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1. Choose any 5 idioms of your choice.

2. Make 5 posters of A4 size (one per idiom) which include the five
requirements below:
● Imagery: Draw or paste pictures of the words that will demonstrate
the LITERAL words in the phrase.
● Origin: Explain the backstory/history; where did the saying come
from (originate)? -Meaning: Provide the figurative meaning of the
● Sentence: Use sentence correctly by writing an original sentence.
● Update Idea: think of, explain and demonstrate a new phrase that we
could use instead of the old one to express the same meaning or idea.
➢ Create a new phrase (Which could have the same figurative meaning)
➢ Explain your thinking (Why this phrase would make a sense start saying)
➢ Sentence- Revise your old sentence by replacing the old idiom with your
new idea

1.हिमालय से निकलने वाली प्रमख

ु नदियों के नाम बताते हुए उनके जल में बढ़ते प्रदष
ू ण के
HINDI कारण बताइए तथा इस प्रदष ू ण को दरू करने के उपाय सझ
ु ाते हुए एक विस्तत
ृ लेख (लगभग
300 शब्दों में ) लिखिए।
2.नियमित रूप से ‘हम होंगे कामयाब' पस् ु तक पढ़िए और प्रतिदिन सीखे गए दो नवीन
शब्दों की सच
ू ी बनाइए |
3.विद्यालय पत्रिका हे तु कोई भी एक कविता, कहानी, लेख या यात्रा वत
ृ ांत लिखिए।
4.प्रतिदिन एक पष्ृ ठ सल
ु ेख लिखिएl (30 पष्ृ ठ)

1 Make paper nets of the following 3D shapes

MATHS Cube, cuboid, cone, cylinder, triangular pyramid, and square pyramid.
The link for making this will be shared in your class group.
2 Make a working model of corresponding, alternate interior and exterior alternate
angles using a protractor and straws.
The link for making the model will be shared in your class group.
3 Revise chapter 1 integers and chapter 2 Fractions and decimals
Practice worksheets will be shared in your class group.


SCIENCE Students will investigate how body temperature is affected by the clothing they
wear. Measure the body temperature by wearing cloth materials made up of different
fibers -natural and artificial. Note the temperature measured for the different types of
clothing and make a comparative study of your analysis.
Prepare a food item that will help you reduce the effect of heat waves. Give a brief
description of how your dish will bring coolness to the body.
The following link may be used for reference

SOCIAL SCIENCE 1) Roll no. 1-10: Prepare a newsletter highlighting ways in which the public and
private health services managed the covid pandemic.
2) Roll no. 11-20: Visit the buildings/ monuments constructed by the Lodhis and the
Tughlaqs, and prepare a travelogue on the same, highlighting your observations
regarding the period of construction, architectural features, and the significance of
the building, maintenance etc.
3) Roll no. 21-30: Imagine you are a manager in the tourism industry, create a
brochure on the Ganga Brahmaputra basin highlighting its climate, important places
to visit, flora and fauna, and life of the people.
4) Roll no. 31 onwards: Imagine you are a manager in the tourism industry, create a
brochure on the Amazon basin highlighting its climate, important places to visit,
flora and fauna, and the life of the people.
COMPUTER Almost all of us are using the internet to work now. However, the internet put us at a
SCIENCE lot of risk of being bullied, blackmailed, or exploited. How can we prevent this
problem? Do any ONE of the following.

a) You can prepare a PowerPoint presentation for explaining the topic.

b) Create a story from scratch that explains the topic.

c) Make a 2-3 minute video to raise awareness about Cyber Security. The video can
be made by depicting a role-play. Use your imagination to make it creative. Do
not use any pre-made videos or images from the internet.

Please note: Homework to be submitted on Assignment Tab in MS


GERMAN Do you know that Germany is one of the most preferred travel destinations in the
world? Imagine that you are a travel guide and you have to prepare a brochure to
educate people on the places, culture, people, etc. of Germany. Collect information
on Germany that YOU would want to put on the brochure and prepare an attractive

Regardez un court métrage. Imaginez si ce film était un roman, puis faites une
FRENCH couverture de ce livre.

1-पढ़ाए गए पाठों का अभ्यास करें I

SANSKRIT 2-सभ ु ाषितानि पाठ के सभी श्लोक याद करें l
3-संस्कृत संख्या 1-20 को प्रदर्शित करते हुए हुए संद ु र चार्ट बनाएं l
4-स्कूल मैगजीन में प्रकाशन हे त,ु एक संद ु र लेख, अथवा संस्कृत गीत निम्नलिखत
विषयों में से किसी एक विषय पर लिखिए l
विषय -पर्यावरण, मम विद्यालय:,मम माता, जलविहार, मम दे श:,भारतस्य
विज्ञानं,संस्कृत-भाषा,मम मित्रस्य जन्मदिवस:,मम प्रिय: अध्यापक:,मम गह ृ ं ,मम
जिज्ञासा l
5-स्क्रैप बक
ु में संस्कृत की किन्हीं 20 सक्ति
ू यों का संग्रह अर्थ सहित कीजिए l
Plastic Bottle Brick/Eco Brick
RESPONSIBILITY To make Plastic Bottle Brick/Eco Brick of volume 750 ml  or  1 litre (soft drink
FOR /PET bottles) by filling it with plastic wrappers.
SUSTAINABILITY Each student has to submit 3-4 Plastic Bottle Bricks/Eco Bricks
SCHOOL Plastic bottle bricks collected from students will be used to make various structures
in the school campus.

  Sample of Plastic Bottle Brick/Eco Brick

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