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Anita Rae Modi, MD Christopher S. Kovacs, MD
Department of Infectious Disease, Department of Infectious Disease, Cleveland
Cleveland Clinic Clinic; Assistant Professor, Cleveland Clinic
Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western
Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

Hospital-acquired and
ventilator-associated pneumonia:
Diagnosis, management, and prevention
ABSTRACT lthough guidelines are available for
Hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) and ventilator-
A managing hospital-acquired pneumonia
(HAP) and ventilator-associated pneumonia
associated pneumonia (VAP) cause significant inpatient (VAP)1,2 and our understanding of these dis-
morbidity and mortality. They are especially challenging eases is growing, their incidence does not seem
to diagnose promptly in the intensive care unit because a to be decreasing.3
plethora of other causes can contribute to clinical decline And the toll is high. About 10% of pa-
in complex, critically ill patients. The authors describe the tients put on mechanical ventilation devel-
diagnosis, management, and prevention of these diseases op VAP,3 and the mortality rate in VAP has
based on current guidelines and recent evidence. been estimated at 13%.4 Together, HAP and
VAP accounted for 22% of hospital-acquired
KEY POINTS infections in a 2014 survey of 183 US hospi-
tals.5 Patients with VAP face a longer hospital
Noninvasive testing such as blood and sputum cultures
course and incur higher healthcare costs than
and the staphylococcal nasal swab should be conducted similarly ill patients without VAP.1
in a patient with suspected HAP or VAP to isolate the This review discusses the diagnosis, man-
culprit organism and tailor antibiotic therapy. agement, and prevention of HAP and VAP
using the 2016 guidelines from the Infectious
Procalcitonin testing should not be used to decide wheth- Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and
er to start antibiotics but can be used in conjunction with American Thoracic Society (ATS),1 as well as
clinical judgment to decide course duration. recent literature regarding controversial topics
such as the role for procalcitonin testing and
Patients with suspected HAP or VAP who are immuno- adjunctive inhaled aminoglycosides.
compromised, hemodynamically unstable, or unable
to produce timely lower respiratory tract samples for
microbiologic testing merit empiric antibiotic treatment HAP is a new pneumonia (a lower respira-
with a regimen based on individual risk factors and local tory tract infection verified by the presence of
antibiotic resistance. a new pulmonary infiltrate on imaging) that
develops more than 48 hours after admission
in nonintubated patients.
Nursing care bundles addressing aspiration risk factors VAP, the most common and fatal nosoco-
can reduce the incidence of HAP and VAP in the hospital. mial infection of critical care, is a new pneu-
monia that develops after 48 hours of endo-
tracheal intubation. Importantly, by the time
of VAP onset, patients may have already been
doi:10.3949/ccjm.87a.19117 extubated.

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‘Healthcare-associated pneumonia’ and a broad differential diagnosis for patients

is no longer recognized who develop increasing oxygen requirements,
Of note, the term “healthcare-associated leukocytosis, and secretions in the intensive
pneumonia” (HCAP) has been removed from care unit (ICU). Respiratory decline accom-
the 2016 guidelines.1 panied by fevers and a productive cough—or
HCAP was defined in the IDSA/ATS following a witnessed or suspected aspiration
2005 guidelines as pneumonia developing in event in the hospital—can suggest developing
a person hospitalized for more than 48 hours pneumonia. While scoring systems such as the
in the last 90 days, residing in a nursing home Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score are used
or extended-care facility, or receiving home to guide the management of community-ac-
infusion therapy, wound care, or chronic di- quired pneumonia, the IDSA/ATS guidelines
alysis.6 As patients who frequently interface suggest using clinical criteria alone for the
with the healthcare system were suspected of management of HAP and VAP.1,10
harboring multidrug-resistant organisms, the According to the guidelines, the diagnosis
empiric antibiotic regimen recommended for of HAP and VAP requires all of the following:
HCAP mirrored that recommended for HAP • New lung infiltrates on chest imaging
and VAP. • Respiratory decline
But a systematic review and meta-analysis • Fever
of 24 studies revealed that these criteria for • Productive cough.
HCAP did not reliably correlate with the Absence of a new infiltrate significantly
presence of multidrug-resistant organisms.7 lowers the probability of VAP and can guide
Mortality in HCAP was not associated with the clinician to alternative causes of inpatient
multidrug-resistant organisms, but rather was respiratory decline, including pulmonary em-
associated with patient age and comorbidities. bolism.1
The designation of HCAP was ultimately
determined to have minimal practical value in Noninvasive tests
decision-making about empiric antibiotic se- Once an infiltrate is observed and HAP or VAP
By the time lection and overall prognostication. Patients is suspected as the cause of respiratory decline,
who would have previously qualified for a di- several noninvasive tests are recommended to
of VAP onset, isolate a pathogen and promptly tailor empiric
agnosis of HCAP should instead be treated as
patients may having community-acquired pneumonia un- antibiotics to the culprit organism.
have already less they have specific individual risk factors Blood cultures are recommended for all
that call for broad-spectrum empiric antibiotic patients diagnosed with HAP or VAP.1 Fifteen
been percent of patients with VAP are bacteremic,
treatment (see below).
extubated and up to 25% of blood cultures from this
■ ASPIRATION IS AN IMPORTANT CAUSE group demonstrate pathogens reflective of a
OF HAP AND VAP secondary, nonpulmonary source of infection.1
Thus, blood cultures can be useful to iden-
Aspiration is an important contributor to the tify the pathogen responsible for HAP or VAP,
pathogenesis of HAP and VAP. Further, pro- especially if respiratory cultures are unreveal-
ton-pump inhibitors and histamine-2 receptor ing, and also to inform the clinician as to the
blockers, by suppressing acid production, can presence of additional concomitant infections
allow nosocomial pathogens to colonize the unrelated to the respiratory tract. For exam-
oropharynx and endotracheal tube and be as- ple, Candida and Enterococcus species are not
pirated.2 VAP-specific risk factors such as age, known to cause pneumonia, and so detecting
recent surgery, and admission for neurologic these pathogens in the bloodstream may di-
causes or cardiovascular failure all increase the rect the clinician to a separate and previously
risk of aspiration.8,9 unsuspected site of infection such as a cathe-
ter-related bloodstream infection.
■ CHALLENGING TO DIAGNOSE Sputum cultures should be obtained in
HAP and VAP can be challenging to diagnose patients with HAP and in nonintubated pa-
promptly, owing to limited diagnostic tests tients with VAP who are capable of producing

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a sufficient sample, characterized by few to no for VAP (sensitivity 40%, specificity 94%).
squamous epithelial cells on Gram stain. Given that a patient’s nasal colonization pat-
For patients who cannot produce an ad- tern reliably predicts which Staphylococcus spe-
equate sputum sample, semiquantitative cies could be responsible for an ongoing pneu-
sputum samples obtained by noninvasive monia, the nasal swab has been widely used as
methods (eg, endotracheal aspiration) are an antibiotic stewardship tool, prompting safe
preferred over quantitative samples obtained discontinuation of anti-MRSA agents when
by noninvasive or invasive methods such as negative, particularly in the context of HAP.14
bronchoscopy and blind bronchial sampling The respiratory viral panel, a PCR-based
(mini-bronchoalveolar lavage) in an effort to nasopharyngeal swab, should be used espe-
reduce cost and patient harm associated with cially during influenza season to identify viral
quantitative and invasive testing.1 Quantita- causes of HAP and VAP for which antibiotic
tive testing may be falsely unremarkable if therapy may not be necessary.1
antibiotics have been started before sample Within the first 2 days in the hospital,
collection and may erroneously trigger the pneumonia is most likely attributable to com-
cessation of appropriate therapy. Further, no munity-acquired organisms. After 48 hours,
improvement in mortality rate, length of ICU culprit organisms include pathogens to which
stay, or duration of mechanical ventilation has the patient was exposed in the hospital.1
been observed in patients who underwent in- Antibiotic use within the 90 days preced-
vasive sampling.1 ing new pneumonia is the only known risk
However, invasive sampling may be mer- factor consistently correlated with MRSA and
ited for an immunocompromised patient or a multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa
patient experiencing continued clinical de- HAP and VAP.1 Patients with the following
cline despite appropriate antibiotics and with risk factors may be additionally predisposed to
a negative noninvasive evaluation, given its VAP due to multidrug-resistant organisms:
improved diagnostic yield.11 • Cystic fibrosis or bronchiectasis
Should invasive sampling be attempted, • Septic shock
high cellularity (> 400,000 cells/mL) and the • Acute respiratory distress syndrome In the absence
presence of more than 50% neutrophils in • Renal replacement therapy before VAP of a new
bronchoalveolar lavage fluid can implicate • At least 5 days of hospitalization.1
VAP.12,13 The IDSA/ATS guidelines suggest Viruses cause up to 20% of cases of HAP infiltrate,
discontinuing antibiotics if the final bron- and VAP.15 An observational study of 262 pa- consider
choalveolar lavage culture results demonstrate tients with HAP determined that respiratory
fewer than 104 colony-forming units/mL, syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus, and rhino- other causes
though it should be noted that the yield of virus were the most common causative patho- of inpatient
bronchoscopic cultures dramatically decreases gens, and 8% of all HAP cases were caused by respiratory
after 72 hours of antibiotic exposure.1 Nega- bacterial and viral coinfection.15
tive bronchoscopic cultures obtained from a Procalcitonin testing can help differenti- decline,
patient on empiric antibiotic therapy may rule ate viral from bacterial pathogens in patients including
out multidrug-resistant organisms but do not with HAP or VAP and potentially identify
entirely rule out pneumonia. cases of coinfection. While any infectious pulmonary
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing pneumonia can elevate this serum biomarker, embolism
has been increasingly employed to diagnose typical bacteria tend to lead to higher pro-
pathogens responsible for HAP and VAP and calcitonin levels than atypical bacteria or
to guide antibiotic stewardship measures. viruses.16 Cytokines, associated with bacte-
The Staphylococcus aureus nasal swab, a rial infections, enhance procalcitonin release,
PCR-based test, demonstrated a high negative whereas interferons, associated with viral in-
predictive value for methicillin-resistant S au- fections, inhibit procalcitonin release.
reus (MRSA) colonization in a patient popu- Procalcitonin testing is not perfect, how-
lation with a 10% prevalence of MRSA.14 The ever, as procalcitonin is not elevated in up
sensitivity of this test is higher when used for to 23% of typical bacterial infections.16 A
HAP (sensitivity 85%, specificity 92%) than systematic review and meta-analysis of 15

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randomized controlled trials in ICU patients following 3 criteria: fever, productive cough,
evaluated procalcitonin guidance in initiating and leukocytosis. In the bacteriologic strategy,
antibiotics compared with clinical judgment antibiotics are held until quantitative cultures
alone and noted no difference in short-term of lower respiratory tract samples confirm a di-
mortality. However, procalcitonin-guided ces- agnosis of HAP or VAP.
sation of antibiotics was associated with a low- A single-center observational study18 com-
er mortality rate than cessation of antibiotics paring these 2 strategies noted that, while pa-
based on clinical judgment alone.17 tients managed with the clinical strategy were
In keeping with these results, the IDSA/ rapidly started on antibiotics, they experienced
ATS guidelines state that procalcitonin should a lower chance of receiving initially appropri-
not replace clinical judgment to decide on an- ate therapy, a longer duration of treatment,
tibiotic initiation for patients with a diagnosis and a significantly higher rate of in-hospital
of HAP or VAP, but can be monitored over mortality, possibly due to selection of resistant
the course of therapy to note a trend, and can organisms. However, certain patients do merit
be used in conjunction with clinical judgment prompt and aggressive antibiotic therapy even
to de-escalate and eventually discontinue an- before culture results become available: those
tibiotics.1 with hemodynamic or respiratory instability,
Our understanding of the use of procalci- those with immunocompromised status, and
tonin in HAP and VAP management is still those for whom timely sampling of lower re-
in its infancy. There is no consensus on this spiratory tract secretions is not feasible.1
subject, but we offer the following, based on
Initial empiric coverage of MRSA,
our own experience and the relationship be-
gram-negative bacteria
tween procalcitonin levels and cytokines and
Once the decision to treat a patient with sus-
pected HAP or VAP is made, an institution-
• Elevated procalcitonin in a patient with
specific antibiogram should guide the selec-
a PCR-proven viral infection such as in-
tion of an empiric antibiotic regimen that best
fluenza can suggest bacterial superinfec-
Understanding addresses local organism prevalence and anti-
tion and merit continuation of antibiotic
biotic resistance patterns.1 If such an antibio-
of the use therapy.
gram is not readily available, a regimen with
of procalcitonin • A low-positive or negative procalcitonin
empiric coverage of methicillin-susceptible
level in a patient with PCR-proven viral
in HAP and VAP S aureus and gram-negative bacilli such as P
infection may lend confidence to the diag- aeruginosa should be selected, eg, piperacillin-
is still nosis of viral HAP or VAP and prompt safe tazobactam, cefepime, levofloxacin, imipe-
discontinuation of antibiotics. nem, or meropenem.
in its infancy • A negative procalcitonin in a patient with One antipseudomonal agent or two? Pa-
a clinical history suggesting alternative tients who recently received intravenous anti-
causes of respiratory decline or marked im- biotics or are at high risk of death merit dou-
provement with diuresis can also support ble coverage of P aeruginosa with antibiotics
antibiotic cessation. from 2 different classes for empiric treatment
of HAP. Placement in an ICU where more
■ MANAGEMENT OF HAP AND VAP than 10% of gram-negative isolates are resis-
Although delaying the start of antibiotic ther- tant to an agent being considered for mono-
apy is associated with a higher risk of death in therapy is an additional indication for the ini-
the context of sepsis, recent studies argue that tiation of 2 antipseudomonal agents to treat
antibiotics may not be immediately required VAP.1 Patients with P aeruginosa pneumonia
in every patient with suspected HAP or VAP. complicated by bacteremia who receive em-
Two different strategies—clinical and bac- piric antipseudomonal combination therapy
teriologic—can be used in this decision. In have a lower mortality rate than those who re-
the clinical strategy, antibiotics are started in ceive antipseudomonal monotherapy.19 Com-
patients with a new pulmonary infiltrate con- bination therapy ensures timely initiation of
cerning for HAP or VAP if they meet 2 of the at least 1 active agent. Patients who receive

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antipseudomonal monotherapy may experi- Final tailored regimen

ence delays to the initiation of an appropri- Regardless of the empiric regimen initiated,
ate antipseudomonal agent if resistance to the culture susceptibilities can allow for appropri-
chosen agent is present. ate tailoring of antibiotics to the culprit or-
Is MRSA coverage needed? Not all pa- ganisms responsible for HAP and VAP.
tients with HAP or VAP need empiric MRSA Aspiration events that precipitate HAP
coverage. Vancomycin or linezolid should be and VAP are inherently polymicrobial. Thus,
initiated only in those who received intrave- even if sputum cultures demonstrate only 1
nous antibiotics in the last 90 days, are hospi- pathogen, the final antibiotic regimen used
talized in a unit where at least 20% of S aureus to treat a patient with suspected aspiration
isolates are methicillin-resistant or where the should still include coverage of oral and en-
prevalence of MRSA is unknown, or are at teric flora, including gram-negative and an-
high mortality risk.1 aerobic bacteria.
Additionally, despite the role of aspiration
Duration of treatment
in the development of HAP and VAP, empiric The duration of the antibiotic course in un-
anaerobic coverage is not always indicated. complicated HAP and VAP is 7 days, as longer
This is because over the first 48 hours of hos- courses have not been shown to reduce rates
pitalization, bacterial colonization of the oro- of recurrent pneumonia, treatment failure,
pharynx and endotracheal tube evolves from a duration of mechanical ventilation, hospital
predominance of streptococcal and anaerobic length of stay, or mortality.1 If a patient is he-
species to a predominance of gram-negative, modynamically stable, is needing less oxygen,
nosocomial flora. and is tolerating oral intake, oral antibiotics
Role for inhaled antibiotics. The guide- can be used to complete a course of therapy for
lines discourage the use of intravenous ami- uncomplicated HAP or VAP.
noglycosides and polymyxins, given concerns HAP and VAP associated with pulmonary
for nephrotoxicity in critically ill patients or extrapulmonary complications, such as
with HAP or VAP. However, for VAP due to empyema or bacteremia, merit longer course Preventing
pathogens susceptible only to aminoglycosides durations specific to these issues. Pneumonias
or polymyxins, inhaled aminoglycosides or co- due to Pseudomonas or Acinetobacter species
listin can and should be used in conjunction are also considered complicated and merit at is as important
with their intravenous formulations.1 least 2 weeks of antibiotic therapy due to the
Systemic aminoglycosides achieve low as diagnosing
risk of relapse associated with shorter course
concentrations in respiratory secretions and durations.21 Follow-up chest imaging during and managing
in epithelial lining fluid of the lung, resulting the same admission is not indicated unless the them
in subtherapeutic levels that may encourage patient continues to decline. In such a case,
the development of multidrug-resistant or- repeat radiography or computed tomography
ganisms.20 Inhaled antibiotics are not associ- of the chest may detect a pulmonary com-
ated with the degree of nephrotoxicity seen plication requiring procedural intervention
in patients given the equivalent intravenous or, alternatively, may guide the clinician to
formulations, and their addition to systemic search for unrelated causes of decline if signs
antibiotics may allow for higher drug concen- on imaging are improved.
trations at the site of infection, which in turn Infectious disease consultation for evalua-
may help improve clinical cure rates and re- tion and antibiotic management can be help-
duce the duration of mechanical ventilation. ful in an immunocompromised patient or a
Adjunctive inhaled antibiotics have not patient experiencing continued clinical de-
been demonstrated to affect overall mortality cline on appropriate antibiotic therapy. Pul-
rates in VAP. The relationships between ad- monary consultation is indicated for patients
junctive inhaled antibiotics and ICU length who develop complications requiring proce-
of stay, hospital length of stay, and prevalence dural intervention such as empyema and in
of multidrug-resistant organisms have yet to patients who merit invasive sampling of the
be elucidated. lower respiratory tract.

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■ PREVENTING HAP AND VAP days and healthcare costs. Standardized use of
Preventing HAP and VAP is as important as aspiration-prevention strategies and didactic
diagnosing and managing them and depends modules, championed by an invested multi-
upon multiple approaches to address indi- disciplinary team, can collectively reduce as-
vidual aspiration risk factors and nosocomial piration risk and associated pneumonia.1
transmission of disease. Managing the microbiome
Preventing colonization and aspiration Probiotics and antibiotics in HAP and VAP
Regular oral care, assessment of the need for prevention are still under evaluation. In the-
proton-pump inhibitor and histamine-2-re- ory, probiotics could reduce VAP by improv-
ceptor blocker therapy, and early identifica- ing intestinal barrier function, increasing host
tion and treatment of dysphagia—especially cell antimicrobial peptides, and regulating the
in the elderly and in patients with recent composition of intestinal flora to reduce over-
stroke or surgical procedures—are key features growth and colonization by pathogenic organ-
to preventing oropharyngeal colonization of isms.25 However, large, randomized controlled
pathogenic organisms, aspiration, and ensu- trials should be conducted to determine the
ing HAP or VAP. A systematic review and clinical efficacy of this strategy.
meta-analysis including 2 studies of critically The French Society of Anesthesia and In-
tensive Care Medicine and the French Society
ill, nonventilated patients reported signifi-
of Intensive Care 2017 guidelines recommend
cant risk reduction in HAP through the use of
selective digestive decontamination with a
chlorhexidine oral cleansing, electric tooth-
topical antiseptic administered enterally for
brushing, and oral hygiene instruction.22
up to 5 days to prevent HAP and VAP.26
Data supporting oral care in VAP preven-
These guidelines cite meta-analyses of
tion are more robust, with several institutions
randomized controlled trials demonstrating
worldwide reporting reduced VAP incidence
a relationship between selective digestive
in association with ICU “bundles” including
decontamination and decreased mortality as
an oral care component.
well as decreased acquisition of multidrug-re-
Several One institution implemented a proto-
sistant organisms, but acknowledge that the
institutions col involving twice-daily chlorhexidine oral
role of selective digestive decontamination
cleansing in addition to elevating the head
report may be limited in units that already face high
of the bed to more than 30 degrees, once-
prevalence of multidrug-resistant organisms.
decreased daily respiratory therapy-driven weaning at-
A theoretical risk of increased Clostridioides
tempts, and conversion from a nasogastric to
incidence an orogastric tube as feasible for all ventilated
difficile incidence with routine selective di-
gestive decontamination use has yet to be
of VAP using trauma patients.23 One year after this protocol
ICU care was implemented, the incidence of VAP had These seemingly opposing strategies of
declined, and patients without VAP accrued HAP and VAP prevention require further in-
‘bundles’ fewer total ventilator days, ICU days, and hos- vestigation.
pital days, although their mortality rate was
no lower than in patients with VAP. Infection control
Other strategies to reduce aspiration risk In addition to addressing individual patient risk
include maintaining tracheal cuff pressure, factors for HAP and VAP, clinicians should ad-
eliminating nonessential tracheal suction, and dress potential for nosocomial transmission of
avoiding gastric overdistention. A 20-bed aca- pathogens typically responsible for pneumonia.
demic medical ICU developed a task force and Timely vaccinations for both patients and
an educational session to raise awareness about providers reliably reduce transmission of influ-
aspiration prevention with subsequent assess- enza, Haemophilus influenzae, and Streptococcus
ments of compliance with these strategies.24 pneumoniae pneumonia.27 While these patho-
These interventions increased compliance gens are not commonly associated with the
dramatically over a 2-year time span, during hospital setting, transmission from patients
which the center noticed a 51% decrease in hospitalized with community-acquired pneu-
VAP incidence as well as decreased ventilator monia or from ill healthcare providers to oth-

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ers on the same unit has been reported and sal gown-glove contact isolation are primarily
may precipitate HAP and VAP. supported by theoretical benefit.
Hospital-wide respiratory hygiene measures
such as hand hygiene and the use of masks or ■ ONGOING EFFORTS
tissues for patients with a cough can reduce the As we continue to face HAP and VAP in our
spread of respiratory pathogens. Observational hospital systems, ongoing efforts to improve
studies suggest some benefit to routine stetho- their diagnosis, management, and prevention
scope and procedural equipment cleaning, will be critical to reduce morbidity and mortal-
though single-patient stethoscopes and univer- ity related to these nosocomial infections. ■
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