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Grade: 12 Semester: First Semester

Core Subject Title: General Chemistry 2 No. of Hours/Semester: 80 hours

Core Subject Description:

Composition, structure, and properties of matter; quantitative principles, kinetics, and

energetics of transformations of matter; and fundamental concepts of organic chemistry


Topic/ Lesson Name Concentration of Solutions

Colligative Properties of Solutions
Content Standards Henry Law
Mole Fraction
Vapor Pressure Lowering
Performance Standards The learner able to express the concentration and colligative
properties of solutions on sample problems.
Most Essential Learning  Solve the concentration of solutions on sample problems.
Competencies  Calculate the molarity, molality and dilllution given concentrations
References (Books and  “Conceptual Science and Beyond: General Chemistry”
other learning portals or  Internet

Upon the completion of this module, you will be able to:
 Define Henry Law, Mole Fraction, Vapor Pressure Lowering given concentrations
 Solve the colligative properties of solutions on sample problems.
 Calculate Henry Law, Mole Fraction, Vapor Pressure Lowering given concentrations
 To appreciate the use of knowing the colligative properties of solutions in daily living.


● It is the amount of solute and solvent dissolved in a solution.

● Qualitatively, it may be expressed as either diluted of concentrated.

○ A diluted solution contains greater amount of solvent than the solute.

○ A concentrated solution contains greater amount of solute than the solvent.

● Quantitatively, one of the ways to measure concentration is by percentage composition.



If you dilute 175 mL of a 1.6 M solution of LiCl to 1.0 L, determine the new concentration of the solution.


M1 = 1.6 M or 1.6 mol/L (molarity is also known as mol per liter)

V1 = 175 ml
M2 = ?
V2 = 1 L or 1000 ml (you should usethe same units)

M1V1 = M2V2 then the DERIVED FORMULA is M2= M1V1 / V2


M2 = (1.6 mol/L) (175 mL) / (1000 mL)

M2 = 0.28 M

Note that 1000 mL was used rather than 1.0 L. Remember to keep the volume units consistent.


Where in a solution with two ingredients/substances,

Example Problem
In our glass of iced tea, we have added 3 tbsp of sugar (C12H22O11). The volume of the tea (water) is 325
mL. What is the mole fraction of the sugar in the tea solution?
(1 tbsp sugar ≈ 25 g)
First, we find the moles of both the solute and the solvent.

Next, we substitute the moles of both into the mole fraction equation.

Mole fraction of water is 1 – 0.012 = 0.988 mol

NOTE: To get the mole fraction of water (solvent, XB), subtract the mole fraction of XA from 1.

Solubility and Pressure—Henry’s Law

• Pressure affects the solubility of a gas in a liquid.

• Henry’s law states that the solubility of a gas in a liquid is directly related to the pressure of the gas
over the liquid. That is, the amount of gas that can dissolve in a liquid increases as the pressure of the
gas in the space above the liquid increases.

• An example of Henry’s law is demonstrated when a can of soda is opened at room temperature and
poured into a glass. The dissolved carbon dioxide will fizz and escape from the liquid.

• The hissing sound made when a soda is opened is a result of the space above the beverage in the
container, which is filled with carbon dioxide at a higher pressure than the surrounding atmosphere.
The gas then escapes quickly once the seal is broken.
• The amount of carbon dioxide that was dissolved in the drink at a higher pressure will not stay
dissolved once the drink is opened at a lower pressure.

• Another example of Henry’s law can be seen when studying how the lungs remove carbon dioxide from
blood, but add oxygen.

• The pressure of carbon dioxide is higher in the blood delivered back to the lungs than the pressure of
carbon dioxide in the lungs. Therefore, this gas will pass out of the bloodstream into the lungs where it
can be expired.


Calculate the concentration of CO2 in a soft drink
that is bottled with a partial pressure of CO2 of 4.0 atm
over the liquid at 25°C. The Henry’s law constant for
CO2 in water at this temperature is 3.1  10–2 mol/L-atm.
Analyze: We are given the partial pressure of CO2,
and the Henry’s law constant, k, and asked to calculate the concentration of CO2 in the solution.
Plan: With the information given, we can use Henry’s law to calculate the solubility.

The answer is 0.12 M concentration

Colligative Properties

Changes in colligative properties depend only on the number of solute particles present, not on
the identity
moles solute
sugar = of the solute particles.
total moles solution
• Among colligative properties are

 Vapor pressure lowering

 Boiling point elevation

 Melting point depression

 Osmotic pressure

Vapor Pressure
Because of solute-solvent intermolecular attraction, higher concentrations of nonvolatile solutes make
it harder for solvent to escape to the vapor phase.
Nonvolatile solutes lower the vapor pressure of a solvent by an amount proportional to the solute mole

SAMPLE EXERCISE Calculation of Vapor-Pressure Lowering

Glycerin (C3H8O3) is a nonvolatile nonelectrolyte with a density of 1.26 g/mL at 25°C. Calculate the
vapor pressure at 25°C of a solution made by adding 50.0 mL of glycerin to 500.0 mL of water with a
density of 1 g/ml. The vapor pressure of pure water at 25°C is 23.8 torr.
Analyze: Our goal is to calculate the vapor pressure of a solution, given the volumes of solute and
solvent and the density of the solute.
Plan: We can use Raoult’s law to calculate the vapor pressure of a solution. The mole fraction of the
solvent in the solution, XA, is the ratio of the number of moles of solvent (H2O) to total solution (moles
C3H8O3 + moles H2O).
Solve: To calculate the mole fraction of water in the solution, we must determine the number of moles
of C3H8O3 and H2O:

We now use Raoult’s law to calculate the vapor pressure of water for the solution:

23.8 torr – 23.3 = 0.6 torr

The vapor pressure of the solution has been lowered by 0.6 torr relative to that of pure water.

Osmotic Pressure (π)

Osmosis is the selective passage of solvent molecules
through a porous membrane from a dilute solution to a more
concentrated one.
A semipermeable membrane allows the passage of solvent
molecules but blocks the passage of solute molecules.
Osmotic pressure (π) is the pressure required to stop osmosis.

 = iMRT
i is the van’t Hoff factor

R = universal gas constant = 0.08206 L·atm/mol·K

M is molarity
T is temperature in Kelvin

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