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ICT Training in Education pertains to capacity-building

activities which aim to equip educators, particularly
teachers in selecting, integrating and developing ethically
appropriate ICT pedagogy in teaching-learning processes.
Provide greater opportunity for teacher-to-teacher,
Teacher-student, and student-to-student communication
and collaboration.
Give greater exposure to vocational
and workforce skills for teachers.

ADVANTAGES Offer teachers the opportunity for

more student centered teaching.
Provide teachers with new sources
of information and knowledge.

Supply teachers with additional resources to assist resource-based

Provide opportunities for multiple
technologies delivered for teachers.

Improve the efficiency of educational administration and

management at every level from the classroom, school library,
through the school and on to the sector as a whole.
ICT helps to establish a learning
environment that stimulate, motivate
and engage learners.

ADVANTAGES Equip teachers technical skills to

Enhance innovativeness, creativity and
resourcefulness for effective teaching
Have a positive impact on workload
Cultivate Improved Communication
Provide quick access to updated
Wider range of communication media
ADVANTAGES for teaching opportunities
Expand professional competencies
Allow connecting Geographically
dispersed regions
Over-reliance on ICT strategies limits
students critical thinking and analytical skills.

Computer-based teaching-learning has negative

Physical side-effects such as vision problem.
Regular technical support is crucial and required

ICT Training takes time

Requires functioning technical infrastructure

and facilities or ICT equipment
Over-reliance on ICT strategies limits students critical thinking and analytical skills.

➢ Because of the abundance of sources of information, ICT training allows teacher to be more resourceful making use of online sources and contents which also allows students to utilize
these sources or contents in working out learning tasks the teacher has given, in turn, there’s a high possibility that students may rely oftentimes on the plenty of sources of info. As a
result they are not anymore motivated to do more of analyzing and thinking skills in working out their lesson activities. Their critical and analytical skills are not addressed actively or

Computer-based teaching-learning has negative Physical side-effects such as vision problem.

People who use the computers for an extensive period of time may complain about headaches & pains in their wrists, arms & necks, These pains are due to using the computer keyboard for a
long amount of time, They also suffer from muscle pain due to fatigue. The computer use can cause vision problems which are called Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), The glare on the
screen of the computer, the reduced level of contrast of text to the background, and letters not being as sharp or clear, This can put more stress on your eyes, The symptoms of CVS include
eye strain, blurred vision, headaches & dry eyes. And these conditions can happen when having ICT during training and more so during integration in the lesson.

Regular technical support is crucial and required-

ICT Training in education requires constant updating of skills because technology keeps on progressing. So in the case of teachers, we need someone to also update our ICT skills to keep
abreast with the latest trends. This could be an IT specialist or a technician who knows more than we do. Because it is not enough that we know the basics, we need to update so that we can
apply what we learn in ICT efficiently and effectively. Everything is evolving, thus, we always need regular technical support. Every now and then, there’s a new program, a new application,
new technology, and new policy which we can apply or we are tasked to apply. Just like our type of educational system that we have now. From face to face to new normal. Hence in order
for us to adjust, we need someone to provide as support to continuously improve.

ICT Training takes time

This is because ICT requires technical skills. Since technology keeps on updating and evolving, acquiring ICT technical skills does not happen overnight. It follows a certain process of molding
our skills in computers. First, we must know the basics, then follows the familiarization of technicalities, then demonstration of skills, then application of skills. All of this and that takes a lot
of time than other types of training, especially that new application or program is founded or updated everyday. It is like the more we learn or acquire ICT skills, the more we know that we
still have a lot to learn. Hence, practicing and mastery of skills really need ample amount of time especially knowing the fact that ICT skills is the most intricate and technical skills to learn
and master.

Requires functioning technical infrastructure and facilities or ICT equipment

ICT training is not just demanding and time-consuming. It is also costly and expensive. This is because to conduct the training, there should be functional infrastructure, like building-
computer laboratories. There must be facilities or ICT equipment also like laptops or desktops, internet connection- modem, wifi, router etc. This is the reason why ICT training may pose
another disadvantage, because it can not be easily conducted compare to other trainings in education. This is really a challenge to education since not every school nationwide has the
facilities and equipment. How much more with internet connection.
Teachers can use ICT organize ICT equipment is expensive and
their work and make it needs trained staff to maintain
clearer. it correctly.

ICT can support different Hardware can be unreliable

teaching methods, this varies leading to breakdowns
the way students can learn. which cause frustration.
Some computer programmers Using ICT means children can
such as teaching programs become dependent on computers
provide immediate feedback on and technology and not learn how
work completed by students. to do things by hand.

Encourages collaborative work, Internet can lead to children

So students can work together. accessing unsuitable sites.

Some applications can save time Plagiarism has increased as students

and effort such as programs that Find pre written work online leading
teach French vocabulary, these To students gaining unfair results
are quicker and more effective On coursework.
than using paper.



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