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FACE 2 FACE UMAT Preparation Centre

Sample Questions

Section 1

1. The layperson`s. and sometimes the doctor`s. emergency treatment oI choice when someone goes into
cardiac arrest is the cardiopulmonary resuscitation. or CPR. CPR involves using the heel oI the hand to
push deeply into the victim`s chest. while administering periodic mouth-to-mouth breaths. But the
sobering Iact is that the procedure doesn`t` work very well; in Iact. almost 95° oI cardiac-arrest victims
die beIore they reach a medical centre.

II Iollows that

a) A layperson is better at doing CPR than a doctor.
b) 95° oI cardia-arrest victims die beIore they reach a medical centre is due to incorrect CPR
c) The CPR procedure requires some improvements to increase its eIIectiveness.
d) Mouth-to-mouth breaths may not be as eIIective as pushing deeply into the victim`s chest when
perIorming CPR.

2. A yearlong study in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine reported that dieters who weigh themselves
daily lose more weight than those who don`t. AIter reading the report. Jane decided to start weighing
herselI everyday in order to lose weight. but she did not change her diet or amount oI physical activity.

Which oI the Iollowing conclusions Irom the report misguided Jane in believing that she will lose weight iI
she weighed herselI everyday?

a) With the combination oI a healthy diet and regular exercise. monitoring your weight everyday
will help you lose more weight.
b) Dieters who weigh themselves daily are more aware oI their weight and hence will try more
actively to lose it.
c) Dieters oIten avoid the scale because they Iear their weight would not go down despite various
d) Dieters will lose weight by weighing themselves daily.

124a Lpplng Roao
Nortb Ryoe NSW 2113
Pb: 0414 870 754
FACE 2 FACE UMAT Preparation Centre
Age specific death rates - Australia

3. From this graph. it can be concluded that:

a) BeIore the age oI 54. 1-4 year old Australians have the highest ASDR
b) Australian males are more likely to die aIter the age oI 15 than Australian Iemales.
c) Australian Iemales suIIer a higher ASDR at birth compared to Australian males.
d) In the age group 65-69. Australian Iemales are more likely do die than Australian males.

124a Lpplng Roao
Nortb Ryoe NSW 2113
Pb: 0414 870 754
FACE 2 FACE UMAT Preparation Centre
Section 2

A conversation between a doctor and a patient

Doctor: So. how can I help you today?

Patient: Well. I seem to be Iorgetting things more and more lately. Just the other day I was cooking
some dinner and I went to watch that new Bert Newton show. what`s the name again.
ohhhhh it`ll come back to me. Meanwhile my dinner was all ruined because I Iorgot all
about it. Ohhhhhh the name oI that show...

Doctor: Sounds like your iust getting old to me.

Patient: But it`s more than that Doc. other people are noticing too. I don't know. I thought maybe.
you know. there is something going on.

Doctor: Look. I know it can be hard to deal with but you should be taking it easy now anyway. Per
haps it is time you considered moving into a retirement village.

1. The patient in the scenario is:

a) Frustrated and apprehensive
b) Anxious and concerned
c) Upset and annoyed
d) Worried and annoyed

2. The doctor`s comments would:

a) Add to the patient`s angst
b) Be reassuring Ior the patient
c) Make the patient Ieel supported
d) Make the patient Ieel embarrassed Ior coming to the doctor with such a trivial complaint

124a Lpplng Roao
Nortb Ryoe NSW 2113
Pb: 0414 870 754
FACE 2 FACE UMAT Preparation Centre
A personal account from 1ane about her son

My son has always been a slow learner and reader. He came home one day Irom school and told me how
all the kids in his class had teased him because when the teacher made him read a passage Irom a book he
was very slow and made a lot oI mistakes. My heart broke seeing my child so upset. I sit down with him
every night and we go through sentences in his Iavourite books. The teacher then asked him to read at an
assembly. I was apprehensive and was aIraid oI what would happen iI he stumbled. When his time came
to read he got up and read every word. slowly but perIectly. The audience clapped and cheered and tears
well in my eyes.

3. The mother:

a) Is proud oI the way her son was able to show the people who teased him how he can read
b) Sees her son as someone who demands a great deal oI her time
c) Was aIraid her son would embarrass himselI in Iront oI his classmates again
d) Was overwhelmed with the way her son succeeded in speaking so well at assembly

124a Lpplng Roao
Nortb Ryoe NSW 2113
Pb: 0414 870 754
FACE 2 FACE UMAT Preparation Centre
Section 3

1. Find which pattern (A-E) should go last.

2. Arrange the sequence in order and identiIy the middle one.

124a Lpplng Roao
Nortb Ryoe NSW 2113
Pb: 0414 870 754
FACE 2 FACE UMAT Preparation Centre

Section 1:

1) C
2) D
3) B

Section 2:

1) B
2) A
3) D

Section 3:

1) A
2) A

124a Lpplng Roao
Nortb Ryoe NSW 2113
Pb: 0414 870 754

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