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Assessment Cover Sheet

Student Details
Student ID 9843185
Student name Sushant Joshi
Contact number 0477796618
Email address

Course & Unit Details

Course code ICT50220
Course name Diploma of Information Technology
Unit code ICTNWK536
Unit name Plan, implement and test enterprise communication solutions

Student Declaration
• I certify that the work submitted for this assessment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources
used in my submission. I understand that a false declaration is a form of dishonesty and subjected to
• I have kept a copy of this assessment and all relevant notes, attachments, and reference material that I
used in the production of the assessment;
• I have provided references for all sources where the information is not my own. I understand
the consequences of falsifying documentation and plagiarism. Iaccept that the work I submit
may be subject to verification to establish that it is my own.
• I understand that if I disagree with the assessment outcome, I can appeal the assessment
process, and either re-submit additional evidence, undertake gap training and or have my
submission re-assessed
• For the purposes of assessment, I give the trainer/assessor of this assessment the permission to:
o Reproduce this assessment and provide a copy to another member of staff or government body
for the purpose of data entry, record keeping, validation and audit;
o Take steps to authenticate the assessment, including communicating a copy of this assessment to
a checking service (which may retain a copy of the assessment on its database for future

Student signature: __________Sushant Joshi___________________________________________________

Version Number: 1 (Review date: 01/06/2022) Unit Code: ICTNWK536 Page 1 of 49

Date: __28__/__11___/___21___________

Instructions for Students

Please read the following instructions carefully
 This assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor.
 Students are allowed to take this assessment home, subject to the consent from the assessor (students
have to provide sufficient evidence that he has done the assessments for example screenshot, a copy of
file, etc.).
 Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved.
 Should you not answer/demonstrate the requirements correctly, you will be given feedback on the results
and your gaps in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and
skills to be deemed competent for this unit of competency.
 If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.
 Please refer to the College re-assessment and re-sit policy for more information.

Assessor’s Name Adhip Kishen
Assessor’s Signature Date

Progressive feedback to students, identifying gaps in competency [Comments and description of what was

Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair,

Student(s) Declaration: I/we declare that I have valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and
been assessed in this unit. I/we also am/are I have provided appropriate feedback
aware of my/our appeal rights and reassessment

Signature: ____________________________ Signature: ____________________________

Date: ____/_____/_____ Date: __25/07/2021

Unit Code: ICTNWK536 Version 1.0 Created in May 2021 Review date: May 2022 Page 2 of 49
Assessment Outcome
To demonstrate competence in this unit, you must be assessed as satisfactory in each of the following
assessment tasks.

Evidence recorded Evidence Type/ Method of assessment Sufficient evidence

recorded / Outcome
Assessment Task 1 Knowledge Test Satisfactory
☐Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessment Task 2 Project 1 Satisfactory
☐Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessment Task 3 Project 2 ☐Satisfactory
Not Yet Satisfactory

Final Result ☐ Competent (C)  Not Yet Competent (NYC)

Date assessed 25/07/2021

Trainer/Assessor Signature

Office Use Only Outcome of Assessment has been entered onto the Student Management
System on _________________ (insert date)
by (insert Name) __________________________________

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Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Test
Provide your response to each question in the box below.

Q1: Answer the following questions: Satisfactory

1.1. What is an IT implementation plan? Answer using 30-60 words. response
1.2. What is included in an implementation plan? Identify five (5) Yes  No ☐

Answer 1.1

The implementation plan enables the execution of a plan, idea, model, design,
specification, standard, algorithm, or policy by providing clear implementation steps
that need to follow. Thus, an implementation plan is the documented procedure you
need to implement to successfully achieve your implementation pursuits.

Implementation plans are usually made to support the strategic plan created by an
organization. A strategic plan is a document defining the strategy by which your team
will accomplish certain goals or make decisions. Strategic plans are made to guide a
business decision, a new business venture, or an upcoming project or initiative.

Once an organization has defined its strategic plan, an implementation plan is made
to map out how to implement the strategic plan. The implementation plan then breaks
down tasks into identifiable steps, assigns tasks and responsibilities to the people
involved, and creates a definitive timeline for the entire project.

Therefore, the goal of the implementation plan is to effectively implement company

strategy and lay down the step-by-step process of bringing the project to success.

Answer 1.2

Implementation plan comprises of some key components that are:

1. Goals&Objectives: Start with defining the goals and objectives of the

implementation plan. What do you want to achieve? What is the scope of the project?
What are the important goals? How do these goals fit into the overall organizational
vision and mission?

2. Assign Responsibilities: Assigning roles and responsibilities provides a clear

picture of what needs to be done and by whom. The clearer you define these
responsibilities, the easier it will be to keep people accountable.

3. Implementation Schedule: Schedules help track, communicate, and keep an eye on

progress for your project, keeping all stakeholders in the loop with what’s going on.

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4. Resource Allocation: One of the main purposes of an implementation plan is to
make sure that your team has access to enough resources in order to execute the
plan effectively and without any hiccups. Make sure you know exactly what you need,
how much you already have, and how you will procure what’s needed.

5. Define Metrics: How will you determine project success? Every implementation
plan must identify KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to establish how it will measure
success and failure. This also allows you to measure progress and celebrate
milestones to keep the team excited.

Q2: Answer the following questions: Satisfactory

2.1. What is the purpose of an email server? Answer using 30-60 response
words. Yes  No ☐
2.2. What are the four (4) main features of an email server

Answer 2.1

An E-mail server is a server that handles and delivers e-mail over a network, usually
over the Internet. A mail server can receive e-mails from client computers and deliver
them to other mail servers. A mail server can also deliver e-mails to client computers.
A client computer is normally the computer where you read your e-mails, for example
your computer at home or in your office. Also an advanced mobile phone or
Smartphone, with e-mail capabilities, can be regarded as a client computer in these

Answer 2.2

Features of Email Server:

 SMTP/ POP3 / IMAP / HTTP/ LDAP and Proxy services with SSL / TLS support

 Advanced Access and Security Controls

 Effective Anti-Spam

 Extensive Groupware including email, calendars, contacts, tasks and journals

 Intuitive Webmail works with your browser, or use FTGate Desktop Client

 Mail Client auto-configure support (e.g. Outlook/Thunderbird)

 IOS auto-configure support

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 Fast, powerful message processing

Q3: Answer the following questions: Satisfactory

3.1. Using one to two sentences, explain the purpose of using response
different types of organisational collaboration tools. Identify three (3) Yes  No ☐
different categories of organisational collaboration tools.
3.2. What are the four (4) main features of using an organisational
collaboration tool?

Answer 3.1

Collaboration tools, these depend on the objectives of the collaboration and the stakeholders
involved as collaboration may follow different paths based on these. For internal collaboration to
be effective, specific guidelines need to be outlined and properly communicated at a team and
organizational level informing individuals on the how, when and more importantly the why behind
the collaboration. Furthermore, by using analytical tools, sentiment analysis and one-on-one
interviews, managers can classify employees based on their skills, expertise and specific traits, and
then group them together to increase the likelihood of achieving a fruitful collaboration.
Three different Categories:
 Team collaboration
Probably the most common way to collaborate is internally. Team collaboration occurs when
individuals from the same team work together and embrace a combination of processes and
technologies to achieve common organizational and team goals. Goals that are typically
determined by team managers, who are also responsible for recruiting, assigning roles and
responsibilities, and supervising team members.
There are a variety of techniques and best practices that can be applied to foster team
collaboration, including constant communication, keeping employees engaged and willing to
collaborate, recognizing desired behaviours, providing continuous training and career
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development, and of course having the right tools in place.
 Community collaboration
We often have a tendency to associate collaboration solely with finishing projects and meeting
deadlines, like in the first example. However, collaboration may also revolve around sharing
knowledge and continuous learning. This is the case with collaborative communities. These can be
formed within or outside an organization and allow individuals to seek help and advice to
overcome specific challenges.
We can find a perfect example of collaborative communities in the healthcare industry. There are
multiple internal and external communities created by doctors and healthcare practitioners,
where they are able to communicate with their peers, participate in various discussions and find
answers and solutions to their cases. To guarantee the security of critical data, these communities
are often built on collaborative portals and extranets that are only accessible to authorized
members. These platforms often contain many features, such as news and chat rooms.
 Strategic partnerships and alliances
By definition, a strategic alliance is an agreement (formal or informal) between two or more
businesses, whether on a long or short term. Firms that engage in strategic alliances agree to share
their resources and expertise for the sake of the partnership as a whole.
This type of collaboration is often sought by businesses wanting to diversify their product
offerings, mitigate the risks associated with penetrating new markets and to get an edge over the

Answer 3.2
Features of collaboration in the workplace:
 Foster innovation and creativity
 Better problem solving
 Effectively handle times of crises
 Engage and align teams
 Increase motivation
 Attract talents

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Q4: Answer the following questions: Satisfactory
4.1. What is the purpose of using a web content management Yes  No ☐
software or web portal? Explain using 30-60 words.

4.2. What are the four (4) key features of a web content
management software or web portal?

Answer 4.1
A web content management system (WCM or WCMS) is a software content management system
(CMS) specifically for web content. It provides website authoring, collaboration, and
administration tools that help users with little knowledge of web programming languages or
markup languages create and manage website content.

Answer 4.2
Features of Web Content Management
 Automated, standard templates: Provides users with templates that they can easily add
new or existing content to, rather than designing their own templates
 Access control: Gives administrators the ability to control who has access to a page on a
 Scalable expansion: Enables organizations to expand an implementation across multiple
 Editing tools: Enables users to create and customize content, such as adding titles and
headers to improve content structure, or designing webpages with drag-and-drop tools
 Easily installs plugins: Gives users the ability to extend a site's functionality with plugins or

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 Software updates: Keeps the WCMS up to current web standards by updating software
 Workflow management: Ensures that authorized users review and approve content before
 Collaboration tools: Enables multiple users to modify content
 Document management: Enables businesses to manage the document lifecycle, including
creation, revisions, publication, archive and removal
 Multilingual: Enables the display of content in various languages
 Versioning: Enables editors to retrieve previous versions of content

Q5: Answer the following questions: Satisfactory

5.1. What is the QA testing process? Answer using 30-60 words. Yes  No ☐
5.2. What are the methods of testing? Identify four (4).

Answer 5.1
A procedure to ensure the quality of products or services provided to the customers by an
organization. Quality assurance focuses on improving the development process and making it
efficient and effective as per the quality standards defined for products or services. Quality
Assurance is popularly known as QA Testing.

Answer 5.2
Quality Assurance methodology has a defined cycle called PDCA cycle or Deming cycle.Process
followed in the organization are evaluated and improved on a periodic basis. QA Process steps in
detail -
 Plan - Organization should plan and establish the process related objectives and determine
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the processes that are required to deliver a high-Quality end product.
 Do - Development and testing of Processes and also "do" changes in the processes
 Check - Monitoring of processes, modify the processes, and check whether it meets the
predetermined objectives
 Act - A Quality Assurance tester should implement actions that are necessary to achieve
improvements in the processes
An organization must use Quality Assurance to ensure that the product is designed and
implemented with correct procedures. This helps reduce problems and errors, in the final product.

Q6: Answer the following questions: Satisfactory

6.1. What are the two (2) key principles of data protection? Yes  No ☐
6.2. Explain the term ‘data protection’ in your own 20-40 words.

6.3. How have data protection strategies been evolving? Identify two
(2) lines of evolution?

6.4. What are the three (3) types of backups and restoration

6.5. What are the five (5) steps to configure a firewall?

6.6. What is the purpose of using security and authentication

practices? Answer using 30-60 words.

Answer 6.1
The law enforcement purpose for which personal data is collected on any occasion must be
specified, explicit and legitimate, and; Personal data collected must not be processed in a manner
that is incompatible with the purpose for which it was originally collected.

Answer 6.2
Data protection is process to protect specific data or information related to person or organization.

Answer 6.3
The world have stored 200 zetabytes of data, and half of that data is stored in the cloud. So with
that much data out there—and more on the way—we have to ensure that data stays secure. The
first thing we need to do is understand the threats we are protecting data from both now and in
the future.

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Answer 6.4
Types of Backup:
The optimal backup strategy varies depending on each organization’s needs. The main types of
backup methods—full, incremental, and differential—along with their advantages and
disadvantages to help you choose what’s best for you and your business.
1 Full Backup
A full backup is when a complete copy of all files and folders is made. This is the most time-
consuming backup of all methods to perform and may put a strain on your network if the backup
is occurring on the network.
But it’s also the quickest to restore from because all the files you need are contained in the same
backup set.
2 Incremental Backup
This method requires at least one full backup be made, and then afterward only the data that has
changed since the last full backup will be backed up again.
Incremental backups take the least space and time to perform than differential and full backups,
but it’s the most time-consuming out of all of the methods to restore a full system.
3 Differential Backup
Differential backups are a compromise between performing regular full backups and regular
incremental backups.
Incremental backups require one full backup to be made. Afterward, only the files that have
changed since the last full backup are backed up. This means that to restore, you only need the
latest full backup set and the latest differential backup set.
There’s no need to restore more than those two backup sets, which saves more time than
restoring from an incremental backup, but still takes a bit longer than restoring from a full backup.
It also takes up less space than incremental backups, but more space than full backups.
Types of Restoration

1. File restore

File restore interface to restore files with a web-based interface. File owners can search,
locate, and restore files from a VM backup without administrator assistance.

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2. Instant restore

With instant restore, you can restore the content of a single volume from a snapshot. This
restore uses the snapshot data that is generated by the backup-archive client. Instant
restore can be done from a full or incremental VM backup. You can use the volume
immediately, while the restore process continues in the background. Instant restore
requires an in-guest installation.
3. Full VM instant restore

With full VM instant restore, the restored VM becomes available for instant use, either for
validating the backed up VM or for restoring the VM to permanent storage. The restored
VM is available for instant use in read/write mode.

Answer 6.5

Step 1: Secure your firewall

If an attacker is able to gain administrative access to your firewall it is “game over” for your
network security. Therefore, securing your firewall is the first and most important step of
this process. Never put a firewall into production that is not properly secured.

Step 2: Architect your firewall zones and IP addresses

In order to protect the valuable assets on your network, you should first identify what the
assets (for example, payment card data or patient data) are. Then plan out your network
structure so that these assets can be grouped together and placed into networks (or zones)
based on similar sensitivity level and function.

Step 3: Configure access control lists

Now that you have established your network zones and assigned them to interfaces, you
should determine exactly which traffic needs to be able to flow into and out of each zone.
This traffic will be permitted using firewall rules called access control lists (ACLs), which are
applied to each interface or subinterface on the firewall.

Answer 6.6

Users security & authentication is a method that keeps unauthorized users from accessing
sensitive information. For example, User A only has access to relevant information and
cannot see the sensitive information of User B.
Cybercriminals can gain access to a system and steal information when user authentication
is not secure. The data breaches companies like Adobe, Equifax, and Yahoo faced are

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examples of what happens when organizations fail to secure their user authentication.

Q7: Answer the following questions: Satisfactory

7.1. What is the purpose of load balancing for applications? Answer Yes  No ☐
using 30-60 words.

7.2. What processes are included in the server and directory

administration? Answer using 30-60 words.

7.3. What is network security infrastructure? Answer using 30-60


7.4. Identify two (2) sources you may use for the validation of
information related to the web server administration (sysadmin)?

Answer 7.1
Load balancing is the process of distributing network traffic across multiple servers. This ensures
no single server bears too much demand. By spreading the work evenly, load balancing improves
application responsiveness. It also increases availability of applications and websites for users.

Answer 7.2

The Directory Server product includes a Directory Server, an Administration Server to manage
multiple directories, and a Server Console to manage both servers through a graphical
interface.Verifying plug-in signatures is an additional security feature that allows the server to
detect or prevent unauthorized plug-ins from being loaded. Directory Server Markup Language
(DSML) is a new XML-based format for sending requests to a directory server.

Answer 7.3

Network Infrastructure Security, typically applied to enterprise IT environments, is a process of

protecting the underlying networking infrastructure by installing preventative measures to deny
unauthorized access, modification, deletion, and theft of resources and data.

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Answer 7.4
Trace and replica-based validation for Web and application servers. Both techniques rely on
samples of correct behavior. Trace-based validation involves periodically collecting traces of live
requests and replaying the trace for validation. Replica-based validation involves designating each
masked component as a ``mirror'' of a live component. All requests sent to the live component are
then duplicated and also sent to the mirrored, masked component.

Assessment 1 Results Sheet

Outcome Outcome (make sure to tick the correct checkbox):

Satisfactory (S)  or Not Satisfactory (NS) ☐

Date: __ 25_____(day)/ _07______(month)/ 2021_______(year)


The overall performance of the studnet was good in terms of skills and

Date 25/07/2021

Trainer/Assessor Adhip Kishen

Trainer/Assessor I hold:
 Vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered
 Current relevant industry skills
 Current knowledge and skills in VET, and undertake
Ongoing professional development in VET

I declare that I have conducted an assessment of this student’s submission.

The assessment tasks were deemed current, sufficient, valid and reliable. I
declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexible assessment.
I have provided feedback to the student.

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Date 2/05/2021

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Assessment Task 2: Project

Web-AIM is an award-winning website design agency with a passion for stunning design and
impressing individuals with its personalised service. You must select your own organisation if you
are already working in one.

You have started working with as an ICT Networking Support Technician, and you have been asked
to manage the deployment and administration of enterprise communication solutions. It includes
email and remote access email, web portal or content management solution, and enterprise
collaboration tools.

Assessment activity

The assessment requires you to complete the following activities:

1. Plan for enterprise communication solutions

2. Implement enterprise communication solutions
3. Test and monitor implementation of enterprise communication skills

Assessment requirements

You must ensure you plan, implement and test each of the following:

One email system, including:

 preparing existing networks

 configuring users, mailboxes, address lists, distribution lists, user constraints, remote email
access, message integrity and antispam controls, antivirus controls and anti-phishing

The email system may include:

 subscribed mailbox server such as Gmail or Microsoft Outlook

 a mobile wireless communications device
 or any other email system your trainer suggests to all students in your class, such as:
o Axigen Mail Server
o Linux or Unix Sendmail
o Microsoft Exchange
o Open Xchange Server
o Postfix

One content management system including:

 planning namespace and server roles

 configuring access, security, network infrastructure and customisations
 providing high availability and disaster recovery

The content management system may include:

 WordPress
 Joomla

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 Drupal
 Wix
 IBM Websphere
 JBoss
 Microsoft SharePoint
 Moodle or Equella
 Oracle
 or any other content management system your trainer suggests to all students in your class

One collaboration tool including:

 planning namespace and server roles

 configuring access, security, network infrastructure and customisations
 providing high availability and disaster recovery

Collaboration tools may include:

 Google G Suite
 Atlassian Jira
 Click up
 Slack
 Asana
 Podio
 Cisco collaboration tools
 Domino or Lotus
 Groupwise (Novell)
 Microsoft SharePoint
 Moodle or Equella
 wiki engines
 or any other collaboration tool your trainer suggests to all students in your class

You must research to find the required information to plan, implement and test each of the above
tools on the internet.

Roles and responsibilities

Manager (technical services)

Your trainer/assessor will play the role of the manager (technical services) to assess your skills and
knowledge to plan, implement and test and monitor each of the mentioned above tools. The
responsibilities include:

 Identifying and assisting with the client requirements

 Supporting the employees with planning, implementation and testing the enterprise
communication solutions

Quality check officer

The role will be played by an individual nominated by your trainer/assessor. The individual can be a
student or a staff member from the training organisation. The responsibilities include:

 Quality check each of the stages – planning, implementation, and testing

 Provide constructive feedback

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Activity 1- Plan for enterprise communication solutions

In this activity, you are required to plan for enterprise communication solutions. You will be required
to write three (3) business implementation and requirements plans based on your discussion with
the stakeholders.

You must fill the attached templates to complete this assessment activity successfully.

A. Email system

Email system (Write 100-200 words report)

 The current system in place, if any

 Proposed system and explanation why
 Operating system requirements
o Memory
o Technical
 Number of users/devices


1. The system will capture and categorize all AGENCY communications in the system including email
messages with attachments, email threads, chat transcripts, tasks, etc.
2. All captured objects presumptively are records unless otherwise categorized as non-record.
3. The email system will apply default categories to all captured objects. Default categories are: permanent
records, temporary records, or non-records.
4. The system will, by default, categorize as permanent records all objects that: do not qualify as non-record
and were sent or received via the mailboxes of specified AGENCY officials. (e.g., Capstone Officials)
5. The system will, by default, categorize as temporary records (7 year retention) all objects that: do not
qualify as non-record and were sent or received via from all other mailboxes. (e.g., not Capstone Officials)
6. The system will, by default, use rules to identify non-records such as personal emails, nonbusiness related
communications, broadcast messages, spam filter notifications, etc.
7. The system will use metadata from the email client to facilitate auto-categorization including labels. 8. The
email system will automatically capture (without user intervention) audit trail data at specified periods as a
record in an open format and retain this as a temporary record.
8. The email system shall auto-delete objects from the live Email client inbox that are X days old. These will
be considered as convenience copies. Audit trail data will be captured and maintained.
9. The system will implement a retention period for objects identified as non-records (e.g., 1 year).
10. The system will allow a specified time period “Safe Harbor” (e.g., 180 days) for the mailbox owner or other
authorized users to change default categories and to tag objects (e.g., for access restrictions)

How have you prepared the existing system? (50-100 words)

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Preperation of Existing Systems

 The email system will provide the capability to control access by functional area and mailbox
 The email system will allow authorized users to review and re-categorize objects at during the
safe harbor period.
 The email system will allow users to add metadata to objects sent or received from their
mailbox at any given time.
 Re-categorized objects will not be overwritten by default processes (e.g., by subsequent
crawls). Administration
 The email system will provide the capability for authorized users to create unique hierarchical
file plans for storing records in their functional area. See AGENCY’s records schedule.
 The email system will allow authorized users (e.g., Information Management Officers or
Records Custodians) the capability to re-categorize objects and/or to manually file objects
within the file plan created for their functional area.
 The email system will allow authorized administrative users to add or modify metadata at any
time during a record’s lifecycle.
 The email system will accommodate a future migration to a new records schedule based on a
detailed mapping of the old to the new RCS. Tags must be able to represent new retention

What are the enterprise communication requirements? (50-100 words)


1. The email system will provide the capability to import mailboxes from the current email client and
archives of departed AGENCY staff.
2. The contractor will migrate from GroupWise all sent and received email messages with
attachments, tasks, and appointments from 6 months prior to the user’s “go-live” date (180 days) into
the new email client preserving (to the furthest extent possible) all metadata.
3. The contractor will migrate from the current email client into the new Archive System all sent and
received email with attachments, tasks, and appointments not migrated into the new email client.
4. Any content from the current email client being stored in user’s live mailboxes that has sent or
received dates older than 7 years from the Go Live date for individual users will not be migrated into
the new Archive System UNLESS the user is on the list of Permanent Officials or the records are
subject to a retention hold.
5. The contractor will import managed records from the old Archive System to the new Archive
system. 6. AGENCY will issue pre-migration guidance for AGENCY staff to clean up their mailboxes
in the current email client and Archives before migration. RM will supply guidance language.

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How have you evaluated and compared the enterprise communication solutions? (50-100 words)


Evaluation of a communication solution more important than ever. A narrow decision based on a
single platform or capability—for example, instant messaging (IM) or desktop conferencing—may
limit your flexibility later when it comes to supporting other important constituents such as mobile
workers, executives, call center agents, and business partners. Likewise, a solution that has not
been designed with the wider needs of the enterprise in mind—such as the efficient handling of
communication consistency of service from the cloud or on-premises deployments, or the ability to
support a variety of operating systems, devices, and applications—could become a major concern as
the workspace continues to evolve. We believe the answer is to base the solution on a flexible
platform that is designed specifically to serve the new postPC workplace, fits in easily with the
existing IT landscape, and can accommodate the most stringent enterprise demands as they arise.

How have you selected enterprise communication solutions (50-100 words)


There are a number of processes that were considered before the implementation of an email
management system package, such as

• What are we attempting to protect the company against

• Are the policies and work processes in place

• What are the legal requirements

• What are the costs compared to the risks

• What are the maintenance costs

How have you acquired enterprise communication solutions? (50-100 words)


Acquisition of Enterprise Communication Solution

Majority of enterprises and the employees today use more than four communications apps, so it’s
no surprise they’re feeling overwhelmed. According to the majority of workers, the solution is a single
platform that unifies all communications capabilities.

A single platform provides workers with a centralized hub for collaboration and communication,
eliminating the need for toggling between separate apps. But that’s not the only reason workers want
one platform to rule them all.

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A Single Cloud Communications Platform Solves Workplace Chaos

The benefits of a unified communications approach are myriad, but a few in particular are most
appealing to enterprises. Most of them believe a single cloud communications platform enhances
efficiency, improves productivity, and reduces stress. That translates to more effective and smooth

Considering Benefits of a Unified Communications for Acquisition

Our research found that workers believe an integrated and unified approach to enterprise
communications will help them:

 Save time (54 percent)

 Be better organized (52 percent)
 Communicate better with colleagues (51 percent)
 Increase productivity (51 percent)
 Gain a feeling of control over work (31 percent)

Every enterprise can benefit from a single communications platform.

How and who have you consulted to develop an implementation plan addressing the
organisational requirements?


Through conducting proper consultation with the solution providers assessing all the requirements
of the enterprise the implementation planning took place and consider the following requirements:

 assessing and communicating the need for change

 setting a clear vision / strategy / objective (the current vs. future state); this will be used to
measure success later in the process
 clearly articulating that vision / objective / goal for the change
 documenting the case
 identifying those structures / processes / behaviours that will:
o stop
o start and
o continue in the new structure (this can be done through group discussion).
 developing the implementation plan (project plan) including a communication plan
 allocating roles and responsibilities in the implementation process
 considering how the change effectiveness will be measured and how it will be maintained/
reinforced /consolidated.

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B. Content management system

Content management system (Write 100-200 words report)

 The current system in place, if any

 Proposed system and explanation why
 Operating system requirements
o Memory
o Technical
 Number of users/devices


Current system in place

Currently using CMS is an option that benefits large organizations and enables businesses to build
websites, mobile apps and forms.


 Offers digital asset management, analytics and targeting features.

 Integrates completely with other Adobe products. It can also integrate with Salesforce
Provides users with their own workspace for uploaded projects, which declutters user
dashboards for each team and increases productivity.


 Can be difficult to learn due to the highly flexible platform. If users are nontechnical, the
learning curve may be high and may require lengthy training sessions.

 Requires heavy involvement from the IT department in installation and daily operations.

 Higher cost than other WCMS options.

Propsed System

There are many similarities between already using CMS and proposed WCMS which cause
people to use the two terms interchangeably, but there are differences between the two
systems. A already available CMS is a software that businesses use to create, edit, manage
and publish content -- typically structured content -- such as documents or records, as well as
video and audio files.

ProposedWCMS, on the other hand, is a type of CMS that focuses primarily on managing
webpage content, which includes graphics, video, audio and images.

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How have you prepared the existing system? (50-100 words)


After analyzing the needs and requirements and figure out that WCMS helps our enterprise business
create, manage and publish content on websites -- which are essential marketing channels.
Typically, digital marketing tactics such as email, social media, print and other advertisements are
our core strategic elements to direct the customer to the company website, so it is important for the
business to have and maintain a web presence. A WCMS is the technology that powers websites
that focus on content creation and sharing -- such as blogs and portfolios. However,our organization
can also use a WCMS for other purposes, such as online stores or online forums.

What are the enterprise communication requirements? (50-100 words)


While implementing a WCMS enterprise consider the following requirements:

 Low cost. A WCMS is typically inexpensive, often being free or offering subscriptions that
outweigh overall costs.

 Easy to use. Our organization prefers a WCMS which are user-friendly for people who do
not have a technical coding background to create or maintain content.

 Easily customizable. A WCMS creates a universal layout that enables beginner users to
create and customize front ends easily.

 Workflow management. Administrators can control and personalize workflow management

in a WCMS. Some WCMS options enable administrators to set up their own workflow
management rules and provide them with a series of steps to set up each task.

 Search engine optimization (SEO). A WCMS provides businesses with the editing tools
required to improve search engine ranking. The WCMS should enable users to easily create

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content with the correct keywords, provide meta information -- such as description, keywords
and alternative text for images -- and link content within the text.

How have you evaluated and compared the enterprise communication solutions? (50-100 words)


After comparison between the already using CMS and proposed WCMS we found that there are
many similarities between already using CMS and proposed WCMS which cause users to use the
two terms interchangeably, but there are differences between the two systems. A already available
CMS is a software that businesses use to create, edit, manage and publish content -- typically
structured content -- such as documents or records, as well as video and audio files.

Proposed WCMS, on the other hand, is a type of CMS that focuses primarily on managing webpage
content, which includes graphics, video, audio and images which is a more practical option for our
organization to meet our organizational needs and operational requirements.

How have you selected enterprise communication solutions (50-100 words)

Unit Code: ICTNWK536 Version 1.0 Created in May 2021 Review date: May 2022 Page 25 of 49

By critically analyzing Capabilities and features of the found the following features are those
which meet our organizational requirements

1. The ability to design, create and maintain personalized content for a website which enhances
the organization outcome to meet the goals.

2. The ability for editors to review and approve content prior to publication.

3. An automated publishing process.

How have you acquired enterprise communication solutions? (50-100 words)


Acquisition of enterprise communication solutions have done after critically analysing the
requirements of our organization and found out the best solutions to enhance the efficiency of
organization. We have conducted SWOT analysis of the different proposed solutions from
different vendors/service providers and find the best solution which suits our organization in
every aspect.

How and who have you consulted to develop an implementation plan addressing the
organisational requirements?


Proper consultation with the service providers to develop an implementation plan addressing the
following organisational requirements:

 Automated, standard templates. Provides users with templates that they can easily add
new or existing content to, rather than designing their own templates

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 Access control. Gives administrators the ability to control who has access to a page on a

 Scalable expansion. Enables organization to expand an implementation across multiple


 Editing tools. Enables users to create and customize content, such as adding titles and
headers to improve content structure, or designing webpages with drag-and-drop tools

 Easily installs plugins. Gives users the ability to extend a site's functionality with plugins or

 Software updates. Keeps the WCMS up to current web standards by updating software

 Workflow management. Ensures that authorized users review and approve content before

 Collaboration tools. Enables multiple users to modify content

 Document management. Enables businesses to manage the document lifecycle, including

creation, revisions, publication, archive and removal

 Multilingual. Enables the display of content in various languages

 Versioning. Enables editors to retrieve previous versions of content

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Unit Code: ICTNWK536 Version 1.0 Created in May 2021 Review date: May 2022 Page 28 of 49
C. Team collaboration tool

Team collaboration tool (Write 100-200 words report)

 The current system in place, if any

 Proposed system and explanation why
 Operating system requirements
o Memory
o Technical
 Number of users/devices

Team collaboration platforms have grown over the years from a simple communications channel to a
powerhouse for an organization, enabling task, project and document management. With new
capabilities being added all the time, it can be hard to pin down everything these platforms can do.

Here are some core features of existing team collaboration:

 messaging

 chat

 channels

 voice calling

 video conferencing

 screen sharing

 calendars

 file sharing

Proposed Sytem

 virtual whiteboards;

 application integration with productivity applications, ERP systems or customer service

management platforms;

 webinars/training;

Unit Code: ICTNWK536 Version 1.0 Created in May 2021 Review date: May 2022 Page 29 of 49
 chatbots; and

 AI for more accurate meeting transcripts.

Team collaboration platforms are designed to let users create collaborative virtual workspaces
among established and ad hoc teams. Most platforms support privacy and data security policies that
protect corporate data and users. They also enable organizations to enforce compliance and
regulatory requirements for data sharing and storage, logging, audits/discovery and archiving.

How have you prepared the existing system? (50-100 words)

After figuring out the requirements of the organization we find out the platforms had to have top-
notch integration with other applications -- such as email, calendars and back-end systems -- so
application toggling stayed at a minimum. This was a tall order for IT teams trying to find their footing
away from their physical offices.

Company also needed to be in tune with how their employees made use of these platforms as
patterns changed quickly. For example, in the early days of the pandemic, users relied heavily on
video conferencing but have since experienced "Zoom fatigue" that is making them reduce their
video meeting usage. Users also realized if they were going to be permanently remote, they would
need features such as virtual whiteboards for better collaboration.

What are the enterprise communication requirements? (50-100 words)

Unit Code: ICTNWK536 Version 1.0 Created in May 2021 Review date: May 2022 Page 30 of 49

Team collaboration platforms have become a critical business tool because it provide so many
benefits for users and organizations and cater the following requirements:

 fewer meetings;

 increased productivity;

 cost savings;

 reduction in email; and

 increased revenue, as customer-facing individuals can get answers they need quickly.

How have you selected enterprise communication solutions (50-100 words)

Unit Code: ICTNWK536 Version 1.0 Created in May 2021 Review date: May 2022 Page 31 of 49

We figure out that one way organization can lessen our vulnerability is to pare down the number of
team collaboration platforms they support in the enterprise, as managing multiple applications can
be challenging.

Here are some of the issues get solved by adapting this platforms:

 application integration;

 understanding risks and enforcing security across numerous platforms;

 deploying and updating features;

 difficulty standardizing user training;

 increased costs;

 greater troubleshooting burden for IT; and

 lack of a consistent user interface.

How have you acquired enterprise communication solutions? (50-100 words)


Cloud-based team collaboration platforms acquired for enterprise communication solution require
some basic consideration, including implementing the following cloud collaboration best practices:

 thoroughly vetting providers, especially any third-party risk;

 weighing how providers handle guest access privileges;

 understanding how providers support layered security controls; and

 developing a user training plan that accounts for the risks of the cloud

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How and who have you consulted to develop an implementation plan addressing the
organisational requirements?


As companies settle into a team collaboration environment for their service provider consultants,
they must review their remote work policies and processes to make sure they align with how users
are interacting with the platform and figure out if there is any short come.

For instance, if team collaboration platforms started off as an application deployed and managed by
different departments, organization need centralize management with IT and apply single sign-on
and other security best practices. Team collaboration platforms should be held to the same
standards as other corporate applications and follow regulatory requirements.

The security concerns associated with team collaboration platforms are also highlighted and
considered as the same as with other business applications: phishing, mobile vulnerabilities,
compliance and data leaks. These platforms also expose companies to other possible problems,
such as toll fraud attacks against their calling infrastructure that can result in financial expense,
denial-of-service attacks against networks and on-premises applications, and the potential use of
abusive or inappropriate language, which needs to be governed. We have raised all the possible
outcomes with service provider consultants to eliminate any kind of short come if there is any.

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Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist
Your task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist.

S N/S Trainer/Assessor to complete

To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this
(Comment and feedback to students)
assessment task the participant needs to
demonstrate competency in the following
critical aspects of evidence

a) The plan has been developed for each  

enterprise communication solutions
identified in the assessment

b) Correctly identified the:  

 The current system in place, if any
 Proposed system and explanation why
 Operating system requirements
 Memory
 Technical
 Number of users/devices

c) Prepared the existing system  

d) Enterprise communication requirements  

have been identified and outlined

e) The enterprise communication solutions  

have been evaluated and compared

f) Selected enterprise communication  


g) Acquired enterprise communication  


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h) Stakeholders consulted to develop an  
implementation plan addressing the
organisational requirements 

Unit Code: ICTNWK536 Version 1.0 Created in May 2021 Review date: May 2022 Page 36 of 49
Activity 2- Implement enterprise communication solutions

This assessment activity is in continuation with the previous activity.

In this activity, you are required to implement enterprise communication solutions. You will be
required to implement the enterprise communication solutions and also complete a business
implementation communication plan based on what have you implemented and demonstrated to
your trainer/assessor.

You must fill the attached templates correctly to complete this activity of the assessment task.

How have you implemented and configured all three (3) enterprise communication solutions in
accordance with the implementation plan? (100-200 words)


Through conducting proper consultation with the solution providers assessing all the requirements
of the enterprise the implementation planning took place and consider the following requirements:

 assessing and communicating the need for change

 setting a clear vision / strategy / objective (the current vs. future state); this will be used to
measure success later in the process
 clearly articulating that vision / objective / goal for the change
 documenting the case
 identifying those structures / processes / behaviours that will:
o stop
o start and
o continue in the new structure (this can be done through group discussion).
 developing the implementation plan (project plan) including a communication plan
 allocating roles and responsibilities in the implementation process
 considering how the change effectiveness will be measured and how it will be maintained/
reinforced /consolidated.

Proper consultation with the service providers to develop an implementation plan addressing the
following organisational requirements:

 Automated, standard templates. Provides users with templates that they can easily add
new or existing content to, rather than designing their own templates

 Access control. Gives administrators the ability to control who has access to a page on a

 Scalable expansion. Enables organization to expand an implementation across multiple


 Editing tools. Enables users to create and customize content, such as adding titles and
headers to improve content structure, or designing webpages with drag-and-drop tools

 Easily installs plugins. Gives users the ability to extend a site's functionality with plugins or

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 Software updates. Keeps the WCMS up to current web standards by updating software

 Workflow management. Ensures that authorized users review and approve content before

 Collaboration tools. Enables multiple users to modify content

 Document management. Enables businesses to manage the document lifecycle, including

creation, revisions, publication, archive and removal

 Multilingual. Enables the display of content in various languages

 Versioning. Enables editors to retrieve previous versions of content

As companies settle into a team collaboration environment for their service provider consultants,
they must review their remote work policies and processes to make sure they align with how users
are interacting with the platform and figure out if there is any short come.

For instance, if team collaboration platforms started off as an application deployed and managed by
different departments, organization need centralize management with IT and apply single sign-on
and other security best practices. Team collaboration platforms should be held to the same
standards as other corporate applications and follow regulatory requirements.

The security concerns associated with team collaboration platforms are also highlighted and
considered as the same as with other business applications: phishing, mobile vulnerabilities,
compliance and data leaks. These platforms also expose companies to other possible problems,
such as toll fraud attacks against their calling infrastructure that can result in financial expense,
denial-of-service attacks against networks and on-premises applications, and the potential use of
abusive or inappropriate language, which needs to be governed. We have raised all the possible
outcomes with service provider consultants to eliminate any kind of short come if there is any.

Unit Code: ICTNWK536 Version 1.0 Created in May 2021 Review date: May 2022 Page 38 of 49
How have you determined the implementation of enterprise communication solutions meets
implementation plan and organisational requirements?How did you modify the implementation to
address variance (100-200 words)


We are determined that the implementation of enterprise communication solutions meets

implementation plan and organisational requirements as all the plans are implemented after adaption
of proper procedures. Initially information/data gathered from all different departments and
concerned entities then all that gathered information processed to figure out the short comings and
the gap which needed to be filled after. After processing all the gathered information find out there
best and most appropriate solutions. After implementing the solutions evaluating whether the
implemented solutions are working in appropriate manner otherwise configure the limitations and re
implement accordingly.

What were the familiar and less familiar tasks to evaluate the performance and interoperability of
enterprise communication solutions and communication services? (50-100 words)


We evaluate the performance and interoperability of enterprise communication solutions and

communication services to gauge progress in attaining or sustaining this desired state. We do it to
make tangible improvements in getting from our current state to the desired state. We do it to
understand factors that lead to the success of our initiatives so that we may sustain them and repeat
them elsewhere. Finally, we measure progress toward interoperability to assess whether the
expense involved is a fair return on our investment. Performance management entails more than just
measuring the results of initiatives. It is also about using measurement results to reshape strategy
and retune the measurement process. Through it, accountability for results is established with
stakeholders and across perspectives on the problem. Measurement allows us to manage
communications interoperability, ideally from a strategic vantage point.

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Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist
Your task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist.

S N/S Trainer/Assessor to complete

To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this
(Comment and feedback to students)
assessment task the participant needs to
demonstrate competency in the following
critical aspects of evidence

a) implemented and configured all three (3)  

enterprise communication solutions in
accordance with the implementation plan

b) determined the implementation of  

enterprise communication solutions
meets implementation plan and
organisational requirements and modify
the implementation to address variance

c) familiar and less familiar tasks to  

evaluate performance and interoperability
of enterprise communication solutions
and communication services have been
identified and outlined

Unit Code: ICTNWK536 Version 1.0 Created in May 2021 Review date: May 2022 Page 40 of 49
Activity 3- Test and monitor implementation of enterprise communication solutions

This assessment activity is in continuation with the previous activity.

In this activity, you are required to test and monitor the implementation of enterprise
communication solutions. You will be required to test and monitor the enterprise communication
solutions and complete three (3) testing and monitoring plans. These will be based on
what/how/when have you tested and monitored the enterprise communication solutions.

You must fill the attached templates correctly to complete this activity of the assessment task.

How have you tested enterprise communication solutions to determine if the solutions are
operating correctly and according to system specifications? (100-200 words)


In testing phase of enterprise communication system we have configured that we have integrated
different types of communications channels and tools that we use within organization, via software
we are enabled to evaluate user experience and interface designed to improve enterprise
communication system. It can encompass everything from broadcasting messages to all employees
through to one-on-one communication or group collaboration. The communication system solutions
is working with the capability and according the organizational requirements. Through testing the
system performance analysts discovers and classifies the existing assets, including hardware,
operating systems and drivers, and then collects and processes a series of metrics.

Through Metrics we tracked physical and virtual server availability (uptime) and performance, and
measure resource capacity -- such as processors, memory, disk storage and associated storage
area network. By watching capacity metrics, we discover unavailable, unused or underutilized
resources and make informed predictions about when and how much to upgrade. Metrics also allow
our administrators to oversee benchmarks that gauge compute performance (actual versus normal
performance), from which they can immediately identify and correct infrastructure failures. Changes
in performance trends over time also might indicate potential future compute problems, such as over-
stressed servers. It also enables to figure out the exact system working on the specified system
specifications and their compatibility with the system. Through testing we will determine from
GroupWise all sent and received email messages with attachments, tasks, and appointments.

Unit Code: ICTNWK536 Version 1.0 Created in May 2021 Review date: May 2022 Page 41 of 49
How have you monitored and analysed performance and logs of enterprise communication
solutions to determine if organisational requirements are met (100-200 words)


Monitoring and analysing the performance and logs of enterprise communication solutions to
determine the organizational requirements and rectify if there is any error like; delays caused by
human error, poorly planned processes and inadequate or inappropriate tools. Monitoring and
analyzing process allows us to collect metrics on deployment frequency, lead time, change volume,
failed deployments, defect (bug) volume, mean time to detection/recovery, service-level agreement
(SLA) compliance and other steps and missteps. Through these metrics we preserve enterprise
communication solutions efficiency while identifying potential areas for improvement. When
analyzing performance for communication solutions platforms, our experts have a holistic
understanding of organization’s business needs. Through the testing process, we work closely with
vendor to identify how their solution maps back to these goals, as well as other use case
opportunities that we have not previously considered. Included other stakeholders outside of IT in the
testing process as well, such as decision makers in sales, HR or marketing, who may have more
insight into other areas of the business.

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How have you modified enterprise communication solutions to address instances where
organisational requirements are not met (50-100 words)


Determining the organizational requirements and rectify if there is any error like; delays caused by
human error, poorly planned processes and inadequate or inappropriate tools. Monitoring and
analyzing process allows us to collect metrics on deployment frequency, lead time, change volume,
failed deployments, defect (bug) volume, mean time to detection/recovery, service-level agreement
(SLA) compliance and other steps and missteps. Through these metrics we preserve enterprise
communication solutions efficiency while identifying potential areas for improvement and modified
enterprise communication solutions to address instances where organisational requirements.After
implementing the solutions evaluating whether the implemented solutions are working in appropriate
manner otherwise configure the limitations and reemployment accordingly. Figure out the limitations
in the implemented solution trouble shoot the lags in the solution and modify the solutions as per
requirement of the procedures.

Unit Code: ICTNWK536 Version 1.0 Created in May 2021 Review date: May 2022 Page 43 of 49
Performance Criteria/Performance Checklist
Your task must address the following performance criteria/ performance checklist.

S N/S Trainer/Assessor to complete

To be assessed as satisfactory (S) in this
(Comment and feedback to
assessment task the participant needs to
demonstrate competency in the following
critical aspects of evidence

a) Tested enterprise communication 

solutions to determine if enterprise 
communication solutions are operating
correctly according to system
b) Monitored and analysed performance and 
logs of enterprise communication 
solutions to determine if organisational
requirements are met

c) Modified enterprise communication 

solutions to address instances where 
organisational requirements are not met

Unit Code: ICTNWK536 Version 1.0 Created in May 2021 Review date: May 2022 Page 44 of 49
Assessment Results Sheet
Outcome First attempt:

Outcome (make sure to tick the correct checkbox):

Satisfactory (S) ☐ or Not Satisfactory (NS) 

Date: ____27___(day)/ 07_______(month)/2021 ____________(year)


Incomplete submission.

Second attempt:

Outcome (make sure to tick the correct checkbox):

Satisfactory (S) ☐ or Not Satisfactory (NS) ☐

Date: _______(day)/ _______(month)/ ____________(year)


Student  I declare that the answers I have provided are my own work. Where I
have accessed information from other sources, I have provided
references and or links to my sources.
 I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material that I
used as part of my submission.
 I have provided references for all sources where the information is not
my own. I understand the consequences of falsifying documentation
and plagiarism. I understand how the assessment is structured.
Iaccept that the work I submit may be subject to verification to
establish that it is my own.
 I understand that if I disagree with the assessment outcome, I can
appeal the assessment process, and either re-submit additional
evidence undertake gap training and or have my submission re-
 All appeal options have been explained to me.

Unit Code: ICTNWK536 Version 1.0 Created in May 2021 Review date: May 2022 Page 45 of 49
Signature Shiryaran ahmed khan
Trainer/Assesso Adhip Kishen bopaiah
r Name
Trainer/Assesso I hold:
r Declaration
 Vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered
 Current relevant industry skills
 Current knowledge and skills in VET, and undertake
Ongoing professional development in VET

I declare that I have conducted an assessment of this student’s

submission. The assessment tasks were deemed current, sufficient, valid
and reliable. I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and
flexible assessment. I have provided feedback to the student.

Trainer/Assesso Adhip Kishen

r Signature
Office Use Only The outcome of the assessment has been entered into the Student
Management System

on _________________ (insert date)

by (insert Name) __________________________________

Unit Code: ICTNWK536 Version 1.0 Created in May 2021 Review date: May 2022 Page 46 of 49
Appendix A: Reasonable Adjustments
Write (task name and number) where reasonable adjustments have been applied:

Reasonable Adjustments

• Students with carer responsibilities, cultural or religious obligations, English as an

additional language, disability etc. can request for reasonable adjustments.
• Please note, academic standards of the unit/course will not be lowered to accommodate
the needs of any student, but there is a requirement to be flexible about the way in
which it is delivered or assessed.
• The Disability Standards for Education requires institutions to take reasonable steps to
enable the student with a disability to participate in education on the same basis as a
student without a disability.
• The trainer/assessor must complete the section below “Reasonable Adjustment
Strategies Matrix” to ensure the explanation and correct strategy have been recorded
and implemented.
• The trainer/assessor must notify the administration/compliance and quality assurance
department for any reasonable adjustments made.
• All evidence and supplementary documentation must be submitted with the assessment
pack to the administration/compliance and quality assurance department.
Reasonable Adjustment Strategies Matrix (Trainer/Assessor to complete)

Category Possible Issue Reasonable Adjustment Strategy

(select as applicable)
 LLN  Speaking  Verbal assessment
 Reading  Presentations
 Writing  Demonstration of a skill
 Confidence  Use of diagrams
 Use of supporting documents such as wordlists
 Non-  Speaking  Discuss with the student and supervisor (if applicable)
English  Reading whether language, literacy and numeracy are likely to impact
Speaking  Writing on the assessment process
Cultural  Use methods that do not require a higher level of language
background or literacy than is required to perform the job role
 Confidence  Use short sentences that do not contain large amounts of
 Clarify information by rephrasing, confirm understanding
 Read any printed information to the student
 Use graphics, pictures and colour coding instead of, or to
support text
 Offer to write down, or have someone else write, oral
responses given by the student
 Ensure that the time available to complete the assessment,
while meeting enterprise requirements, takes account of the
student’s needs
  Knowledge and  Culturally appropriate training
Indigenous understanding  Explore understanding of concepts and practical

Unit Code: ICTNWK536 Version 1.0 Created in May 2021 Review date: May 2022 Page 47 of 49
Write (task name and number) where reasonable adjustments have been applied:

 Flexibility application through oral assessment

 Services  Flexible delivery
 Inappropriate  Using group rather than individual assessments
training and  Assessment through completion of practical tasks in the
assessment field after demonstration of skills and knowledge.
 Age  Educational  Make sure font size is not too small
background  Trainer/Assessor should refer to the student’s experience
 Limited study  Ensure that the time available to complete the assessment
skills takes account of the student’s needs
 Provision of information or course materials in an
accessible format.
 Changes in teaching practices, e.g. wearing an FM
microphone to enable a student to hear lectures
 Supply of specialised equipment or services, e.g. a note-
taker for a student who cannot write
 Changes in lecture schedules and arrangements, e.g.
relocating classes to an accessible venue
 Changes to course design, e.g. substituting an assessment
 Modifications to the physical environment, e.g. installing
lever taps, building ramps, installing a lift
  Reading  Discuss with the Student previous learning experience
Educationa  Writing  Ensure learning and assessment methods meet the
 Numeracy student’s individual need
d  Limited study
skills and/or
learning strategies
  Speaking  Identify the issues
Disability  Reading  Create a climate of support
 Writing  Ensure access to support that the student has agreed to
 Numeracy  Appropriately structure the assessment
 Limited study  Provide information or course materials in an accessible
skills and/or format, e.g. a textbook in braille
learning strategies  Changes in teaching practices, e.g. wearing an FM
microphone to enable a student to hear lectures
 Supply of specialised equipment or services, e.g. a note-
taker for a student who cannot write
 Changes in lecture schedules and arrangements, e.g.
relocating classes to an accessible venue
 Changes to course design, e.g. substituting an assessment
 Modifications to the physical environment, e.g. installing
lever taps, building ramps, installing a lift

Unit Code: ICTNWK536 Version 1.0 Created in May 2021 Review date: May 2022 Page 48 of 49
Write (task name and number) where reasonable adjustments have been applied:

Explanation of reasonable adjustments strategy used

Office Use Only (Please fill in only if student need reasonable adjustment)
Declaration I declare that I have attached all relevant evidence to provide
reasonable adjustment. The training package guidelines and criteria
have not been compromised in the process of providing reasonable
adjustment to the student. I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid,
reliable, and flexible assessment. I have provided an explanation of
reasonable adjustments strategy used, as required.


Unit Code: ICTNWK536 Version 1.0 Created in May 2021 Review date: May 2022 Page 49 of 49

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