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(A) They're shaking hands. 0 Aol 08 si2 2c (B) They're waving to one another. (6) ARIBO| MEO £8 S82 aH (©) They're walking around a tree. (0) Abaol ie (0) They're walking sice by side. (0) Argo| ues 22 910, AlgSo| UAT 222 SEIwaing aide By sce) WOES OYE WEOIC, (Al shaking hands! “HASH aE SIO StS] RB AS SBI RSet STO, le ABO] ol A Yee Heol eg Sar ke YOoR ayo\ 4B Oh erouns 2 Woe Sl RHE Theyre wekng®! BE BE AwOR Der) HPL Holm shake hands 278i wave (0|4 2488) 2c} one another Miz walk side by side Wet 2 {@) He's riding a motoreycte. ( err| Sess en 2 (@) He's walking to the bike shop. (2) ein) Hai} ele ao}7k2. we, (©) He's working in a repair shop. (0) sor aatazons wo 2, (0) He's getting a toot froma stilt (0) or a orate mA UD) EIULAOIa gsi he AIOLOR (CPt ARON, ARO OIA Akke MONE CHAE ME SA IO ml LOD, (ls waking MN wrkingsel WE BE REQ SOIC, (He APF Aol BIS MURS Al OIL O| 0] 8 ABE UOSusrg a od BOI & 4 SiC motorcycle 2sa\-motetxe) repair shop Mula, $218 1001 8, SF (A) Customers are lined up to pay tor their books. 0) 2uBol Aas sim BS A a {B) The people are standing at a table, (8) Nasgor Solo 4 (©) There are boxes stacked on the table. () solar Si Axio G01 2 (0) Many books are on display. (0) 2 3 SIERO Ge HOIROILE Sok = AAO) AIO} GA ALOIS (Opt AOI. Beh eA AOL SOIR] Bose ole) gx) Be Customerstt The people S18! (A I= UOIAI ARIE (t= bowosB OIBH books WE BEB FEE! OS 2, There ae books sacked one est SUM BUSH 7H5SIc be lined up HOH 8, IE EACH pay for ~91 LB ABE, mises stack ove ‘on cisplay S154, EES4 (A) Ho's sorting papers into a pile. (99 >t 2453 mot eat SD atc (B) He's straightening his tie. (@) Wa} Sore 34 Ha ecb {G) He's leaning over his desk. (0) esp) ay ae 88 Ban Be (0) He's opening a folder infront of hin. (0) SP; Wot ole RN ANRC abi ay $e Be AVE Ae SRQMIR A Ste AWIE (CIE AOI, LINDT MAL ENE REID eine w 228 (A MEO] 4 BIC, IKE O16] WEIONS 8 2eKwoar 2 ello}, HOH HAE TAIT ON BEER A} BOB 4 BE. Die opening 8 foe EAI RI in tort of hind! BS AF WELOM BBUF VOU RAH Sort scl, 746) straighten IRA ak, 0 sict_ lean over ~2| AL FFE ct ean again, ~OK IEE Folder Bs, HBR in front of ~21 got {A) The traffic is moving through the city. (a sigo] aig ezteia ck (8) Tho vehicles are entering the tunnel. (8) A450) Eke Nesta Be (©) The buses are parked in a row. (0) 4B ee AISI gt, (0) The buildings have no windows. (0) 2B Bay gee AIDE wos RA HARE) TAZ FRIEML Be AION (CIF AEOIC. (AIM IRIE RAtBnovingll OL AIS Ofparked) SIOBS ZO! H+ YOO, AIO] WOM QE the Lrnal— MB (BY Sa) IW MLC, OAR Pat | ‘i ARO #017! Ge AIBOIL) AiO Rt Aa! AML SBE VHOIR BGOIM MIEN, (Die LEO HO} WOKS. gol #4 BE trate 29%, 28 vehicle 82! 8 ina row BEE (A) They're building a fence. (oy aigmoI Sas uP Bt (8) They're setting up chairs. (@ ABO eM exisex a (©) They're camping in tents. (c) ABO WAY BS 21a BIC (0) They're using umbrellas. ()ABEOI Sag 2 ert Nallo) $298 4 A Sxl Bo} Le Ailo}Sm (OPE AYO] Ct. AOL fencer! WODIE AILs ABIHOI HB az OL Nis Goos (We Selo] B+ EM, EO of) Ss] alo} IOS (B BIA) AO! A+ eI, 2H OC GED we DILKTHeres @ ten Hon of he bulding) MBIGOI AB sa ske Boe (Cz SOF, fence gle, 8 setup ~8 ake (A) He's fishing from a boat. (or i {B) He's lookr-g ata pile of fi (@ war e091 321 Bn7Ia SE Bc (©) He's eating from a dish. (o axe aA01 221 288 22 2 (0) He's standing on a scale. (0) REE Sd A HAPE 40) ot She HeTIR fete Ge ALOIS (B)7} SOI (ANE Heel WABICE 24 fe! “S77 OE 2 SEH + SSL, Nn WOM We boul MASIBONS go BEIM MW 4 SEF (Cs dent Heh WE EE RSE! Below He's estos SCIB OYElS w 4 VC. (OK on a sae # BRIE He's sncnge! SE AF SESH 172 Zaye} BI apilo of ~ 0: 22 scale xR {A) The bed has not been made today. (a) 2169 ake watsiot xl 2, (6) The curtains have been closed. (oy aol (©) Thero’s a picture hanging on the wall. {c) sch 201 Be ic (©) Thore’s a lamp at the foot ofthe bed. (Oy gai xel ae71S 1W Belg RE APY Holme bod hes been neal mace) 8 2 oFefOKbo becsies) ARLEN OT, EEE ‘Bet Wonk curins nave Doon opened), ORE TET ae, SHIA OR 7H! BNE) MEHBRE (Cota, OF A, (OE ARETE aD} BAFEOI, make alths] bed 22g tick, S248 WERICE_ atthe foot ofthe bed wc ws (A) People are waiting next to the vehicle. (ay sag ea ean (8) The vehicle is puling into a garage. (@ ap) ea Woe goje2 at (©) The vehicle's windows are being cleaned. © avg sa 20 (0) People are crossing the street. (0) ARRHEO] WB Ge4R atch, ANBISOI HOLM PIER ge APWDIOE (at BIRO] SIC, AOL WORK! = gavage SHEE! (ake OM Al oD ++ 2001, (C) SA KHER? Rel Git SIS Beng Ceored ABZ WOIK| Aoaa WYO] M+ gC, WHE IW +EEKDO berg pile O¢ 20] +89] Ae SEIN IBS DUIS Yolo, 2 WES sia Ae ARO! BON Be eS Ot 25 FSI Et, (HE crossing BAIA PeopeOlt| me shoot BF EE BE ASH + EL a TUT Ne AS BB2 oir] BORE Metol SSL vehicle 7, pullinto ~2l0 SoiecHsssK) garage Bula Am (A) The tables in the restaurant are round. WA) AAESO SS Sac: (B) The chairs have been pushed in. {B) OixtsOl WOH Borzy eUck. (©) The restaurants fll of diners. (ASE HOE aya 75 5 () There's a window next to the door. (©) @ wo OI 20, 280} Hols) gi AAR) phe) ALOE, So) Qo} Yow SICK (BPE EO) SI, MOIS! SIS AYE chape of the tables & sqverelO12 (AN “01 | + RICE, EEE AHEOL MOIn| i= dinesLt window, door a (ORE OOS en IOLA Mo}W 4 Bt OTA ASE SOMA! Oe AION ABS Ow Ae SB SI Bt be full of ~2e 71 NCI diner sit Nat, BOI ee Luve| a, " What do you usualy do on the weekend? (A) Lofton work at home. {®) {do like weekends. (©) Very well, thank you. lle cs ne? (ys an gai, ON ae 430 Z0R, (ora nue, 202, F201 Saunas sieN Bx glooe SE LMA wR BCD of ‘BO Wi BOLL, BIE EOI ete wookendse ele ABE 2 2 pat 2a oH SE! COKE HI ARR et BE ost 21 297) QE Bon SOLS (Cle SIR i LEHOW ore you coing?01 7158 ARO, Usually 88, At 12 Is this the newest type of battery? (A) That's too bad. {©) No, rm not (©) {think itis. etl stat weteerre? (oy, Ue 2 og, (Biot, # oksuce (oaa2aee beSNIE 0188 ZBOIOR Yes/Now RE + sem, HEIDE AIUBOIH] OFF BA YORE BCH ink itis the rones! type of barley ARP BEI (Ales SERWOLA| xl eI 2h BE 2 FAG LIE BOR fm sorry to hear INLOILd Tred sounds bed, 52) HPO} # 4 SIC. (Ble nse BREA, moe, CHEgOSS BH) AOI ARIE + 294 No, i's net BAI BROS St, battery zinta) 13 Why was Mr. Johnson out of the office this week? (4) [twill be postponed until next week. (8) | think it makes say atfice look bigger. (©) Iwas told he called in sick. Be Me a Olt 01 B28 oe we? 99 og 98 Is eILIC BI 2B BIL) PRO! Wo! Moe 2s BER (Chom ABE + iets Nac, Ee WP] S29 BS O1RWHYIE Se WESA, IM Bete SEE Of AAS! (CI WACKY, le Tol PIE! Wools HSE ABE BOE, 0] FA 7VIEN BAKE () AAI SEO Be ofcos WE ANE AEOR, SOI Heal oe Blois et 3 Nee! oe Ewe opel 971 Bet out of the ofice AsPAOF Ste postpone wert, CE callin sick Sue oma Basin BeIe 14 ‘Where are you going on your business tip? (9) To Japan. {@) On the second. (©) Byplane. 282 oicle 77 i wee 719, ez, ovaries, 88 7ie BAtmere SE BESE, YalumMIR aE (ADI BE OF, (Gk S212 2 mE BE WEOiheEN ae you gong on your bushes toTh ULE BOO, (CO 2H 42S Be EHOW vil you get were TSA OIG, SIAR AE Re! ae SA #80) Sols Or SAE + ou gE7 Yose AEA #20 BER BIC business trip #8 15 Can you e-mail that information to me now? (A) At the post office. (8) Pll send it right away. (C) That's amazing. MIRE 73 ul ole Sue > OAR) 8) SAzOINS, (NE we wu SBR, io uu maze can you ~ts “Al BAMMO|S? ae Shae seewoba| asB 2 UE BOO, OPIE MRE Oli RUE 2B ¥en so Of Hz MUAIC}T SOI 488 (BF AO] SCF MAKE emalnt & FB BALD mall! BE UF manlH aa + BIE post atice FUN BEE GST SHOR BalvneredR Be BZOl rset cH ofc ‘ermal ObIge SUICE information 2, Im right away mid 8 amazing 18 How may direct your call? (A) Thanks for calling, (8) To room service, please. {C) No, its in June. ang ola Ba Seng? ay 8a) Sie SHRI, OE ng $4 5me, ous, exo, ‘SIGN How APE! TIROIOR Yos/Now UIE! (Che Miz BRON 14 Het Hom may | rect your calN@ SIE oFcl eH = WRT als OIGR B AMAR Ba Weis We (edt ao OF. (A cael WHO! HAH colingsO1B SHOR, “Ne RA BOIPIR! alle EOE NAHE BE wThanks for cating. (beter gal @ 2 Sie bitch direct one’s call 82H Baiee} room service (2189) & ls ” When did you move into this house? (A) It's not moving at al, (8) About three times. (6) Almost a year ago. 0] HoRe et ont oxo12? (a ei BOI oie (ome ass, ora wana, ‘Slat When O1B8bt OWE HE Ba GE UEO|SR OMe x) "ae StI ORES (CPE BC) BEL Ale BEM HE moves, 21BR! 2292, UEO] moveth UsaIch 7} OF! "BROKE ate BO 2 op) BF BBY Ch Bl VEL Ahn chen BE SL +201 Dh! ESIOR ‘move nto ~2 obste 18 ‘Mike wasn’t in his office so | gave the lab report to Carla, (A) I didn't, ether. (8) 0K, rite Mike, (©) We have a brand-new fab, Df0ka>} Apa ola Hel SLE EOLA AID, (x1 oA FxI BOIS, (8) BoOIB, A O}OLROH oirTBAS, (OM Sena Bois, CIOL?! BOM Beton] WOM FCI SIMOSM xO AH OF Olam a BS Sabicea HERE CN} AIO, (ARS wasctlad 2S 4 QUE etnerB ofa 95/012 (CHS ood WHE JIB et ore lab Rt WEIL ae eborton) brand-new oi ER, AB 19 Who's ready for another slice of pizza? (A) Yes, ve read it. © {couldn't eat another bite. (0) That's Mr. Thompson. Us 8 2 of OE A OKO? (a) 8 a e018, (eo ae cB OMNI, (6 ame, FEA} Whol OFBSIO| IV 021 Gf BL AKI BE BOIS, fe Six] Sek ISS IO! GP) EOI, (AE RAN ready read®) #52 CIB BIOS, SIA Whok APSE EOE Yes/Noz CUROSR a AIGoHN MIE > oh (CH BRS! SF (28 £11 Som Wow $8 Ze alow 42 + YOU RII, another 8142) 84a sce of pizza ni & 222 bite #21 20 ‘Would you mind hejping me fook for my camera? (A) What kind is it? (8) don’t have any photos. (0) Thanks for your help. 2H Foe} Re a SU AHO? ole B87 (Gi ARH AIO) BE Bole, (o) S950 Bae Wud you mind “ng? “at FAIHOIO7 ah fol AchOH lL! 285 of ek $ 4 Bee MHOIDL, OIE Pinel R= IB = 9} Gata DSI, MeL of! SHO| MalzIIA| s#BBORM IO GAM 4 FEL UE (AI! S207 IF (BIE cameraolst 2th! + Si protest O18) BBO, (C= EOL ASE hops 8 IE BRIER Thanks for you hep SSB = 201 BNE 5 RQDISR Gee SNE aEOL LIQ) Howe HEIN ge ook for ~# ct 24 Does this book belong ts Chelsea or Martha? (A) Actually, I think it's Tammy's. (8) Don't forget to take your belongings. (©) We don’t have any more of those bags. 0/4 AIO) ole uj OEM OIA? (az Hole! (6) 218 aie 21S BI OHA, (Cab BE ol BOI, off 0188 SHoRRZoR Ho] AA}o} ZIL ole ae] OK ‘Bie ROH MAIO A oll 2S. of! ale] AojeeD CHEB CAD ‘BSOI, SHORLO| AP YouNow CHE 4 Om, 7A ARIA, or 8) th 7B MIN BOHR Sie OL MAY AS BE ON 29) 208 GM + SICKE ARNE Abts (BEE belonginga O1Bst OF BSS REE BRIDE (Cit boonoHst HAR > ate bags 1B, # 2gore belong to ~al tic, ~21 2I0et actualy sae belongings i, Ax 22 ‘ty (gall the office furniture covered? (A) No, there's some left over there. {8) I'mnot sure what it will cover. ©) They're painting over the weekend. 9 NR 7758 or w0107 ev o1ug, Hel B a0: 226) go Be > 218 #1 2aYOID (osu mERS 8 Aa 228) Wy A SIBGOIE Yes/No ALE i A BRE obs ADI + 20, 7PSE SO] BE Ones SE NEOINS 3a ol MNES W Zola ole ase Fy) wR GRE 20 BE covert A4B2) ERIC office furiture #8 747 over the weekend #2 me 23 What was Mr. Yuan's idea for increasing our gales? (A) No, it's not on sale. (8) Ho wants to advertise more widely. (C) That's a good price. igs Bale Wool HA! SP Hel ooo“ SHORES (2) 1149, 724 aloe} oj o12, oR ane we, (0) age aoe. SIGN Wate AIS SIRROIDE Yes/No CREE (ARE A a BON MO 4 GC, ak BaIOA AE Ft wl oloicow! SIRT B Bb SESE ol Be SHY AIS (OPI AZOLE, Che on sales! QHIGE 4 Bt a good proof O1BAIO BBS REE SH on sale Bein US: $212! advertise BzsICh 24 Do you sell road maps? 18) bdon't know that street. (6) It's not on this map. {(G) No, try the bookstore across the street. a NE ser Aaa Bae, ) 01 Heol gu, (LONG, 2 2UIOL 2 ABO ee 7M WIOIREIOOIIEZ Yes/No HW $ WOO, Se NER MEA Be WSO cH Bx] BECHARA! & 2 UL AOL IEE 2 27} em BR! (CPt BLOM, (AYE roads] RPI! steers OGIO! 9B EH GOLD, (HE BDO MAE mops UAE 2 28QHe| £2! pot 2A! SEO! OIE GOS wie ANS dm 82 oni one! 2971 wet road map $= A= across the street 4 ZB 25 ‘You haven't seen Ms. Li anywhere, have you? 1A) Not since yesterday. (B) Becavse she's new. (C) Anywhere is OK with me. 21 aig o}erAMs este, BP (9 oi FE = BO, (@) ue deObiES, (0) 8 oKEN ZO, PIRES ettelBRNave you sean Ms, U anyahere?2) SOL gee SCL OAs 21 MB BNI BE B7IOIEROIA ond O19 Wax! SEICHe (ATF BIOL, BH Becassew OFF} Wry, SRE OL BE EON Piet! cHOID, (Ok anywhere HS NSB BELL, BE EAB BE URlwnere Is the most converiert pace for you 78! CBO anywhere Ofcbiss, OIE) new Mz Bl A) 26 | can't remember which of your sisters is coming ‘town next week. (A) Next week is fine, (8) It’s Lina, the oldest one. (©) Don't farget to go. 18 0] sha 7} FON 95H) Hes ws Fe ate, (ave 2 eel Ly @ 712, comms, BAB BOR, CHE Fol AIH & Y7lihich of your sate) St 2) Moh wife MOOR 7h 2 OI AIL g AEN CHEE! Dt WYO, (AE Nex! wook® UW ABE! PRO, [C= remembers! 8) + 2 Dont forgot ONget RPO OIA Se Ueson Be weal AEE! CRO + BAC 27 Hasn't anyone taken your order yet? (A) That's enough. {) No, tm still wating. (©) Weilltake wo, Be agus? wwesae, Bolus, om wes, ornsus, #uPIETHasroIO Yoo/Nos AEB 4 91201, OLE 521 2 0B WO EK B= WEAR A, ARO] FB vor S 271R) cra. ek RE (GF HO] Ih, (ARE “BEAD 9 Dia SERIE $= BEBO you want me 7H AID, (Oe EO ako WH NESE] SER REE OBO take one's order ~21 #28 ict yet wi, opt 2B Why don't you make some cuts tothe travel budget? 5 Uiktry, but its not going to be easy. (B) Idon't know him wel. (©) H's at our first-aid station. ofa 2B & el 01K IaH? (a) got erie stress 7s, a8 8 aeR, (0) 8 Ba ARIA DO.R, Wy don't you Pi Sia] AID? ~she A OMI ae II UNO IBY cf # 4 ke OK, OPIN | AIS HEHE Bol st Soke of seater Am ea zoek cag CAE IO) Ch (BEE Cort eS ANBEN BEDIO, (C)e APSA css “AL Bak 9{ BDF oji2} We 254 wel el 2 Cale US ASE + alct make cuts to ~8 tsi budget Hen, first-ald station 83 1 29 Where can I find a locksmith near here? (A) We won't be back til tomorrow. (B) Yes, Ill ock it when I leave, {C) There's one on Third Street. 0) Bx BA NEZO| ofc} LI? (0) Sale BOIL SiO} Sore 710k, @y, LIEN BBA, (0) a7 @ 2c oR, 215) hoe AIS! OFZZOIOR Yes/Noe CHEE le NEON A iso), UDI SIC FAH BAM BOK (CP! SOI ECE, (Ae ‘BOIg APE BE BEwhen wil you be back Ot 7B! OKC locksmith 41 HI2 be back soles lock wa B18 eR 30 Would you like to work in here, or shall we go somewtere else? (A) Yes, | really like my new job. {(B) No, I don’t think he would. (©) Let's work in the other room. Obi awe, oe HE Rew tim? 09 4, 4 580] FBO goa, (2) O19, ae Bein ys MAI, (0) C2 eo 3, Aor Behe MOPBOS, AMUOIREO fe) AOR AS | ES S/S, GREP, AE BS of! A991 Siow TSI EC, ODI ‘Oi Bis 27 ab THE BOR THe ZF w, Sie! TIE YOU BL SIF REE (OPE BO] ECL AVE won BW + LE naw pb o1Bt! WHOR, MORSE Yes/Now UE + BOE al ‘BEIM NII 4 SE = () SAI Yos/Now AEISRE=R BEND ge ar ‘would youlike to ~? ~aiateun ~ak ZAneeHn? 31 ‘Why'd they end the contract talks? (A) They didn't ike the offer, (8) lt's just through that door. (©) The director gave me one. ABE of net Be SyMUL? (1) 280] B18 oie! OIA, vig x ee sae, (0) O14» mi Si FOI 22} Bag Sas! OleWy)B B= BOR, HOI MAE ENE ‘Soh Gases PAINE O1RB HE (ADE AIO, BIE thraugh 2B 8 2B, ~8 BH) BOF Le we Bu, OI ae Bao pik Ow US Bee REL YIM, (OE contact tks 01 2018 4 UE dreohes ORs BBE PSB OHOK, contract et, NOW talks S18, 2, 9) offer Hah Me Hot director $9, OM 32 Who has been appointed to char the tiring committe? (A) There are none available today. {B) hasn't been announced yet. (©) Not don't think he has. spi 38 Hen sso eee? 00 288 758! Na OISS BOR, or wei a1 (9 0ug, vi BeEKE We 208 S14} Wino ABH SB ROIR, Yos/Now tHE! CE A SIME HSI Och. MBL GeO y7HWD) ARIIMERIE Ble UROLSE, G8 ARR BsIILNPaul Jackson hes boen ppoited), O13) HEI rn BIOS ye! (ey BOIL appointed igi 8 chair ats(eris Bc hiring 28 228 committes #8 avallable ojge! 4 ait ‘announce weet 33 ts the bank relocating? {A) There were only two local branches. {B) !use the bank once a week. (©) It'snot going to move afterall. 2tHo) oe 27187 09 Xie B ok BIOL, (Be 13201 ew Swe olga, () a 01m ae OE, Slo] OE see BE Weolne oMIR| Ae oI aE (CPI SBOIC, We the barkOLY Gate + 2 branches O18 NOR, XI 48 BE NElrow mary branches does the bank have?ol 7158! IOI, (SKS TIS SHE the bork IS ANB HOR, SA 7H WEE BE AEoW olen do you Use your beni Ol 7s EO relocate Olas) OFFICE branch ZI, XA 34 ‘When does Ms. Hudson send orders for new supplies? {A) That's not what | ordered. (©) On the first day of every month (©) Iwas very surprised to hear that. Bice WE At Be AEM Gi mE? (a) 321 xD RBA 201 OFLU, (oats e042, (2 Be Em OF ea, SEA nen AIS SERSS, Bw ASAE LE SS SIC EA rlojee ATS ARS 28 BPE AZOLE, (AS 20 OBE ordered HE Age! Bz0lO, (Ne suppiesst supised®! WE SES #8 SB, order 32: #24 supplies 84, 35 hope these statistics are correct. () L checked them carefully. (8) No, the ones in the corner. (C) We'tlhelp you callect papers. ol a 51} i 7 iy Bal seo, clue, ALO aE IS, (ae som eS ANS. ‘Bal SAD} Hei wo] NE! HIE AN we, BE! ef MOD 2ielos GRA! (ADE BEIO] Flt (OK SAB correct colecis| He BS S58 UOC statistics 827, 8 x50, 36 What does a round-trip flight to Hawaii cost? 1A) The fight is delayed. (8) P'Lhave to look that up. (©) How much is it? shelommni gs #3 2ae wolRDIR? vy wir aSHO1 (@) 20 ws, (©) wore SOTO) Bs UE BSE ES WeoIe, Ty 7S THOR tH > Ick OB IAS “OIsON BID ZAEMHOR HEE DE af ol CL (Ae HARON SE Hh IN AABEE SOI, (Ce 7B BS #4 om dHOCE, Oe Be Ode Be BON ae ayS BE SSI BA round-trip 20}82) fight wie, a1 of look up ~# sons, 2st 37 How long has it been since | saw you last? {A) I think this dress is too long. (©) Lused to sew quite a bit (C) Quite a few years. fe Wo SIU Boisol7 (a) 01 SalAte HF 2121 BOHR (WLR ot Bol st (Coes aon Hom fong has i been since ~7ke “El XI SOIL) AE elt sto 3 OVINE qiiol Shs 2eInIg B2 oo ws Ben UE 8 (07) BHOIC, (We NAN OB ings te ABE arOIO, (BE PAS sawSl sont! UE BBS ASE! eSOIC ‘sow UiLziIcloew-sense-senea/senn) quite abit Sel Hol uite afew 21 22, wee 38 ‘You should probably take the train to avoid traffic, (A) | didn’t bring anything on the train. (6) That's what I'm planning ‘0 do. (©) The transaction was voided. 28 Nag nisiee Rig co} w >, (a) & m4 OFS 7 ER BVO. (8s 33 AIM, (0) 2 rate Basra 2S ABE aleb| Get 7B eter Anan goo aS aE iorgicen UEFA €l (BP! oc, (A= trang #2 ANSE O10, (= SEM OE! oo a ES EX vod BER! SSS #289 $691 HaDIe, traffic m3 transaction 29, 28 voided (sop Sia, 9 et 39 ‘Aren't you pretty busy working on your research? (A) No, Ihave alittle time, (B) Very attractive! (©) | searched everywhere, PSL bh? WS olde, AOI & HR, (@ oF sI0191 (©) oi 1571 e200 Six, POMBE eeriNOR ool et AYE Feweve you prety busy working on your research?iat $0) BO Yor, OE Now CsI Ec op Ase etFe WAX) LEK Be Ueae A 2lol & OIA vis] CID cA! CADE BROICL (SIE AO roth “a, SST She WT LPF, AT 2 SIE OE SO OGIO, (Che HAE researcntt soacrecsl WE ESR FS a egor, bbe busy ng ~2kL2) HMC} work on ~al ci! IB sich research 2%, 2h attractive we als! 40 You've already applied for a grant, haven't you? {A) Yes, I've submitted my proposal. {B) Nothing is on the ground. (©) It's an appliance store. wane oll Ait, 19807 LS Mast, () HOF OFS gO, (0) 7h tots, ‘spies g0l RY EZ LESIEI ave you aeady angled for 2 Greni7t SEC ote BEBE UEMETIS BE UEOEE Nat HOOKYeS) MELAS AIRSICX've submited my Proposal: #74 |B HI IAD} Bo} ECL (BE GAS grail roundel WE BS |B EB! SOIO, (CHE apple St appliances WB SB REO 201g, apply for ~at isc, Aalie) grant waa, 8 submit 86g fn rend in) proposal AL, HELA appliance 24 x PART 41-43 MB Hi, | lost my cell phone in the front lobby this afternoon right ater | checked in, WB I'm sony, sir. Unfortunately, we haven't seen one. MB Okay, well, 'm staying in room 938, if you hear anything, ‘would you please tet me know? WB Will do. Let me call the security office and see if they know anything about it. we 2S, oe SOI AE Auloly xERDISIT 204 ELBE WORDS, HSQL, me, WeHER! Nas OFS BI SHH atic 019, Homan 2 Uetls, gal Fe AM So Eby a aoa? RPRSLCL AOL SIAL of an} A OH meu frontlobby 4 £4 checkin Hic, SuiB8) 482 3c) unfortunatoly BUS, Seas secur office wula 41. Where does the conversation take fap} O18! 32 oF IP place? wae (A) Inapolice station some {B) In on apartment busing saa {C) Ina library oss (©) Inahotel 42. What is the man looking for? ‘ent aD VE AE ROL (A) room key wy a {8 Aphone oe (© Amap oxe (0) Abook o* 43 What will the woman do next? ORE Col B UE FEtSI7H? (9) Call someone cess 2 (8) Gotoastore Bh HOH ZC (C) Clean the lobby (0) Bele BASIC, {D) Fill out a form © ARS ae, EES Qoveitl SAUDI ee sll Ah 8, RO| B | lt ay col ghove i the ‘ron! boy this tenon grt ater | ‘checked nD fe staying in room 918. OU Bae! BIE BE 4 Hct BIEL A ‘nt a ost my call prone? LISSIO} (ag ages Tax] ISH Rel take place woIucl, ect ‘2At9| 8 BE Post my col phone in the front bby this stirreon rer lr | checked roll Sai ABC! SIROL TIRE spina aiR222 (>t EO) 2 Hol 3 nw AIDS BT Jim sting in room S18 SE 29 (AR BUOR BBY + 91011 FOI ‘SAP choy BSE} 2IOIKKHE wal the woreetman) probably denen Be RIES APE Al OFT! ROK 3, 88 RBs ce wen Hone sal a 9} nia poH SIE IO OHO ©, ODIAIE Ofna] OFFS & Let mo ca tho socurty ofce and soo #INey Kr snyting bout iLokN of NON = i BRIE a > we filout ~8 ese, e811 form 48, 4,18 rETZ 44-48 MA Jodie, | e-mailed you yesterday about Jim Smith’s retirement party tomorrow. Do you think you can help me setit up? Wa. Yes. The only problem is that | have a meeting until 5 o'clock. 1 can’t got out early because I'm presenting my project at the meeting. MA_ No problem, The party doesn't start until 7 o'clock, so we'th MA 2c] 7) ut 88 B ADIAS! 21 7h ate CH MOP ONE SER EUG 2 GOB + 012 WAU 81] BHP} es, A! Ble gi0ke sept AD} BEANS WADE SAM OLS 47} OHS, MA ata. TICKS 7A Sojot ARR EL etoREat 21 have plenty of time to set up the tables and chairs. MB Buia Ake Seo retirement party 52425] 7/4 nle|_ set up ~& EUlsc, YRISC) present HHSC} No problem. Bat goje, #02, 44 What are the speakers discussing? (A) Setting up a computer (©) Preparing for a party (C) Buying a table (D) Paying a contractor 45 What does the man want the woman to do? (A) Attend a meeting (8) Present a project, (©) Reschedule a party (©) Help with an event 46 When does the wornan’s meeting end? (A) At 4:00 P.M, (©) At5:00 Pw, (©) Ateoo PM. {D) At 7:00 P.M, sO 301 cA OHRID a wate an elm] 2) aon 20 (0) es ch Wai O17 92te a ED we ” (at ae a Waa ge (0) mel aa EL (0) she Zul g1 Op BF AON HOF Wasa eoasa (orey Deen e1sol alte Bo BBO MISH AE HCE aia] A YR BP | emaled you yoserday about J’ Smits retrement ty fomoro OHA AFR UI SU AAS] 2 718 NEI ce oD BED 2180) @ Lei ach Sa} CIAOIAS ct ft upon Ut gle 248 YE sale Proporng for 9 pry2tn al ERIN IE ‘50071 ‘contractor Ae, en ‘anke plo DIAS, 24 71 ne] BU SHE + QENIDo you thnk you can help me sol uote BROS At 24 Oba Bt AS (0) Help wih an everti & 2c, (Rt (BIE APT Of ‘Aba EE AO] ON, 7) UR Bio} ‘eel sate reschedule S28 cia zich Off The only problem that | nave 2 meeting url 5 dciockOtM sts 54 of BY 2188 + 202 BPI aE) ‘2c, DE HIED} AIS ARATr® parly ‘pes stan writ 7 fsochOIE, 47-49 WA. Thisis the registration desk. May I help you? WA BENUC, 9aig £9) eum? MB_ Hi.1 was caling to reschedule an appointment | have with MB Sse. 6 abo] 2 WAV al W712 ot Dr. Goto on June 18, ‘ilo 2 etn AON, WA. Have you been a patient here at the Mara Clinic before, WA._net SRAM A wo! | ose? si? We Uo ot Wola, au a, remorR m wet HE MB_ Yes, just once. ! saw Or. Hanson at the end of last year, een See e012, | think # was in December. registration desk 58/8] 82 appointment (2) M24 S14 patient ast see a doctor SAID ins we 47 Who most kel isthe woman? ome 7 2 BE? Seen een (A) Adoctor een eok May I hep yao Ome Beal {®) Auniversity professor @atae AU 2 4 Ae. el rogictaion (©) Anoffice receptionist une ek AAIBHOUE ofce recentenst (©) Arotel clerk ose ae jei2. 4901 rapnasnat! A ‘MOWER. Chak BBE Dr, Gotolt Dr. Hanson $91 2 8 (AIS SHOR 2M 2 6 receptionist 4974 eu 48 What does the man want todo? ‘axi7t Boke WE PaIeI7I7 ‘date 2 YG | was calling to (A) Change a doctor's appointment (9 ma ot et reschedle on appoinimee | have wth © Sion up for a course at auniversity a cfsem zt ate 1, Golo an sine 1014 6 19251 HI (©) Make a restaurant reservation (aa oft si aa ot ese BED a (©) Pay for a hotel room ©) 4 4a 98 xm Sos Week ee Change a docis’s appartment 8 % UCL, aslo GEE reschedule Change2ta Hiro} SIR sigh up for ~of 8c 49. When did the man see Dr. Hanson? WME CREE Sto ARs wet RO SIRE WE SOL EN Be 1A) In May. = (Have you boon a patent here atthe (8) InJune (ay oa Mare Circ bole, si?) OR ON (©) InNovember oe ie Se TOOL He HO BRB we (©) In December ona 4) saw Dr, Hanson a the end last Dewy ‘year, | ink t wat in December 22 S58 (01 BHO (Bhs UA! EM AoE IR 71 oIEO} Ste BOI, 50-52 MB I need to make 30 copies of this flyer for the book sale on “Thursday, but the copying machine is broken again. WA Well, it’s only Monday. Maybe we can get it tepairad before then. MB _| think i's beyond repair. | think we need a new one. WA How about if | caik Yom in the purchasing office to see if he'll approve a purchase order for a new machine? wa wa ‘make a copy SA'eKH=o0y) flyer BE, 83151 copying machine sst7-cope) purchasing office tb 82 5 approve A2Iict purchase order 7H FEU) OU 8 SA MIO HRY ERIS 30% SI Sie, GADD E maRLOKR, FL od 71 MosioIwoLe. ofS 2 Bo F2lB + 28 oI, Fale ISR eh Ho, oH ME AH 2 BID, Fol APSE BOI NANG GOK Ak APT FE G6 # + REA) gos OE? broken atl, RA repair $218, 2AICK=to ‘50 What is the problem? 7901 BaEDP RO} Hd ned to make thity (A) The coffeemaker is broken. (ay njo}74 ape copies of te Ber for he book sale on {B) The man cannot make copies. eA PAB 2 atl Thursday, but the copyieg techie ic (©) The woman did not approve the (i ofr) zine etal gia, Bren agent SEI SD} aha Ayers. DEH Mo] Haste, ‘SsbD} REMC aOOR URPE sh (©) The book sale has been canceled. 51. When does this conversation take 0} canny ovRoia) place? gen (A) On Monday way () On Tuesday san (©) On Wednesday D823 (0) On Thursday 52 What does the woman suggest they do? ons Pais azista78 (A) Hire an accountant 9 aoig 288 2 {®) Calla repair person (8 oaizoi Be 2 (©) Contact Tan (0) Bo were 28 (D) Purchase the books SMS FeB 2 sg" 1 0 er (et oI (ake Bt, copyll cole 22 SE AP swOR 2 Be WOU REA, ‘coffeemaker Snr 201 Boks 77 Of) HN BE Wes ony Monday ‘Ole OFFORI whe BORE w+ 2 ©, ie SA HBO] B= BetInE book ‘se on Thscyoc take place WoIUer, wrasitraspenl Bile 421 9 glooR Me FEOF 221 Ae eat won oat pam = oP BSE sf txtHow about #1 cal Tom in the purchasing affce o see It hel approve a purse order fora ow machine MEBIBESE (C17} 2 BOICE. CEG coll Toms HE BBOLE CCortact Tombletx uo} eset hire 288IcF accountant abut repair person #23, $217) contact eee, masict purchase 2c) 53-55 MA | heard that Fran retired last week. Are they planning to. MA 80) Ah! Gof SsincrD SBIR THO ABIES hire anyone to take her place? SB AaQIO? WA Uhope so. We're already understaffed, and the contract we WA 4 Mets, nas elo] SEH, ol HE ‘got yesterday will mean more work. S2SU Sil) ors tok, MA | agree. Maybe they can move someone from the a. Sd0|IR AE AMY IRE OAR OIENAE w ‘merchandising office over here. awed, retire 2x[scb hire 2B} take one's place ~# CSSck: “REIS Xie understaffed Qe HSE] 20) 21H contract APH Hels SIct_ merchandising ofcIoPs, eos $3! ‘83 What problem are the speakers BRIBE Se ENO) Bel obvi Ba] ABS BEX] SE sco OHS discussing? er? Nas QeO| SmaI AE ANU EASOI (A) The stock of merchandise is running (8) Mxgo| Woh 2 Sol BobACHWe' re already low. (27H HBS eat, Lndesited, and the contract we got (8) Someone moved the supplies. (0 7g eto wee, yesterday wil mean more work: 8b (©) The machine needs to be repaired. 1) “1801 HSI ‘to, abt? tO (D) There are not enough employees. slock x2 merchandise #8, x8 run low soi 2h, 22511 supplies 82, Hs, repair ie, sie) 54 What happened yesterday? ond Be Bo} 2 fn) a me contact we ot yesterday (A) Aworker setved 8) ene ean nee woo SHS BO. (©) Alan was drawn up eee ae aria een ena (©) Acontract was received, (© AMS wore, received MOH 3 © Anaeraes oe hea A wy, so eR SOM Obst ) A manager was promoted otro) gue 7 sae eRe pe woelog WR BOR He) BA raw up a8 ME promote S8Aret 55 What does the man suggest as a APH AMOS me Be go) SIIOL HRSICHE Obj) WOH ERE: S91 olution? 7” BFE Maybe re conve somaare (@) Contacting a repair person vv 204 8 2 tom te crag oes oer hee (8) Asking the staff to sign new: (8) ARIMA AR ALLO Aeiot Al WEROOR CHE MS] SBE wat contracts sau (OP) BRO, Rey, move someone (©) Getting help from another ods 4a sem HS 2 tor te mercer ofl Seta § (eB Ae pen ar et (0) Putting new products on sale BEN SS Bie salon xa contact Per, UASfc} staff 8 product 43 rez 56-58 (MB _ Now that my business is expanding, the office is starting 10 MB AHO) ini AIBAlO! IE ol oly) AOD. ‘seem too small. I've started looking for a naw place 10 2 UCN OIE A ake lois, rent. WA 7235 FAN Do} woe? = So ee BAPE 2 WA Have you looked at the area around the train station? eu UasO B oie, There are some business properties that are being yg. a7j gag ya 7 me ualsoMoIs ‘yeriovated there. an WA 971 BOLI HIE BOIL) He wel feta at MB That's a good idea. Ill look over there tomorrow. asa, WA According to the weather farecast, tomorrow should be a nice day to walk around. now that on ~s0, 070 ~2) ON! expand ROLIC, als rent Bike, Well property PEA! Fenovate 274 21S, 2ES8ICt look over ~B oi, ZEBIe) weather forecast wis ‘56 What is the man’s problem? ene] Bale 92007 25) Bro] GRRE wie Bo BE {A) His business is not growing very fast, to ay eee) 2 can SHO BL AURIS we {B) Hs office isnot big enough, () A401 Be 12, OE NL 3 RE SE Nw Pt (C) He missed his train. (C) IH eat. my busiress is expanding, the office is (©) He just moved into town. ‘by FO String 19 seem too sma AFI 52 20) SR) UE Se mas (>) ao! i Ice asi Zale ‘move into ~s oC) 57 What does the woman suggest the man o}7} LxjouAl iB AZ SED/) OP IRI HON A BAN Sat 0? oy 7a S24 2 Bee & glo 2 xia aawa (A) Take the tain to work ( erm Rem 2 (Have you toked at be aa sound (®) Gheck the weather forecast (71 Fee Bat w 21 the ain son MEISAC TEP (S (©) Explore the train station area (by as Det 8 2 2 89) E. (2 wealer forecast (©) Expand his business contacts (0% Brae BE catot DERISH, BY Ol 8 4 2. wel Loo SUBIC OS! Ralol BS BETS 3 Rojo Wee AB BH ‘explore Alek, etch ‘58 What wil the man most likely do? we ng 8 err? 2 Fe 221g 2IBHO! BE (A) Continue his search tomorrow i AAU aN OI onal ol wate BE soIT Bs (8) Renovate his office we Aipus 22 0K {Tha a good eater sel 3 HA {(©) Try to think of another ikea (OSE O1O(CI aie § 20K, ‘MONE AT ok ove there tamorOne (©) Wak home from the office (0) Bo B24; 201 3a RC web ake UL > XRG ane AVE at + ORE (AM gol Ect 59-61 MA Excuse me. Is Kathy Capriola playing in the aftemoon Ma, show today? WA Yes, but all tickets for that show are sold out. There are. WA some available for the evening performance, though. MA Okay. I'l be back for tonight's show. Can | buy tickets MA now? WA Sure. How many would you like? wa be sold out aC} available 78 + 28s, 1+ Ue performance BO Bs ‘59 Where does the conversation take C7} OURO RE OfCIEIPE place? waa {Aj Ata theater Basse (B) Atarestaurant ssa (©) Ata recording studio ose (0) Atan airport 60 Who is Kathy? Ale PRI? (A) Awaitress a eam (©) Atioket agont evumue se (C) Aperformer (Bort (0) Aproducer (Beh 61 What will the man do tonight? athe See Seg wel (A) Have dinner with a friend (8) 2579) Ht ALAN St ZHOICH, (B) Purchase a discount ticket (e) Bel Cit PRIS BOK. (C) Perform in a play 10) Ge SBS e oleh. ID) Watch a show (D) 28 BBS zoek, ARIBLIC, shal 7mREIREDF Se OF Bebo BANE ar MW, SR) 2 aol ePe MRieEOI. My Be ME a evauce, Bog, 7 ag yal CA) goa. TB EIS FO eee? 82018, 8g cumR? ‘Hail ORO SA Ae) COL SY 23 RSA BOO, ciel Wee iS Olt AOI ROH BEL OHZLAS ‘leyeg in the aterroon show, teks for thal show, evening pertomence -& Sal Fen ono cae eae #3 secording studio 2 Be A HL B Is Kathy Capriola Paying inthe siemaon show today? ‘IR PIAR= B2tel BeIRIE > ke UHaie| SING! MBSR ORO} Lane 2g BEA Bekaucercadin, ote Ha Fe “chet ager, ticket agent 8 ee 8) producer 2254 25 BPS HE ple x4 Bom BE Oe OI WOH UAE ate BAB Cho) HAE At SIERIOKay, I be back for tonight's show. Can buy tickels now’) ECL AIM eS WoL AR RDN B a 24 9 discount tcket wel Et 62-64 WB The board of directors asked for some adjustmants to the «WB. OWIEDIA| SEHDF Sol ale wOL) UR ORE = buclget proposal for next year because the cost of fuel Has 28am NOS, increased so much. Ma 28 $2200 Se EA QMIAR ee 2, aut MB Well, we're sending the annual report to the printer on iL eA) BIBI? “Thursday. Will he new proposal be ready by then? We ul, Beebo) Bem HolcoIN AXE awake = WB Yes. | had Jade in accounting check the figures on, AMMOL OF Sol FIER LIER! + gt0I2, Monday, so | can send the revision over to you this yg goto, yy) ois) wie aise) oe SE afternoon. UDP Ste 2p2e, MB_ OK. Then once | look over the statement from the board, we should be ail set. the board of directors olN8) 812; adjustment +2 budget 9H, ole! proposal HE, ss the cast of fuel en annual repor 22k SEM accounting weie(-acccuning depsrenend) figure +, 25) revigion se), $2 look over ~B alse, asic statoment gH Ry MEH, HAA al et ee £41 so 62. Who requested the changes in the eile Wa ates AE SBR? oll 3 ALE THe board af dreclors budget proposal? (a) Ci asked for some adjustments to the: (A) The printing cornoany a "axial proposal er ret yea! “0 {B) The accounting office oon ASIN olde! aig 2aIwCHT BOO (©) The board of directors onan (opr west 2a, (0) The supply department 63 Why was it necessary to change the budget proposal? FBS ORE =O} 8 Fuel prices rose. eau) ieee, ©) Annual fees needed to be included. ig EHF ss (0) Printing costs increased. © wey Baste, {D) New bank statements were just Oa 2g 7 ee wa, received. ‘84 When will the annual eport be sent to at awe Pi gia ey 21 the printer? o (@) On Monday wage © On Tuesday @ aay (©) On Wednesday 40% {0) On Thursday Osan printing company 2iatAlter) ‘supply department 2a) ‘ot 318 becouse the cat ft has nerd so muchos} 7} 18h Sol oO sydlOr seh stows (2071 BOE, FEL ho cot of ft has Increased Fas goes rosa 2i PO zeigt annual fee et ‘en £1 a We, wre sarcing the annul ropa fo ne pint on Thurs 01 380) Ge) NS Slaw oles MOOR (OP BAI. We BAL HMo|Soll GA BesIES x had ade in acouring check the fees on Mandy) 2 65-67 WA. Has the sink in lab 2 been repaired yet? Wa buaunt = ANE Geet? MA No, | talked to the plumbor yesterday, and he said he MA. 01-19. ofa Matas aHPIBKEH, BEBO SII 5 ‘wouldn't get here to fix it until Friday. Aleit & & kD sens, WA But i's only Tuesday! What are we supposed to do in the WA. Six oft 2 sin yol al 2 9 ofa? meantione? MA Masi HRARIAOL MAEM BPM ARIE MA. think we can shift some of the test work into labs 1 and 4 © Voi MBBO! goon BAT Basie BAe, if we need to. The space will be tight with the extra S100 ofge! ENE Ch + etvOHR, workers, but at feast we can run all the scheduled analysos. sink Hn 7164. lab sHalelabersony) repair S216, ZACK) plumber ws be supposed to do ~Si7i2 St eI in the meantime 3 82loh shit Gets, ONEAITI scheduled O18! anclysis 4, Bike, erases) ‘65. who most ikely are the speakers? SIRE 7 3 ZED? (@) Plumbers aues (®) Laboratory employees wears sy (0) Restaurant workers area a (0) Athietes oss ae 66 What problem are the speakers sige Be Got 4B ONIN discussing? sem (@) Some missing equipment (ay Ba Ue St (B Abroken sink emake au) (©) A.wrong telephone number (ase wits ©) Confusing test results Oy geee8 ay am 67 What will the speakers probably do sige aol 208 YEP next? W888 1 BW 20K (A) Hire extra workers GASH AS wie BOK, (@) Delay work unt Friday (che 31M UB ZK {©} Work in different areas (01 weEBOLA Ie 01 (0) Contact a different plumber ony! SPEIE BE Brie Ae Be Biol BBO AEN YOOR ABO aE! UZOILY SO SH RAIOF tC PINE: la, some of he lest wrk, run al the scheduled anayeas SOB 01%} 28 ABR w+ OC oumberst UNE SESE Bante etc athlete 85 ol ALE Gf CIO} ROH AIS fe BPP MCL OPE AREF Has tne Sic in lab te boon repared ye7O1L | lakes to me luber yestecay ~, EO ‘Ranle| DUR! Alacioh eh oT sago1 8 EIU a missing Bowe, eae ‘equipment 3, 2171 confusing 82h sate BRgIoIL Sioios watO| Ale 6 21 $2 Bie, UOSION VAL OL} mane rea AEN tc thik we can Shit some ofthe lest work Ino abs one ard lou i we need Ya)? RC, EIA (CIF FO ICE. AIHEOL C180) FOE TIE Be SIROl 2 CA 9] Absoh ZIBO| AISI 971 BOL, S01 Sasi SSH a, hire tet contact ~o14 att), IC 68-70 MB Sarah, our regular shipper has raised its rates considerably. Would you have time to do a cost comiparison of other shipping companies? WB. Well, first I need to make a list of what's in these boxes, ‘but that shouldn't take t00 long. When would you ned the information? MB_ Oh, by the end of the week is fine. rm hoping we can prosent our finings at Monday's meeting and persuade the managers that we could save money by changing shipping companies. WB OK, aftor Ive finished with the boxes, Il see what | can find out about the shipping prices at other places. ws, Ait, 22) UB Manin eae ae BroIe, AR UA CE AO) 7B Imad B+ BIO? Bete, 2 0] Axio) UBB ALASS xeHD! ao, Opi Pl Oe eM YR 7 et THR A Baier 2, olf SBS S12, You sel at ZAK Sw BORPOIA| 28 Sig EHV BIB BRE BIER cunigs sseeIn2, ‘Batoia, OL eRe Bele AON CHE ALLL Ae 220] of! Bow, regular 8291, 27182 229 shipper UAEHAIet shin AHPC) rate 2,7 considerably 3 881 comparison Ha, shipping company 2284, Sushi make alist of ~B SelAsl2 soi present wesiO, MARC findings A} Bo} oF B= 8 Why is the man concerned? (A) Some boxes have been packed incorrectly 2) Shipping costs are too high. (C) Ameeting has been postponed. (©) The woman's report is late. (68 What does the man hope to do? (8) Develop a new system for paying suppliers {®) Arrange foc inventory to be checked {©) Ship some materials by the end ot the week {0} Convince the managers of the need fora change 70 What will the woman probably do next? (A) Make alist (®) Take a break (©) Order some noxes: (0) Paya bill TE Sate olf BIEL oy Ue ANP BR BEI 8 Se LF aC (© s199} erie, (0) omy er ee, ‘wab Hwee 212 eH? Wy BORA OBE ma A) SS Bima See A0mEs SH, (Sant aH a (0) 2 vital BON A OL as mM CIeeH OND BION? ean as jay an ae (0) ove ‘SAE 4 BM Savoh, our reguier shipper has rsd i ralas conidreiy, ‘Would you have time to do @ cost comparison of other shipping companies?OA Si Cao) 824 st OL Bo) BOL cle Ht Sto) 798 wo a eri ge concemed 2aiaes, eatein Bi ack (2s) le, Ch postpone S71, act ‘28 F Ag Tim hoping we con resent our tndngs ~ by changing iopea comaries tM te A La A MAI UR PN 9 1g ufo! wigs Bam 4 een we opin seas OP} al £ ‘supplier wana aati liventory sin) arrange for ~8 Oc, 3% material a,x 18 Sale] tet cle es S| Be Una w UE St unio ad ‘So OME Bi BAA! RE ELAR 5 28604 CHW, fet | need to meke a list of whats in these bows 2c, ‘Ba (AE ao! Ich take @ break 4) act order #aich FE) PART 4 71-73 Hi, Mr. Brown, This is Stacy Jackson from MacDougall’s Bookstore. "I'm calling at 2 o'clock on Thursday, and I just wanted to lot you know that the book on printmaking you ordered has come in, "We're closing at 6:00 tonight, but we'll be ‘open from 9:00 to 8:00 tomorrow and Saturday. "You can pick it up at the front desk. We'll see you at the store soon. Pit, WeKE HR ARJo) AdjoIA) EIUC. x1 2 Say alelde TIAN BBs! SB 7igot BE AL 01 asmee wel Salen ieMELc. SEE SxOH mL Om UIE S2Alole OAT QAR] BIBLIO, MeL 5 GIARDIA Bok IAQ ELICL Maa ALICE printmaking 2 21g, == 432 come in FOS, BSC) pick up (Beis) 7A ct 71. When did Stacy Jackson leave this ASTOIA AES IMIS 24 WA IRE BOL Im caleg at 2 d.ock On| message? a TruredayO1M OK Ext AlZIO| RWB 2 (A) On Weanesciay AI sIESe (9PF ByOIC, (0}91 8) On Thursday Sahay CHS SIESIRIOL, OME B (©) On Friday AUR BRIBE BBWC be open rom (©) On Saturday (900 fo 800 tomorow and Sarucayfl orc leave a message SAB ict (ct oke 9 message A wc) 72 At what time does the stors close today? jee oy St abn eit 4 Yat 88 Vcr coor 500 kin, () 200M. won at mobi Se Shel mSRAD SOE 4B) 5:00 P.M. BHA (G7 BRIOIC (CHE URNA} Seo! (©) 8:00PM jare a aged 86, ©) 9.00-M. moran 73 What is Mr. Brown asked to do? Sete MOPL 2M AS FIV BOL $ YR BE You can pick up at (A) Talk toa manager 9 aera Be te tor desk Oke UO (© Cal the brary tm cai ea Seco Et Bo) 2 {C) Place a special order (ORM ASR EH 32 (Opt sigolet. {) Goto the tront dosk, (mee dase 2 place an order #8te4-or0e) aPVe) ‘74-76 This announcement is for all socond-shit supervisors. "Please make sure ait production floor pathways and fe exits are clear ‘of obstructions. An inspector from the Fre department wil be checking the premises from 7:00 to 8:00 pxm. tomorrow. We want a clean repert, so we're counting on each supervisor to 2c BEBO oh WE SAIC, SE HHA! Se not Wo) IER SIR EAL, Ua) ZAI BA] ps) setae ZARBOL St 21 AINE AIBLICL #21 21 ‘Bol of? O10} OMe Mito, 2 AAI Me BE 274 eg aren leh FAP RUC take responsibility for his or her respective shop area. announcement 28 second-shift 2c, $ vEn(CKS] mH supervisor BER, LIK) pathway $A a fe ext (Shp uaF ‘lear of ~71 is, 2 201 Bie obstruction Bet inspector Ze! 2Ni") fire department As premise UE, &xi counton ~ a, N31) take respansblity for ~@ MAAC) respective 2222 Hey, 2, 74 What is the main purpose ofthis talk? (A) To introduce a new employee (8) To announce an upcoming inspection (©) To report a production increase {D) To demonstrate a revised procedure 75 Who will visit the production floor? (U9 Arnealtn department employee (8) A company supervisor (©) Amaintenance director (©) Aire depariment representative 76 What are listeners expected to do? (A) Chock the fire extinguishers (B) Glear any blocked exits. (©) Test the fre alarms (D) Review emergency procedures o} gaia Fal ee Pee vara si i gos og ae en (awd oem yee BA ey AL US AeOL oat eke BaBER, = mt B82 Al UR BB Pease mxe sure al producto foer patsy ~ wit be checking the press tro 700 to 800 pm torersomolas BI ms BB 4 OE, Sal fom 700 10 800 pm. tomorrow §382 an upcoming inpecton Ola Po} BONG! IE MRI + Sojor cy Inspection 2, 24, Bet demonstrate 28ict revised $88), 28! nop area WER Ae? 21 22E An inpecer ten a Ore (ame ogatiment wil ~AIM Away! Ao) ey abs Bev AE UB ZowID siOMe (OP aE Ol SIC, 8} SHARON Ste! Inspector ‘rom the fire depariment® A tre parent represertaivee!a sPOt (reraphrainglet 3 w0P| ex, ‘maintenance 2, 281s representative 2,121 we BER (D) aa agngob FE yok Veta!” (y 237m Bee ag ere wel 2 (Cy ap ari aye w 2 ost 2318 a8 ASAIN BAyBO! Aska US AOI & BL SITS) BIBER wSetmPeace make sue al prhcton oer patna and Ire exts ae clear of ebstucions) HG2Oe (a7 BYolc, clear of bettuctons® Clear any becked exts a vEPOH me AS BOER, fire extinguisher A217) block 72 et, asic fire arr se 284 emergency procedures i! 241 17-79 Good morning, and welcome to the annual Convention for Entertainment Magazine Publishers. "Our seminar this morning will discuss ways to research trends in the music industry. "In the afternoon, you'l have the opportunity to try some of these research methods, using an invaluable tool —the internet. We've set up three rooms with Internet access for this purpose. "If you'd like more information about this aftemoon's schedule, ‘check at the information desk in the convention center lobby. If you're not sure where the information desk is, just follow me at ‘the end of this seminar. Stegste, (HEINE AP|aDey Get LIAL ey = MM QA) SRILUICE 2 OF MOIRA BHAI Alay A Sool ca SOIR ABIL, SOE OFF HBA Aaj En) SHEA Olga OM SAP WRI AIRY SE Ist 301 8 2RILE), OVE SH ol ett Sao] se! WS AL ORIEL, Se S94 gasee chet cap! SED HOA RIM Ae} UIE Me gH AROIA SIIOHDAL 2, Qu HIA7) OFC QE BEA Be o| MILI UE a ME a ole, annual 22, 0429] convention 28s, w7IS8| trend 44, ae industry til A invaluable UE oH + HB ESL OF FER set up ~# Sil2k, aiisict information desk ey As TT What is the topic of today's conference seminar? m (A) Designing Internet Web sites (@) Managing a supermarket (©) Researching tho music industry {0} Organizing meetings (or emia Bey BHR By 0 28 Bl 78 What will he participants doin the afternoon? (ay he eh 2 (A) Tour the convention center i et og {B) Use the Intamet 10) BRL Ate (C) Write magazine articles mane BN {0) Attend a concert 79 Where should seminar participants go for more information? (A) To the computer lab a URE ent (B) To the registration center BB Ae (©) To the information desk (ey gna cs (©) To meeting room three oy stieN Shp RIA WOE EAE Se! a) lea eH }OIS Ink Hise ofa pag w 2OPH? Mol) SASS cM awe ‘2afe DICE 70 SHEP ‘= SME SEO 22 1B AOILOIN: Sua ARE 2A} eet cal one 2¢ (Our seminar tis mening wa sous ways 10 research tends in the music rousiy OED 88222 Male) FAL 45 (0) Reseorching ta music industry geen organize usc, BuiseE M4 YB BAH in the atemoon, ~ using ‘an invaluae tal ~ the herntolN ‘Foie Qe O1BeH 2A WL AT Se oie zal @ OR steam, (@) Use the Iienetol Z0I, BOL RE convention center lodbyt} lefomaton desket Sa (NE aoe iS of St participant 827% article 24 BOUL S WL BAH youd the more Information about this stternoon's schectle, check a he ntormaton des In the converten contr lobby 14) 2 20 Ce] RE AE BOUT eR PM So gle HH AO I af wets Yous (Op ARI Eh ‘compute lab ee! et registration 85 ‘meeting room ait az) 80-82 “Welcome to New Employee Orientation. ®Here's what we're Going today. First, you'll each get an employee identification badge. Then well take a tour of the faclty. *"The folder in front ‘ol you contains 2 rap of the building. Please refer to the map during the tour. There are also some forms in the folder for you to complete. After the tour, we'll all have lunch together in the ccaetera. i you get separated from the tour, just meet us atthe cafeteria at noon. Again, refer to the map in your folder if you need help finding anything. After lunch, your supervisors will show you to your specific workstations. "And if you're wondering when you' finally submit alk of your paperwork, it's after lunch, when you meet with your supervisors. GAN SAIRIO|A 8 OBIE WERT, Se we 2 G2) BOUL ex Olek 2H AE HASTE LHe SB QU, 28 cig 2B lew ARILC, oH Bo ‘Ue NRIOL 2 7IG7F Ho BIOL AHfoK= Se) ANAK, AIS, HBA Cloke OFPEOIN SIMO! B BIE Bot a ‘Buje, 2180] Bue 7 Alona Ned AN 21 Lc, ws? 218 oy CAO OS SIH DOG A 01 BU BUC, CAL SS, BS aOR HAL Ql eke MIS AIS. Al AA RoHS ofeHe: NAL S01 YePl B Taig Ute BAVC aan SE ARE HiReke APE Baer A, ees ATA) So 0s choi iy mugok FAIR LIC ‘employee identification (badge) A ak#l take a tour of ~# ZI facility Ale, at) folder AER, CI rofer to ~B asic! form 35, 54 BN cafeteria Metei2n}, 3H A supervisor 42k ZRF specific Rae, P21 ‘workstation $1280|¢(2%1 €! iA FOIE: gt 32 submit MGskctchard in) paperwork MF aA, NE RIF ‘80 What is the main purpose of the talk? {A) To desoribe a building wee ee (8) Tolist planned events (ong BA 20H (©) Toname new employees (a 38 28 (0) To introduce a supervisor aaa 81. What is included in each person's folder? 9 nis () Amap aw AB (8) Alunch ticket (asa aa (©) Anidentification badge was (0) Aparking pass 82 When will the employees hand in the forms? Ww ate we (A) When they receive their badges wan 218 a (8) On artival atthe facility (owe AA Roy (© After lunch zee (©) During the tour gage Fe sue PIeTT 2h MBO F2H0] BO! ETI? Hage OM ARE HEB 20D ‘athe S92 Bs FOL ISIE BP 1 OP IME. 315 8 Welcome Io New Employee Oferaion. Here's wet were doing today 164 428) AL SetOl 44 OS Ate SSEIO a LL wt Cf, HRHAL what wee doing todays erred eversei BPO) SB BPI ‘ol ect ame OlB cl, 1801 93 Te folder in ont of you conisns a map o fe bulding 9 Zt | ARR: MIE Bogie BOB (ar OIE. (C) An ienicaton badge fe HADI Bol Qe 201 Leh 20-4 UO Aout eoch get an employer ‘cenllcstion badgeIPED s4202 Beh 28 8831) UES RoIeiT, parking pass $512 fx 28) youre wording when ‘you aly submit ot your paper, ifs afer, when you meet wih your soperieore ll} BE MS wel AE ot St oh a IRE Sein Soom (cht Bel et, UBIO OE suo ‘lol your paperwork hardin he fore: a SFO BE percheesng, hand in ~ agit 83-85 Ladies and gentlemen, we regret to inform you that the 10:00 ais} Su oje4s, 1081 Buy obyoIgIe utd SNS) Bee ‘AM. National Airlines flight from Philadelphia to Seattle has ulol) ADI wlti#o| asi wate Goi gz been cancefed. **There is another flight scheduled to leave ich. SA HEFOIM OF rol Of Seta aizetx from gate 3A here in Philadelphia at 1:00 P.M. and arrive in Ain 29, 2 *14 7A) Apo} SA CHE wsHEOL Seattle at 7:00 this evening, with a short stopover in Chicago. Slavic, BS mA =A sBBLICL HIE vIeNIO| Ban We apologize for the inconvenience. “Each passenger on the S01 Sa) OOD AB rise! cS IE 2S som ‘canceled flight will receive a coupon for 50 dollars off a future leak Sali FEB CH AAU CI BME SEIU, flight anywhere in North America. Again, the flight from SusembsaI’ elo! Liaw ZR, Ato AON et Philadelphia to Seattle via Chicago will (eave gate 3A at 1:00 slo] 2 TAIL 3A BEFOLM AuIB EIU, P.M. and arrive in Seattle at 7:00. regret to inform A that aod ~2I2 2215 sof #20K} cancel FAs} stopover 271248, Be E71 apologize for ~ol lst AECL inconvenience 8%, $0!) passenger Sah via ~@ B80, ~H tah {83 When isthe new fight scheduled to sing vee 2 Senol Sty BAL BB Thore le encher fight ave atts destination? ses RecHee Mien oom @) 10:00AM. weet 08 £1700 th ering, ih a sto sopoee 1:00PM Barn fn Cresonot ADE TAN St (C) 2:00 P.M. (0) 24 2A) “WF OWED SAAC, (al Seek wINNEIO) {0} 7:00 P.M. (247A SHUMIOIOLY SPARE OYRIOIRIE AIO, f= Mee siso| BEANO OLN BU A zoe destination $31) 84 What is National Alines offering? UIs BEAD ABSHS SSS OMS SIM At Each passengor on (8) Aretund for tickets wr tne canceled fight wil recone (©) A tree trip to Seattie wor ae ‘moon fr 80 clare of a Me Bort (C) Adiscount on a tuture flight (©) Aloe vIXIO! Re OR anywhere in Noth Americal 28 (0) An eatlir tight to Philadelphia (a8 9B 28 8 ete OM AusIS eno «NOAH FE FRB Aka HCO ae (cor ao et rotund ta, 85 Where wilthe new fight depart from? Au OIC sew 22117 BIE BAL Thee Armher oh (A) Gate 34. aA BSF scheduled to leave from gate 3A here: (B) Gate 7A 7A BST in Phitadelphia at 100 PMO 3A Be © eats 108 cose fon) are ae SE a ® 2 x (©) Gate 128 Drager apie depart autet 86-88 Ladies and Gentlemen, °*Thank you for coming tonight to Celebrate tho opening of the Peabody Wing of the Groen Valley ‘Science Museum. "'dfike to hand the microphone over to @ very important person, Mr. James Lawry, architect and designer of the Peabody Wing. Mr. Lawry is known world-wide for his innovative design concepts and practical style. We can certainly ‘see that here, He has given us a state-of-the-art, user-iendly space in which to feature our special interactive science exhibits. “In fact, next month we will feature our first exhibit, “Astronomy in Focus.” Please join me in welcoming Mr. Jarnes Lowry. SAF Re oft, 3 el 28 RSL aI] Be EE AoveI| ek AH HN BN) CALL ike PHLOIL a BA 2a] MODY nos SIH} BLE Wek! Bel ah rat atlas, 2 Mi Sse Cine ge Bat 2 Asia H ADINOR AaMUCh OYE THE ae! 2 4 SUBUICL Te Hee S> ae ay Aral SI B UEKIES siBOIeW AlBxIBO! olgapl He Bae Diet SAKGLICh, Aa THE oh 4 AIAleLE “RIAr g1 PAC @ ZI Ok IML BLA el aN BRA AI iwc. Celebrate 7a, $sizk hand over 2c, wie microphone O10 architect 287+ world-wide & Peg! innovative ase), AI concept AH, 2H practical aR) aUNIselstate-ot-the-er SKLAR, ac7e=| user-friendly Hab7t 61 feature ~2l Rae OFC, astronomy 828 in focus S20] Yor, ESCH SIR interactive 418 “82h, BWI exhibit HAleh LAK {86 Where is the event being held? sh Sela He ae otcievR ‘© Wat B21 Thank yeu for comes (A) Ata theater waa ‘orght o cxetrele re opening of he (®) Ata science laboratory nm aes Peabody Wing of the Green Valley (© Ra potel ose Serco Museumob et Se et © Ata museum ieee +82) Bec] 7B A871 He ae 2 2 cet aastcin om IPO Ht ‘BBimiseun) BAUE 2 4 C1 beheld wate sis Isboratory 4888 87 Whois James Lawry? HOA gels SRR? 1 Wd 220 Ke where re croshorw (A) Anarchitect nae ‘ver vor noatert perso Mores (8) Ascientist ea awry, architect and designs of the Alssion Be dann wea somone (0) A fashion designer ‘opees cinoma ae 88. What will happen next month? YS gol FE gio] BIB 2I717 BONY = SIM ERS Ww fact, ext month (A) Some renovations wilt be we aus eR 2018 we will feature our fist exhibit undertaken. ©) BY Glad! SB 20K, “Aswonemy in Focus" Al CHB SOL 3 (B) Aspocial exhibit will open. (0) SHI A YAR Be Hore NIB "HA ZoKEN See (PF (©) The collection will move to anew ——_(0)s4 RUE FBR OI, ore, location. renovation #21 725 (©) Anew director will be hired. Underaie ac, -8kcHundershor undereck-uncensian collection te location 24, #31 director 321, OM, 2 hire marc, Bs 89-91 ‘The Sidney Eagles would like to thank all of you for supporting us this season. At this time, we'd like to remind our fans that tickets are stil available for tomorrow night’s game against the Rutherford Panthers. Come back and cheer for your Sidney Eagles as they play for the title of Pacific Conference champions. To purchase tickets, visit the ticket office on your way out of the stadium. ** "Remember that the first 500, ticket-holders to arrive at tomorrow's game will receive Sidney Eagles T-shirts paid for by Sharma's Sporting Goods, our ‘sponsors for tomorrow's night's game. Sharma invites you to visit any of their convenient store locations for all your athletic clothing needs. Gates open one hour before the start of the game. We'll see you then! AIEL OJBAE OW! ASO Bk FA! oie DOH ZA} 21 28 celax! ALC, By eB MOH S| BIICIS Be Ao] 271 wa OF Fahy 4 I BE BET 1 SIARY elnela amie XI $2 WOKS B>pol OM NAIL) OAS S84 FAMIE, UAE TaHsHIeIe DiI UPA wot aFSLAOl Hel BAIS. I ara Ale Gia! ATR S AAG SOO UB 2191 SB NG AO) ABA SHOW) Hitt AIEL| OBA esi £9 ABIL 77S ABO} ofa GAIA HOw SESE -FOUSHAI] MRLICL, RIE 27] AE BE Ah wo otal 4 SIS. aa waaLioH remind 7AP avalable 78 2s, UeR!-+ we cheer for ~a SI! purchase FAlsic} ticket office wes licket-holder 2! AXP sponsor AEH, #8) convenient 2h, gol BE athletic clothing #BS 89 Where would the announcement most likely be heard? wae (A) Ata stadium (asa saa (8) Ata sports equipment store (gs (©) Atamovie theater © ar (0) Ata conference center 90 What will be given away tomorrow (A) An award for an athlete {B) Shirts for audience members (©) Tickets to a game (©) Maps of the area 91. Who paid for the item being given away? (A) Anoffice supply store er (8) Anathietic team ye ees (©) A stadium manager wae (©) A sporting goods store ora ot ABA gat ny Ofcoba a ate ele 277 Fal Bot 920) SOmRIETT? right? (a) sa sh & BOE (@ Sno 428 B IC, (0) 2] ras & 20K, (0) 21g use Ue ZI, UNE MO: Be 7E NIB! 2 5 YI BOHM URL IE TIE chine 6 ko to remind our fans that kets 0 98 avelbe for torortow rights ‘game against the Rutrerora Panthers) Bin ie HO OIRO, B7ISIN SE 4 ote OM WANE a > Bet Ss UL ‘81 Bt vit he tekst ofleo on your ‘way ut ofthe siacura (A7} 0% E Mastel OSS 28 +215, conference center ei emis te ASE Wt 22 Romember tha the fest 500 tet aldes 0 ere al torearo's came wal cove Schey Eagles This OlM BE AN) S A SOORO NEL) OA EAS cn sitoos (G1 BEDI, S61 WSO QE! chat holds audience members FRO BBE) A FON tive away (am) UNECE Award &, a athlete £5 Ae i vid 2 ~ Srey Eagles Panis a ler by Sharmels Spring Goods, our Sones fr fomorow's ight gare Ug wt a a7] ABN! AbzO} ase SgoWY Geteks ASU ofA EAR = opin sktooe (OP! AEOKL Sal os! te 28 Sroma ives you fo vl any the conerien sxe batons forall ct your athioic cating neecs01M ABDI: Aus BE OIE + Ch ay for ~21 aa 20 office supply store ares sess PNY! 92-94 "As you know, last year we decided to add coffee shops to our larger stores. Now people linger at the stores and buy more housewares and furniture after they've eaten. "On Monday, | received our sales Tigutes, and } am pleased to report that our ssales in London and New York have increased by 20 percent. “However, in the Paris store, sales have had no change. We're not sure exactly why, but this may be due to the unusually warm weather, which began about two weeks ago. So we've decided to try marketing some cold beverages there to lure people into the store, Ofa#E OMICAIE, SON el BANG! REO IES =y BAP VIE BESEUC. Oe EEE ni] OF OFOI NG OS ol CIE 7IBROIL! 7S PaIsIA eS ct BEM aNgeE ARE wet eI HOM AHBO| 20% SHRIEK 818 ebm oh RIC, HAL Hel abs, 2] 217 MgO WO! RittaLICh. BRE OWE DFE BL XiQ OE 2% Nol ABE! Of ZE MBUREE SBUC SPN ARIBR OOR SOW 4 ER BERR Boe we 7a sastau, linger 20) 012%, 27210 housewares 722% sales igures HHS=t due to ~tkzel ~al 7}—I8 beverage Se, ots lure #28, #01801} 92. What were introduced at some of the stores? (A) Air-conditioning systems (8) Furniture departments ©) Cafés (0) Supermarket sections {93 When did the speaker receive the sales figures? (A) On Monday (B) On Tuesday (©) On Thureday (D) On Friday 94 In which city have sales remained the same? (A) New York (8) London {(C) Tokyo (0) Paris i aigol Ses 28 Sa—PP oy ene A ee ag, (oo yst 1 4 ong he Om ngek RS WEN? wasy wang ogny Inaae igo) adie cate fee wee ew ose ome 1 B21 lost year we decided to add cafes shops to our larger strestlA aol ska RAAV?PIe aan Ho 28 (CPF BOI, etMl PE cote ‘shopall MOREA Cafes UFO HE BS AE SFO FR air-conditioning se 2121 section aks, 294 RL B24 On Marky, rane our sales fares ASSN cis A WE cia SOS (071 BOC 1 Wnt BBS) i the Pats sore, sles have had no change 2 OL igo Bal} Sigel aiOOR OPS GOICE. (A) New York (8) London ‘201 APBEI Zour sales In London ana Now York have Increased by tweniy perceno} (C) Tokyots BASIN) 2 ROIS a eb 81 > BEC 95-97 "Thank you for the generous introduction, Mr. Park. *1 am delighted to be here tonight to receive this prestigious award. {have been an avid reader since my childhood, but my interest in writing didn’t start until | was at university when I wrote for a Campus newspaper. At around the same time, | started writing short stories as a hobby. | never imagined that my hobby would turn into a career! “if Mr. Oberly, my agent, hadn't encouraged ime to submit my writing to publishers ten years ago, | wouldn't be standing here today; so, Mr. Oberly, thank you —| couldn't have asked for a better agent. | would also like to thank all of my readers —I will continue to share my stories with you. Introduction ee ee 1 BE N@ WH S| TRL Me ole ATRL SA Bolg, SU7K CHE APS! en AIG} BB ANSI ef Be 7H SRISLich 1 FB Ais Oe Au 27) ABIgRE, $107} SOI Silene ols Sete SHE el oo EE! oatsal wP} Ow Bat BS BEAL A ‘Bol AIT BEI ete Ob 0] eI] + BE 2 Qc), RAL Mel AA ZAK SRL, owe] MCE 9 SBE OIE BE WIC, =P Sr} aEME a NE SALE BUC. YORE AS H OPIN OT BH Bese prestigious ws ats, RHE avid SHO. aE! career ¥2k: 01 agent folie, cee! encourage A to do Adi! ~e! 2 8Sic} submit MsIc) publisher 24), BEE share BesIct riunancstnpaa” Sse See {B) To accept an award wae Sus Mei $f Mol Fol 7tRe Holo (©) To introduce a speaker (aN a0 ‘eh OP Mis alms Sim Bat Terk {0} To promote a book EN BE Jou Ris: Jo pee, Si reeinelr ) Tor = award, OPO] A7HB WE BIXPE at A Soe oaeer ee 96 What is true about the speaker? anol catt dalce ge 2127 Al Wat wen 1 wrote for 2 campus (A) She is a career advisor. (A) SEBO mewspaperOiAt CIS ‘seo a ACH {B) She started writing when she was (B) 10a wg at 247) ALEC 288 (CPt BYOIC Pals campus: {C) She wrote ‘or a university aM BPBICt, : iB ) biel y siaiatiililablail “Ie let MO|OILI2t BPdyrten04, (3) (0) She works at a publishing company, 97 Who is Mr. Oberiy? -auiga| wi 7eDP (A) Amarketing manager (a9 ii (8) Averiter wise (0) Abook editor es Bam (©) An agent Door ofs| BuDIo1 A 3 AIEEE 2 AF | wos at unversiyofic 2h ate af W BEIAOIN Pah 21 S0Lo2 DIS BEN H+ Bt, publishing company ae ‘ROWAN EB Mr, Obaty, my ‘agenk, tacit encoulaged me 10 suit old Onto Ale oforezin IO 2 (07) SORE Bie smal sBEOL set, editor at are 98-100 “tm Alan Lam and you'e listening to Business Totay on HK Radio One. “Results of the National Manufacturers’ Association’s annual survey Were released today. Nearly three ‘out of four survey respondents indicated that having high-quality employees is the factor most critical to their success. The second most commonly selected factor was new product innovation. Most respondents noted that they must create innovative products in order to compete in the global ‘marketplace. ‘Surprisingly, low-cost piodkiction ranked third in ‘the survey; in the past, this has been the number one response, with manufacturers placing an emphasis on inexpensive operations. Now, it appears, executives are hoping to have high- quality employees and be innovative, a0. Dit We! DOES HK aiclo iol ILIA SH Ob Ea ANU, 2 AERA Hel a ONE AF aE O& MROMEU, SEE! 7 exe) sol 2S AO 71 2 Bol 72 Bae easta YESLCL See Te 0] ARE! SAE SARE HAIRILC CYS SEIIBOI NP ARAM fae EEA RRO IR tRHON oF cla aMHSLICh, EINE, TER BO] AIO 30H 3 iakaLich, Plots xB! AOL 19m ANA AE 2 Hee BSR A=MaH! OW alee Ta SE musa 718 SR mise Hea Ge OR WAILC manufacturer 22h, 2423} annual 29] SOIC} release WHsIc, WEI respondant SEA} high-quality et factor 24, 22) crcal dela $32! innovation (72) eset ovate IER) -marketplace AP low-cost H7io| x8) place an emphasis on ~et 8 Sct, 28k) operation #8 executive SEH oly, ase! 98 Who is Alan Lam? we F000 1A) A company executive va 8 en (8) A factory worker wee ae (©) Arado broadcaster (ovatcie wae (0) An economist (aan {99 Who responded to the survey? (A) Manufacturing executives {B) Factory line workers (©) Product designers (0) Human resources managers (ay eRe ae (88 HOI (0) 2 ea 4100 How did the survey responses differ from those of previous years? WERE (A) More new product plans were reported. 2 (8) Fewer businesses responded. (©) Employee experience was not studied. {D) Gost was considered less important. 2! Off Ao1 BUR! ARIE =PeDI7 a8 ay ag een of Als] BBE MI Beta ofa 0 ol ae So 7h gO) eS (ei 1te0| 740) BES ont a (0 BBS ge BEER BRIG, (742 3 Bae toe aeeSRE A a] Im Alan Lam and you're Fetening lo Business Today on HK Radio Cheah 8mIS| OE ee OR HK 2} Fo RO) (AIA SeMOD lsh At B28 2 > SEL &, eI HE aicIo8 A wimotee broadcaster ex, oles! economist Hix © eiat 891 Resuts of the Nationa Manutocturers' Association's anrwal sunveyt ORI £291 Now, appees, ‘executives are hoping 10 have high ually employees and be Iovate, oo, 1 Uno) AERA SS COR At og auels © 4 et ‘human resources 213 78) OM ei £8 Surprisingly, low-cost ‘preduton ranked third i the survey. in the past is has been the curber one responce ~ Obs} Oi: ABE 71 7a Bak 7k ByLOH, Bet ZA} one 9 ACI OAR (OP! 3 Bol st

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