20 and 14 (Passive Voice)

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Name : Naya Azzahra (20) and Klemen Cristoper Vernanditho (14)

Class : XI SCIENCE 2

Passive Voice

Naya : “Hi, Cris. How is your brother? I was so sorry to hear the news, is it okay
after being admitted to the hospital and said he had kidney stone?”

Cristoper : “By the way, thanks for worrying about my brother. He was hospitalized for
a short period of kidney stone, but now he's better from surgery and dialysis.”

Naya : “Oh, thank god your brother's better, I'm so happy for you. But what is
dialysis? How do people wash their blood? Can you explain what dialysis is?”

Cristoper : “ Yes, as the name suggests, it is to drain the blood into the machine to
properly filter out unnecessary substances and to reintroduce the properly
filtered clean blood into the body. It is to replace the kidney function that has
been unable to perform its maximum task.”

Naya : “ Oh, like that. I was confused when you said something about dialysis.
You're saying dialysis is supposed to replace kidney function, so does your
brother have to do blood cleansing for the rest of his life? It looks bad, but it's
for health's sake.”

Cristoper : “It's okay. Now you know how to treat blood. Looks like my brother had to
do some dialysis because his kidney stones were too big for his surgery
yesterday. And her kidneys are failing. So he had to do a routine dialysis.”

Naya : “Oh, I'm so sorry. But what is the cause of kidney failure? Was it family
descent or the mistake of a healthy pattern of life? I don't want to be sick
because of my failure to maintain a lifepattern.”

Cristoper : “Yes he has bad habits. He liked to drink a packaged beverage of flavor and
color since he was a child. Besides, he also likes fast food as a snack and
disliked any vegetables and it's been a while.”

Naya : “Oh it's all my favorite. Drinking a sweet drink is fresh and quenching thirst.
But luckily I still eat vegetables and fruits. Is there another cause of kidney
Cristoper : “Don't underestimate the disease. My brother used to be lazy and exercise
less. And he used to sit down because he had to work all day at the office
opposite the computer and he rarely drank water.”

Naya : “Oh, it seems to do it all the time and yet it can cause an illness, so terrible. I
have to keep my life a little unguarded from various diseases. Thanks for
clarifying. By the way, what are your brother's symptoms? Did he feel pain in
his stomach at first?”

Cristoper : “Yeah, he was sick on his lower back at first and he ignored it. Then he had
aches when he was farting and the water was cloudy. In addition to that he
often limp in sweat and vomit. It was a regular occurrence until he checked her
into the hospital and she was diagnosed with kidney stones.”

Naya : “Oh, my god. that does look painful. Thanks for telling me all about kidney
disease. I hope we all avoid diseases. And I'll be paying more attention to the
healthy lifepatterns from now on.”

Cristoper : “I hope we all avoid illness. By the way, tomorrow we have a biology lesson
on the circulatory system. It will give you insight into the disease. I'll study
first for the material tomorrow.”

Naya : “Okay, thanks for sharing your knowledge. By the way, I'll learn as well.
Happy studying and I'll see you tomorrow at school.”

Cristoper : “Sure, happy studying.”

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