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Name of Teacher: Kimberly G. Vallende Grade: 10

Content Standard:
Demonstrates understanding of factors that influence alcohol use and strategies for prevention and control
Performance Standard:
Demonstrates personal responsibility in the prevention of alcohol use through the promotion od a healthy
Learning Competency/ies: Analyzes the negative health impact of drinking alcohol.
Topic: Duration and Time:
The Physical and Mental Effects of Alcohol Drinking 60 minutes/ 1 hour
Key Understanding There is a need to recognize the Physical and Mental Effects of alcohol.
to be developed
Learning Knowledge Identify the Physical and Mental Effects of Alcohol Drinking
Objectives Dramatize scenarios on The Prevention and Control of Alcohol
Attitudes Appreciate the Prevention on the Effects of Drinking Alcohol
Resources Needed MAPEH 8 Textbook (Based on the K12 Curriculum) - Curriculum Guide
Elements of the
Preparation INTRODUCTORY  Prayer and greetings
 Checking of attendance
-How will I make the ACTIVITY
 Presentation of lesson objectives
learners ready?
-How do I prepare the  Present Different Bottled Alcoholic Drinks
learners for the new
lesson? Questions:
- How will I connect 1. Are you familiar of these bottled drinks?
my new lesson with 2. What kind of liquors are these?
the past lesson?
3. Are you taking this kind of drink? If Yes, When
and Why?
4. Have you seen people in your community
drinking these kind of liquors?
5. How do these people behave when they are
6. Are the effects of these liquor dangerous to
7. What Dimensions of Heatlh do these affect?
8. What do you think is our lesson for today?

Presentation ACTIVITY /
- How will I present ACTIVITIES INDICATORS 4, 5 and 7
the new lesson?
- What materials will I This is an interaction Situation Analysis
use? strategy to elicit
- What  Divide the class into two (2) groups.
learner’s prior learning
generalization/ experience. It serves as  Give the activity materials to each group.
through concept/ a springboard for new  Let the students answer the given activity
conclusion/ learning. It illustrates
abstraction should the principle that Direction:
the learners arrive
at? learning starts where
(Showing/ the learners are. Based from the given words, identify the Effects of
Demonstrating/ Carefully structured
Engaging/Doing/ activities such as Alcohol and classify it accordingly. Whether these
Experiencing/ individual or group affect your Physical Health or Mental Health.
Exploring/Observing- reflective exercises,
Role Playing, dyads, group discussion, self House Rules:
dramatizing/ or group assessment,
brainstorming/reacting/ dyadic or triadic
inter-acting- interactions, puzzles, G - ive thoughtful feedbacks
articulating simulations or role-play, R - espect others and their thoughts
observations, finding cybernetics exercise, O - n task all the time
conclusions, gallery walk and the like U - se soft and tactful words
generalizations, may be created. Clear P - articipate actively
abstraction – Giving instructions should be
suggestions, reactions, considered in this part S - tay with your group
solutions, of the lesson.

Physical Effects Mental Effects

1. Cardiomyopathy 1. Feeling Great

2. Arrythmias 2. Feeling Drowsy
3. Alcoholic Hepatitis 3. Memory Loss
4. Steatosis 4. Lack of Motor Coordination
5. Stroke 5. Mood Swings
6. Cirrhosis 6. Alcohol Dependence
7. Pancreatitis

Use the students’ answers/ output as a springboard into

the lesson.

Essential questions are INDICATOR 3
included to serve as a
guide for the teacher in
clarifying key 1. How were you able to identify the Physical Effects of
understanding about Alcohol?
the topic at hand.
Critical points are 2. Does alcohol drinking trigger diseases?
organized to structure
the discussions allowing
the learners to 3. Why are these classified as Physical Effects?
maximize interactions
and sharing of ideas 4. How were you able to identify the Mental Effects of
and opinions about Alcohol?
expected issues.
Affective questions are
included to elicit the
feelings of the learners
about the activity or the
topic. The last questions
or points taken should 5. Does alcohol affect decision making? Why?
lead the learners to
understand the new 6. Why are these classified as Mental Effects?
concepts or skills that
are to be presented in
the next part of the

Present a video about the Effects of Alcohol on body and


Video Link:


Alcohol Drinking is of the most common past times

of human beings. Some Alcoholic replace water as
their basic drink during meals. However, little do
these people know that too much alcohol
consumption could lead to damage to the body
systems. Intoxication is one of the effects of
consuming alcohol that happens when the alcohol
goes into the bloodstream, producing physical and
mental changes in the body. These may include
changes in sight, smell, and other senses. When a
person consumes alcohol consistently and heavily,
extreme changes in the body may occur. A person
may suffer from:
Physical Effects Mental Effects

Cardiomyopathy Feeling Great

Arrythmias Feeling Drowsy
Alcoholic Hepatitis Memory Loss
Steatosis Lack of Motor Coordination
Stroke Mood Swings
Cirrhosis Alcohol Dependence

Only a person can help himself. Prevention is still

better than cure. That is why a person must have a
strong foundation of resistence skills. These skills
involve getting the courage to refuse the temptation
of consumption. These skills also involve advocacy on
the prevention of alcohol addiction. After all, it is
always our choice.

-What practice
exercises/ This part is structured to 1. As a student, is it right for you to drink alcoholic
application activities ensure the commitment beverages? Why?
will I give to the of the learners to do
learners? something to apply their
new learning in their 2. As a Friend, what can you do to help your friends
own environment. who are alcohol dependent?

3. In what way can you manipulate the use of social

media to advocate the Effects of Alcohol?

Assessment Matrix
Levels of What will I assess? How will I assess? How will I
Assessment score?

Knowledge Directions: Read and Written Test One point for

(What do we
want pupils to
analyze each each correct
know? – refers to statement carefully answer.
the facts and and Identify if the
information that statements are true or
the pupil false. Write TRUE if
es of what they
the statement is
correct and FALSE if

1. Drinking Alcohol
can affect the brain
and human body.
2. Alcohol can give
you strength and
3. Alcoholic drinks are
for children.
4. Memory Loss is an
example of Mental
5. To be drunk is
morally good.
6. Alcoholic drinks
destroy our organ
7. Stroke is an
example of Physical
8. Cardiomyopathy is
a mental illness.
9. Motor Coordination
is brain related.
10. Memory Loss is an
example of a positive
Process or
(refers to skills or
pupil’s ability to
process and
make sense of
content and
critical thinking)
(refers to big
ideas and
which may be
assessed using
the indicators of
(Transfer of
(refer to real-life
application of
understanding as
evidenced by
performance of
authentic tasks)
A Reinforcing Research a video clip on the
S the day’s effects of drugs and report it
S lesson to the class.
I Enriching the
G day’s lesson
Enhancing the
day’s lesson
N Preparing for
T the new


A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use? Discover which I wish to share
with other

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