Vanshika Agarwal - FEM305 - CT1 - Vanshika Agarwal

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Name- Vanahipa Aganoal

OPoll no- 2002.2a

C o u l code E M 3 0 S

h a t is thu dfttkaemee byuw skên nd hiel .

T o n i n , daius Arom thu baap o piuu A
E-7 OCT ZU4,)
nuxing liming ? H
valut eoutien
at Enittal gtope
uimg ahomme tanning opuution ,

0miwmulphate in adlic mudium ollsaalu no


uhat is oss nrng AZplau amd

Eplain Atauctur o animal, q2pin|hicl
enplaim teps inuoueol ên "
pssavation aeco
Qeathe beam house opexattem {1o)
81 Exploim the follguui ng
A) iming tu)
atintine 2)
c)Bating (2)
d Seuddtng 2
08eeplain Hue oaome tanning spatton ioletoiL ( )

AL QRnemee hebuwm kin amd hido

Sein the amem al shin of smae amimal
LiRe qsheep, goout Hitu s tho animal
etc uhea1a6
8 Rin of big animalskeou butfalto etc.hs
s thobaalc oliflesemee betuULOm kn and hEcto.

A Jas pol

A CCH20)6

AS Cross An king is thu

betuDen bomd o3mabi n
colbagem Jiba dueo ushih tbeiomis Rtable
mose dusabls less KLRO eptihle
Dut to c04A umREmp fibA I* Btabiliseleuomposition.
4ot otlacked b oA3 linking
Vam3hlka AgouO o
FEM 30BT Z021
oO DDmis Cot'un)

oosTT Hypo dusmis

ub eutamLou)
Anumal 8k?n AonAist of thsu
lays- pidusmus, demis
omd hyPodus
Hpeel Epidermis ds
topmost lauu, t puotett h
amimal om Qulta
Ocmis 9t is
muUOEUGaAMism to vmtes in Bhe
wy thiR La
gwond and
aftu ipidlemis. 9 is uYd
to make lau
Afk mouing epiclismm amo hpoesm, Deathes
is uud 08 hide/kËn 3 t is made p oA
collagun c h i 9t b is t y ong amd has elautte
hurpoclannis- is the nnnoot lut
Enaulaton toautmal fomhiaE
amd colol
in p A Vation o Leatnu-
Gteps inwolmd
altng MoL ausimg

J poeuent thi h i a ro mi
ottoueaf battesfa
amol mucoo agamicm,
tb qsau i$ cppied on the
Puide/ 8pin. his puous Le calld 8atna ond ouring
done to pamnt it foom poutnefachen.
uis p o s A
AL h ahra tganuo a l
FEM 305 7 OCT 2021
/OCT 2021
t tHa PaLoe in wnih
pH vau
U'nsLang by pdacing il in alkalim
op galuuke
Jhis s to e doru berauab SECTIMIONANTION
DLUnous hai ike
truetuses drpm Hhe hic ar
Spittng of fla.
uLl p collanemba
hicle sLo
o deonLaui
dechLasiMg ho
placing t En ouicie
Saluliom å19 hat emZHmes cam t
After 0ulim ig PH Vvaulu is uom t.
re auss n which
deRCat d io thaut
nZHM Aaet wew

() Bating is the
puouss in uohih
upom Aide to ojten thinm at
el) uoldng - 9t tha Pauo CeASn uehte
Semuming has om Eh ruel ae mou d
by dul
armouueu brife is called oeudolins

A me
lavMnins opisation
Ohome tonmin in datail-
tom th chumlcalp oalts Oeidls to
tet leahil. ehaome
puos chuome tanmung ahunmLeod tomming us
quick a

8au , Ls Lc chsomium CIl)
ufate O.0nng
Lhd Outb In auid golutien
Cund 8tabiüse it uth tolla gen
tuom the leokhe is by tomim en0s4
ww Rt a k bluu
duppad n
MPt Linkige
6luomd O
leouthe woug this Lanming
uw qa mol
cuobl taku
yispO S amol aluo tolouydhLS
it. yupt
mt- Vansikagasusal

Chaome tamimg torie chimical olno- &00RA 2,

which giutshmful amg toie
DHpAuod eks hith gAMINATION
hasnms he onuiornmeNt. JamgN
alon to Btabilise the ltathu to mhaneu A
4uat'ty eathLa, Lnittally vegtable tamnEng:7OÆT Z021
PALOetice l buut te n puednt "abouut 3 0 f thu
in duutsiv chueme tanning. A t ispfast pLg

wmost cuuuabu Le at hea

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