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Orthopedic Reviews 2021; volume 13:8773

archeologists who found signs of this

pathology in Homo Neanderthalensis skele-
Historical overview of hip
Correspondence: Dan-Viorel Nistor, “Iuliu
arthroplasty: From humble tons.1,2 Also, skeletons from ancient Britain Haţieganu” University of Medicine and
beginnings to a high-tech and medieval times3,4 were found with signs Pharmacy, Calea Manastur Street, nr. 38-40,
of hip arthritis. In those times, the orthope- sc.2, ap.20, Cluj Napoca, Romania.
Tel.: +40.752171202.
dic treatment was the only one available,
Nicolae Ciprian Bota, Dan-Viorel Nistor, surgery for arthritis being yet to be devel-
oped. Naturally, patients could ambulate
Sergiu Caterev, Adrian Todor Key words: Total hip arthroplasty, direct ante-
with the use of a cane and crutches, eventu- rior approach, hip replacement, history, histor-
Department of Orthopedics, ally becoming permanently immobilized in ical approach.
Traumatology and Pediatric bed. No more innovations in degenerative
Orthopedics, “Iuliu Haţieganu” hip disease were developed until modern Contributions: NCB, DVN and AT were
University of Medicine and Pharmacy, times. More recently, at the beginning of the responsible for the conception and the design
of the study. All authors contributed in data
Cluj-Napoca, Romania 18th century, surgeons used to excise the
collection and manuscript preparation. All
femoral head, basically performing the authors gave their approval for publishing of
excision hip arthroplasty. At the time, this this final version. All authors had equal con-
was groundbreaking surgery, especially in tributions.
an age when limb amputation was common.
The first surgeon to report such an operation Conflict of interest: The authors declare no
was Henry Park (1744-1831) in Liverpool, potential conflict of interest.
Surgery of the arthritic hip was not an
easy task in the previous centuries, lots of United Kingdom. He told to his mentor
Funding: None.
operations being followed very closely by Percival Pott (1717-1788) that after “total
complications and failures. Nowadays, hip extirpation of articulation” he hoped to Ethics approval: Not needed.
arthroplasty is considered “the operation of obtain a cure by “callus” formation.2 In that
the century”. This review follows the evolu- period, the “callus” term was a general con- Consent to publication: Not required.
tion of surgery on the arthritic hip, with cept which referred either to a proper bony
callus or a fibrous nonunion. Availability of data and materials: Available in
emphasis on arthroplasty. Acknowledging
Across Europe, the 18th century was the text.
the history of this operation, one can better
prepare its evolution and future directions very violent, many wars and conflicts rang-
Received for publication: 2 July 2020.
of research. The final chapter briefly ing from Ireland and Scotland all the way to Revision received: 14 November 2020.
describes the current trends and future per- the Black Sea and Caucasus. The introduc- Accepted for publication: 25 February 2021.
spectives. tion of military conscription and the spread-
ing of firearms meant that more people This work is licensed under a Creative
were subjected to high energy trauma and Commons Attribution NonCommercial 4.0
License (CC BY-NC 4.0).
Introduction many surgeons who practiced alongside an
army were very fond of amputations and ©Copyright: the Author(s), 2021
Throughout history, patients with ortho- limb disarticulations. But some surgeons,
Licensee PAGEPress, Italy
pedic disorders were called “cripples” since who were horrified by the idea of invalidity Orthopedic Reviews 2021;13:8773
this kind of pathology, which concerned the and life-threatening surgery in a time when doi:10.4081/or.2021.8773
musculoskeletal anatomy and function, was procedures were performed without anes-
poorly understood. This meant that condi- thesia or any regard to asepsis and antisep-
tions like trauma, degenerative joint disease sis, were happy to adopt the principle of
and infection had poor outcomes, usually limb conservation. Among those, the 59 patients, in which only 39 survived. He
putting the patient at risk for death, major Prussian surgeon Johann Ulrich Bilguer presented his results in 1876 at the
handicap and crippling deformity. (1720-1796) who wrote in 1761 “De mem- International Medical Congress in
During its evolution, hip surgery brorum amputatione rarissime adminis- Philadelphia and then across Europe on dif-
focused on three major aspects: approach tranda” advocating for limb sparing proce- ferent occasions during lectures.6 Although
and anatomy, trauma and joint replacement. dures, with minimum tissue excision and in the United States this technique was well
Often, hip trauma that required surgical lower amputation rates amongst surgeons. received, the European surgeons, like
treatment needed proper surgical approach- Unfortunately, due to the speed of an ampu- Volkmann and Calot kept a conservative
es and implants, which led to the continuous tation and its lower technical demand, approach. Later, in the 1940’s, excision of
need of research and innovation. Park’s operation and Bilguer’s principles the femoral head was popularized by
The purpose of this paper is to describe failed to echo into the surgical world. Gathorne Robert Girdlestone (1881-1950)
the evolution of hip surgery and hip arthro- The breakthrough was in 1821, when from Oxford in patients suffering from
plasty by understanding the key moments in Anthony White from London (1782-1849) tuberculosis and joint infection. Girdlestone
their history. was credited with the first excision arthro- was a man of deep religious beliefs and his
plasty on a 9-year-old patient with hip approach to this operation was somewhat
tuberculosis, according to The Lancet jour- biblical, as in his own words “If thine
Early aspects of hip surgery nal.5 Lewis Sayre, later in 1854, was a great femoral head offend thee, pluck it out and
promoter of hip resection for infection and cast it from thee”. Even today, some sur-
The earliest data regarding degenerative tuberculosis (“morbus coxarius” as he geons use this procedure as a final resort in
hip disease came from paleontologists and called it). Subsequently, he operated up to a failed total hip arthroplasty.

[Orthopedic Reviews 2021; 13:8773] [page 19]


he graduated medicine from Leipzig and osteoarthritis surgery, that was not referring
Osteotomy, interposition and Berlin. Later he took part as a military to hip fusion. He described his operation as
fusion: early techniques for joint physician in Romanian War of a “mechanical adaptation of a hip joint dis-
salvage Independence (1877-1878) and Serbian- abled by injury or disease to the essential
Bulgarian War of 1885-1886 where he saw requirements of locomotion…”. In this type
In 1826, John Rhea Barton from different kinds of bone trauma. In this peri- of surgery, the patient needs to sacrifice
Philadelphia (1794-1871) performed the od Gluck used screws and steel plates to either stability or mobility for the sake of a
first osteotomy on an ankylosed hip.7 He provide an early form of ORIF (open reduc- pain free limb.
performed an intertrochanteric osteotomy tion and internal fixation) on a fractured A major breakthrough in hip arthroplas-
without anesthesia in seven minutes. femur and replaced the malignant bit of a ty was made by Marius Smith-Petersen
Twenty days later, he mobilized the limb in mandible with a steel plate. Although he’s (1886-1953) from Boston who in 1923
order to create a pseudarthrosis. Three usage of artificial joints spanned not only to described the mold interposition arthroplas-
months later, the patient was walking using hip, but also shoulder, knee and ankle, his ty with a synthetic material (glass). He
a cane. Through this operation, Barton also results were darkened on a long term by noticed that glass was a material that was
provided the first evidence that motion infection. Most of his work was not pub- very well tolerated by the human body and
could prevent fracture healing and bone for- lished due to a conflict with his chief sur- while he was operating on a patient who had
mation. At the time, this kind of treatment geon, Proff. Von Bergmann. a piece of glass in his back, Petersen noticed
had a mortality rate of about 50%, unac- At the beginning of 20th century, the that a fibrous membrane was present around
ceptable by today’s standards. Although road to modern arthroplasty was paved by it. Therefore, he concluded that glass, mold-
popularized by McMurray in the 1930’s, John Benjamin Murphy from Chicago ed on the femoral head could stimulate the
and later by the biomechanical studies of (1857-1916) who studied the anatomy and formation of that fibrous membrane and
Pauwels in the 50’s and Bombelli in 1983, evolution of the disease and named it alleviate pain, thus improving mobility and
the indications for proximal femur osteoto- “malum coxae senilis”. He noticed the range of motion. In his own words, it will
my shifted from adult degenerative condi- presence of osteophytes around the joint “guide nature’s repair” of the joint. During
tions to young and adolescent septic hip and advocated for their removal only, with- surgery, the mold was inserted through an
sequelae. In adults, the operation failed to out addressing the joint surfaces of the anterior approach, developed by Smith-
properly address the hip joint and the femur and acetabulum. He described this Petersen in 1917. First glass implants were
afflicted joint surfaces, but rather to merely procedure as “hip cheilectomy”. In his used in 1932 and although promising at
change the loading biomechanics and slow patients, Murphy noticed that after the first, they soon started to shatter. During
down the degenerative processes, with only removal of the osteophytes, their range of revision surgeries, Smith-Petersen was
slight alleviation of pain and other symp- motion and pain somewhat improved, but in excited about the presence of the fibrous
toms. the end, the degenerative process continued membrane and felt encouraged to experi-
Later, surgeons began to consider treat- to progress.10 ment with other materials, such as celluloid,
ing the joint surfaces, by using different In 1893, a German surgeon, named Bakelite and Pyrex. In 1937, his dentist sug-
types of materials or biologic interposition Heinrich Helferich (1851-1945) developed gested Vitallium. Following this, he
tissues, developing the interposition arthro- a procedure for temporomandibular joint implanted almost 500 hip molds with good
plasty. Carnochan from New York intro- arthritis which implied the usage of a fascia clinical results. This device provided the
duced wood blocks between joint surfaces lata interposition between the joint surfaces. first predictable clinical results in interposi-
in 1840.7 In 1860, Auguste Stanislas He advocated this principle long before, in tional hip arthroplasty.2,8-11
Verneuil from Paris (1823-1895) performed 1882 at the German Surgical Congress.
the first soft tissue interposition arthroplas- Following his findings, Murphy and his col-
ty. In 1885, Leopold Ollier (1830-1900) league Erich Lexer from Munchen,
from Lyon described the interposition of Germany (1867-1937) also used interposi- Early attempts at arthroplasty
adipose tissue in aseptic joints. Because this tion arthroplasty with fascia lata graft.
material was not fixed to adjacent tissues, Others that used biological interposition The first attempt for replacing the joint
his procedures were generally ineffective.2,7 arthroplasty, at that time were French sur- surfaces was made by a French surgeon,
Czech surgeon Viteslav Chlumsky geon Foedre (b. 1860) and William Steven Pierre Delbet (1861-1925) who used rubber
(1867-1943), while working in Breslau Baer from John Hopkins Hospital in prosthesis for replacing the femoral head in
(modern day Wroclaw, Poland) experiment- Baltimore (1872-1931) who in 1918 used 1919. In 1927, the British surgeon Ernest
ed in 1896 with a wide variety of interposi- pig bladder as an interposition material. In W. Hey-Groves (1872-1944) used ivory. In
tion materials, such as muscle, celluloid, sil- those times, informed consent was almost 1933 he described that in order to better
ver plates, rubber struts, magnesium, zinc, nonexistent, so most surgeons did as they accommodate the femoral implant, one
glass, pyres, decalcified bones and wax. pleased regarding the choosing of their sur- must cut away the anterior and inferior mar-
Prior to Chlumsky, Themistocles Gluck gical approach and material usage. gins of the “socket” (acetabulum). In 1948,
from Berlin developed in 1891 a ball and In the same period, Sir Robert Jones the Judet brothers, Robert (1901-1980) and
socket joint made from ivory that was fixed (1855-1933) used a gold foil to cover the Jean (1905-1995) used an acrylic prosthe-
to the bone with nickel plated screws. reconstructed femoral heads. Twenty-one sis. However, this implant was very suscep-
Subsequently he used plaster of Paris and years later, he made a follow-up report stat- tible to wear and was not very acclaimed on
powdered pumice with resin to provide fix- ing that the patient retained good range of the long run.
ation.2,7-9 Gluck was born in 1853 in motion with very little pain. This was also Based on Judet’s concept, in 1950,
Principality of Moldavia’s capital, Iasi the longest follow-up recorded to that point Frederick Roeck Thompson (1907-1983)
(modern day Romania). His father later in the history of arthroplasty. In 1924, Royal developed a Vitallium based prostheses
became the personal physician of King Whitman from New York (1857-1946) pub- which featured a flared collar below the
Charles I of Romania. Between 1873-1876 lished the first description of hip head and a vertically intramedullary stem.

[page 20] [Orthopedic Reviews 2021; 13:8773]


Harold R. Bohlman (1893-1979) from it in the shape of ultrahigh molecular weight tions, such as ceramic shattering and
Nebraska and Austin Moore (1899-1963) polyethylene (UHMWPE). squeaking, the evolution and research in
were two surgeons who further developed In the 1950s’ he introduced the PMMA this domain increased after the development
joint arthroplasty by creating a femoral (poly methyl methacrylate) bone cement. in 1990 of ultra-high cross-linked polyethy-
sided implant made of Vitallium and Although he accredited the first use of bone lene (UHXLPE) and in 1995 and 2003 of
implanting it in 1940 in a patient with a cement to Kiaer of Copenhagen and BIOLOX® forte and delta respectively. The
giant cell tumor of the proximal femur. By Haboush of New York in 1951, Charnley’s “forte” implant used ultra-pure alumina
1952, they refined their implant into a article “Anchorage of the femoral head ceramic with magnesium oxide. On the
model that featured a fenestrated stem Prosthesis to the Shaft of the Femur” from other hand, the “delta” implant includes zir-
which allowed bony ingrowth. The Moore 1960 stated some of the basic principles, conia toughened alumina ceramic with
stem, as it is known today, is the first arthro- such as medullary reaming of the femur strontium and yttrium. In 1999, Trabecular
plasty product that was widely distributed prior to cement and stem fixation.15 Metal® implants were developed based on a
and still in use when treating femoral neck Cemented fixation includes fixation both at tantalum structure, useful especially in revi-
fractures in the elderly.12 the bone-cement interface and implant- sion arthroplasty. One of the latest technolo-
In 1938, Philip Wiles (1899-1966) from cement interface. The main problem with gies in bearing surfaces is the development
London described the first THA using stain- cement fixation is that it is a surgeon depen- of Vitamin E enriched poly in 2010. Now
less steel components fitted to the bone with dent technique, the mix being prepared at days this implant is useful in young and
bolts and screws, but with unsatisfactory the site (in the operating room) and at the active patients who seek to maintain their
results. Edward J. Haboush (1904-1973) time with a deficitary technique. In this lifestyle.
from New York and Kenneth McKee (1905- aspect, early cementation techniques did not
1991) from Norwich experimented in imply any preparation of the bone bed, the
1940’s with dental acrylic cement for fixa- cement was introduced antegrade and the
tion. McKee, Farrar and Ring further devel- only pressurization made was a finger- Modern problems, modern solu-
oped metal on metal prostheses with differ- packing method. This means that cement tions
ent designs.13 In 1953, George McKee used had a poor penetration in the cancellous
a Thompson femoral stem and for the bone, allowing for the cement mantles and The 70’s were a decade of innovation in
acetabular side, a combination of cobalt- interface tissue to form. In 1982, Krause et stem technology. Great designs like
chrome as a single piece. These were aban- al.16 emphasized the importance of bone Exeter®, Stanmore®, Lord® and Muller®
doned when Sir John Charnley defined the cement interface and bone bed preparation. straight stem were developed. Regarding
modern hip arthroplasty. Askew et al. in 1984 proved that cement stem design, two types became popular: the
pressurization increased its penetration into taper-slip (Exeter®) stem and the compos-
bone and related this fact with increased ite-beam (Stanmore®, Charnley) stem. The
tensile and sheer forces at the bone cement taper-slip proved to be slightly superior,
The road to modern arthroplasty interface. This cementing techniques are mainly because it managed to transfer the
also applicable when one is cementing the shear loading stress forces from the bone-
John Charnley developed the concept of acetabular cup.17 cement interface to radial forces at implant-
low friction arthroplasty with regards to 3 cement interface. In this setting, in 1970’s
distinct ideas8: 1) the idea of low friction France, surgeons began using the fixation of
torque arthroplasty; 2) use of acrylic cement a femoral stem with 2 points for support
to fix components to bone; 3) introduction Charnley’s legacy (from cortex to cortex) with a thin cement
of high-density polyethylene as a bearing mantle and the intensive broaching of the
material. Charnley’s low friction arthroplas- After Charnley introduced his bearing femoral canal. This came as a surprise in the
ty had a 77-81% survivorship at 25 years solutions and designs to the market, sur- age because it contradicts the common
follow-up.14 Until Charnley, hip compo- geons started to use different combinations belief that the femoral stem should be sur-
nents were supposed to mimic the native of materials mixed with cemented or unce- rounded by a thick cement mantle and
joint anatomy by having the same size and mented designs. Such, in the 60’s Peter enough cancellous bone for support. This
configuration as the patient’s femoral head Ring used a cementless metal on metal concept was capitalized by Kerboull, which
and acetabulum. He noticed that this config- (MoM) arthroplasty,18 opposed to McKee led to the development of Charnley-
uration was prone to failure, so he devel- and Farrar who promoted the first cemented Kerboull® stem.20 Langlais et al. defined
oped a system based on a steel ball who was MoM designs using a cobalt-chromium these opposite views in 2003 with the term
rolling on a polytetrafluoroethylene alloy.19 French surgeon Boutin developed of “French paradox”: a phenomenon of two
(PTFE/Teflon) acetabular cup. The ball had the alumina ceramic on ceramic (CoC) seemingly contradictory cementing con-
a size of 22,225 mm. This meant that the bearing9, developing later in 1977 the mod- cepts leading to good outcomes.21
surface bearings were close to native joint ular ceramic bearing. As a trend, in the 70’s In the 1970’s, researchers described the
friction torque and by decreasing the size of the uncemented bearings were increasingly so called “cement disease”.22 They noticed
the femoral head from 40 mm to 22 mm, he popular, part due to the concept of “cement microscopic particles of PMMA cement in
ensured a greater range of motion, up to 900. disease” and in part due to ease of repro- the macrophages and giant cell population
Following this, Muller increased the size of ducibility of the surgical technique. As at the level of bone-cement interface and
the femoral head up to 32 mm, thus increas- such, surgeons like Lord, Judet, Mittlemeier concluded that aseptic loosening was due to
ing the range of motion up to 106°. In the and Zweymuller promoted this technique. improper cement fixation of the compo-
beginning, Teflon experience wasn’t a good In the 80’s, CoC bearings were increasing in nents.22 Following this observation, the
one, most of the hips developing aseptic popularity after the “particle disease”; a uncemented total hip was developed. The
loosening and osteolysis. So, Charnley new “complication” of cemented prostheses pioneer of this technique was Ring,18 in the
required a new bearing material and found was defined. Due to a series of complica- 60’s who used screws on the acetabular

[Orthopedic Reviews 2021; 13:8773] [page 21]


component and a valgus placement of the the Danish one in 1995, Australian in 1999 to trauma and tuberculosis, surgery that was
implant in order to achieve fixation. The and British in 2002. Data collected from performed in precarious conditions, without
porous coated stem was developed in order these registries not only helped manufactur- any regard to infection and anesthesia.
to allow bony ingrowth and successful inte- ers in developing better and safer products, Therefore, complications were often and
gration of the implant. Among the first who but also led to the development of clinical severe, sometimes resulting in the patient’s
published on this matter were Galante and and surgical recommendations who were death.
Rostoker in 1971.23 At first, the stems were summarized as diagnostic and treatment The final goals of the hip surgeon were
coated on all sides, all around, but this led to protocols, the most famous of which is to alleviate the pain and regain the patient’s
a rigid implant and high levels of thigh pain. NICE (National Institute for Health and mobility. At first, resection and anatomical
As a result, the stems we’re coated only on Care Excellence) protocol and guideline, reconstruction were the treatment of choice,
the metaphyseal region, insuring a more sta- established in UK in 2002. but, as time passed, surgeons realized the
ble construct. This led to the modern unce- The future of hip arthroplasty is going difficulties of reconstructing a joint by nat-
mented stem implants: anatomical, tapered to be intertwined with the development of ural causes (e.g. soft tissue interposition)
and cylindrical. technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI). and turned towards different implants in
In the 80’s, a new concept developed, However, the way we understand working order to replace the diseased joint surfaces
called “particle disease”. The term was with AI is dependent of Gartner’s Hype and replace them all together.
coined by Harris and was used to define a Cycle and surgeon’s learning curve.28 The future of hip arthroplasty resides in
host inflammatory response as a reaction to Cemented hip arthroplasty is more likely to patient specific implants and AI assisted
particle debris of the implanted compo- be limited to revision arthroplasty in the surgery, as well as robotics.
nents.24,25 This gave a “boost” in the devel- future, as their number (cemented) is
opment of uncemented prosthetic compo- decreasing yearly. Supporting this state-
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data from the patient (such as bodyweight, orthopedic surgical procedure. The hip is a 11. Smith-Petersen MN. The classic: evolu-
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and the type of implant. The oldest national biomechanics, thus hip surgery is very chal- joint. J Bone Joint Surg 1948;30B:L59.
registry is the Swedish Hip Arthroplasty lenging when one is poised to recreate the 12. Moore AT, Böhlman HR. The classic.
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