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Name : Naya Azzahra

No : 20

Class : XI SCIENCE 2

Dialogue Cause and Effect

Naya : Hi Nanami, do you think we could talk for a minute? It's about the transfer of
the capital of Indonesia which was originally in Jakarta to Borneo. What do
you think?

Nanami : Oh hi Naya, I don't mind to talk now. What's wrong with it? Why do you
want to discuss the transfer of the nation's capital?

Naya : Thank you Nanami, it’s nothing, but why is the state capital transferred to
Borneo? That would require a lot of money. And almost every major
government centre will be built there. Then all employees are also transferred
to Borneo.

Nanami : Because of increasing population density in Java and causing gaps between
Java and beyond Java, the capital was moved to Borneo to reduce the problem.
As long as we pay our taxes, we should not think about that.

Naya : Oh yes you're right, but I don't know if the workers living in Jakarta are also
being transferred all along. But wouldn't that make them have to stay there and
leave their families for the rest of their days?

Nanami : Yes, it's possible, but when I read the news only a few were moved, such as
young employees and skilled employees, but also not all because of opening
jobs in Borneo there.

Naya : Yes also yes, there are many job openings. Because I have a brother who
works at headquarters, I'm afraid he'll be transferred there too. Yeah, because
we were away before, and he's being moved and we're getting further and
further away.

Nanami : Oh, sorry to see you have a brother who works at headquarters. But it's an
honor because your brother is a good person at work. You can also meet him
on a video call.
Naya : Yeah, but meeting face-to-face is way more fun than social media, I don't like
it. Especially when he's so busy and doesn't tell me anything. By the way we're
both getting further and farther apart since the island is different, it will be
difficult to meet him.

Nanami : Oh yes, You're going to be very lucky because soon there's an airport in our
city. So you didn't have to go all the way to Surabaya to get on the plane. It's
lucky that you were able to travel to see your brother off Java.

Naya : You were right. That comforted me a bit, thanks Nanami. I was sad for no
reason because I was afraid of being away from my brother. And I should be
proud to have a brilliant, loyal brother with a job. I wish I could be like him

Nanami : Yeah, well, you still have other family closer to you, too. But do not forget
your brother who is far away. I'm your brother too, I won't let you down
because your brothers have to love each other.

Naya : Thanks, Nanami, I appreciate it. By the way the capital in Borneo will it be
the same as in Jakarta? That’s got a monas and a bunch of multistorey
buildings in there? I can't wait to see the new capital of Borneo. Are you also
interested in visiting the new capital later?

Nanami : Yes, I'm also interested in visiting it later after the capital has been built there
because it's a new look from the country's capital in Indonesia. And of course,
I will going to the tourist area. Did you also think of that?

Naya : Yeah, me too, I was thinking about that vacation. Yes, but until the
construction is done, I don't know if I hope everything goes smoothly and it
will be done very soon. And so is the construction of the airport in our city.

Nanami : Anyway you must go study and prepare lessons for tomorrow. If you get into
trouble, please don't hesitate to ask me, I might be able to help you out, ok?

Naya : Yes, thank you, Nanami. I'll study and prepare lessons. Thank you for talking
to me.

Nanami : Sure, happy studying.

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