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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of San Carlos City
Ano, San Carlos City, Pangasinan


FEBRUARY 2-4,2022

Adherence to conduct of INSET During The Mid- Year Break, in reference

to DepEd OrderNo.29, s. 2021, the School Calendar of Activities for S.Y. 2021-
2022, specifically in Item No.22 on its implementing Guidelines, and to the
Department of Education's commitment to uphold Professional Development and
Capacity development Program, Ano Village Elementary School conducted a
Three-day Virtual Mid- year In -Service Training For Teachers.

The Ano Village Elementary School Three-day Virtual Mid- Year In -

Service Training for Teachers was successfully and meaningfully done via
Microsoft Teams platform due to a large number of teacher participants dated
February 2-4, 2022.

Mrs. Vanessa, the emcee for the day began the Day 1 INSET at exactly
12:30 in the afternoon with a sweet smile on her face. The program started by
playing video presentation of the Philippine National Anthem, followed by
invocation led through audio visual presentation. Next, was the of Checking of
attendance by Mrs. Elvira Q. Tamondong to recognize the presence of everybody
in the platform. Welcome Remarks by Mrs. Marilou M. Dulay was very welcoming
and followed by an Inspirational Message by Mrs. Edna C. Roque, Principal II.
Her words reminded us to keep us inspired and hopeful for us to continue
teaching and nurturing young Learners.

Day 1 was the day and the time given to our very hard-working Principal II,
Mrs. Edna C. Roque in which we called as Principal’s Hour, where she
comprehensively presented the Evaluation of Schools Progress in the
Implementation of the Programs, Projects and Activities (PPAs) and thoroughly
discussed the Review of the performance of Teachers (OPCRF/IPCRF).

Address: Ano, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Telephone No.: 09217934356
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of San Carlos City
Ano, San Carlos City, Pangasinan
At exactly 12:30 of our Day 2 training, all teachers are signed into the
platform. Mrs. Vanessa M. Lim, our Emcee for the day led the program
vigorously. The assigned MOL for the day engaged in. It was started with video
presentation of the Philippine National Anthem played by Mrs. Margie M.
Rodriguez, followed by an AVP Invocation . A checking of attendance was
followed by Ma'am Elvira Q. Tamondong and an Ice Breaker by Mrs. Liwliwa N.
Sales to energized the platform, and a recap through PowerPoint presentation by
Mrs. Jeanny M. Fernandez to state what transpired on yesterday’s training. All
ears is to our hard-working master teachers headed by Mr. Jose Larry C. Ferrer
and Miss Luz M. Fernandez. Mrs. Margie M. Rodriguez, MT 1 thoroughly
discussed the Crafting of Work plan and Implementation of effective intervention
Strategies for Learners at Risk. Mrs. Amy M. Munoz itemized and
comprehensively discussed the new RPMS which composed of 19 new objectives
to be accomplished by the teacher.

For our Day 3 INSET, Mrs. Vanessa M. Lim was the Emcee and was
participated by the assigned MO. To formally open the day 3 INSET, a video
presentation of the Philippine National Anthem played by Mrs. Margie M.
Rodriguez, followed by an AVP Invocation, checking of attendance led by Mrs.
Elvira Q. Tamondong, and an Ice Breaker by Primary Teachers. The training
proper was facilitated by our diligent master teacher on School Workshop in the
Preparation of Contextualized Weekly Home Learning Plan, Learning Activity
Sheet (LAS), and Instructional Materials (IMs) for the 3rd and 4th quarters.

The most awaited time in every endeavor had come, The Graduation Day
or the Closing Program. Our closing program was smoothly and successfully
organized with Mrs. Vanessa M. Lim as our HOST. A Makabayan Song was
played by Mrs. Maria Rochelle F. Mendoza, then, we seek for the presence of
Our LORD as we end our 3 day-INSET by an AVP prayer led. To determine how
the INSET was to the participants, an Impression by Mrs. Vilma A. Quilates was
taken . Awarding of Certificates was followed and awarded to all participants and
speakers and lastly the Closing Remark by Mrs. Edna C. .

Address: Ano, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Telephone No.: 09217934356
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of San Carlos City
Ano, San Carlos City, Pangasinan
Indeed, the 3-day In service Training for Teachers made us realize that we
need to strategize more, benchmark new ideas and to stay passionate on what
we do. As the saying goes. Teaching is a heart-work.

Address: Ano, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Telephone No.: 09217934356
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of San Carlos City
Ano, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Address: Ano, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Telephone No.: 09217934356
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of San Carlos City
Ano, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Address: Ano, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Telephone No.: 09217934356
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of San Carlos City
Ano, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Address: Ano, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Telephone No.: 09217934356
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division of San Carlos City
Ano, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Prepared by:

Principal II

Address: Ano, San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Telephone No.: 09217934356
Email Address:

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