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The Hindu News Analysis – 10th July 2022 – Shankar IAS Academy
S. Page Number*
News Articles
No. C B D H T

1 Altering green laws (FAQ) 18 12 12 12 12

2 Easing learning for children with ASD using robots 17 11 11 11 11

3 Akbar in different shades (Magazine) M5 M5 M5 M5 M5

4 Muon magnetism 17 11 11 11 11

5 Polio threat 17 11 11 11 11

6 Food carbon footprint 17 11 11 11 11

7 20 red pandas to make a home in the forests 1 1 1 1 -

8 Prelims Practice Questions

@ end of the video
9 Mains Practice Questions
*M – Magazine; C – Chennai; B – Bengaluru; D – Delhi; H – Hyderabad; T – Thiruvananthapuram


Pg: 18 – C;
Pg: 12 – T,
B, D, H;

Proposed amendments
Part A—Preliminary Examination
Paper I - (200 marks) • The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
 Current events of national and international • The Water (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act, 1974.
 General issues on Environmental ecology, Bio-
diversity and Climate Change - that do not require • The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution)
subject specialization. Act, 1981.
Part B—Main Examination
• The Public Liability Insurance (PLI) Act,
PAPER-IV 1991.
General Studies‐ III: Technology, Economic
• These laws led to the setting up of the
Development, Bio diversity, Environment, Security
and Disaster Management Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB).

• Conservation, environmental pollution and • Empowered it to take action - who pollute

degradation, environmental impact assessment.
air, water and land.


• Article 253 - EPA - November 19, 1986. Proposed amendments

• Framework for studying, planning, & • Seeks to decriminalize existing provisions of

implementing long-term requirements of this EPA.

environmental safety. • Remove the fear of imprisonment for simple

• System of speedy and adequate response to
situations that threatens the environment. • Replaces the provisions of imprisonment with
simple fines.

• Does not apply to violations that cause grave

injury or loss of life.

• For instance:

 Current E PA - Violations - 5 years or a

fine up to ₹1 lakh or both.

 Jail term - to extend to 7 years.


Proposed changes
• Provision of a jail term for the first
• No clear rationale on why these
default removed.
amendments were necessary.
• Penalties may extend from five lakh to five
• Current laws had limited effectiveness.
• Indian courts took between 9-33 years to
• Appointment of an ‘adjudication officer’.
clear a backlog of cases for environmental
• Decide on the penalty in cases of
environmental violations.
• From 2018 - 45,000 cases were pending for
• Instead of imprisonment the amendment
proposes to impose penalties.
• More than 90% of the cases were pending
• Funds collected as penalties would be placed
for trial in five of the seven environment
in “Environmental Protection Fund.” laws.



• Certain category of crimes - ‘civil crimes’

 Easier to hold organisations accountable. Practice Question – Mains

• ‘Criminal complaints’ follow a set procedure GS – III
and it was extremely time-consuming. Q. What are the proposed amendments in
De Merits the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
Do you think this proposed amendment
• Proposed penalties were too meagre. will address the lacunae in the existing
• Opened up avenues for large scale
law ?
corruption. (250 words, 15 marks)
• Adjudication Officers could be arbitrary in
their decision-making.


Pg: 17 – C;
Pg: 11 – T, B, D, H;

Part A—Preliminary Examination

Paper I - (200 marks)
 Current events of national and international importance.
 General Science.
Part B—Main Examination
General Studies- II: Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International relations.
 Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Centre and States and the performance of these
schemes; mechanisms, laws, institutions and Bodies constituted for the protection and betterment of these
vulnerable sections.
 Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human
General Studies-III: Technology, Economic Development, Bio diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster
 Science and Technology- developments and their applications and effects in everyday life.



• Autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

• Diverse group of conditions related to the

development of the brain.

• Generally begin at or before the age of 3.

• Lasts throughout life.

• Characteristics:

 Difficulty with social interaction and communication.

 Atypical patterns of activities and behaviours - difficulty in transitioning activities or

focusing on details etc.

 Restricted interests.

 Repetitive, and stereotyped

pattern of behaviour.


• Level of intellectual functioning, abilities and needs -

varies widely and can evolve. • Has impact on education and
employment opportunities.
• Co-occurring conditions:
• Care and support varies:
a) Epilepsy
 Some may live independently,
b) Depression
while some may require life-long
c) Anxiety care and support.

d) Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). • WHO - worldwide, about one in 100
children has autism.
e) Difficulty in
sleeping • Often diagnosed later and not in

f) Self-injury etc. early childhood.

• Causes:
• Role of family, community, society, local and
 Exact cause not known. national authorities - important for greater
accessibility, inclusivity and support - for
 But involves environmental and genetic
enhancing the quality of life of people with
• Childhood vaccine does not increase the risk
of autism.

• No cure available.

• Interventions from early childhood and across

the life span.

 Evidence-based psychosocial interventions -

improves communication and social skills.

 Monitor the child development as part of

routine maternal and child health care.


Measures taken in India to enhance the quality of life of people with autism

a) Rights of Persons with Disability Act 2016 - covers c) GHARAUNDA or Group Home And Rehabilitation
all the disabilities. Activities for Disabled Adults.
b) National Trust for Welfare of Persons with  Provides an assured minimum quality of care
Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and services for persons with autism - throughout the
Multiple Disabilities - set up in the year 2000 as a life at an affordable price on a sustainable basis.
legal entity:
d) Niramaya - Health Insurance Scheme for persons with
 to enable and empower persons with disability Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and
 facilitate support to registered organizations Multiple Disabilities.

 deal with problems of disabled persons who do  Provides insurance cover up to Rs. 1 lakh.
not have family support,  Covers services - regular medical check-up etc.
 promote measures for their care and protection e) Vikaas Day Care - Day care scheme aims to set up
in the event of loss of parents and guardians, Vikaas Centres for welfare of persons with
 evolve a procedure for appointment of guardians disabilities.
and trustees so that equal opportunities,  Primarily for enhancing interpersonal and vocational
 ensuring protection of rights and full skills.
participation of such persons.

Robot Cozmo

• Novel technology developed by scientists from

Indian Institute of Science and Academy for
Severe Handicaps and Autism (ASHA).

 Uses toy robot Cozmo.

• Cozmo:

 Commercially available.

 Advanced facial recognition software.

 New ways to learn and play.

 Coded for formal education goals, social

communication or motor skills.

 Assists in learning of children with autism.


Practice Question – Prelims

Q. Consider the following statements:
1. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is
diagnosed through a blood test.
2. Asperger syndrome is a type of ASD.
3. People with ASD have abnormal levels
of serotonin in the brain.
Which of the above statements is/are
a) 1 and 2 only
b) 1 only
c) 2 and 3 only
d) 1, 2 and 3


Part A—Preliminary Examination

Paper I - (200 marks)
 History of India and Indian National
Part B—Main Examination
General Studies‐I: Indian Heritage and
Culture, History and Geography of the World
and Society.
 Indian culture will cover the salient aspects
of Art Forms, literature and Architecture
from ancient to modern times.

Pg: 5 – Sunday Magazine

– C, B, D, H, T;

Abu-Ul-Fath Jalal-Ud-Din-Muhammad Akbar

Initial years of Akbar
• Advent of the Mughal rule in India - rich culture
• Born to King Humayun and Begum
and ethical changes.
Hamida Banu - Exile (1542).
• Dates down to the 16th century AD.
• Keenly interested in learning all
• Ruled India from 1556 to 1605 AD. warfare techniques.

• Son of Humayun - ruled over India for 26 years. • Totally disinterested in reading or

• Grandson of Babur. writing.

• Not at all educated - keen interest in

gaining knowledge.

• At a very small age of just 13 years

- Shehanshah Akbar.

• Keen guidance of Bairam Khan.


Provincial Administration

• Bairam Khan - most faithful and • Divided his vast empire into fifteen (15) Subas

capable military general. or provinces.

• Initially a general in Himayun’s army. • Each suba or province - Subedar, a Diwan, a

Bakshi, a Sadar, a Qazi, a Kotwal, a Mir Bahr
• Bairam Khan helped Akbar to put an
and Waqa-i-Nawis.
end to Hemus’ constant dictatorship.
• Subedar or Governor - head of the provincial
• Hemu was a Hindu Minister.
• Bairams command that Akbar’s army
 Enjoyed vast powers and was in-charge of
defeated Hemu.
the provincial military, police, judiciary and
 In the Second Battle of Panipat in the executive.
1556 AD.
• Diwan - in-charge of the provincial finance.

 All bills of payments were signed by him.

• Bakshi - management of provincial army. • Kotwal - supreme administrator of all ‘thanas’.

• Sadar - in-charge of judicial charity • Responsible for the maintenance of law and
department. order in all the cities.

• Qazi - in-charge of judicial department. • Mir Bahr - in-charge of customs and taxation
• Akbar supervised Qazis work.
• Waqa-i-Nawis - in-charge of secret service.


Military Administration • Mughul army consisted of infantry, cavalry,

artillery, elephants, and navy.
• Introduced a new system - Mansabdari
System. • Cavalry - most important wing of the army.

• Mansabdars - maintain soldiers according • Certain defects

to his grade or rank.
 Example: Mansabdars cheated the
• Paid salaries in cash. government.

• System of assignments of lands -  Soldiers - more loyal to the chiefs than

discouraged. to the emperor.

• Directly under the charge of the emperor.  Practice of payment through the
Mansabdars was precarious - often led
• Promoted, degrade or dismissed at
to abuses.
emperor’s will.
 Efficiency of one unit to unit differed.

Land Revenue Administration • Total produce of each land determined

• Land revenue - chief sources of Govt. income.
• Share of the state fixed at one-third of
• Land was measured into ‘bighas’.
the total produce.
• Cultivated land classification:
• Land revenue paid in cash or in kind.
 Polaj land - always cultivated and was
Judicial Administration
never allowed to fallow.
• Before Akbar - Islamic law.
 Parauti land - allowed to fallow for a year
or two to recover its strength. • Under his rule - Hindu law - Hindu parties.

 Chachar land - to be left uncultivated for • Islamic law - Muslim parties.

three or four years.
• King - highest court of appeal.
 Banjar land - to be left fallow for five
• Capital punishment given only in extreme
years or more.
cases by the emperor.


Religion Under Akbar

Social reforms
• Not an extreme Muslim
• 1563 - Pilgrim Tax abolished.
• Tolerant towards all the religions.
• 1564 - Jaziya - a tax imposed
• Made many religious matrimonial alliances
on non-Muslims - abolished.
• His marriage to the Rajput princess Jodha - his
• Tried to stop the practice of
• Got a temple constructed
• Discouraged Child marriage
for Jodha in his palace.
• Female-infanticide was forbidden.
• To strengthen his belief in
• Encouraged Widow-marriages. the oneness of all

• Propounded the principal of Din Ai Elahi.

 Spread the theory of “All Religions are Same”.

Art and Culture under Akbar • His forts and palaces in and around
Delhi - great masterpieces of
• A great patron for art and culture.
unmatched workmanship.
• Enjoyed the company of poets and singers & all
• Fatehpur Sikri, Allahabad Fort, and
types of artistic people.
Agra Fort etc.
• Was a great lover of music and poetry.
• 1605 - age of 63 Akbar suffered a
• His durbar was a unique amalgamation of great very bad bout of dysentery.
artists, scholars, poet, and singers etc.
• Took Akbar’s life.
• First imposing buildings erected in Agra.
• Buried in a dignified way in the
• 1570 established his new capital Fatehpur Sikri. grand fort of Agra.

• Combination of Indian Hindu and Persian Muslim • Akbar’s tomb is in Sikandra - north
architecture. west of Agra.

• Abandoned after 16 years due to a lack of water. • Succeeded by his on Jahangir.


Practice Question – Mains

GS – I
Q. Discuss the administrative reforms and
social reforms made by the Greatest
Mughal Emperor, Akbar.
(250 Words, 15 Marks)


Pg: 17 – C;
Pg: 11 – T, B, D, H;


Pg: 17 – C;
Pg: 11 – T, B, D, H;


Pg: 17 – C;
Pg: 11 – T, B, D, H;

UPSC 2019 Mains examination

Q. What are the reformative steps taken by the Government to make food
grain distribution system more effective?
(250 words, 15 marks)


Pg: 1 – C, B, D, H;

Red panda • Almost 50% of the red panda’s habitat is

• Slightly larger than a domestic cat. in the Eastern Himalayas.

• With a bear-like body and thick russet fur. • Live in the rainy mountain forests.

• Very skilful and acrobatic animal. • Spend the vast majority of their lives in
trees - sleep and sunbathe.
• Predominantly stays in trees.

• Primarily an herbivore.

• Rarely eat meat.

• Name panda from the Nepali word ‘ponya,’ -

bamboo or plant eating animal.


• Chinese researchers - 2 species of Red


• Chinese red pandas and Himalayan red


• Slightly larger than a domestic cat

• With a bear-like body and it has thick

russet or reddish brown fur.

• Chinese red pandas - redder fur

• Himalayan pandas - whiter face.

• Himalayan red panda needs more urgent

protection - lower genetic diversity and
small population size.

Reasons for population decline

Conservation Status
• Major reason - loss of nesting trees and
• IUCN - endangered
• Wildlife Protect Act, 1972 - Schedule 1
• Often killed when caught in traps meant for
other animals - wild pigs and deer. • A community-based conservation and
protection for the species - necessary.
• Poached for their distinctive pelts in China
and Myanmar. • Its habitat stretches across remote areas.

• Fur caps or hats have been found for sale

in Bhutan.


Practice Question – Prelims

Q. Consider the following pairs:
States National Park
1. Assam - Dibru Saikhowa
2. Tripura - Rajbari
3. West Bengal - Neora Valley
How many pairs given above are correctly
a) Only one pair
b) Only 2 pairs
c) All 3 pairs
d) None of the above


Practice Question – Prelims

Q. Consider the following statements:
1. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is
diagnosed through a blood test.
2. Asperger syndrome is a type of ASD.
3. People with ASD have abnormal levels
of serotonin in the brain.
Which of the above statements is/are
a) 1 and 2 only
b) 1 only
c) 2 and 3 only
d) 1, 2 and 3


Practice Question – Prelims

Q. Consider the following pairs:
States National Park
1. Assam - Dibru Saikhowa
2. Tripura - Rajbari
3. West Bengal - Neora Valley
How many pairs given above are correctly
a) One pair
b) Two pairs
c) All 3 pairs
d) None of the above

Practice Question – Mains

Practice Question – Mains
GS – I Q. What are the proposed amendments in
Q. Discuss the administrative reforms and the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
social reforms made by the Greatest Do you think this proposed amendment
Mughal Emperor, Akbar. will address the lacunae in the existing
(250 Words, 15 Marks) law ?
(250 words, 15 marks)


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