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Another important way of representing data clearly and concisely is by

drawing a graph. From graphs we can

o easily identify relationships and patteins

o identify any data or observation that pay be wrong
o extract valuable informdtion through data analysis
o predict results we have not actually measured.

The following givesstepsyou must take in order to draw a proper graph

There are many different types of graphsand the important points are
highlightedby useof threecolour codedexamples.

Example1 2
Example Example

- ":,-t ' ir ;1/flI"Y I

\Firrp lti

0.80 , r.6(5 5.0 20,8

'ri4{e), 10.0 , I8.5,
: 16')7 '
0.40 0.8(s) 20.0 13.8,
0.30 o.6(5) 23.0 r 12.s
020 o.4(:2),,., , u . , l 0 ' 5 ,
r: "ffifit; * -r i'1 -9,$' il
I i,'u'

a Use a pencil with a sharp point

a Correct quantities on correct axes

D6cide which quantity goes on the r-axis (horizontal) and which quantity
,goeson the y-axis (vertical).

Exampte 1
Plot a graph of voltage against current..

When stated in this way the quantity that is stated first goes on the
y-axis and the one stated second goes on the x-axis.

Current on x-axis (horizontal), voltage on y-axis (vertical).

Example 2
Plot a graph of Ucm against d/cm (your scale for I shbuld at least
extend to 55 cm).
dlcm on the.x-axis, l/cm on the y-axis.

Plot a graph.of ylcm againstx/cm starting the y scaleat / = 30 cm.

x on the x-axis,t/ on the y-axis.

Turning graph page
(a) Write down the rangefor both quantitiesto be plotted. :

' . Rangeof O-I.7Y =1.7V.Rangeof
voltage: cunent0-0.9A=0.gA.
Rangeof dlcm = O- Z' = Z" Rangeof //qm = 0 - 30 cm
.but since/ = 55 cm must be includedthen the ringe of

Rangeof x =0 - 40 cm = 40 cm. Rangeof y = 73.9- 30 = 43 cm.

Note that if we want the zeroto be included,we must considerit

when stating the range.

(b) Put the quantity with the bigger range on the longer side of the
graph page.

Voltage on longer side, current on shorterside.

//cm on the longer side, d/cm on the shorter side.

Example 3
y on the longer side, x on the shorter side.

(c) From looking at which quantity goes on which axis we have,

Current on x-axis (horizontal), voltage on y-axis (vertical)..
, dlcm on the r-axis (horizontal),Ilcm on the y-axjs (vertical).

Example 3
x/cm on the x-axis (horizontal), ylcm on the y-axis (vertical).

(d) Turn the page so that both (b).a,nd (c) are fulfilled.

Put the title at the toil of the page.

Voltagevs current L v sd yvs_x

ol cm

Label the axes

Put the quantity and its units.on each axis with a slashseparating them.
. Work out the scale for both axes.

(a) Calculate Range

No. two cm. blocks on axis
Example1: 1.7172= 0.14 V 0.8/9 = 0.09 A
Example2: 551L2= 4.58 cm 2719= 2.33 cm
Example3: 43112= 3.58 cm 4Ol9 = 4.4 cm
In order to get your graph to fit on the graph page,2 cm. must equal
to a number bigger than the number you have just calculated.

(b) In order to easily find the number you have to plot, stick to a
convenlent scale.Counting in 2's,4's,5's, IO's,2O's,O.Z's,O.4's,

Avoid awkward scalesthat count in 3's, 7's, 9's, etc. otherwise you
will have trouble in locating numbers like 3.1 and 3.8 accurately
Choose the first convenient scalethat is equal or bigger than the
numbers calculated in (a)

Example7: VIY:2cm = 0.2 V IIA:2cm = 0.1 A .,

Example2: Ilcm:2 cm = 5 cm dlcm:2 cm = 4 cm v
Example3: ylcm:2 cm = 4 cm xlcm:2 cm = 5 cm R
Once you choose your scalescorrectly your graph will cover more R
than half the page on both axes

o Write down your scales

How much does 2 cm representon the x-axis?How rnuch does 2 cm
represent on the y-axis?
Write the scalesyou have obtained on the top right hand corner of the
graph page (seegraphs).

: Plot your points

(a) Work out the smallest division (S.D.)in the same way as a linear
scale.Find the S.D.for both axes.(Seepg. 39)
(b) Take the first x value of the first ordered pair and look for this value
along the x-axis. If this value is not one of the marked values then
use the S.D. in the sameway as a linear scaleto find the line that
. (c) Find the corresponding y value in the sameway along the y-axis.
(d) Locate the one point.on th.e graph where these two values intersect.
(e) Mark this point with a O or X.
(0 Plot all your ordered pairs in the sameway.

o Draw in your graph

. Decide by inspection if the graph is a straight line or a curve.

Straight line
If it is a straight line use a transparent ruler to draw a line of "best fit".
A line of best fit is a line that passesapproximately through all the
points plotted but with an equal number of points off on either side
of the line. (Do not connect the points you have plotted dot to dot !).

rlcm 30
"=: ll,ijj l-r-l

I; raoh fl I / a g ainstx
i"'-r ,
i......:. ti,
-i-:- Ll -i-
i , - : ; - ;; .: :.i'r i
i ' ; x1a'.i:2rn
-r l. .:..

,,t-L-l ii -:-"f-i

i-'i ll!
rj- t. l"-ra
; -.f.

'i- i-

70 ' ,1,

i - - -ir ii'
66 -;-i-.
l t-
l - :
I : ii
i-: j--.1 "-]-.. I
! -.:
ii L:- :-t.
;...:.. ii i.r,i,

f,"i, i l
l : : t^:

, ', ;'t-' t"+ r'
I, Ir
-l ..1
: . fi 't

i-a 1-:-j- ,ir.rl l

- ' , l_ ' , r ' - i .-l
-i-i r :-i
-:;*:-- t--: ,.' +-. "-i--i :-,
1......t._ '' : F-
rr ,ij"j j ,:' l-:-i j.'i
i-:_' J' I

r\-t- i-i
lir : .;:'. '/
I 7l'1

fi:- j -i,,

f I iI

:, 1 l
'-ti 'v /--i
" t-
50 'r t;

,,j-ft '\r: iir t:

-f- !.
'i -l
\ I,i ' Z
ij --i

r-l -:-::-,:
ltil 11' t a
:1rr: *;,
*iI . 'i-J -
i....1 ,l-

r lii
l-r i

j. t*

i-| l :
li 1 lJ

r,l,::i f;
i. L

I i ,i-,.

'' -J
l jiJ-i- -l I ..;...
l irj r-',- i-
r -i-;- j'

ii] :j ,L, jrjj I J' i ti


l i f i'J
10 t) 20 25 30 J5 40 45

Draw a free hand curve passing approximately through the points. You
should attempt to draw the entire curve in one continuous movement of
the pencil over the page.The curve need not passthiough all the points
and you should attempt to have the same number of points on either
side. (Do not connect the points you have plotted dot to dot!).

When drawing graphs make sure you :

. use a pencil with a sharp point
e put in conect quantities on correct axes
c label the axes (quantity/unit)
o put in a.title at the top of the page
o put in scales in the top right hand corner of graph
. choose convenient scales (not 3's, 6's or 7'3)
. count evenly when putting in scales (no skips e.g.2,4, 6,'l,O)
. plot points accurately
. have a graph that cuis more than half the page both ways
. choose correctlv between a line and a curve
o draw a line or curve of best fit.

The following outlines all the relevant sectionsthat should be included in

your lab report as well as the logical order in which they should be
presented.Each section outlines the correct subject matter t$at should be
under each heading. Before actually starting the lab write up, make sure
you record:
' Lab number
of lab

This is the reason why the tab iJ being done and is usually given to you,
and should be rewritten at the beginning of the lab.

Labs in this book give theory/researchquestions that focus on the

theory relevant to the experiment. Under this section you would write
the answersto the questions presentedto you.

This section is not valid for all labs, but it is of invaluable use for those
for which it is.

What is a variable?$ variable is a quantity or property that changes,

e.g. temperature,.rnass,volume (any other basic or derived qudntities)
Through graph analysis we can
' Identifr or observation that may be wrong due to random
o Predict results we have not actually measured
r Use gradients to obtain valuable data
. Use intercepts to obtain valuable data
. Easily identify relationships and patterns

A graph is therefore an important tool for analysing experimental results.

A vast number of different shapesare known but only a few are
encountered in elementary experimental physics . . . straight line graphs
(proportional, linear) and curves.

The following gives information on how graphs are used for analysis so
that we may be able to use the graph to our full advantage.

when a graph is drawrr and all the points are plotted it is easyto detect
points that do not follow the general shape ofthe graph. Thesepoints
may be off due to random errors when taking measurements.Idially, the
data analysis should be carried out in the lab so that we can go bac('and
recheck any unexpected readings detected in this way and th-useliminate
random errors. An added advantage of the graph is that since the point is
off the graph we can ignore it when doing further analysis.

random error

when we learn to draw a graph, we learn to plot points on the graph for
values.we have obtained experimentally. In analyiis it is impoftanf to do
the reversei.e. read off the values of points that ire on the fine or curve
that were not determined experimenlally.

Find the potential difference that produces a turrent of 0.46 A

r Predict the conect value

(a) work out the smailest division (S.D.)in the same way as a linear
scale.Find the S.D. for both axes. (Difference in marked readings/
no of spaces).

S.D.x-axis= (o.3-o.2)110
= 0.014, /-axis = (0.6 _ o. )lto = 0.02 v

(b) Take the x value given and look for this value along the x-axis. If
. this value is not one of the marked values then add the s.D. for
every block until the value is obtained.

0.4 0.41 o.42. O.43 0.44 O.4s 0

1.0 (c) Go up along this .x-line until the line touches the line or curve then
go acrosshorizontally to the y-axis at this point (seegraph on next'
0.98 page).Use the S.D. to determine the yvalue accurately..

. Piedict and give appropriate unit

Don't forget to put in the unit of the quantity you have determined.
Check the unit of the quantity on the axes from which it was read and
o.92 ensure that it corresponds. :

0.eq o Predict to the correct number of significant numbers

The significant figures of the number determined should correspond to
0.88 the significant figures of the data used to plot the graph for that axis. In
this casethe data for voltage was to 2 significant figures.
Answer = 0.98 V
The reverse is done if y value is given
0.8 Find the current flowing when the potential difference is 1.34 V. (See
graph on next page).
Answer = 0.63 A

The gradient of a graph in mathematics gives the degree of steepnessof a

line. A horizontal line has a gradient of zero and a vertical line has an'
infinite lradient. A line at an angle of 45o has a gradient of one. The
gradient in physics, however, is more than this. The gradient has a
meaning. A graph is plotted with two quantitieS x andy.

If the formula connecting the two quantities plotted is known, we can use
the gradient to find values for important quantities.

The graph shown on the next page is a graph of V against I

Quantity on y-axis: voltage

Quantity on l-axis: current

Therefore, meaning of Bradient =

But from theory I/.=.R/(where R is the resistance)
So, R = -I-
Hence, meaning of gradient = Resistance
If we wanted to find the value of resistance, we this by working
out the gradient of the graph. A knowledge of equations connecting
variables is important, otherwise we would not be able to use graphs fully
as a tool.

The value of the gradient is found by following these steps
. Use a large triangle
Choose two points as far apart as possible.The closer the points are, the
smaller the numerical values being dealt with and therefore the greater
the error. It is quite alright to choose points beyond the range of the
points plotted. When you have chosen your points, draw a horizontal
line from the first point and a vertical line from the second to form a
large triangle as shown on the graph.
. Choose two points not plotted but on the line of best fit
To avoid having the problem of reading off new values students have
the tendency to use the Yaluesof two given points to determine the
gradient. This is incorrect since these points may not even be on the
line of best fit. Even if they are on the line, it is still advisableto avoid
this habit and use points not plotted. It is not recommended th4t the
origin (0,0) be chosen as one of the points.
o Use the correct formula
The formula for the gradient tfl is
,lZ' ,tt

where (xtyt) and (x2,y2)are the coordinates of the two points chosen.
o Read offcoordinates ofpoints xrxz/r /2 accurately
The same technique used to predict experimental data is also used here
' but we are moving from the point both horizontally and vertically to
read off its coordinates.

xr = 0.095 xz = 0.848
Ir = O.2 /z= I-8
. Substitute values into formula correctly
Placethe known.values of 11 xz lr lz in the correct place in the formula.

"'- ffi[$-- Q.095

a Calculate the gradient correctly

Useyour calculatorto determinethe valueof the gradienttaking care
to punch in the numbersaccurately.

^ = .r'9 9'?== = 2.1,768707483
0.848- 0.095
Calculate to the correct number of significant figures
The significantfiguiesshouldcorrespondto the leastnumber'ofsig.
figs.for the valuesusedto plot the graph.

For the table of valuesgiven on page50 which wereusedto plot the
graphl wasto two s.f.and Vwas guessed to three s.f.,tfrerefore,
gradient should be to two s.f.


Put in the unit

The gradient irnustbe accompaniedby the appropriateunits.

7 quantity = voltage unit of gradient:V/A = C)
.xquantity = cuirent

It must always correspond to the unit of the meaning of the gradient. In

this casewe seethat the unit is V/A = Q which is the appropriate unit
for the meaning of the gradient . . . resistance. When finding the value
of the gradient, the units must be put in at all times.

In a straight line the gradient of a curve is constant i.e. it has only one
value. For a curve, the gradient is continually changing. It is still possible,
hodever, to find the gradient of the graph at a point. The tangent to a
point on a curve is the line that touches that point ogly. By drawing ttle
tangent to the curve at the point we can find the gradjent at that point by
just finding the gradient of the tangent. Since the tangent is a straight
line, its gradient can be found in the same way as that of the straight line
outlined above.

It is important to realisethat the meaning of the gradient has nothing to

do with whether the graph is a curve or a straight line.
The intercept is where the curve or line touches the x- or y-axi's.In some '
casesthe grlph passesthrough the origin (O,0)and so the x and y
intercept is reto. when the intercept has a value, we must be able to read
off iis valub from the graph. In some instancesthe intefcept has a
meaning and therefore can be used to calculate important physical

The value of the gradient is found by following these steps:
Determine the intercept correctly
It is read off in the sameway as values of other points.
Work out the smallest division (S.D.)on the axis we ale interested in
(Difference in marked readings/no. of spaces).
Use the S.D. to find out where the line of the graph intersectsthe axis.
Start from a marked value and add the S.D. until you reach the point of
If the point of intersection is between two lines, check the reading
before and after, and estimate where the point of intersection falls.

(Seegraph on next Page)

lntercept = O.0942

Determine to the appropriate number of sig. figs.

Make sure that your final answer has a suitable number of significant
figures. The amount that is suitable should corre'spondto the s.D.
to-getherwith your guess.It should also correspond to tl.resignificant
figures of the data used to draw the graph

Put in the unit

Put in the units of the intercept, which is the unit of the axis it was
read off from.

Intercept = O.O942cm-r

)t r'l
The intercept may have a physical meaning depending on the graph we
have drawn.

In arexperiment, a graph was plotted for volume against the mass of
beaker and water. The graph was a straight line as shown below.

What is the meaning of the intercept?

Answer: The mass gf the beaker when the volume of water is zero. i.e. the
mass of the empty beaker.
I,r -''


The intercept on the y-axisis important in the straight line relationship.
The equation of the straight line is / = mx + c where c is the inter-cepton
the /-axis.

Given the eqgation,we can infer what the intercept meansby comparing
with the straight-lineequation and important physicalquantities can be
determinedin this way.

The equationof this graphis givenby Llu = -Llv + 1r tl fI

(Uu)= -L(tlv)+Llf
Y = m 1+ c

We can deducethat the intercept of the graph of.Llu againstl/v is equal

to Llfby comparisonand thus usethe interceptto find the valueof f

Meaningof intercept:
O.O942cm-r= Llf

f = llO.O942= 10.6cm

The following relationshipsand patternsare suitablefor identification

from a graph
- The proportionalrelationshiP'
- The inverseproportional relationship
- The linear relationshiP
- Constant half-life
- Non-linear relationship (curve)

ldentifyingthe relationshiP
r when two quantities are proportional the graph.comesout as a stmight
line passing through the origin (O,O).

In an-experimentyou dre askedto investigateif sin i is proportionfl to sin r.
(Seegraph on next peige).
t:r:( H :
v_#ifr l:

l-:ii t:;i_ i-i

1.0. rrT.:-" 1***i*'

- i : : - _ i , r , :]rr : . - , ,i : -
0.9 fi"

0.8 /t,, i. :l
, :/
6 j : ' t: :, i : : i :
/ irr:r::ir::::

I t:::l::
o.7 Lj;j- l




:il,: j

i:: i
::ail l ' i l
r . l . :l
r ,tr
0.2 i

0.1 i : i i I f':
; : :l t : 1 r:iil
l : : l

0.1 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7


Dala Analysis: The'graphis a straightlinepassingthrouglrtheorigin.

Conclusion: Sini isproportionalto siit r.

The equation for a straight line is / = m x. Jf the'equation relating the two
quantitiesplotted is known we can useth€ gradient to find important

Given that = n where, n is the refractiveindex of the material, use
your graph to determine,4.
= ',
|t \ T
I Vl

we can deduce that the gradient of the graph of sin i against sin r is equal
to nby comparison and thus use the gradient to find tlie value of n.

Gradient = 1..46

Therefore,n ='1.46
Formulatingthe equation
The general equation for a proportional equation is y = 7nI '.
By finding the gradient m of the graph we can formulate an equation
connecting y and.r if we did not knoW it previously. By taking the
e.quationof a proportional relationship and substituting the quantity on
the .x-axisfor x and substituting the quantity on the y-axis for y.

m= I.46


I | \t
sin i = 1.46sin r

The gradient may have a physical meaning (and symbol)with regard to

the system under investigdtion. When this is given the general equation
can be formulated.

In the example, the constant which is the gradient is called the refractive
index of the system and has symbol r


In fact, many of the equations known today were historically formulated

in this way.


ory against
x usuary
as shown. However, this does not confirm that it is an inverse
il ,i
, ,)
relationship since a graph might look lilie this and yet not be an inverse

relationship. To confirm this we use the following: .
If the graph of y against l/x is a straight line passing through (O,O)
If the graph of 1./y against x'is a straight line passing through (O,O)
then y is inversely proportional to x.

In an experiment you are askedto vary the resistanceR and check the
current flowing through it. You are askedto draw a graph of l against l/R
and hence deduce the relationship between l aird R. (Seegraph on next

Data Analysis: The graph of I against l/R is a straight line.

Conclusion: inverselyproportionalto R.
l ; l

'V;g li I i i I


0.90 1





0.05 0.10 0.15 .0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40


Determiningimportant quantities
If the equation relating the two quantities plotted is kiown we can use
the gradient to find important quantities.The equation for a straight line
y x = m.
in this caseis y = m + Rearranging

y X=m
' tt lt l I

We can deducethat the gradient of the graph of l againstl/R is equal to I{

the potential differenceof the supply.We can, therefore,usethe gradient
to determinethe potentialdifference.

Gradient= 3.2Y

Therefore,V = 3.2Y

Formulatingthe equation
By finding the gradie-nt m ofthe graph we can formulate an equation
. connectingy and-x if we did not know it previously.'Takethe equation of
a proportional relationship and substitute the quantity on the x-axis for.r
and substitute the quantity on the y-axis for y

I = m (7lR)
I = 3.2(IlR)
Hence, equation = IR = 3.2

Again if the physical meaning of the gradient is known, we can formulate

the general equation of the system.

The gradient is equivalent to the potential difference, V.

Equation: lR = V

-TfttrtlNEAfi.ftt loNtfifp',
ldentifying the relationship
If a linear relationship exists between two quantities the graph comes out
to. be a straight line. whether the graph cuts the axis atlO,b) or some
other intercept, it is a linear relationship. In fact, a proportional
relationship is the specialcaseof a linear relationship where the intercept

f:'#:Xo"riment you are asked to find out what type or retationsrrip

between 1 and 1
.u v

Data Analysis: Thegraph is a straight line.

Conclusion: A linear relationship gxistsbetween 1 I


Determining important quantities

The graph of a linear y - m x + cwhere z is the gradient
and c is the intercept on the y-axis. If the equation relating the two
qualtities plotted is known we can use the gradient and.the intercept to
find important qu,antities.

The equation of the graph is known to be L/u = -1/v + 1/f. you are asked
to use your graph to find the value of the focal length

, /'=T\*"
/ +i \
- (1/u) = (-1)(1/v) + (1/f)
ntri G ih bJ'! Y-1,+


\ a

0.ol \
0.06 a
|/cmr R
0.05 R.
0.03 a

0,01 0.04 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09



c = 1lf = 0.0942cm-l

f = L|O.O942
= 10.6cm

In many expedments'wecan find the value of important quantities by

finding the gradient of the graph. You can useyour list of formulae at the
back to help you identify the equation and thus usethe graph to find
important quantities.This is a preferredmethod becausewe are using
severalreadingsto find the value of the quantity. Therefore,we can be
more certainthat'our resultis accurate.

Fdrmulatingthe Equation
If a linear relationship existsbetweenx and y theh it can be expressedby
the equatioa / = mx + c rryherem is the gradient of the graph and y is the

To formulate the equation connectingy and.x,we can draw the graph and
determinethe value'ofthe gradient m and the interceptc. Then in place
of the r and y in the e{uation we put the symbol for the quantities on the
x- and /-axesrespectively.
m = -1.O
c = O.O942

. llu=- t( tlv) +o.og4z

If the physical meaning of the gradient or the intercept is known the
general equation can be formulated

The intercept was given to be equal to (llfl where fis the focal length of
the lens.

(Uv) = CL) (Uu) + (Ufl

CONffAfi l.T'fiA,LF.[tFFi,.,
To identify a constant half-life relationship,draw the graph and checkto
seeif it has a constant half-life.

The only important quantity that needsto be determinedis the halflife

itself and it is not necessaryto formulate the equation at this level. see

we may be asked to investigate a relationship between two quantities and
on drawing the graph we may get a curve. We can say a non-linear
relationship exists between the two quantities.

The student must be able te analyse his result and show some awareness
of the quality of results obtained and how the quality results can be

Every measurement of a quantity is an attempt to determine its true value

and failure to obtain this arises from limitations on the part of the
e*perimenter and the equipment he uses. Sometimes we may have to
make assumptions that we know are not strictly true and which would
therefore add to the inaccuracy of the result.

These limitations and assumptions are usually adressedin the discussion

section of your lab write up and, therefore, should include the following.
Accuracy and reliability of results/comparison to theoretical value
Discusswhether or not you think your results are accurate and reliable,
If it is an experiment where you are determining the value qf a
quantity, then you should compare your value to the theoreticai value
to decide if your results were accurate.If it is a lab that involves a
graph, then the spreadof the point on the graph gives an indication of
accuracyand reliability. If the points falls very close to the line or curve
of best fit, then results are accurate.If marty points are.{arfrom the line
or curve this indicates inaccuracy in results.

Limitations and assumptions of data

There may have been some limitation in the set up you had that
prevented you from getting better results e.g. the instruments provided
were not preciseenough or the particular range of the instrument
prevented a wider range of data from being obtained.

In some labs, in order to get a result, we may make assumptionsthat are

not strictly true.


In this lab we assumethe heat loss by the metal is equal to the heat
boilinq a \
water a \


gained by the water. This is not true since some heat is lost to the
' surroundings. You should explain in your discussionthat this would
have affected the calculated value of the specific heat capacity of the
metal.'Also explain that your calculated value should be higher or lower
than the true value due to this assumption.

Modifications and improvements

You may perform an experiment and realise that there may be a better
way of carrying out the experiment, or particular changes that could
have been made which could have improved you results. In your
discussion,you can write r,vhatthey are and why you think the changes
would help.

. Explains data obtained
r Analyses data and comes to appropriate conclusion
' o Uses data to explain other phe4omena

. Chooses the appropriate formulae
. Converts to standard units (if necessary)
. Substitutes into formulae correctly
. 'Calculates related quantities correctly
. Calculates to the correct number of significant figures
o Calculates and gives correct units

. Performs appropriate calculations to do analysis
proportional a/b
inversely proportional a x b
' Analyses data from table to come to a conclusion/iustifies conclusion based on data
. Concludes correctly based on data
j' Identifies relationships and patterns
through table analysis correctly
o Predicts non- experimental data from graph

. Predicts the value correctly
r Predicts and gives appropriate unit/s
o, Predicts to the correct number of significant figure

. . Understands the meaning of the gradient
. Uses two points that.are far apart (large triangle)
o Uses two points that are not plotted
. Reads off the points x, x2t
/1, /2 cortectly A
. Uses correct formula for gradient (/z-
. Calculates the gradient correctly
/r)/(xr- xr) &
i Calculates gradient to the correlt number of significant figures
. .Has the appropriate units of the gradient
' r
' Determines the intercept correctly
. Deterryrinesintercept to the appropriate number of significant figures
. Corrects units for intercept
. Understands the meaning of the intercept
e ldentifies relationships and patterns through graph analysis
. Formulates equation connecting variables through graph analysis
r Justifies conclusion.based on data
o Correct conclusion (based on data)


. Shows the accuracy and reliability of results obtained
e Identifies what could have contributed to not obtaining the theoretical value
. 'Shows how limitations and assumption3 have affected our results 1:55
. Shows an awareness of how the eiperirnent can be modified or improved to get better
, results

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