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Name: Kyla Kate G.


Year/Section: BSHM2C

Subject: HMPE 2 - Front Office Operations

Assignment 3 for Module 3 (40 points)

Simulation on Situations in the Front Office (Guest Handling)

Discuss what are you going to do to the following situations as the Front Office Personnel/ Reservations
Clerk. Explain your answer for each situation.

a. Guest arrives at the front desk at 2:00 pm. He called the day before for reservation but was very
disappointed when he was told that he is not included in the reservations list. The hotel is full,
and he cannot be accommodated. He is very mad to a point of making a scandal.

Mistakes always happens and this kind of situation is not new in hospitality industry as hotel can
always encounter it especially during peak seasons.

As Front Office Personnel/ Reservations Clerk, the guest was informed a day before his arrival, and
it’s not a good professional service if we accept a booking when we know that it’s already full, but if this
scene happens maybe because of the schedule of booking that we expected a guest to checkout but
turned out to extend it as usually that’s what’s happens in hotel.

At the moment that this problem in hotel happens. As a reservation clerk, I will politely, and calmly
apologize and say to the guest that there is a problem in his reservation. I will immediately inform the
manager about this situation, so that we can seriously ask and invite the guest in a private room which
we can talk about the problem, and to avoid uncomfortable feeling of other guests nor to avoid
bothering them.

We will get to make a clear communication and understand his side. As a solution, we can call
around to find a best hotel for him, however this is not easy because there’s a big possibility that the
guest will reject our offer, and continue to bring out trash, and harsh words directly to the whole hotel.
Moreover, I will still need to maintain positive attitude and remind my self that it’s my job to please
customers, and sometimes that means setting aside my own feelings because nothing will happens if I
will put my temper higher.

Additionally, we will request to rebook his schedule with discount and ensure that everything will
go smoothly in order to save the name and reputation of the hotel. Additionally, after fixing the
problem, I will keep record details in the guest’s profile, inform colleagues of the situation, and take
necessary steps to ensure the problem does not recur. Follow-up calls from management or notes and
amenities in guest rooms will reinforce my care and concern.
b. Guest arrived and approached the front desk for registration. His company has made a
guaranteed reservation for him, but the secretary failed to send the letter of authorization. Will
you register him under a company account? What will you do or say?

If the guest is booking under a guaranteed company account, but the secretary failed to send the
letter of authorization, I will ask the guest if he has the document. “Sir, you are checking in under the
account of company’s name. As of this date, we failed to received your company’s authorization. Do you
have it with you sir?”

On the other hand, if the guest neither has the authorization letter, I will carefully tell the guest that
he has to be booked on his personal account to be adjusted as company account upon the receipt of the
authorization letter. “Sir, it is our company policy to require an authorization letter for any company
account. Since the authorization letter is not yet with us, I hope you don’t mind if we have to pace you
first on a personal account the moment we receive the letter. The letter must be with us prior to check

Once the bill is settled, I will prepare the guest ID and give it to the guest. “This is your Hotel ID Mr.
Sim. For your security, we request you to present this ID every time you claim your key.” Then, I will
inform the bell service to accompany the guest to his room, and give the bellboy rooming instruction.
“Mr. Sim, your room is on the fourth floor, room 407. Our bellboy Vincent will accompany you to your

Additionally, before the conversation ends I will wish the guest a pleasant stay. “Have a good day
Mr. Sim. We hope you will enjoy your stay with us. Don’t hesitate to call the Front Desk if you have any
requests or if you need any assistance.”

c. Guest arrives at 7 pm beyond the cut off time which is 6:00 pm. His reservation was canceled
and given to another guest. He was very mad and disappointed.

Dealing with guest conflict is one of the most difficult part of a service. If not managed properly, an
in-hotel complaint can escalate into a bad online review, and a negative review can scare away potential
guests and damage your business reputation as income can causes permanent damage.

In this situation, it’s the guest fault on why he loose his reservation because cutting off reservation
is on hotel policy and no one can control it especially when the room is already occupied by another
new guest.

As a reservation clerk, I make sure to do my job to remind guest before the cut off, but if not I will
sincerely apologize, as well as I will not tell that he's aware on the cut off (6:00 pm) because I'm sure
that it will cause a big problem of misunderstanding, so I better respectively apologize to the guest, and
will inform the manager as we will ask to talk about it into the office, so that his behavior of insulting,
complaining, shouting and demands will not bother other guest inside the hotel, nor those guests
checking in and checking out the hotel.
In addition, we will calmly make a conversation, and will assure that we understand the guest on
why he's late, but we can't give the room for the guest if it’s already occupied unless we will pleased and
recommend a better room with free service or discount that will satisfy him.

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