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Name of drug and classification Vitamin K





Adverse effects

Nursing consideration Anticipate for the need for injection immediately after birth. Administer IM injection to large muscle such as the anterolateral muscle or the vastus lateralis of a newborn. If giving for treatment, obtain prothrombin time before administration ( the best single indicator of vitamin K dependent Assess for signs of bleeding, such as black, tarry stools,hematuria, decreased haemoglobin and hematocrit levels, and bleeding from any open wounds or base of the cord.

0.5 to 1.0 mg one time immediately after birth

Prophylaxis; treatment for hemorrhagic disease

A necessary component for the production of certain coagulation factors (II, VII, IX and X) and is produced by the microorganisms in the intestinal tract.

Pain, swelling, or soreness at the injection site may occur

Temporary flushing, taste changes, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, sweating, shortness of breath, or bluish lips/skin/nails



This medication is used after childbirth to help stop bleeding from the uterus. Methylergonovine belongs to a class of drugs known as ergot alkaloids. It works by increasing the rate and strength of contractions and the stiffness of the uterus muscles. These effects help to decrease bleeding. his medication is used to treat bacterial infections of the eye surface

Headache, nausea, vomiting, or dizziness may occur

This product contains 2 medicines that belong to a class of drugs known as antibiotics. They work by killing the bacteria that cause the infection.This antibiotic treats only bacterial eye infections. It will not work for virus or fungus

infections. Unnecessary use or misuse of any antibiotic can lead to its decreased effectiveness. Syntocinon
Starting (inducing) labour. Stimulating labour when the contractions are considered too weak. Preventing or controlling heavy bleeding following delivery of the child (postpartum haemorrhage). During caesarian section following delivery of the child. Management of certain types of miscarriage. Oxytocin is normallyy released by the y pituitary gland in the brain towards the y end of pregnancy to stimulate the y smooth muscle of the uterus (womb). The oxytocin causes the muscle of the uterus to contract during labour so that the baby can be pushed out. Synthetic oxytocin is used to induce labour for medical reasons, or if labour has not started naturally. The dose of the medicine is adjusted until the contractions produced are in a similar pattern to Headache. Nausea and vomiting. Slow or fast heartbeat. Bleeding.

that of normal labour. Synthetic oxytocin can also be used to stimulate labour that has started naturally, but is considered too weak to push out the baby. In this case the medicine strengthens the contractions of the uterus. After the baby has been born, Syntocinon may be given to stimulate contractions that help push out the placenta and prevent heavy bleeding.


Alone or with other modalities in the management of: Hodgkin s disease, malignant lymphomas, multiple myeloma,

Interferes with DNA replication and RNA transcription, ultimately disrupting protein synthesis. Death of rapidly replicating cells particularly malignant ones. Also has

Hypersensitivity: pregnancy or lactation

RESP: Pulmonary fibrosis CV: Myocardial fibrosis, hypotension GI: anorexia, vomiting and nausea DERM: Alopecia ENDO: Gonadal

Give fluids IV or oral administration before chemotherapy to hydrate patient Give antacid before oral agent, after evening meal, before

leukemias, mycosis fungoides, neuroblastoma, ovarian carcinoma, breast carcinoma and a variety of tumors.

immunosuppressant action in smaller dose.

suppression HEMAT: Leukopenia, Thrombocytopenia, anemia METAB: Hyperurecemia MISC: Secondary neoplasm

bedtime; antiemetic 30-60 mins before giving drug to prevent vomiting and as needed; antibiotics for prophylaxis of infection. Give topical or systemic analgesics for pain; give in morning so that drug can be eliminated before bedtime. Tell patient not to take drug at bedtime because infrequent urination may increase possibility of cystitis. Encourage patient to drink at least 3 L of fluid daily and to void every 1-2 hours to further minimize the risk for hemorrhagic cystitis.



It is a macrolide antibiotic used prophylactically to prevent ophthalmia neonatarum, which is caused by the Neisseria gonorrhoea. It also affect Chlymidia trachomatis. Treatment and prophylaxis of transitory atrioventricular heart block, treatment of Adam-Stokes syndrome, treatment of hay fever, relief of bronchial asthma, treatment of syncope caused by heart block or carotid sinus hypersensitivity.

Results in the accumulation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate at beta-adrenergic receptors and betaadrenergic sites. . produces bronchodilation. Also has alphaadrenergic agonist properties, which result in vasoconstriction. Inhibits the release of mediators of immediate hypersensitivity reactions from mast cells. Maintenance of heart rate and blood pressure . localization or

Hypersensitivity in adrenergic amines; cardiac arrhythmias. Some products may contain bisulfites or fluorocarbons (in some inhalers) and should be avoided in patients with known hypersensitivity or intolerance.

CNS: nervousness, restlessness, tremor, headache, insomnia RESP: Paradoxical bronchospasm CV: angina, arrhythmias, hypertension, tachycardia GI: nausea, vomiting ENDO: hyperglycemia

Monitor pulomonary test before initiating therapyand periodically throughout the coarse to determine effectiveness of medication. Monitor BP, pulse, respiration and urinary output and observe for patient closely following IV administration. Monitor blood glucose and HBA1c if patient is diabetic due to

prolongation of local or spinal anesthetics.

loss of hypoglycemic control Instruct patient not to exceed prescribed dose or frequency of use. Caution patient to avoid smoking and other respiratory irritants Caution patient to refrain fromdriving or engaging in task requiring alertness until response to drug is known

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