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KUKUGiy) Product Case Study Tur eV Aan Tee Cela Vem Ln Seas eee [J ieee ey OS ate ca ENT da ctoleeg Pn platform that enables the user to listen Audio stories and learn from ree Baca To redefine traditional radio by making long-form audio stories, brief podcasts, fiction, SRE e tr] in Indian regional eta Pa Rael ee Cane ce RMR el Mar Seite} eet eee User Segmenta + Aetive Listener + Loyal tistoner ime spent Listening + Now Listener + Royal istener Digital Cost spending We ate targetting Loyal Listener as our Potential User @” and should be fitted to all product initiatives. We also need to increase cost spending on Active Listener and increase time spent listening on Royal Listener. For New Listener, we need to maintain our product habits that make more activity and engagement in an organic approach. Product Engagement Score. —> Y& Product Engagement Score ‘Adoption Product Engagement Score or PES is 2 metric that provides a singular view of how users interact with the product. In this case, PES will be a composite score that made up of three elements: Adoption: % daily audio played Growth Sretention after a month Stickiness: % daily active users / weekly active users Pes. We are mapping between user segmentation and PES elements that should be improved as shown in the table below: Segmentation BN y Growth Stickiness Loyel Ustener ‘Adoption Discovery ‘ative tstener Growth Viral sharing PES. = (Adoption + Growth + Retention) /3 Royaltistener ‘Adoption Stickiness value tistening Sa New listener ‘Adoption Stickiness Product habits User Persona. —> User Persona @ Rashmi Chawla (34) ‘Se i a mother who ves with her husband and ‘wo chidren ina metropoitan cin nda Familiar with using apps on hee smartphone, especialy social media apps. Segmentation: Aetve Listener Most used products: Stary, Audio Book oat * Listening to her favorite show without missing any single episode, + Discussing with her fiends about the prediction ofthe storine. Pain points: * Gata spoiler for not being the fist istener. + My review dant get chance tobe responded bythecast. © Deepak Kumar (20) He lea student from Delhi University who kes to find online content about entertainment, news, and knowledge Segmentation: Loyal Listener Most used products: Sry, Agi Bok, Book Summary, Podcast Goat: * Looking for new digital entent to filin his sparetine. + Sharing with his friends the latest news in igtal mesia, Pain points: ‘Tam confused and have na idea what podcast + The"For You" recommendation algorithm oes ft © sunjay Bharat (31) He sa tech startup employee. Active on professional socal media and often participates Inwebinas sometimes os partlpants or speakers. Segmentation Royal Listener Most used products: ‘Audio Book, Book Summary, Podcast, Course oa * Beporing new knowfedge onthe various ‘ontine platforms. + improving himself tobe a beter person in every wy. Pain points: * The knowiedge that has jst been heard does not stckin the head, + Feeling nothing improved after hearing the ui. Pain Points. —> © Pain Points {cot spoiler for not being the frstistener iy even aid get a chance be responds bythe cast ( Barer ad ely objective: ‘Make isteners more enthusiastic when a new episode is coming. Features * Listen ta audio simutaneously. + serng premiere natiicaton, + Give a comment that has a chance tobe pinned and responded by the cast Share lve premiere experience to another social mecha Benefits: * Boost engagement on new episodes or aud. + Drive interaction between the cast listeners, + tract new users to download and subscribe nd the objective: Make isteners not confused when no ides what podcast to listen nex cling have Features "Aue clip 30-60 seconds + Functional action (pay, saved, or download). + Engagement action (share or ot interested), Benefits: *Recomment audios to use + Bulla better personalized algorithm more eveniy objective: ‘Make isteners confident n what they are learning. Features: * Given questions after audio isfnished + Chaose te right answer from 2 to 4 choices, * Get feedback and result ofthe questions, Benefits: * Increase time and customer satisfaction + Bull better valve ofthe knowledge content ‘on the platform, New Product: Live Premiere. —> New Product: Today's Clips. —> dat romthof uso played |-Aome men ser se 2.Fo festme wees ne 2p wil 3. Users can tap right or sip let onthe cp orp Play Al contains feature explanation. New Product: Quiz & Poll —> popup mini quewil appear Users andneedtochooee the anewer, but selected ans (an contre he qu or skp Suan skip by tapping eclose North Star Metric. —> # Product Initiative ul Metrics 1. Dimension >< North Star Metric + Regional anguages + Subscription discount + Live Premiere + Recommendation + Top List + Todays clips + Goals infographic + Push Notification + Min Quiz + Recently Played + saved fr later + Offline Mode Go-to-market Strategy. —> »» Go-to-market Strategy “Talinccngiermin tenance + reste win ecetrsghater = Mawes me + Cenpagenorewepsodecleetap + Feveineaicon cee Shoe rem wth the rot he pinyod ute toner + Tagine: Anema tesco your day» Feature invaducion seen, 1 Mensre sucess mati, sateen viene ivan cnet, Beal re a a ose AC foc Stoutter ci fexured on TosnysCipe. = Leama new ecommendtonalgrthm + Notation emir ifthe wserRas ot Besedon oaays cp performance, Used tne etre ster tee 2 hour, + Tagine challenge yourze. + Sadge-Chalengeyeuseoneveryaudo + Measure success mevics "pct 0 cousezandbooksummars tathas supported themin quefestue, Poston sacl meds about adeboard of focenteququesions. + Feature campag on saa med {he mantn most questons answered + Crt no eegny Change yours {evra and ge some ears stich teeta oy + Fture improvement vel bade Thank You ‘Submitted for PMSchool Live Challenge No. 59 © hi@rickyhilmicom — ff Ricky Hilmi Sudrajad

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