also have a
specific plan to maintain and strengthen my network in the future.

Firstly, always maintain and stay in touch with existing networks, share information and
exchange information based on mutual interest and always keep the relationship warm, giving it
an unbreakable potential.

Secondly, find yourself a mentor with specific set criteria following Knowing Framework
(Appendix H) to take steady steps and limit failure as possible.

Finally, always implementing the idea of expanding personal network (Appendix I), recruiting
more members into this network with specific criteria such as the same passion, the same
purpose and priority from different industries to be able to complement each other.

Career Goals
“Begin with the end in mind.” - Steven Covey.

These goals will be completed along the Odyssey plans (Appendix D).

 2021: Obtain the Bachelor Degree

 2022: Finish Master Degree
 2023: Get a job in the field (Business) in Australia.
 2024: Complete the creating 2nd source of income.

 2025: Stable all jobs and sources of income start supporting and sharing growth with my
network and prepare for the longer plan.

Main and Alternative Timelines

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”
- Antonie de Saint-Exupery.
I created two timelines for the next two years. In it, timeline A will be the main timeline to
pursue your learning path. Timeline B is a back-up plan in the event of a pandemic deteriorating
or a family incident that needs my support. I have fully annotated what I will do to grow next or
to keep balance in my life while still having a good income.

(Timeline A)

(Timeline B)

Long Term Career Vision

“We are not stuck in the ruts of destiny, we have the power to break free, clear our vision and
see a new life for ourselves.”
- Tony Clark.
I want the final destination of my life's journey to be fully capable of fulfilling my dream of
exploring the world, going to every corner of the world, from historical places to strange alleys. I
can help those around me achieve their dreams so that no one has to chase my little dream
anymore, then I can stop and review my achievements and the places I've gone with my dearest


“I start a picture and I finish it.”

- Jean Michel Basquiat.

I am always confident with the plan that I set out with its ability to complete. I always keep a fire
of enthusiasm and determination to achieve what I want. But my biggest fear is that the loved
ones around me cannot wait to join me at the finish line. Therefore, I will constantly find ways to
shorten and optimize my plan.


Ballout, Hassan I. 2007. "Career Success". Journal of Managerial Psychology 22 (8): 741-765.

Harbidge, Peter. 2006. "Your Career: Is it Time to Move on? - Five Drivers of Career Change;
when is the Best Time for Senior Executives to Look at a Job Change? Peter Harbidge
Offers some Practical Advice." New Zealand Management (08): 48.
Collin, Audrey, and Richard A. Young. 2000. Future of Career. 1st ed. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. (1-9)
Arthur, Michael B., Svetlana N. Khapova, and Celeste P. M. Wilderom. 2005. "Career Success
in a Boundaryless Career World". Journal of Organizational Behavior 26 (2): 177-202.
The United Nations. n.d. "Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development". Accessed January 14.
Cavas, Bulent, Jale Cakiroglu, Pinar Cavas, and Hamide Ertepinar. 2011. "Turkish Students’
Career Choices in Engineering: Experiences from Turkey". Science Education
International 22 (14): 274-281.
Bauer, Talya N., and Lynda Aiman-Smith. 1996. "Green Career Choices: The Influence of
Ecological Stance on Recruiting". Journal of Business and Psychology 10 (4): 445-458.
Downing, Christabel, Jan Shury, Catherine Turner, and David Vivian. 2017. Planning for
Graduates’ career planning and its effect on graduate outcomes. Ref. No. DFE- RR668.
Kingdom: Department for Education.
data/file/604170/Graduates career_planning_and_its_effect_on_their_outcomes.pdf.
Sullivan, Sherry, and Yehuda Baruch. 2009. “Advances in Career Theory and Research: A
Review and Agenda for Future Exploration.” Journal of Management 35(6): 1542-1571.

Edosomwan, Simeon, Sitalaskshmi Kalangot Prakasan, Doriane Kouame, Jonelle Watson, and
Tom Seymour. 2011. "The History of Social Media and Its Impact on Business". The
Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship 16 (3).
Sirbu, Janetta, Maria Popa, and Maria Daniela Pipas. 2014. "Professional Career Planning -
Practice and Results". International Journal of Academic Research in Business and
Social Sciences 4 (7). doi:10.6007/ijarbss/v4-i7/1014.
Bridgstock, Ruth. 2009. "The Graduate Attributes We’ve Overlooked: Enhancing Graduate
Employability Through Career Management Skills". Higher Education Research &
Development 28 (1): 31-44. doi:10.1080/07294360802444347.


Appendix A – Inheritance Factors

Appendix B – Good Time Journal

Appendix C – Compass Activity

Appendix D – Odyssey Plans

Appendix E – Employability Report

Appendix F – The Belbin Test

Appendix G – My private professional social network

Appendix H – Knowing Framework


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