5.21 Safety Documentaion and Authorization Workshop

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‫وثائق السالمة وتفويض‬

‫وثائق السالمة‬
What is Safety Document ?
‫ما ل&&مقصود ب&&وثيقة ا&&لسالمة‬
It is An official document issued by an Authorized
Issuer to Authorized Receiver in order to perform
Energized, De- Energized and Non Electrical work on
SEC Distribution system.

‫عبارة عن وثيقة رسمية تصدر من المصدر للمستلم للعمل‬

‫على معدة كهربائية حيه أو مفصوله أو للقيام بعمل غير‬
‫كهربائي في شبكة التوزيع بالشركة‬
Why Do we need Safety Documents ?
• Safety documents provide procedures for the
preparation, issuance, clearance and
cancellation of HV and LV (Equipment
Disconnection and reconnection
Order-“EDRO”) Documents.
• All the workers must consider the needs to
achieve safety target by obtaining and
properly following Safety Documents.
‫على جميع العاملين أن يدركوا الحاجة لتحقيق‬ ،‫وثيقة السالمة توفر وتوضح إجراءات تجهيز‬
‫أعلى مستويات السالمة من خالل إتباع إجراءات‬ ‫ الفسح واإللغاء لعزل أو توصيل‬، ‫إصدار‬
‫وثائق السالمة‬ ‫المعدات الكهربائية‬
• It is the responsibility of the all concerned SEC Departments
Managers, Supervisors and Contractors to implement these
safety documents (HV and LV PTWs):
• i. Working on / near electrical facilities / lines / equipment or devices within restricted
areas, work should not be carried out without Safety documents (Permit to Work).
‫التأكد من الحصول على وثيقة السالمة عند العمل على أو بالقرب من المعدات والخطوط والمنشئات الكهربائية‬

• ii. Situations and tasks where there are potential high risks involved or are considered
Hazardous areas; the assigned employees must be highly trained and qualified.
‫التأكد من الحصول على وثيقة السالمة في تنفيذ األعمال التي تتضمن مستوى خطورة عالي وأهلية الموظفين لتلك األعمال‬
• iii. To ensure that the personnel who are assigned to electrical work have the proper
technical training and skills to execute the assigned work.
‫التأكد من الحصول األشخاص الذين يقومون باألعمال الكهربائية على التدريب الفني المناسبة لتأدية العمل‬

• iv. To ensure that the employees understand the safe work procedures and have the
capability to deal with risks that may arise during the execution of the work.
‫التأكد من معرفة الموظفين إلجراءات العمل اآلمن وكيفية التعامل مع األخطار التي قد تنجم أثناء تأدية العمل‬
Note: If safety documents (PTWs- HV & LV are not taken for works, it
will be called safety document violation)
‫عدم الحصول على وثيقة سالمة يعتبر مخالفة‬
It means if any Employee work without safety
document or Power loss or break down occurs on
wrong information / clearance “WARNING” shall be
If any injury or loss of material occurs then
employee will be “transferred from operation to
Non operation department”.

If any fatality occurs then the concern employee will

be “fired” as Per SEC policy.
Distribution Health, Safety & Environment
Group (DHSE)
• Distribution Health, Safety & Environment Group
(DHSE) will conduct regular inspections of all activities to
monitor the implementation of SEC Safety documents.
‫ مجموعة السالمة وصحة البيئة لنشاط التوزيع بعقد‬/ ‫• ستقوم دائرة‬
.‫زيارات اعتيادية للتأكد من تطبيق إجراءات وثائق السالمة بالشركة‬
Who Deals With Safety Documents ?
Authorized Receiver Authorized Issuer
Competent Worker
Trained / Qualified Trained / Qualified Trained / Qualified
Authorized Authorized Authorized
Cards color codes for authorized persons are
defined as follows:-
A. Authorized Issuer Persons shall be in
Pink color
B. B. Authorized Receiver Persons shall be in
Yellow color
C. Competent Persons shall be in
White color
Three Main types of Safety Documents

(1) The LV PTW
The LV PTW to be used for the voltages including
and up to 13.8kv/400-230 volts or 33kv/400/230
volts Maintenance / construction work to be
performed on LV system.
The procedure for work permit receiver and issuer is
same as for the HV permit issuing and cancellation but
the LV permit form and LV PTW card
33/13.8 ‫تصاريح العمل للجهد المنخفض تستخدم في أعمال الصيانة واإلنشاءات على مستويات جهد‬
‫ ف‬230-400 / ‫ك ف‬
‫يتم تطبيق إجراءات التفويض للمصدر والمستلم لتصاريح الجهد المنخفض بنفس طريقة إجراءات الجهد‬
Three Main types of Safety Documents
(2) The (IER) document has been
segregated and issued for other
Distribution, Transmission, Generation
and all Non-SEC interconnected
Consumers for the points of interface
between the SEC-Distribution and these
Mentioned Authorities.
(3) HV Safety Documents
1. Sanction To Work
2. Sanction For Test
3. Limitation Of Access
4. Hot Line Work
5. Isolation & Earthing
6. Portable Earthing Application
HV Safety Documents
1. Sanction To Work (STW) :
STW is a Safety Document issued by the Authorized Issuer to an Authorized
Receiver and in charge of the electrical equipment, which is isolated from all
possible power sources and earthed with Circuit Main Earthing switch as per
switching Program Procedures.

The STW receiver (holder) will be responsible for workers under his control, and
must only work within the limits of the isolation points.

Each crew working within STW limits should hold an individual STW.

Multiple crews working within the limits of the same STW for different jobs shall
work under separate Safety Documents, received and closed by each crew
HV Safety Documents
2. Sanction For Test (SFT) :
SFT is a safety Document issued by the Authorized Issuer to an Authorized
Receiver and in charge of testing any part of the high voltage electrical system.

Isolation shall be done by the Network Operator / Authorized Personnel and

confirmed by the Maintenance Personnel or Testing Crew who receive the safety

The SFT defines the high voltage apparatus and circuits which are to be tested
and allows the removal and replacement of Circuit Main Earths (CME) by the
receiver, for testing purposes.
The Testing Crew Leader should be a senior authorized person
No other Safety Document should be pending for the same equipment.

The Testing Crew Leader shall confirm the status of the CME after completing the
tests and shall agree with the Control Engineer whether to remove or re-apply
the CME
HV Safety Documents
3. Limitation Of Access (LOA) :
Limitation of Access is a Safety Document issued by the Authorized
Issuer to an Authorized Receiver and in-charge of work in the vicinity
of or on the live H.V. apparatus. The LOA defines the limits and nature
of the work to be carried out and it is issued when neither a STW nor
SFT are applicable and where verbal instructions are not considered

LOA must be taken from the Control Engineer before starting a work
on or near energized lines or equipment.

LOA is a Safety Document issued with or without switching program.

Examples to get LOA
• Trip Test for Power line / Transformer CB’s
• Repair of Transformer Cooling Fans.
• Repair of battery Chargers.
• Reset an Alarm / Troubleshooting circuit.
• Painting of cable ground link box.
• In service load reading for line/XTFMR/FDR.
• PM of battery banks.
• PM of CB in Test Position
• Cold wash of Transformer / line incomers bushings.
HV Safety Documents
4. Hot Line Work (HLW) : FOR OH POWER LINES.
HLW is a Safety Document issued with or without switching program
by the Authorized Issuer to an Authorized Receiver and in charge of
the overhead line to carry out work on or near an energized line.

Automatic re-closing devices, if any, shall be deactivated

Prior to issuing HLW to work on energized lines and shall be restored at

The end of each working day if the work remains in progress for
more than one day.
Remote / Local selector switch shall be kept on Local or tagged during
the work and brought back to Remote at the end of the working day.

Hot Line Work (HLW) Hot Wash , Hot-stick tightening,

Ground resistivity test, Heavy equipment Pass under line.
HV Safety Documents
5. Portable Earthing Application (PEA) :
Portable Earth Application is a safety document issued by the control engineer I
NWO to an authorized receiver in charge of the electrical equipment which is
not equipped with a Circuit Main Earth switch (CME) and de-energized from all
possible power sources.

This document is mostly needed for equipment related to outdoor substations.

De-Energization shall be done by the Control Center I Network and confirmed by

the control engineer as documented in the safety document form.

This is the Only Safety Document that can be issued together with Other Safety
Document such as STW.
HV Safety Documents
6. Isolation and Earthing Request (IER) :
The (IER) document has been segregated and issued separately for other
distribution, transmission, generation and all Non-SEC interconnected

When work is required by Control Center (A) which involves isolation points that
fall under the jurisdiction of Control Center (B), the following steps are to be
Control Center (A) shall request Control Center (B) to isolate and earth all related
equipment in his authority.

Control Center (B) shall open, earth and put Caution Notice, Hold tags and Safety
Locks at the points of isolation.

Control Center (B) shall issue Isolation and Earthing Request (IER) safety
document to Control Center (A) stating that the equipment is isolated and safe
to work.
Transmission Ln

Non SEC Facility Ln

Work Permit Duration period
• i. The work permit is issued for a period that should not exceed the normal work
shift except in the following cases:

• ii. For more than one shift but not more than (7) days, the authorized issuer and
the authorized receiver can sign the work permit.

• iii. For more than (7) days but not more than (30) days, the supervisor of
operations must issue the permit and the supervisor of maintenance /
construction must receive the work permit.

• iv. For more than (30) days but not more than (120) days, the Division
Manager / Section Head / Operations Shift Supervisor, Must Issue The Permit
And The Division Manager / Supervisor Of Maintenance / Construction Must
Receive The Work Permit.
‫تفويض الموظفين‬
Authorization Of Stuff
Who will Authorize
the Stuff ?
Permanent Authorization
Committee (PAC)
‫لجنة التفويض الدائم‬
Permanent Authorization Committee’’
• Permanent Authorization Committee’’ consist of following members:

• A. Senior Engineer from Network (operations Or Protection),


• B. Senior Engineer from Construction, “Member”.

• C. Senior Engineer from Maintenance, "Member".

• D. DSE GROUP Or 5 star Safety Distribution Safety Engineer,

• Operations manager will approve the authorization Cards
Levels Of Authorization

A. SEC Authorized Issuer

B. SEC Authorized Receiver
C. SEC Competent Worker
Cards color codes for authorized persons are
defined as follows:-
A. Authorized Issuer Persons shall be in
Pink color
B. B. Authorized Receiver Persons shall be in
Yellow color
C. Competent Persons shall be in
White color
Role of “Permanent Authorization Committee (PAC)”

• On receipt of staff applications, Dates for Written / skill test

program will be issued to eligible nominated employees.
• Conduct written tests / skill interviews according to applicant
• For successful applicants, “PAC” will update their status in SEC
intranet system.
• “PAC” will recommend successful applicants to the
concerned Manager for issuing Authorization card for 02
years period.
• For Renewal / Up gradation of Authorization Card, same
process will be followed.
1. Minimum qualification, Diploma Associate Engineer (Technician
Designation) OR, Having 05 years’ experience in same department at
same post/ designation like: Electrician, cable jointer etc.

2. Minimum 6 month experience as co- Issuer/co-PTW Receiver.,

3. 3 months independent Substation operation/Maintenance Experience.

4. He should have successfully complete following courses.

A. SEC Distribution Safety Rules.
B. Permit to work procedure.
C. Lock Out / Tag Out process.
D. Safe Isolation / Grounding process.
E. Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA)
F. First Aid / Emergency rescue.
Eligibility For “Authorized SEC competent worker”
Employees nominated as Competent worker should be

1. Minimum Secondary qualification (10 years schooling) and 02 years

technical certificate in relevant field like: Technician, Electrician, Cable
jointer, fitter, Vehicle ( Crane, Excavator, car) driver.

2. Categories in Competent worker should be according to the SEC


3. Authorized Competent Worker should have successfully complete following


A. Understand SEC distribution safety rules.

B. Safe isolation / grounding procedure.
C. First aid / emergency rescue procedure / Fire
D. Electrician (cable termination, splicing, jointing, etc.).
Emergency No’s
• ISD Dispatcher : 111 , External 0138414111
• Power Dispatcher : 85012

• Civil Defense : 998

• Ambulance : 997 , Nearest Hospital No.

 Get a Switching Program Number (SPN) from PCC
 Execute the switching program
 Ensure that the work place is isolated, grounded and ready for
working safely.
 The execution of the switching / isolation program does not
authorize the receiver to perform the task without obtaining
PTWs and failing to inform to power control center.
 Verify receiver authorization first before processing of PTW
 Safe implementation of PTW procedure
 Proper isolation / grounding of feeder / cables / lines from
terminal jumpers
 Clearly handing over /taking over of PTW form.
 Clearly following/ confirming / cancellation of PTW procedure
 Safely restoration of supply
Responsibilities of ‘’AUTHORIZED RECEIVER’’
 i. Perform the work safely and maintain his own safety as well as
that of those who work with him.
 ii. To ensure that all required tools and equipment including
personal protective equipment are provided and are in a good
 iii. To coordinate with the authorized issuer before starting and
after completion of the work.
 iv. Stop the work at any time if realized that it is not safe.
 v. Inform the issuing party / Authorized Issuer immediately upon
stopping the job.
 vi. Take the necessary action to correct the safety deficiencies and
to re-start the work when the conditions are safe.
 vii. If the work permit is cancelled due to unsafe conditions he
must get a new work permit before stating the job.
• ‘’Sr. Authorized Issuer / Receiver” will
be responsible for job on HV PTW-
69,33,13.8 KV.
• “Jr. Authorized Issuer / Receiver’’ will
be responsible for job on HV PTW, and
can receive LV PTW-415,230,127 V.
What to Do Before Starting
on HV Equipment
1. Permit To Work ( Safety Document ).
2. Barriers / barricades
3. Test By HV Tester
4. Personal Ground if required.
5. Tailboard meeting and job Explanation
6. Lockout Tag out / Try Out where possible.
7. Wear PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).
8. Proper Tools / Equipment
9. Risk Assessment.
What to Do After Completing your job ?

1. Remove Personal Ground.

2. Remove Tools / Equipment.
3. Remove LOTO put by maint. Crew.
4. Remove barriers and Warning tapes.
5. Keep People away from working area.
6. Close Safety document.
7. Verify safety work location incoordination
with issuer.
 Competent worker must keep copy of PTW at job site and fill the required
portion of PTW as per Procedure.
 All work drawings and related work procedures should be kept available at
 Before starting the job always conduct
 job briefing:
 Hazard analysis
 Ensure the availability of tools and PPE to mitigate potential risks.
 Ensure the competency / skill of his team.
 On completion of job and before closing HV PTW must sign the clearance
portion and Return back to Receiver for closing safety document.
 Whenever competent worker signs the clearance portion, he or his team
members shall not do further work on that equipment, line, cable.
Incase of following conditions, Authorization could be canceled:
 Moving from an operational to non-operational
position within SEC Company.
 Leaving the SEC Company.
 Unsatisfactory operational practices.
 Following a serious switching error.
 Moving from one operating area to another.
Procedures for Closing the Work Permit

 1. Both the issuer and the receiver will conduct a joint inspection to ensure
that the work has been completed and the conditions are safe to close out
the work permit.

 2. Both the receiver and the issuer will sign PTW after completion of job and
after ensuring that all personnel, equipment, tools and waste has been
removed from the job site.

 3. The work permit is closed out by the last receiver who completed the
work permit and by the last issuer who also completes the "Closing the Work
Permit” portion of the permit form.

 4. In case of emergency, or if the receiver is not present, the Division

Manager / Section Head Or Receiver's Supervisor Will Close Out The Work

 5. The closed out copy should be returned to the issuer immediately after
completing the job
EA 02-D 15 000022
Primary Distribution Network
East Sector 2015 No. Of PTW
Operations Department-DAM
How To Fill PTW’S
• Warning “Out of Service”
• Caution “Information”

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