Dossier Qualite

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QAP 145 CENTRAX APPENDIX A ISSUE M QUALITY DOSSIERS INDEX 1. GENERAL CERTIFICATION 1S0 9001:2000 Certificate 1SO 14001:1996 Certificate EC Certificate of Conformity for P.E.D. Policy Statement (Guy West) Quality Statement (Traceability and serialisation) Quality statement (Generator set testing) Quality statement (Fuel systems) Quality statement (Manufactures C of Cs) 2, QUALITY PLAN QA Plan QP271 issue B 3. Certification as referred to in section 2 of Quality Plan;- Gas Turbine C of C Gearbox C of C Generator C of C Bedplate C of C Enclosure C of C Enclosure Lifting equipment Certificates (Engine and Gearbox Removal) Gas fuel Filter C of C and P.E.D certificate Hydraulic start motor and pump C of C QAP 145 CENTRAX APPENDIX A ISSUE M QUALITY DOSSIERS Electric start motor C of C Power Analyser calibration certificate Certificate of “fired and functional’ testing Certificate of Leak Test for Gas Fuel System Certificate of customer witness Certificate of Conformity for the Generator Set Manufacturers CE Declaration for Generator set 4. Certification as referred to in section 2A of Quality Plan;- Ventilation and Combustion Air Intake Filtration C of C Fire Protection System C of C CO? Bottle TPED Certificate Wash tank PED Certificate 5. Certification as referred to in section 3 of Quality Plan;- Installation schedule front sheet ICP109 To follow when completed Commissioning Schedule front sheet ICP110 To follow when comple S130 Performance Test Certificate To follow when complete CE Declaration for entire Scope of Supply To follow when completed Plant / Works Taking-over Certificate To follow when completed CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL This is to evrlify that the Quality Management System of Centrax Ltd - Gas Turbine Division Shaldon Road, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 45Q United Kingdom has ven approved by Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance to the following Quality Management System Standards: BS ENISO 9001:2000 NEN EN ISO 9001:2000 EN ISO 9001:2000 NF EN ISO 9001:2000 TSO 9001:2000 UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 The Quality Management System is applicable to: Project management, design, development, manufacture, installation, commissioning, servicing, maintenance and repair of complete gas turbine sets and associated equipment for generating applications utilising power units in the range 0.5 to 10 MWe. Pus ver te 1 did only nr association seith the certificate schedsi munitor one avkich the Ieations applicable ty Hs appraisal are bowring the same fisted Tus covtificaty forms part of the approval identified by certificate muunber 1 RQ 0920874 Anpraveal Original Approval: 23 Decembwor 1993 a: LR OMS AEA nt Certificate: 1 January 2006 IN MGME SYS. AVAL AN CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE Centrax Ltd - Gas Turbine Division Shaldon Road, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 4SQ United Kingdoii Locations Activities Centrax International Limited Service, maintenance and spares stockholding Italian Branch Vea Vanedells 211 41050 Montale Rangone (MO) say Ceutras incernutional Limited Service, maintenance and spares stocthotaing. Spanish Branch Pol Ina fae Cipeeses 7% 12006 Castellén Approval Original Approval: 23 Deceniter 1993 Comiicate Nox ERE NaIOR 74a Current Certificates 1 fanuary 2606 Certificate Expiry: 31 December 2008 Page 2 of 2 wa VAL UI raazmon1-00 jes i ow prvesivn an iis seed on NABS. Urea Raton, Regia CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE Centrax Ltd - Gas Turbine Division ¢ Shaldon Road, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 45Q United Kingdom Head Office Activities ray Ltd - Gas Turbine Division Project management, design, development Shaldon Road, Newton Abbot. manufacture, installation, commissioning, Dew. TQ12 45Q servicing, maintenance and repair of compte United Kingdom sits turbine sets and associated equipmient for generating applications utilising power wits in the range 0.5 to 10 MWe. Locations Centrax International Limited Service, maisttenance and spares stockholding. Dutch Branch Lnergieweg 438 2382 NC Zovterwoude The Netherlands Contrax International Limuted Sermice, mamtenance and spares stuckliolding German Branch Ursuium 7A 35396 Giessen Centrax International Limited Service, manitenance and spares storkholding. ~ French Branch SF Ruede Manttary ZA. des Sublones 45140 Ores France £Appronal Certificate Nov LRQ 0920874 vA CUM roszan91.00 Fh chao islet Bl pints oi Bs veo £1 tS fone EC3A ABS, amauta ane HEA SEMIS 4 & Rages EC CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY In accordance with the requirements of the Pressure Equipment Directive 97/2EC and the Pressure Equipment Regulations 1999, UK Statutory Instrument 1999 No. 2001 and SI 2002 No. 1267 This 1s t0 certify that the Quality Management System of Centrax Limited - Gas Turbine Division Shaldon Road Newton Abbot Devon United Kingdom lias beer assessed against Ue requurements of Armex III, Module H of the Pressure Equepmient Directive ITP2IfEC, and Schedule 4 Module H of the Pressure Equipment Regulations 1999 aud conforms to the requirements for the products sown below: Design and Manufacture of Fuel Gas Systems for CX-501 Series Gas Turbine Powered Generating Set Approvul ts subject to the continued maintenance of the quality systen in accordance with the requirements of the above Directive and Regulations. Authorisation 1s hereby given to use the LRV Notified Body Identifications Nundber sn nevordartee 01th the rrqucrements of the specified Directive anid Regulations products as identified above in relation to the Cortificnte Nv RPSO160082/01 Original Approval: 3" Jamuury 2002 Cturrent Certificate: 19 Jureary 2006 Certificate Expiry 31 December 2008 LRV Nolified Body Nuunber 6038 Shh S.M. Williams on behalf of Lloyd's Register Verification THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS ON THE REVERSE QAP 145 APPENDIX A ISSUE M QUALITY DOSSIERS POLICY STATE! IT The mission of the Gas Turbine Division of Centrax Ltd is: - To produce quality products and installations which meet or exceed customer expectations, in and beyond Europe, and to support them with excellent customer service. This will be achieved within a culture of enthusiasm and continual improvement. This mission will be implemented using a Quality Management System that complies with the requirements of SO 9001. To ensure continual improvement, Quality Objectives will be reviewed at regular intervals by senior management and cascaded down throughout the organisation The Company will ensure it's products and installations comply with all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements. The Company also recognises its responsibility to employees and the environment. It is committed to employing best practice in health and safety at work which meets or exceeds national requirements and to maintaining an Environmental Management ‘System which complies with the requirements of ISO 14001. We QAP 145 CENTRAX APPENDIX A ISSUE M QUALITY DOSSIERS QUALITY STATEMENT TRACEABILITY (SERIALISATION) It is Centrax Policy to have all major and critical items permanently marked or tagged with serial numbers to provide traceability to; the raw materials used, manufacturing details/processes, testing details, certification and any other specific documentation considered appropriate such as; ATEX, PED Certificates, etc. By having this traceability via serial numbers, we have eliminated the requirement for copying and supplying these records to our Customers. Similarly we have eliminated the requirement of our customers to have to receive and retain such detailed quality documentation. Our policy is to have ‘the ability’ to access these records when required, thereby concentrating our quality teams attention on ensuring compliance to our customers needs and ensuring that our own (and suppliers) quality systems and records are professionally maintained for future use. Centrax welcomes our Customers to review these Quality Procedures for adequacy E PARRY Quality Manager.” QaP 145 CEN’ TRAX APPENDIX A ISSUE M QUALITY DOSSIERS QUALITY STATEMENT GENERATOR SET TESTING ‘A comprehensive Test Procedure for the Generator Set forms the ‘work to’ list for the Test Engineers to carry out the nominated tests and to record the successful completion of each test. The Test Procedure is written to ensure that each module on the Generator Set is functionally tested (fired) before despatch from Centrax. The Test Procedure is also used to record specific measurements taken during the assembly of the unit such as records of levelling and alignment checks etc These records are retained at Centrax for a period of 20 years A copy of the Test Procedure is delivered to Site during the commissioning of the unit, to allow comparisons on performance, setting, alignment etc., to be made during the Commissioning trials. E PARRY Quality Manager QAP 145 APPENDIX A ISSUE M QUALITY DOSSIERS QUALITY STATEMENT MANUFACTURERS CERTIFICATES OF CONFORMITY It is Centrax Policy to only purchase from approved suppliers and to rigorously ‘assure quality’ from our Suppliers, by ensuring comprehensive specifications are issued detailing our requirements. Regular audits and visits ensure that our requirements are fully understood and complied with via the Suppliers internal procedures. In certain instances (Le. manufacture of non-standard components and/or equipment), Centrax require the Supplier to provide a Quality Plan, which is approved prior to manufacture. Documentation from Suppliers is ‘generally’ limited to a Certificate of Conformity, which certifies that the Supplier has supplied the goods in accordance to our specification and manufactured to their own procedures. The Certificate of Conformity will identify traceability via a serial number where requested by Centrax. Z 7 wfc 4 : E PARRY Quality Manager CESS “* "G3A0Nddv @ onss! 000-p0-E1s8 ZLLE 8 OLLE SOd Jan4asvo (SNIGYNL SVD MINS) S13S ONILVYANAD YOOGLNO SZ8y-+0SX9 440 Z yVaAd0OD @ AZeY LZ@dd — NW1d ALIIVNO genss} blz@dd 1m seg pamssy Arent) XWHINID @ S3NISUNL SVD XVSINID eyo zbeg ALROHLAWINOLLOSdSNI LNSON3ESNI =¥ asuINDaY WAOYddy =¥ ANSINNDOAALYOISLLN3O =9 WOLINOW = OIOH=H __SSSNLIM= SN O/d Pappy “siuauon sdoie Yum Parepdn 90 aad @ Aaveia s0Nvr v SONWHO ava anssi eee a INSWOWSWY 50 OOSaE | ANSWLIWWOO BLIS SNOUoaS. ANAWGINDS .ADIS 440. 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WAN ONIN ‘ownvn | o se 3ung3o0ws ONNOISSINHOD (oes 93) 4831 3oNwmIosad | 9 — ——ngasoag Po en mA a MNOISSINMHOD VAISOL | soem avay © 043401 s1n0aKOs | sousnosw | y | ez SNINOISSIMMIOD ou doi 31IS wv S109 90 AWA | ‘0317100 | eMULN3a | ——-SuNo|DON ONNONSSININOD [a5 TENYS TOWING LSND L I | ANaWaINDA NOISSIMNOD | » | eens) saNlauni svo Mado “XV4INII IR Rolls-Royce Certificate of Conformance Rolls-Royce Corporation certifies that the 501K/571K Gas Turbine shipped herewith was manufactured in accordance with all applicable specifications, drawings and procedures. This certificate shall be of no force or effect upon expiration of the warranty provision applicable to this purchase. | ASP-2375 Engine Serial No, Quality Assurance Départment November 4, 2008 Date G7-8470-1 (2/2001) Weep 2006 13:43 HP LASERJET FAK Lo ALLEN KEAN QUALITY ASSURANCE DOCUMENTS CONTRACT TITLE: _CENTRAX LIMITED CUSTOMER: CONTRACTOR/END USER INSPECTORATES: CONTRACT REFERENCES: Allen Gears Working Number: _21662_001_ Centrax Limited Order Numbe: Issue: 1 APPROVAL/REVIEW: | DATE: 24 September L005 ISSUED 8) MRS SL PHELPS Quality Administrator - P.SA. Projects Team SIGNED: SL. PLuups u Go 34716) Loko ames one aes # leveesncan fo tigre ede = oy aa aaa — 190008! 38287 0E682| Tape BI — ‘019000uL sz iT ars697 TPE a TTOPBOT IS aes y 9) = 1 260852 Buyainag xawog — — ZEROS ESE E5e5EL Tesi ody} qaAG TO am a ——_1602E] Eve 2eztzzT 7 - FRv6RD 228892) SO SO EL EUOT ~ 20683 ee 1222 i 262/85 geez i SOE eo eco ETT 22068 FEvGe, Base2 t “SO'BOET feIUATT 2BS78) (at774 [ £5858) 6 1 } £6E0%/5090, ‘Saiyo1g I> ewseLy [_ ‘B6ERE Ess GESOI| ve EqUIO Jul 1 - 1OrOE ZiSbS 95721] ves FQUIO Iu pelee) __2ise5 12901, Was BQO 3x i ‘ove ee fOROLD Hoel) SOuIBI0; MN] coeee £09020 s5z1| —sburSs03 mn | “50°90'r2 1e9-uka ( SR0SILIHS| £08020 opzzez 98192) g r “SoS0 go EUG ‘BEES S lel] s6uiBI0; MN] o96e57 i { To SOVEPS eeb92! t i BrEA 108 | {i L-rzoa |___ sen soy auue>u) i \ | issraunssaua anya 1 ] | [DNYIVE DIWYNAG 39NR3I38 | SEWN waewnn | wangans | uaavan '31¥4 NOLLD34SNI INI ov | aawoisinwa9 asazwnpivw | waaivin | onmwya | ya { RE ATABAS 855 HHT COSTasri Wee Tawa Oo“SISLEd -WaSWHN wIG¥O /PuIaHR 38D LAX 10S 104 xOqUPAD BUBNPAY LIS W)ADIEA FE DS BO *NONLNIISIO 100-29912 34) XV¥LN3D_WaWOLsn3 | BISON ONDOM, SLY wD IVT NODE - ] , ae Searaenel ee 2 SS are en Zen Senta Soop Ay arty Sam amor | el 1 eno i <0V'09 Tony AYER i SABHA TS SUN SIT VS ‘100504 je | NODEyspes are pur siuawainber 3501 pUE pHNg ‘s9pU0 BuIpUEIS “Buyweyp yuazan> wersja: ayn yi a>ueps920e Uy par2edsuy pu ‘ PAAMIDEINURL UPA BABY SiuauOdWOD aBnogE ays Ley AyIU29 02 S| SILL ‘$002 sAquiadas 62 UO pa1sa, Peo] Wed prads yiny i i x \ 2 2 \ The BAGS ~ 085 TTT WaT O0-L5182Ed 2SBWNN YRQ¥O soreussir/ourgin. $85 £8 (05 105 xoqreaD Bunnpay Is yDAOIEH FE SY 2UO :NOLLAIIDSIO 100729912 _A¥aaNAN ONDINOM _ _z10% ava SLEUTH NOURI raw) BLINN XV¥INID_a’INOLSND DECLARATION DE CONFORMITE D'UNE COMMANDE » | Département : OECLARATION OF CONFORMITY OF AN ORDER Dopared by LEROY-SOMEH in accordance with irene standard NFL 00:018 G WERKSZERTIFIKAT GUALITE herausgegeben dutch LEROY-SOMER hy Iveristiemung ni dr Norm NEL 00-15 6 N° [06 0507 Raison Soriolé dy Client, Usine / Cusiomor's ogistted nama works / Fumensit das Kunden, Werk CENT RIK 0 TORING GB Numére de a commande ou du march /Oidot No, or Puchate No. (Beso Ae oat asia conmand;..... 3LAAL OS, Renseignements particuliers aux fournitures livrdes, nolamment a référence des dérogations accordées >, Spécial lormatien on goods dalverad, patticulary releronces Io agreed depamures trom specication Bosandore Benienungen 2u der 24 selomaen Ware rssbesondeve dia verombarten Abanderungon GOLOGS. LEROY Sor [ORDER No. Segs 5 DRGPC No. déstanation /doseioion tezecmmay A Ter nateur, éterence ou type Fteence oven Reteone or Typ: Lh, 2 ASB. ULB. GENTRAX GAS TURBINES| GOODS RECEIVED anita: ausniys Monge. 2 [PART DESC. | [ai.No. [S.0.No, "| [CODE/SER. No.| [pate SUPPLIER, Numéco de série ou de tot / Soni’ o: Hatch No. / Seven Ne, oder 601060/9 ‘Autres ranseignements / Other inlormations /Zusalzhche Becoiohnungan Numéro et dat u bordorenu de ivralson ! No. anc fate of devarynole / Nummer und Datum dos Letersehoines Nous déclarons quo la fourniture citée es! conforme aux exigences du contrat ot que, aprbs vérlications et ezzale, elle répond on tout point, aux exigences spéctides, aux narmes et reglements applicables, saul exceptions, serves ou dérogations snuinérées dans la presente déclaration de conforms We horaby decare, ating exceptions, reservations, or excinpions usted Hus Statmvent ol canton, Hat ne Usted sppies comply seth Dro cnnlvact mquiramenis ard thal ater completion ol tesing and venlicallon, hay completely sally ak speciled tequrements, and appbeable Tania and regulations We enliven, da aie voriegande Lielewng Ubereistinmu 1 mvt den Vertragsanlordermgen hergestet wurde und rvang aller Kentvolien und Prulongea. jeder Hexen! don in dan desbetige auitgen Normon und VorscPaten lesige bul the deser Uberonssinimungserktining generis Ausnahmien Varbohate eder Abwerctunion. ents ‘Antorderungen, Responsable Qualité LEROY-SOMER /LEROY-GOMEN quaty manager CaltisbeautragtecerLEROY-SOMER Nom et onion ane and postion Nae unt anton BOYER Rann acy Meena : LEROY SOMER Date (Date Daivon 4 S1OS (OE “ORLEANS Signature! Untorsentt SS. z Service. Qualité. Signatur Réservé 3 Vorganisme de surveillance / inspection bady anly / Dio bonulkage Prusialy Nom at fonction / ame and postion Nie unes Funkion ate Dale! Datum : . a Signature / Signa / Uninsehet Q1 |T.067A CENTRAX GAS TURBINES} OODS RECEIVE! PLEA Me SPECIALIST ENGINEERS CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY TO: Centrax Limited CUSTOMER ORDER NO. 378787-01 Gas Turbine Division ‘Shaldon Road ‘T MORDER NO. 200,001 No 1 oft Newton Abbot Devon REF NUMBER. 002656 DESCRIPTION QTY —_SPECFN ANDIOR DRG ‘CAST NO. ‘TEST REPORT NO. NO, WITH ISSUE NO, Bedplate Assembly off 1C58013 ~1 shi tto 6 of 6 Issue'R’ See Foldar ‘See Folder Oring to drawing 1€58013 sheets 5 & 6 of 6 Issue ‘By Wackin TOM2 CNC Gantry Miling Machine, Bedplate Marked for identification with T.M Engineers works reference 2000.004/1. Deviations (Eg. Major concessions or Production Permits) Ceritied thatthe whole of the supplies detalad hereon have been inspected, tested and, unless otherwise stated above - conform in ‘all respects with the requirements of the contract or order. ‘The quality contol arrangemenfs top in respect ofthese supplies are approved to BSEN (SO 9002 1994 sven HTN Be espe Position: Chief Inspector. Position: Manufacturing Manager... 4 002, For and on Behalf of T M Engineers (Midlands) Limited Date: 6 February 2006 OB anbs) an worn Email Telephone Facsimile sriéstme ON364 40212 SHO) TAC FORM 053 Issuc 7 CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY No. 1261 IAC House, Moorside Road, Winchester, Hampshire, SO237US, United Kingdom. Tel +44 (0) 1962 873000 Pax: +44 (0) 1962 87311] E-mail: Website: CLIENT: DELIVERY TO: entrax Ltd Gas Turbine Division AS CLIENT Shaldon Road Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 48Q IAC S/O No. _ 61738 Client Reference: __P379316 a , DESCRIPTION ary ECIFICATION/DRG No. & ISSUE, ! 09090-1-227806 |Goodyear 2 Acoustic Turbine Enclosure chy Swing Beam and A‘ Frame Certified that the whole of the Supplies detailed hereon have been inspected, tested and unless otherwise stated above conform in all respects with the requirements of the Contract Order. The Quality Control arrangements adopted in respect of these supplies have accorded with the conditions of our BS EN [SO 9001; 2000 Registration Signed: __ Mate Name (block capitals) Position: ___Q.A Inspector Date: ‘T MANAGEMENT TIQA FILE/PRO, sopies to CL Lifting Gear Hire Unit 5, City Industrial Park Report No: 24032854 West Quay Road 1 eee Date the report was made: 28/03/06 puts first 02380 332588 Report of a Thorough Examination “This epot is intended to provide evidence about the last thorough exarlnatioa report as required by LOLER Regulation 9($) It reproduces the key information contained in the original report(s) issued under Regulation 10 and Schedule 1 Name and Address of owner of equipment: Location of equipment Industrial Accousties Limited TAC House Moorside Road Winchester Hampshire Qey —Adencificadion Povticulars suficient to ideatfy Tot Eom SWE Naar Bxa ‘mark the equipment Date ‘due by 1 LAC32854/A Swing Jib Besm 203mm x 102m x 10mm flange U3 28/03/06 1000Kg 28/0370 ‘Overall lengih 160mm 1 1AC32854/8 Runway Beam [78mm x 102mm x 6mun Dange 2/3 28/01/06 2400kg —24/03/0 43 Sa NDT (4) — a — — Declaration: Tus i he Gist epon ofa trorough examination [XX] This is the frst report ofa thorough examination after repair |_j ‘The equipment listed above i fee. (cm zy defeet and is safe to operate For sew equpsmeat supplied in acordsoce nth he Supply of mucdinery (Suet) Authenticating signature: Bnew . Date 28/09/94, Authenticator's Name AOE, Themul las kept at our fees Serial No. R27508 Machinery and Equipment A Division of Pall Europe Ltd Cardrew Indusirial Estate, Redruth, Cornwall, UK. TR1$ 18S. Tel: 00 44 (0) 1209 884200 Fax: ‘00.44 (0)'1209 884310 Approval No, 571328 CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY Customer: Centrax Ltd Customer Ord No: P377832-00 Pall Sales Ord No: 100755340 Seq No: Description: ay: Drg NoPart No: Batch NofSerial No: 10 Coalescer Assembly 5 | DHFOB01-GPED MLAQS80/01 HH0801-PEO MLagsa0ro2 MEAOsa0I03 MLAO5E0/04 MLAO580/05, Romarks: Certified that the whole of the supplies detailed norcon have been manufactured, inspected, tested and, unless otherwise stated above. conform in all respects to the specification(s), drawing(s) and contracvorder relative thereto, The Quality Control arrangements adopted in respect of these supplies have accorded with the condilions of eur !S0 9001 approval Signed: Arian Penfold Tar and on behalfof Pall Machinery & Equipment Stamp No: QA 02997__Date: 29/6/2005 Please note this signature has been electronically generated from a unique password [>] CPPED % PROCESS PROJECTS LTD. cer ae Us Baron Pa nd. Be reo. mvc | | leone: 02 0647088 Eaiceniminsosomae [CE ico oes 7a Sovipecnegect cm Moen | Siteopt pee ca PRESSURE EQUIPMENT DIRECTIVE 97/23/EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY (RR:ANNEX VIL OF DIRECTIVE) ‘We hereby ceri hat the esse eqlpmea stipulated ow comes it al he reevant provisions the reaarehyuipmes!Direelive andthe UK National Lava aed ream alain ht Sree Manuf? Mane: Pace Poet Li Name. Ps Reda Ln honed epreectve(I) Ale, Uwise ‘dest Cadre tt aro Pt in. Et. eat Eas Hargstre Com Pos Cade S050 oR at Cale-TRIS 18S Vessel Decupion —ASSY FAR, Ec Typeceniate Ne NA Approx Ova Dum 14000 «3500 ECDetig Cevtete so NIA ‘Approml Dreg Ne” DIFOEOLF-GPED SHTS Revion | eCCenihete of Coatoriy HA Manufacture Year 2008 category w Satie PrareV8 Ba enti Procedure Uerd Noes) tamonied Standards Ape (acuding Pause) NL (Cato: tonal Stance ay a be seep lo he ous) Onder Comey Dieter Apes Nl NouifesGaly—— Nane: Noses ay Names Lyd Regier o Shping ‘ne ied Adina any Abdee “ Aude Ahem, Organon Orgtiaion Middemsich Oce Vale (pectin Sista Dave, Coven toyed ess Coe: Aspect Poa Cader VF Design Nome: Pall Group of Compnes——Potchat None Cite Ades: Sarena Hose i ranuacte) Penn Pos Cade FO 32D Pot Cote Nosed dy Nested vay Nate Niner cose Signe) ome 2509205 Flan Quay Manager Name Andee Hove ‘ntorstuaa ce se pron opera a etry mee ced eer ange san i py nso be ah erie Premure Veach » Skid Mounieg Unit + Pipewush « Fabncetions + Prove, Now-¥errws & Exotic Alloys Machinery and Equipment Fabricated Vessels customer. Cewbonx tA. CUSTOMER ORDER NO: P.377837- 909. DRWG /PART NO: - PALL JOB /SERIALNO: MLA. S80 fod. FINAL INSPECTION CHECKLIST CARTRIDGES SUBECED - FITTED HYDROTEST /NDT COMPLETE SURFACE FINISH SATISFACTORY INTERNAL CLEANING DELTADYNES /INDICATORS ~ SUPPLIED /FITTED. ORIFACE PLATES FITTED AIR PRESSURE TEST FUNCTION TEST (REF DUPLEX) VISUAL EXAMINATION INTERNAL VISUAL EXAMINATION EXTERNAL se NAMPLATE DETAILS CORRECT cD DOCUMENTATION JIOM MANUAL /SERVICE INSTR SUPPLIED oa OPERATOR: inspector; CM COMMENTS: ose andor becca Rexroth Bosch Group Bosch Rexroth Limited Brwoniognaus yiomatk Groh 0070 Ue Glockrausato 2 (00275 Ekhingon Tol 7306 02.0 Fax o40 7908 72-74 wor boseeean.con Postfach 98 GBIPE19 2BS/S1, Neots, Cambs, Konrad Marszalkowski / Walt {KAR ‘Tel, + 49 (0) 7308 82-2243 3. November 2005 INSPECTION CERTIFICATE 3.1* + im accordance wih EN 10204 Your order No. + 4500895950 * 30+40 Your id. No, ‘Type No, § A@VG71EP201/32R-NZFO2FOOISX-S Our order No. 599284773 0010 Serial No. + 21192442. 21192446 ‘The ms al properties, dimensions and surfaces of our parts which are relevant for function are under continuous supervision in accordance with the stated regulatious of ‘our quality assurance system. Records from the current series of products ofthe same ‘materials and the same production such as the delivery itself exist andl docurient that the specified quality requirements are supervised and met. The units as confirmed in the order have been assombled according to the rules valid for these series, Identity, tightness and pressure load as well as function and efficiency ‘were lested. The inspection stamp on the label confirms that the function inspection has found the specitied conditions for the quality criteria to be fulfilled, The adjustment values are i.a.w. the order BRUENINGHAUS HYDROMATIK GMBH Enclosures: Test certificate Quality assurance Valid without spare, crate generated autocad by Marathowshs, Quality Manag Emon! Mascquartors: Elenhigan, Regatiorang Ragitalan Amiegerc Manwiagon HRB 8868 Gossratfonang Mansgamnt-Heinul Wapiner, Andreas Boe Vorstoncer aes fichisals Chain of ia Supareory Board Mani Grandi TOGA Material - Bescheinigung Rexroth Type: MVGTIEPZONSERANZFO Material Cortificate Bosch Group Order: 00284773, EN 10204 Statoben positing piston neowate deve sha Avsehutptae Schwenicwage ‘connection ple bie Zylinder Neck rte Seapsuckascen 2 _ | Anschlutplatte connection plate ENGIS-400-15 N 10.012 3 _ | Stelikoiben positioning piston ‘8 CrMo 16 N 10.014 4 | Triebwelle drive shatt 31 GrMoV 9 N 10.008 @ _ | Kolben aiston 31 CrMoV 9 N 10.008 ‘Schwornkwiege / swivel rocker 22 CrM08 35 1N 70.0047 N 70,003 @ _ | Steverplato / control plate 6 CiMo 16/7 CiMoNo 164 | N 10.014 Wir bestatigen, da@ die gelieferten Erzeugnisse aus den in den Zeichnungen und lechnischen Vorschriften spezifiziorten Werkstoffen in einwandtreier Qualital hergestellt sind, We confirm that the products delivered have been manufactured utilizing materials as specified in the drawings and technical cocuments and conforming to highest standards. Edition; 2001 - 07 - 12 Editor A. Wolf / PEGG. MF Ad: Frey Date: 03. Nov 05 Sunil Hyermach Gath Wark lennon “Bruoninghaus Hydromatik Work Elehingen Priifprotokoll A4VG71EP2D1/32R-NZFO2F001S REX/ST NEOTS/GB Fabr-Nr.: 21192445 K-Auftrag : 1800284773 ‘000010 PPS-Autirag : 02106886 X-Gestall ; 4500595050 * 3040 Pos. KoSachNe i i ts 4 Kono! | 25 i; g ho i 3 i be Prtpene uae gs debug spaseswaxt | a) zeae m5] 00] 00 $| zoe] Drusabsenoiing 3 |) zas1 wal ses] ral ws] at oo 3 BS fol S| tha] Sa] Sl 98 fwaungsaea fut} anne ori] 130] a3} 209] vse) ee 8) 25 8 138 | 2002 | 23] 209] 2er| 137 SY B85 % rol the | Specsana? Pay aor wz] ar] oof 00 * |S] ato Bi L oererei wig: 27 67 SB Bree 7 . a L- E IE 5 E zl ze 3 f A a | | 144 LA Letcher fo. te 0 190'e0 e070 G0 sa 20 20900 1 20 30 ad so GO 70 wo 0 100 110 M: Messwert S:Sollwet Druckseite A (V/Vmax] Druckseite B [V/Vmax] Elchingon, 2006-11-02 Pruferai Pratst20009 | 2010000. 20 CENT! RAX GAS TUR! DONS eS Rexroth Bosch Group Bosch Rexroth Limited Bruoningaus Hydromatik Gib 20070 um (Glockerousvate 2 180278 Elesingon Tal +49 7308 62.0 Fax +49 730072-74 vw bosehvencth eon Postfach 98 GBIPE19 2ES/St, Neots, Cambs. Konrad Marszalkowski / Prey/ KAR “Tel. + 49 (0) 7308 82-2243 8, November 2005 INSPECTION CERTIFICATE 3.1* + in accordance with EN 10208 Your order No. 44500595950 * 10#20 Your id. No. ‘Type No. 5 AGVMISOHAL63W-V2B0274, ‘Our order No, (00284763 0010 Serial No, 21204278- 21204282 ‘The material properties, dimensions and surfaces of our parts which are relevant for function are under continuous supervision in accordance with the stated regulations of our quality assurance system, Records from the current series of products of the same ‘materials and the same production such as the delivery itself exist and document that the specified quality requirements are supervised and met. ‘Tho units as confirmed in the order have been assembled according to the rules valid for these series. Identity, tightness and pressure load as well as function and efficiency were tested, The inspection stamp on the label confinns that the function inspection bas found the specified conditions for the quality criteria to be fulfilled. The adjastment valves are ia.w. the order. BRUENINGHAUS HYDROMATIK GMBH. Enclosures: Test cortificale ‘Quality assurance ‘Veh withow satus cenieateyeerated atomically (xg by Mareaowahi, Quay Manage) Femenels | Hescquarars:Etenngan, Rgitorun / Regan: Aniyarchl Mammingen MRS 6668 CGeuchalsving | anagamort Meena Wagoner Ardoos Bore Vorsvsnder dis Ausiisris Coaknan of he Spanien Beart Mented Grundka paaaGA Te Material - Bescheinigung Rexroth Type: ABvasteDHALisoW-v202| Matorial Certificate Bosch Group Corser; 00264769 EN 10204 Blinder png rousing Thabwoe Stauetinge dive shah eoatrol ene Anectlubplate pita ‘omnecton piste Miteeapien ental pct Poe, | Bauteio wots NG Tate upaneeige Nowe aia ports standardmat. | 26 | 56 | 20 | 107 | 160/| 200 | aeoung to eN-GaL-200 Noor 1 | Gontuso srousing encuow |x| x | x Noor ENGIL-300 x | x | x |usoo amaioabe encusarons | x] x | x | x | x | x frioore | F_| Tabane sale x] x] xe [x 0.005 4 | eyraarreyfnaer x aed meat x1 * X |X | Jonawvenzy Katoan ison ame [x [xx] x] x [x [Ntoooe zapten cota Tena 6 [Ml sremove fx] x} x | x | x | x |w10.000 7 | stevorinse conrottens [scion ano | x | x | x | x | x | x [recs Wir bestatigen, da® die gelieferten Erzeugnisse aus den in den Zeichnungen und technischen Vorschiiften spezifizierten Werkstolfen in einwandfreier Qualitat hergestellt sind We confirm that the products delivered have been manufactured utilizing materials as specified in the drawings and technical documents and conforming to highest standards. MEAG: Froy Dale: 08. Nov 05 Edition: 2007-07 - 12 Editor : A. Wolf / PEGG Bosch aah Sruoinghoushyseraca Gt Brueninghaus ; Hydromatik Priifprotokoll Werk Elchingon AGVM160HA1/63W-VZB0274 REXIST NEOTS/GB Fabr.-Nr: 21204280 i-Autlvag : 1800284769 000010 PPS-Aulrag : 02108674 K--Bestell : 4500595980 * 10+20 Pos. K-Sachnr a i i aa de - ona] [32 15 id? d napa Had ERE Ee Necorusk 7 S 41 ae tors maa % Tea] 88 3] tbe 1 2] 39 ax ons my 99 ser] 20) zw2] 15 8] 3500 3e3| s02t] 2308] 183 Firm recs uy ist 7 39 S| 1300 2 aa] ina oan al ier et] G20) zan8] 19) 5 | i500 Ses] s0v0] 240] 142 oaveanan w|go: 207 167 Siiso! 2 tei te 490 x0 —| — ey & 5 20 = 2 wm — = t 0 200 wd o4 ° 2” By so 60 100 Me Mocswor Si Sotwon Vivmax (%) Elchingen, 2005-17-08 Profent61 Pratst10007 | 65009111. 0 Ske. We, MOTEURS LEROY SOMER, declare, under our sole responsibility, thatthe following products: LSN and FLSN series type bearing the following markings on their nameplates: pe , EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY AND INCORPORATION (F)LSN motor " non-sparking induction motors ‘CE 0080 GII3G EExnAIITS IPSS or CE 0080 @)I13GD EEx 0A WT3_ IPSS (ou 65) TI25°C (or zone 3) (Gor zone 22) comply with: * International standards: + The Low Voltage Directive: + The ATEX European Directive: + The order of the Ministére de I'Aménagement du Territoire et de Tenvironnement (GD motors): + The type awarded an EC type-cxamination certificate by the notified body: INERIS (0080) ~ BP2~ Pare technologique ALATA 60550 — VERNEUIL EN HALATTE ‘The design and manufacturing requirements are covered by the PRODUCT QUALITY ASSURANCE totifcation: ‘This conformity permits the use ofthese ranges of products in machines subject to the application ofthe Machinery 98-37 EC, provided that they are integrated or incorporated and/or assembled in accordance regul EN SDO14 EN 50021 EN 50281-1-1 TEC 60034, IEC 60072, EN 60829 ‘7323 EEC & 93-68 EEC 39419 FEC (decree 96 1010 dated 19/10/1996) ATEP 98 702-65 A dated 29/7/1998 INERIS 0LATEX3004 X Under the responsibilty of the notified body: INERIS restive , amongst others, the ns of standard EN 60204 "Electrical Equipment for Machinery* and the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive $9- 336 EEC dated 3.05.1989 modified by Directives 92-31 EEC dated 28.03.1992 and 93-68 EEC dated 22.07.1993 The products defined above may not be put into service until the machines in which they are incorporated have been declared as complying with the applicable Directive. Installation of these motors must comply with the regulations, decrees, laws, orders, directives, application circulars, standards, rules or any other document relating to the installation site. LEROY-SOMER accepts no liability in the event of failure 0 ‘comply with these rules and regulations. Note: When the motors are supplied via appropriate electronic inverters and/or controlled by electronic control ar monitoring devices, they must be installed by a professional who will be responsible for ensurlag that the electromagnetic compatibility regulations of the country in which the product is installed are observed. c TRAX GAS TURB EH otteshia det: Signawre of quay dear 055 RECEIVE! ee ors B, bucLd (oa TF PELTIER let DAGIES No [VE 2aQ20u . Jean. DESC. erreic HOP ae for QITI36 Rev. B dated 30/04/02 . ag — — Si Bs 3 sere ea E fn Pare iro on Geen ——_ Pre OS? a1 DERE, [osyt ee Z = uae Es She Rae € Zi £3 [ootr € Me ae fe Se :— ie se ee wd AT tw ITs a oe a on 1 His Dy TAN EHF Sa a TG [00's TrOos. 1S56'S [os 1 ae ae Se = E se Ses Sa g : eee ee a ee : oe Se ea ie : MIT Wir {ir (PHTy tw os ra a 1% me re Eee ee 3 Hie i tae Be ‘eBEUSA; ow Bunaueds ee) os, PES cerns seme semen mous S aS oP Bunusueg eluemabiensy Ti uewabieny Wr pemaSiery eYZY 11 Bem s26auony eu * duty stoneuoj ampUTENA REE IPR nod oERPUNRN JORDY eBruesburse) Ss y ZOOOLLLLOFWD ON [eUaS 189} BP FLNYSPID / aJEIYISD }saJ / |OXOJOIdNIG sJeBeuew AMEND G19 xenue — CM? - % : | f° 90 / 2 / bt iva USSNIONA LS3L XVULNIO 422d eld AujendD ey} Jed sy ‘OV Ons! 4 dd¥ OF} d¥O Yim eouEpsoo0e UI pE}se} Uaeq SEY Z1./E SON SOd IEUI Saye Aqavey UoIsiAiq suIqin, se xeNUED ONILSAL TWNOLLONN ONY Gaui 4O SLVOIILYAD |_SPidvO SANISUNL SVD x ZZ (NOLLWSIIWEV1S 4314¥) SA_LANIW OL ANaISNY N3SOULIN Suva bz ‘OUVE 07 ‘OLLWWNANd ON TwINaSs 3ONVO isa 40 NOLLWHNG SUNLVHadWaL wnidaw 1s3L aYNSS3ud SAL SYNSS3Yd ONILVYSdO/NOISIG ASL 4O adAL 4sa1 40 alva UFINIONS LS3L “ov enss! 4 ddy OvldvO UUM BoUepsOce UI pE}se} Uae SEU Z1/E SOd 40) wWa}sks edid ary seB ey} yeu) SeyE0 Aqaay UOISIAIG aUIqIN, seD xeNUID SAL HV3T dO ALVOISILYSD SbldvO SANIGYNL SVD “XWUINII Z 4 tp /, ; re area se6euew AMeAD AL xe1UeD é 90 / 9) bf auva ny ) U3SNIONS 1S3L XVYLNAD LLZdD ued Awyend ey Jed sy ‘OV ONSS! 4 dd OPI dO WM BOUEPL0008 UI psIS8} UBEq SEY ZLLE “ON SOd TEU) Saye AqoseY UOISIAIQ euIgiN| se xENUED ONILSAL TWNOLLONNA GNV G2uld JO ALVOsILYaD. SpbdvO SANIGUNL SVD “XVULN: LW2ZLO ON TWwIdas JONVO | (NOILVSIVEVLS Y3L4V) SSLONIW OF isa. JO NOWLWENG ANSISWY AYN LVe3adW3L N3OOULIN wnidaw 1saL OUvE bz aUNSS3ud LS3L Suve0zZ = SYNSSFYd ONILVYAdO/NOISIG OLLWWINANd AS31L 40 AdAL 8073 thi 4Sal 4O ava J/]o~ Pv ! 4SANIONS LSS. ‘OV anssi 4 ddy opldvd UW eoueps000e UI pelse} UBEG Sey Zi /€ SOd 10} weIsks edid jony Se6 By }eUT Saupe AqaveY UO! Ig auiqin, seg xequed, 1831 HV37 dO ALVOISILYS9 SrldvO SANIGUNL SVD “XVHINII sa6euew AMEND GLO xBIUe _sa6eueyy welpig G19 xeNUso any a. JUaUNWOD JeLIO;sND, aia3 a =a Ry ‘Bujuesaidas ‘Aq passauyim ueag sey Buysay ‘ObL dO UW aouepioo9e Ui pajsal UaAG SEY “TES -ON SOd TEU SaylLSS Aqalay UoISIAg euI@N| SED xeQUED SSANLIM YSWOLSND 4O SLVIISILYAD Widd OvLdvO SANIGYNL SVD. “XYW4INII aed | saBeuey Ayend aio xeus: yOre a» om quaunwod seworsn9 STD at gy ‘Bunuesaidas ‘Aq passaujim uaag sey Busey “Ovi d¥O WM eoueRpios.e UI paisaj Us9q Sey =ZiEFON SOd TW SaYIVED Aqasay VOISIAI BUIGIN| SED xEIUBD SSANLIM Y3SWOLSND JO 3LVOISILYAD Widdv¥ Obldvo SSNIGHNL SVD. XWEINII CENTRAX. GAS TURBINES CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY PROJECT Goodyear 2 site Cogelyo Nord-Est CUSTOMER Elyo NE DESCRIPTION : Gas Turbine Generating Package QUANTITY, :4 Serial No: 3712 CONDITION OF DESPATCH: Complete. The unit has passed test in accordance with QAP140 app F ANY FURTHER ACTION OR TREATMENT: None ANY AGREED CONCESSIONS: None This is to certify that these supplies/services detailed hereon, have been inspected and tested in accordance with the conditions and requirements of the Contract or Purchase Order and, unless otherwise noted, conform in all respects to the specification(s), drawing(s), relevant thereto. yf oy CW} SIGNED gy -7" Quality Manager For and on behalf of Centrax Limited Gas Turbine Division Shaldon Road, Newton Abbot Devon, TQ12 4SQ CENTRAX CX501-KB7 GAS TURBINES. OPERATION & MAINTENANCE DECLARATION BY THE MANUFACTURER (As defined by 89/392/EEC Annex 11A) Centrax Ltd, Shaldon Road, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ12 48Q, England Herewith Declare that:- Equipment : Gas Turbine Powered Generator Set Model : 501KB7 Serial No. : PGS 3710 & 3712 Year of Manufacture : 2006 The equipment is CE marked and has been Designed and Manufactured in compliance with Harmonised European Standards. 73/23/EEC Low Voltage Directive 98/37/EEC Machinery Directive 0038 97/23/EC Pressure Equipment Directive Conformity assessment to Module H, full quality assurance: Category II for gas fuel system pipework & Category Ill for gas fuel system filter vessel. Monitored by Lloyds Register UK, Hiramford, Middlemarch Office Village, Siskin Drive, Coventry CV3 4FJ 89/336/EEC Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive. The equipment has been tested and certified compliant in accordance with EN50081-1 (1992);EN 50081-2, (1994);EN50082-1 (1997); EN 50082-2 (1995); and EN55011 (1991) Q4/9/EC Equipment and Protective Systems intended for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres (ATEX) Directive Oo wo ACN Signature : AND e Date : 18" July 2006 Engineering Manager, Gas Turbine Division 8513) GOODYEAR CE MARK TAC FORM 0853 Issue 7 CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY 1316 IAC House, Moorside Road, Winchester, Hampshire, $023 7US, United Kingdom. Tel +44 (0) 1962 873000 Fax: +44 (0) 1962 873111 E-mail: Website: www. DELIVERY TO: Centrax Ltd Gas Turbine Division Shaldon Road Newton Abbot Devon TQ12 48Q TAC S/O No, _61738 Client Reference: 379316 Goodyear 2 BOP. IDENT Mark DESCRIPTION ary s . SPECIFICATION/DRG No. & I 1 - ‘Vent Inlet Attenuator A1-09005-3-3-1 Iss. A 1 - Vent Outlet Conic Silencer A3-09005-4-3-3 Iss, A 1 - Vent Outlet Transformation Duct A1-09005-4-2-2 Iss. A 1 - Vent Outlet Offset Duct A1-09005-4-9-1 Iss. A. 1 e Oi Cov pport Frame Al-09005-5-3-4 Iss. A 1 * Oil Cooler Inlet Conic Silencer A3-09005-S-1-3 Iss, A 1 - Oil Cooler Outlet Conic Silencer A3-09005-5-1-4 Iss, A I - |Compensator Shroud A1-09005-6-1-1 Iss, A 1 - |Compensator Guard A1-09005-6-2-2 Iss. A Certified (hat the whole of the Supplies detailed hereon have been inspected, tested and unless otherwise stated above conform in all respects with the requirements of the Contract Order. The Quality Control arrangements adopted in respect of these supplies have accorded with the conditions of our BS EN ISO 9001; 2000 Registration Signed: Namte (oluck capitals) Matt Position: A Inspector __ Date: __15'" August 2006 Copies to CLIENT/QA FILE/PROJECT MANAGEMENT CLARCOR UK wna Wermessea 8 iP Copland PEDornace Phone +44 (0) 1928454321 1Switchboard Moouie At Fac 1440) 1908 414588 email pestsnteen eo PRESSURE EQUIPMENT DIRECTIVE 97/23/EC DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY, We hereby certify that the pressure equipment stipulated below complies with all the relevant provisions of the Pres nent Directive and the UK National Laws and regulations adopting this Munoluctac Name: Clarsor UK Lad Name: fads’ Aconstis Company L4. ‘Aumhoriseg| Repressntoive — Adiess, PO. Bos 17 Adress. IAC House Patty Fane Moorside Road Warrington Winchester Cheshire Uanipshire wWasone so2s 70'S Veose! Description Putse Spstem Header Hype Cor NA Approx Overall Dist 2400an 210 EC Design Ce NA Approval Dn. No ams EC Cerfieie ut Conformity Sn Monuricre Yeu 2 Ceacyory " Serial No cUwa7S & CURIE Conformity Hrocedare Uso AI Harmonised Standards Apple Including pavilauses) IL (Caution National Sloat may not Be avec Cmnsr Commanay Vitserves Appia: NUL Notified Wed? Name: Lloyu's Register EMEA Compary Li Andlor thin Party Adress: 7 Renchurch Steet Organised ‘London ‘anspecicay ECM ABS, uk Nauiied Hoy Number: 0038 Signed Boe - tn Jollnsan Mr M-Ebo Inspector lHusiness Manager Date: 08-06 Centrax Ltd. Gas Turbines Division P.O. Number P379231-00 CENTRAX France AS 9182 / 1.013486-527 Certificate of compliance with the order according EN 10 204 CO, Compact extinguishing system This is to certify that ordering specifications are complied with, Incoming tests were carried out following our quality assurance procedures. Quality inspection was successfully passed Bremen, 05.04.2006 MINIMAX WINDHORST Branch of Minimax GmbH & Co. KG CENTRAX GAS TURBINES GOODS RECEIVED SUPPLIER TA 7inipaks, ZnB LPS Konformitatserklarung Declaration of Conformity Gegenstand / Typ: Minimax CO; - Hochdruckléschanlage Subject Type: Maimax- CO; High Pressure Extngushing Systm. Projekt-Nummer: P379231 - 00 Project No Bau AS 9182 Centrax France Minimax-Projekt-Nummer: 1-013486-627-31 Minimax Project No, die vorgenannte Loschanlage entspricht den Anforderungen der folgenden Richtlinie: “he obovo mantinedextuingshing aster carenponds tothe requirements of the: Druckgersterichtlinle 97/23/EG Pressure Equipmant Directive 9772/66 Die L Bechantage (Baugruppe) entspricht der, Kategoria I colegoy ‘hem ortonad wd cones Angewondie Konformitatsbewerturgsverfahren: Modul A inteme Fertigungskontrole ‘at etary seamen procedves gu A renal ante co Angewandle harmenislerte Normen, insbesendere: ‘Ape Nannies ands, pba Keine £26 Angewandte Normien und techn. Spezifkationen, ‘AD-Merkbidter: AD 2000 insbesondere: ‘AD abt AD 2000 ‘oped santas and ncaa ppt, part, Andere angewandte EG-Richtinien Bauproduktenrihitinie 89/106/EWG ‘ne pies Eo-Drectves Dieta BYTOWED fe cnstusiens pre Eingoschaltete benannte Steen: nat / mapeaio Engages noite bie Diese Erklarung wird abgegeban durch: This declaraion has been stated by: Bremen, den 06.04.2006 Maimax GmbH & Co. KO, NL Windhoet Projet oe He Slumded, Fuemtogemnnyse —— Retinnina tan 38 Fir rte Boe enn, rceomsact” "tiga oan — Saatmnat iBaibete soo Batre, uenimoetcS Secure ‘suerinconesuera0 Fe fenoanscas om ar ana autre ‘eminaeae (ee Sine 503040759 ZERTIFIKAT von Rittal GmbH & Co. KG Auf dem Stitzelberg D-35745 Herborn Qualitétsmanagement $= Das Rital Prot-und Test-Labor ist vor Deutschen Akkredianungsral tun Underwriters Laboratories inc. akkrediet. Senta Gomsanesneng reuters co xa Fenesor nto eimai, Nrawaaeg See omega fra ca 9 este fe Seta sw sentence in AUB LOM GNOUF sei ie LO.24I2| Bg ae ee pe! WorTHINcToN Declaration of Conformity No.: TPED_FF51938/10 Menofacores WORTHINGTON CYLINDERS Gmbh; Austra Castomer: MINIMAX GmbH & Co. KO Customer's OrderNo: — 274134/018 Industriostrate 10112 ated 11.02.2008 0.23840 BAD OLDESLOE DEUTSCHLAND Regulation: ‘TPED, EN1964-2 Notified Body: Bureau Veritae S.A. (Notification No.: 0062) DESCRIPTION 4 Steelolinder Type: EXTRAS Metcint: CrMo-atanl (VCL) Heat weatment quenched and tempered Nominal water eapeciy lines} 67.5 Outudedlamster approx (mn): 267 Length without ap approx. (um): 4420810 Dreving-No: ‘N2600-No1002074114-Rev.2 ‘TestPreamire(ber) 250 Wording Presse ou): Necktad 256 6M. Neca: with Approval dotalts (copy attached hereto): GH.EC typo-examination certfcate (Module 8) — approval No.: CE-TPED-B-WOA003-03- AUT rev.A, CIEEC patie approval ~ approval No Gessevico The eylinders covered by this Declaration of Conformity are suitable {or permanant and liquefied gases (except H2, CO and mixtures thereon) Intended gas service: UN101345KG KOHLENDIOXID. = J stamped Cirot stamped Manuf. Serial Nox: 6805214 6808267 Owner's Serial Nov 8088404 - B0B8444 ULTRASONIC TESTING We erent cart, that ef the above mentioned steel cyindere were examined ulrasonlelly for defects, No dafacts wero registered. ‘Allcyindors so tested, were markad wih the stamp °JT™ er tha manufactures srl number, MARKINGS: Stampmarkings: Tho olovieg stampmarkings requred by Drecbve 18S9/36/EC and ADR /RID chapter 82.1.7. respectively have been applied. ‘Top end: Soe atached stampmarking drawing FF51038/10_(detalle not indlcated on the stampmarking drawing, can be raced from tha enclosed collective Ist) Aitditional Markings: Starmpmarking/on base end: Heat ldanitiffoation mark, Por to final puting nto aervice of the above cylinders the adalonal mislng marking end labeling according to ADR RID chaptor 6.2 shall be appiled, DECLARATION: ‘Tho undersigned company certifies undar is ole responsibilty that tho ojindare epecid above have been designed, ‘manufactured, Inspected and tested as required by the relevant provisions of the Transportable Pressure Equipment Diroctive 1960/S6/EC (TPED) end in accordance with the lype appraval as Indicated above. The gas cylinders identified above have been subjected to product verification (Module F) ofthe Transportable Pressure Equipmont Directive by Bureau Veritas (Noiifed Body No, 0062) and ‘atticete of conformity No. CE-TPED-F.WCAB17-05-AUT has beon issuod. Engle ‘The Works Inspector Deelgn awng No. 12500-N0{002674111-Rew.2 Type spproval confcate: —-—-CR-TPED-B-WCA0O9-02- AUT rovA Stampmarna drawing-No.; FF5¥938/10 CCotectvelat, 1 pages Mech, testraport No. 165804 (9 pages) (E.Krefn) Ca analysis No, vet7 ‘+ Worthington Cylinders GmbH, Beim Herrenhaus 1, Postfach 1, A-3291 Kienberg bel Gaming, Austria Tels ++43-7485-606-0, Fax: +443-7485-606-500 Technics, Email: wea@withg. at EINGANG 3 1 NRZ. 2006 Begleltschreiben fiir Stahifladchendokumente : “Zevgnie-Nummer/Certificate No Covering letter for steel cylinder documents 172 12/2006 EEE FE nea { ‘hia capt Gegin ak 72 Nba a 240,010 % Weiwopety 25 — 94. i [is 0160-280 @G 95-45%! (50°C) YO seat We O4F-GZF%| tom | tent | fat | eg | lAsS€ 0,020 ¥} we [MA] OAS. 2 0 = | Rediy em Wit eel 7% _3C f bites anu Pachwver’ billat- oem a pressor PEE YO bor; Yoel pressive RE SATB} NOSOO-NHOO 263 MM /M- Rou 2 | '-— Bureau Veritas S.A. fsa Notified Body under the number 0062 ATTESTATION D'EXAMEN CE DE TYPE EC TYPE-EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE N° CE-TPED-B-WCA003-03-AUT revA, BUREAU VERITAS S.A., agissant dans le cadre do sa notification (numéro doryanisme notiié 0082), attaste que le ‘ype Ideniié chaprés, axaminé selon los prescriptions du module B de annexe IV do la clrectve "Equipements sous | Bression vansnortablo” N* 1900/38/CE, est conforma aux disposKions correspondentes daa directive. BUREAU VERITAS S.A, acting within the scope of ts (noted body numbor 0062), attosis that he ‘ype identified hereunder has bean examined against the provistons of annex IV, module B, of tho Transportable Pressure Equlpment dlrctive n* 1990/98/26, ond found fo salty the provisions of te directive which apply ti Fbiicant (Nom): Worthington Cylinders GmbH ‘Manufacturer (Name) ‘cross: Post Box 1 AS20tKIonberg b, Gaming, Austiia Adsioss: Marque commerciala = Werthington Cyinders, 1004 Tredo Mark: Description de Iéqulpement: SEAMLESS STEEL CYLINDER quipmant descripdon: Drawing No.W2500-NO100 267 41 11 Rev2, Identifeation du type approuyé: Seamleas Steel Cylindar 80,0ltre, DN: 267mm, Length: 4670mm ‘dentiteaion of approved type: PH: 250bar Versions couvertes parle ype approuvé: Soamless Stee! Cylinder 25,0-91,0litre, DN: 267mm Versions covered by the approved type: Longth: 630-4880mm Lalste dos partias pertinentes de ta documentation tochnique est amnexéo d la prbsonte attestation A ist of the relovant parts of tho tochnical documentation ie ennexed to this ceificate, Leprésent document ost Invalide aif est utlisé ou présenté sans les annexes qutl mentionne et qu lui sont Indissoctables. VOID iused or presentod without the listed atlechement{s) which form(s) pact ofthis documant. Cette attestation, dune durée de validté do 10 ans renowvelables sur demande, est valable usqu'au : TW certficato, whlch fs valid for 10 years end renewable upon request, is valid nt: 07/07/2083. La praia staetaton est prisunde ne ao tant gpa sole anusquanee ce aon aan, en cas do ‘alent appari 8 Yaqporant utopia unite oeaae va alot sovenoeeaseténfes soar os be centralisation pow ot co malas gsr al ecm na rexpact pes otanmars fun oa Fa don stignon te na cnags pata Crciv eBUGA cu av WE ele ue vanoposte dan we) eel nonaton) ‘pelea. TRE ceria bo cea be vol and anf aloe Daren consaquarcos parent case

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