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Autobiography, Part 1, Early Years

Who is Mycal?

It really doesn’t matter who I am nor my history; it only matters what I say and then
only if you test it and find it useful. The source of any information is irrelevant to
the truth and value of the information. The progress of the world depends on new
information and such information sometimes comes from unknown and out-of-that-
field sources. So evaluating information only by its source, as this planet is wont to
do, is a philosophical and scientific error. Wisdom from the mouths of fools is no less
wisdom; and foolishness from the mouths of the erudite is no less foolishness.
Furthermore, that an expert says something valuable one time is no guarantee that
what he says next will not be foolishness. History is replete with examples of experts
or authorities ridiculing valuable ideas and their sources; [1]

The value of any information is its utility in empowering you to produce your desired
results in your life.

I do scientific investigation into tans-physical phenomena beyond ordinary human

perception. My work is science because if fulfills the criteria of science: replicability.
The laws and principles and results that I report are verifiable and repeatable; any
person who follows the protocols will reproduce the same results.

To be scientific yourself, take what I say (Essentiality and Psycanics) as hypotheses,

apply them to yourself and your life, and see if they give you the results predicted by
the model. The last thing I want to do is put another dogmatic, unverifiable, belief
system (religion) into this world; we are drowning in them. Believe nothing I say; test
it all to prove or disprove and thereby know the Truth.

For the same reason, I will not argue about what I say: debate does not establish truth;
testing and replicability do.

The following is the history of my avatar, of my human identity. I have mostly

discreated my human identity complex so that I live in my experience of immortal
spiritual being (enlightenment) and free of human problems, conflicts and
afflictions. I describe the differences between enlightened and human in the book
Essentiality I. Thus, my avatar history is of no importance to me and I only write it
because many people ask about it.
My avatar identity history:

I was born into a lower middle class family in Texas in 1949, the eldest of 8 siblings.
My father instilled in me a love for books and reading that was to lead many years
later to the TIP: Technology for Intelligence-Power. The family religion, strictly
imposed by my father, was Roman Catholic and I went to a Catholic elementary school
until 8th grade. On graduating at age 12, I went to a seminary to begin studies for the
priesthood for four years of high school. However, at graduation, the administrators
decided that my personality was unsuitable for the priesthood and ejected me from
their seminary system. This was fine with me; I was relieved to be free of repeating
same dry rites and rituals over and over again every day. I was later to appreciate the
irony of this expulsion from a religion when I became a mystic and started direct
contact with Essence.

My SATs in the top 2% qualified me for a National Merit Scholarship and I went to the
University of Texas, Austin, for about one and a half years, majoring in chemical
engineering (I had a scientific bent of mind.) However, school was dull; I dropped
out and was soon drafted. (This was at the height of the Vietnam war circa 1970). I
consciously became an atheist at the University. (University and atheist were not
necessarily related events; they just happened at the same time.) However, my
atheism lasted for only a year. As I thought more deeply on spirituality, I concluded
that I could no more be sure that there was not a God than I could be sure that there
was one. So I finally settled my spiritual qualms in agnosticism.

During the two years I was in Austin, I had several of what I now know were mystical
experiences: enormous expansions of consciousness and identity to become One with
everything, accompanied by ecstatic love and joy, and certainty of my immortality
and that all in life is perfect. These experiences were similar to the Richard Maurice Bucke
experience in the book Cosmic Consciousness. They were glorious experiences that left
me glowing for days and profoundly certain that it would be worth anything to be
and feel that way all the time. However, at the time, I had absolutely no idea what
those experiences were; I had no frame of reference whatsoever; my Catholic
upbringing never mentioned mysticism.
In the army at the height of the Vietnam war, I was stationed in Germany. My army
stint was a little less than two years and I enjoyed it; it was a significant learning
experience for a young kid from Texas. Back in Texas, I started a small business, and
soon had enough income that I did not have to work much. I acquired a nice house,
two cars, three airplanes, three motorcycles, and other stuff. I also used the GI Bill to
get my professional pilot licenses and build flight experience.

Within a couple of years, I became dissatisfied and unhappy with my life. I lived in a
good-sized house alone and soon I realized that I was little more than a caretaker of
material things. Despite outward success and the toys, I was deeply dissatisfied with
my comfortable but empty life. (This, I would later learn, is part of the Dark Night of
the Soul.)

Just at that time-- I now know that there are no accidents and no coincidences in life-
- I read two books:

#1- Cosmic Consciousness by Richard Bucke. [2]described and explained my mystical

experiences as natural, evolutionary states; and

#2- The Master Game by Daniel De Ropp, which said that such experiences could be
your permanent state of consciousness, and that you could achieve them by working
on your being.

Those books electrified me. My mystical experiences had been glorious. It was real to
me that such states of consciousness are indeed pearls of great value, and worth any
effort to achieve. I decided to make my spiritual evolution my purpose in life. So with
the push of the Dark Night on one side and the pull of heaven on the other, I dropped
everything: my business, my social life in Mensa and all plans. I sold my house and
possessions and moved to a secluded cottage and went into reclusion. I scoured the
libraries and bookstores for books on religions, philosophies and mysticism (except
Christianity: after four years in a seminary, I had had enough of it). At one point, for
about four months, I did not leave my residence except for necessities and more

I did little but read, ten to twelve hours a day. Having taken speed-reading courses, I
could cover 1 to 4 books a day depending on their length and complexity. I found the
Eastern systems (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Sufism, Zen, etc.) to be the best
sources of information on mysticism. (By mysticism, I mean knowledge, but more
importantly, experience of levels of being beyond ordinary human perception.) I took
courses on different styles of meditation and began to practice it, something I do to
this day. I began to watch my diet eliminating food with chemicals; I found this
important to my energy.

I absorbed many, many concepts. I analyzed and cross-referenced information

looking for common threads. The names and descriptions in mysticism are myriad:
enlightenment, realization, illumination, samadhi, nirvana, Tao, bodhi, kensho,
satori, moksha, jnana, ushta,kingdom of heaven, and on and on. I found some
concepts common to all religions such as the existence of a divinity, love as the
supreme value of life, that man can reach the divine, and that that is wherein lies
happiness. I compiled a list of the six great concordances of religions (see What
Religions have in Common).

However, the net result of that year of study was pretty much bewilderment. There
was just too much disparity; too many contradictions in the different systems of
spirituality. What I did achieve was a “probable certainty” that Something existed
beyond our human realm, and that man could know It. Also, many concepts were to
serve me later when my spiritual practices paid off and I began to have mystical
experiences myself. [3] However, for the moment I was confused and stuck.


My savings low, I went back into normal life. I eventually married and moved to live
in Mexico, where occurred my next breakthrough. One day, after about three years
of living totally integrated to Mexican society and while walking in the center of the
pueblo, I suddenly and strongly felt I was on another planet. Literally, I had the feeling
that things around me, specifically the culture, was so different, so strange, that I
could have been on Mars among Martians. We go as tourists to foreign lands, but
unless we live there several years in the society, learn the language and absorb the
values and paradigms, we cannot appreciate how really different other cultures are
in their fundamental assumptions and values.

In the Martian experience, my being or consciousness popped apart from my mind

and I could see mental masses, structures, of thoughts and paradigms. On one side, I
had my US culture: hundreds of beliefs, values and programs I grew up with. On the
other side, I had the Mexican culture likewise comprising hundreds of ideas, beliefs,
values and customs. I could see that both were purely human constructs; that neither
was truth. I could see that each was a conglomerate of beliefs that had accumulated
over centuries without deliberate planning or rational structure and passed from
generation to generation with little questioning. I could see the positives and the
negatives (beliefs that create problems, conflicts and suffering) in both cultures. It
was obvious that neither system of thinking models life well; that neither leads to any
real happiness.

This led to a great question: Is there a set of rules for life that truly models how it
works? Are there laws of mind, emotions and behavior that apply to all human beings
no matter where and when they are on the planet, no matter their culture? Is there
knowledge, is there a science, that ends conflicts and suffering and leads to

I studied on this for several years, hours each day. I continued to meditate and began
to have experiences in which the central feature was energy. I realized that
everything is energy; all experiences, all thoughts, all emotions, all impulses to
behavior are energy. We can understand all human experience in terms of energy: All
energy is legal; it obeys laws and principles. Furthermore, the laws of non-physical
energy (mind and emotions) are similar to the laws of physics, with a few but critical
differences. Thus, I derived Psycanics, an electronics of non-physical energy that is
independent of culture and works for human beings all the time everywhere.

About this time, I had an offer to teach psychology in the local university, which I did
for a year, Working with the students, I developed and tested the basic principles of
psycanics: how to change quickly and easily thoughts, emotions and behaviors, how
to eliminate problems and pain, how to make relationships work. The techniques
proved so effective and popular that some students continued to seek me after I left
teaching. They sent family and friends, who then sent others. The demand for the
knowledge and techniques grew of its own accord and I began to give seminars,
eventually over much of Mexico. This gave me the opportunity to work with
thousands of people, to test the laws and refine the technology until they form the
science that they are today. Psycanics is surgically precise in empowering you to
control your non-physical experience (mind, emotions, behaviors, relationships, love,
happiness, etc.).
TIP: Technology of Intelligence-Power

The seminars also led to the development of the TIP learning system. I soon realized
that most of the seminar participants were understanding only 20% of the
information in the seminar, whether verbal, textual or in powerpoint slides. This was
initially a mystery as I have always been autodidactic (to the point of passing the
airline transport pilot exams without ever taking a class). The investigation of all the
incomprehension revealed the snowball effect of misunderstood words, the root-
cause of difficulties in all reading and study. TIP transforms not only the ability of
children to learn, but also their self-image, self-esteem and behavior.


In my Martian experience, there were three elements: the two cultural paradigms,
and the third: me, the observer. Resolved the paradigm problem with Psycanics,
there remained the question: What is the observer; who and what am I? Continuing
my meditation and my work on self, it was every day more obvious I was not my mind;
I was not my emotions; I was not my body. Then what am I? Meditation is the
traditional way in all mystical schools to answer that question. The objective is to
penetrate the "I" and discover who you really are. The Vichara method of Ramana
Maharshi goes to that question.

It is said in mysticism that, "When the student is ready, the teacher appears." Mine
did. Under their instructions, my investigations into mysticism deepened, but now not
through the writings of others, but through my own experiences. It fascinated me
what I was learning and experiencing. I built a rustic cabin a four-hour drive into the
mountains and beyond civilization: no electricity, no telephones, water I hauled in
buckets from a spring. I began to spend as much time as I could there, sometimes for
two weeks at a time, alone in nature or with my teachers, and doing long meditations,
up to five hours at a stretch. I learned how to discharge mass from my being. I had
experiences of traveling up through dimensions of the Creation all the way to Essence.
I began to perceive how consciousness and energy function, the nature of reality, the
laws of love, and many other things not visible to us at normal human levels of
consciousness. I perceived that spirituality is governed by laws and principles just as
is the physical universe. I saw that those principles are basically just the opposite of
how humanity in avidya thinks. I had a business and a family during this time, but my
passion was the mountain.

In Part 2 of this work (LINK), I give a composite description of the many experiences
and teachings that I received on the mountain. I eventually was able to exit the Matrix
hundreds of times. I experienced we are all the One Essence and that Love is the
essence of Essence. I could see that the knowledge and experiences to which I had
been guided were the core of all religions, was the Truth. I could see how the original
teachings of all the Great Masters have been distorted because of absence of personal
experience of their followers; or deliberately to control others for power and profit.

I saw what Love really is and how our human ideas of love are mostly wrong. I saw
that all problems of humanity are due to the failure to love. I could see that what I
had learned was the solution to most of the problems and suffering on the planet,
from the most personal agony to the most complex international conflicts. I could
see that what I was experiencing in mystical levels was applicable to everyday life
because life is always foremost spiritual. I could see that spiritual Truth is a science,
that it is verifiable, and that Essentiality, a scientific expression of that Truth, could
unify humanity. I could see how direly humanity needs spiritual evolution and my
teachers showed me that civilization would not survive much longer without a
transformation of consciousness to Oneness and Love.

I saw how, as spiritual beings, we are trapped in matter and that we could and should
eventually free ourselves. I saw what traps us (the shell) and how to discreate it. My
plan was to free myself (reach illumination) and leave samsara forever. I told no one
what I was doing and had no plans to. It never occurred to me, not even in my wildest
dreams, to write or teach or leave any record about what I was doing or learning. I
did not see that others were interested as they went about engrossed in their avatar
dramas, and I figured that trying to explain it to them would only get me labeled

Essence, however, had other plans. She show me that the knowledge was not for me
alone but for humanity. She showed me how Psycanics and Essentiality would
transform the planet and why that was critical (we will destroy civilization and leave
the planet poisoned if we do not change our values and behaviors). She showed me
that it would be failure to love on my part to not share the spiritual wealth that I
would be acting selfishly as opposed to acting for the Greater Good of the Greater
Number or the Long Term, the criteria of Love.

Thus, in Love, I could not just illuminate myself and leave the planet. I could not go
without sharing vital knowledge, without leaving behind the Essentiality protocols
and path to enlightenment. In Love, I have to share what Love has given me. For
Love, I have to do what I am doing: writing and teaching. Of course, I now know that
all of what has happened in my life was planned from the beginning, that I agreed to
do this before I ever incarnated (in fact, many lifetimes ago). I have seen how, even
as I struggled through my intellectual darkness, I was guided by Wisdom every step of
the way. And, of course, I now do it all joyously, honored by the opportunity to serve
Love in such a powerful way.

So my mission in life is to set up a school of spirituality for those who are seeking to
Return to Essence. I am writing and teaching the essence of all I have learned and
experienced, and call it Essentiality. It is a path to spiritual enlightenment. It is not
the only path; it is not the best path; there is no best path, only the path you find
suited to you. The characteristics of the Essentiality path to enlightenment is that it
is Western, scientific and certain, and apt for the modern mind and lifestyles. Above
all, is fast: five years if the student goes full speed.

See Parth 2. ————————————————————————————-

1- Most of the things I say about Essence and spirituality are as radical to current human paradigms as
relativity and quantum mechanics were to Newtonian physics. And when humanity adopts the new
spirituality, the quantum jump in civilization and quality of life will be even bigger.

2- While there are many points of agreement with other systems and even some religions (as there
should be if we are all talking about the same Truth of existence), Essentiality contains new and
profound information not found elsewhere (as far as I know).

3- I have lived all that I teach; no one would know these things and be able to create a Road Home to
Essence unless he had lived them. Those who have lived them have mostly not known how to express
them or transmit the wisdom, at least in writing (neither Jesus nor Buddha ever wrote anything). This
is the gift I bring, to be able to express spirituality scientifically and to create a system of Enlightenment
that others can follow.

4- I am in deep gratitude to my teachers. I would know nothing where it not for the extensive
guidance and teachings of beings who wish to remain anonymous. (I am here to take the heat.)

Harvey, discoverer of blood circulation system, was ridiculed and ostracized. Ignaz Semmelweis who
suggested washing your hands before surgery. Alfred Wegener and continental drift. Gregor Mendel
and genetics. Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo in astronomy. Amedeo Avogadro and atomic quantities:
the list is long.
Cosmic Consciousness must be considered a classic in mysticism and an excellent first
reader. However, its basic premise of an evolution of consciousness from matter to plant to animal to
human is totally wrong.
A theoretical foundation for your mystical experiences is important so that you recognize what is happening to
you and do not think you are going insane.

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