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TASK 1: The diagram below shows how ethanol fuel is produced from corn.
The given diagram depicts the process of producing ethanol fuel from
Overall, manufacturing ethanol is a man-made process that starts with
harvesting the corn and ends with delivering the finished product to the
gas station. There are nine main stages to this process.
To begin with, corn is harvested from fields and then put in a place to store
before starting milling. In the next stage, the corn is crushed into powder
and then mixed with water. Following that, the finished mixture is cooked
for 4 hours. After cooking, the mixture undergoes a fermentation process
which takes 48 hours.
In the subsequent step, the solid product is separated from the liquid and
taken out. It then takes 5 hours to purify ethanol and remove any
impurities. Once the ethanol fuel is ready, it is stored for a set period of
time before being delivered to where it is consumed.
Task 1: The diagram below shows the process of manufacturing ceramic

The given diagram depicts how ceramic pots are produced.

Overall, manufacturing ceramic pots is a man-made process that starts
with raw materials and ends with the production of finished ceramic pots.
There are eleven main stages to this process.
To begin with, the digging machine digs and picks up raw materials
from the ground. Following that, the truck arrives and transports
substances to a factory where products are manufactured.
At the factory, the raw materials are crushed into powder by a
machine. In the subsequent step, the power is moistened by mixing with
water in a cylindrical tank, and then this mixture is poured into moulds.
After that, these molds are dried from 4 to 6 hours to create assembled
clay pots. The eighth stage is that the clay pots are put in a kiln and fired at
the temperature of 1000 degrees celsius. The final process is that the
heated pots are colored and then heated in another oven for color firing.
The outcome of this step is a collection of finished ceramic pots.
• provide a breakdown of: cung cấp mô tả từng phần nhỏ
• cylindrical tank (n) một cái bồn hình trụ • kiln (n): lò nung • fire (v):
nung • mould/mold (n): khuôn đúc • moistened (adj) được làm ẩm
Task 1: The diagram gives information about the process of making
carbonated drinks. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting
the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The given diagram provides a breakdown of how carbonated drinks are

Overall, making carbonated drinks is a man-made process that starts with
water cleaning and ends with packaging and delivery of the finished product.
There are five main stages to this process.
To begin with, raw water is put through a filter before adding water
softener and chemicals to it. The second stage is heating evaporation and
carbonation means that the processed water is pumped into electric heaters
to heat up and then it runs through a cooling pipe before carbon dioxide is
added to create carbonated water.
In the next step, carbonated water is put into a mixing tank where it is
mixed with coloring, flavoring, and syrup. After that, the mixture runs
through a filter again, and then it is packaged into cans and bottles. The final
process is that all the bottles and cans are wrapped in boxes and transported
to the supermarkets to sell.
 Carbonated drink (n): đồ uống có ga
 cooling pipe: ống làm mát
 provide a breakdown of : cung cấp mô tả từng phần nhỏ
 filter (n): máy lọc nước
 pump : bơm
 softening : chất làm mềm nước cứng
 evaporation: quá trình bay hơi
 carbonation: quá trình cacbonat hoá dung dịch(add carbon dioxide vào chất lỏng)

Task 1: The diagram shows how chocolate is produced. Summarize the

information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant.

The given diagram illustrates the process of producing chocolate.

Overall, making chocolate is a man-made process that starts with the ripe
red pods on cacao trees and ends with the production of the chocolate. There
are ten main stages to this process.
To begin with, the cocoa comes from the cacao tree which is grown in
S.America Africa, Indonesia. Once the pods are ripe and red, they are
harvested and white cocoa beans are removed. The next stage is the picked
beans are fermented and spread in the sun to dehydrate.
Following that, the dried beans are placed into large sacks and
transported to the factory by train or lorry. In the next step, beans are
roasted at the temperature of 350 degrees celsius. Then, they are put in a
circle box to crush and remove the outer shell. The last process is that the
inner part is pressed and the liquid chocolate is produced.

 Ferment (v) : lên men

 Pod (n) : vỏ quả

 Cocoa (n) : nước cacao

 Dehydrate (v) : khử nước

 Roast (v): rang

 Outer shell (n) : vỏ ngoài - Inner part (n) : phần bên trong

 Pressed (v) : ép - Liquid (adj) : lỏng

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