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The outbreak of the new coronavirus infection known as COVID-19 has first
occurred at Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan city of China in December 2019 (Wikipedia,
2020), and within a couple of months it has turned out to be a global health emergency. It has
rapidly affected thousands of people, who are sick or being killed due to the spread of this
disease. The COVID-19 pandemic also resulted in a widespread disruption such as travel
restrictions, closure of schools and global economic recession. Most countries around the
world have temporarily closed educational institutions to contain the spread of the virus and
reduce infections (Tria, 2020). Face to face engagement of students and teachers within the
school has also been suspended.

The Philippines is in the process of adapting to the new normal form of education
at present, and continuous innovations of educators and active involvement of other
stakeholders are the driving force for its success. For the continuity of education and for
every school to still attain its mission and vision which is to provide quality education to
every Filipino learner, the Department of Education implemented the Modular Distance
Learning. Distance Learning refers to a learning delivery modality, where learning takes
place between the teacher and the learners who are geographically remote from each other
during instruction. This modality has three types: Modular Distance Learning (MDL), Online
Distance Learning (ODL), and TV/Radio-Based Instruction. (Quinones, 2020) Modular
learning is the most popular type of Distance Learning. In the Philippines, this learning
modality is currently used by all public schools because according to a survey conducted by
the Department of Education (DepEd), learning through printed and digital modules emerged
as the most preferred distance learning method of parents with children who are enrolled this
academic year (Bernardo, J).

Lastly, as a Home Innovator, they must provide their child with a productive
learning environment to help them focus more on Learning. It must be a well-lighted and
well-ventilated space in the house, with little or no distraction. The use of modules
encourages independent study. One of the benefits of using modules for instruction is the
acquisition of better self-study or learning skills among students. Students engage themselves
in learning the concepts presented in the module. They develop a sense of responsibility in
accomplishing the tasks provided in the module. With little or no assistance from others, the
learners progress on their own. They are learning how to learn; they are empowered (Nardo,
M.T.B, 2017). Other advantages of modular instruction include more choice and self-pacing
for students; more variety and flexibility for teachers and staff; and increased adaptability of
instructional materials. The disadvantages include greater self-discipline and self-motivation
required for students, increased preparation time and lack of concrete rewards for teachers
and staff, and greater administrative resources needed to track students and operate multiple

This study is all about stress level and time management of GRADE 12 –
GAS – PERSEVERANCE students in Samar National School. Stress level is an individual’s
point of view, stress is our body’s physical, mental and chemical reactions to circumstances
that frighten, confuse, endanger or irritate us. Stress is often the result of feeling trapped and
overwhelmed by the problems in our lives. Students are sometimes immobilized by their
inability to see a positive outcome for a difficult situation. This study will help those students
experiencing stress because of multiple tasks given by the school.

Time Management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide

your time between specific activities. Effective time management is associated with greater
academic performance and lower levels of anxiety in students. However, many students find
it hard to find a balance between their studies and their day-to-day lives. Troubles in time
management is one of the factors of stress and also a given problem of most students in the
Grade 12 GAS PERSEVERANCE of Samar National School. This study will help those
students who are troubling in managing their time on their academics especially their

The key purpose of this research is to find out the effects of modular distance
learning towards stress levels and time management encountered by the Grade 12 – GAS –
PERSEVERANCE Students in Samar National School. Also, this study aims to ascertain the
methods, interventions or solutions of every educational institutions for the students of Grade
12 – GAS – PERSEVERANCE in Samar National School who are having difficulty in this
new learning modality.

This study will be conducted to determine the effects of modular distance

learning towards stress levels and management of grade 12 – gas – perseverance students of
Samar National School.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. How do you manage your time as a student?

2. What tasks can pressure you the most that can turn into stress?
3. How do you manage your tasks as a student?
4. What are the advantages of the modular distance learning?
5. What are the disadvantages of the modular distance learning?

This study is being conducted to determine the effects of modular distance

learning towards stress levels and time management of GRADE 12 – GAS –
PERSEVERANCE students of Samar National School. This research title was made out of
curiosity on what experiences does the grade 12 – GAS – PERSEVERANCE has in terms of
managing their time and handling stress levels while doing their modules and other tasks that
is given by the school, and many of them are experiencing these problems. Therefore, we
have come with the idea to conduct a research about the problems of the students of Grade 12
– GAS – PERSEVERANCE of Samar National School in this current pandemic.

According to Andrew J. Winzelberg and Frederic M. Luskin, students

experience a high level of stress and burnout, especially in this current pandemic, meditation
training which has previously been found to help individuals manage stress, may be an ideal
low-cost stress management technique for students. Time management involves identifying
tasks and recognizing demands on time. People have the habit to look for effectiveness and
consequences rather than the methods and efficiency of time management. Covey opined that
the key to success it to concentrate on highly important but not urgent issues (Covey, 1999).



The study of this rebound to the benefits of the following

 To Students: To help them to be aware on how can they manage their tasks, and on
how could they avoid stress and practice time management.
 To Parents: This will give them the idea about their children’s lack of time
management and managing their modules.
 To Teachers: This will give them the idea about the effects of the modular distance
learning towards the students that can divert into stress.
 To Future Researchers: This study can be a reference to future researcher. It will
serve as a guide to those who will pursue a researcher on the same field.

The focus of this study is to determine the effects of Modular Distance Learning
on Grade 12 – GAS – PERSEVERANCE students of Samar National School. The aspects
looked into were the causes of stress levels and problems in time management

It delimits that the study may not be generalizable to the other populations or
youth who do not belong in the GAS (PERSEVERANCE) section.

GENERAL ACADEMIC STRAND (GAS) - Is a senior high school or strand that takes on
a generalist approach in preparing students for college.

MODULAR DISTANCE LEARNING - Is a form of distance learning that uses self-

learning modules (SLM) based on the most essential learning.

SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL - Senior high school or SHS refers to the last two years of the K
to 12 program that has been implemented by the Department of Education here in the
Philippines since 2012 – namely, grades 11 and 12.

STRESS LEVEL - is the feeling of being overwhelmed unable to cope with the mental or
emotional pressure.

TIME MANAGEMENT – refers to managing time effectively so that the right time is
allocated to the right activity.


Dimitrov (2017) in his study claimed that stress can be addressed by ensuring that
the students give utmost importance to their welfare. Food, exercise, work, recreation is some
of the areas to focus on. He also concluded that the education system is more to do with the
academic qualifications and does not contribute enough to the holistic development of

Students are usually conditioned in a way that makes them fearful to take up
upcoming challenges as the focus is only the academics and not the development of a go
getter mentally. There are not many choices for the medium of education. English being the
only option available can pose as a hindrance for the students from rural background. There
are not many courses available that are employment centric. Fresh graduates need more
communication skills development for better placements. Subramani and Kadhiravan (2017)
revealed the link between academic stress and mental health among students. He endorsed
that academic stress and mental health are correlated and that students are cramped with the
academic structure. Parents and schools pressurize the student way too much for the higher
grades that disheartens the students, further to add on there is not enough support from the
parents and school in terms of guidance. The students are mentally healthy when they
perform constructively in the academic forums. They also propounded that students from
private schools are more pressurized as compared to students from government schools due
to the excess of homework and other academic related assignments. Significant difference in
mental health of students from private and government schools was found. He asserted that
students from private schools have a different nurturing and vast exposure as compared to
government school students who belong to poor socio-economic background and lack of
exposure. This is one of the reasons for the escalation of stress. Sharma et al. (2016) in their
study stated the use of various methods to curb stress. Doing one physical exercise on daily
basis can address the concern of stress. One can also adopt to various time management tools
and get involved with leisure activities which can benefit students. Also, it was suggested that
colleges should have a conducive ambience to curtail the stress. Change in the style of
delivery from teachers end and providing mentors can bring fresh air to the teaching style.
Bataineh (2013) in his study measured the academic stressors experienced by
students at university. The result of the analyses showed that there is an unreasonable
academic overload, not enough time to study due to the vast course content being covered,
high family expectations and low motivation levels are some of the reasons for the stress.
Fear of failure is also the prime reason for stress. There was no significant difference found
amongst the students from different of specialization.

According to Agolla (2009) stress has become an important topic in academic

circles. Many philosophers have carried out considerable research on stress and concluded
that this topic needs way more attention. Radcliff and Lester (2003) studied the anticipated
stress among final year undergraduate students and acknowledged that class assignments, not
enough guidance, pressure to mingle and to get associated were the reasons for the stress to
build up. McKean et al. (2000) argue that undergraduate students experience higher stress at
expected times in each semester. Academic engagements, financial pressures and lack of time
management skills lead to building up of stress. Excessive stress can affect well-being,
emotional attitude and academic performance. There upon it becomes essential that
undergraduate students establish methods to deal with stressful organization.

However, most of the time students face problems like task aversion and
uncertainty, so they start to procrastinate because they lack organizational skills. As a result,
students will not be able to organize duties according to their priorities, so they get distracted
easily, ending up procrastinating. As we can see, time management is quite essential to any
university student, and it is one of the keys to higher academic achievements (Kelly, 2004).

Time management is a skill that ever y student should not only know, but also
apply. A lot of university students complain about running out of time when asked to do a
certain task, they get frustrated because they are not able to make it before the deadline. Time
management is extremely important, especially when it comes to university students because
it will boost their grades and enhance their productivity (Laurie & Hellsten, 2002).

The literature revealed that the students’ time management skills affect their academic
achievement at a significant level and the skills are one of the predictors of academic
performance. The relevant literature suggested that students should start to acquire time
management senses on their own in their primary school years by reading materials on the
issue or via the framework of psychological counseling and guidance studies applied in
schools and adopt effective time management attitudes and techniques to determine how and
where they spend their time (Lisa & Robert, 2).



This chapter describe and discusses how the researchers will gather the
necessary data and information that will be used in the entire study. It presents the research
design, the locale of study, the respondent of the study, research instrument, data gathering
procedure, and statistical treatment of data.

Research design

The study used Quantitative research design- non experimental design

utilizing correlation technique. Quantitative research design is formal, objective, systematic
process in which numerical data are used to obtain information about the variable. It is used
to describe and examine relationships between and among variables (Lamar, 2005).
Correlational research is quantitative method of research in which you have two or more
quantitative variables from the same group of subjects. The main purpose of this study is to
find out the effects of modular distance learning towards stress levels and management
encountered by the Grade 12 - GAS - Perseverance students in Samar National School. This
study utilized the survey in determining the challenges on the usage of Modular Distance
Learning Modality and descriptive design in identifying the different solutions to these
challenges. The opinions and recommendation of students were gathered through a survey,
particularly by using questionnaires with open-ended questions.

The study will be conducted at SAMAR NATIONAL SCHOOL which is

located in SAN FRANCISCO STREET, CATBALOGAN CITY. The whole section of
Grade 12 GAS Perseverance was chosen as key informants, populated by (14) boys and (23)
girls with the total number of 37 students, researchers not included in Samar National School
for the school year 2020-2021. Emails, Social Media were used in the distribution of
questioners. The questions used in the questionnaires were localized. This study will be
conducted on May 30, 2021.

The researcher used a questionnaire checklist that is based on the topic on

“Effects of modular distance learning towards stress levels and management encountered by
the Grade 12 - GAS - Perseverance students in Samar National School.” Two (2) sets will be
prepared by the researcher. The first questionnaire is consisted of five (5) questions using the
checklist and the second questionnaire is for independent variable consisted five (5) question.

1. How do you feel overall about distance education?

o Poor
o Below average
o Average
o Good
o Excellent

2. Do you have access to a device for learning online?

o Yes
o Yes, but it doesn’t work well
o No, I share with others

3. What device do you use for distance learning?

o Laptop
o Tablet
o Smartphone

4. How much time do you spend each day on an average on distance education?
o 1-4 hours
o 4-7 hour
o 10+ hours

5. How helpful your school has been in offering you the sources to learn from home?

o Not at all helpful

o Moderately helpful
o Very helpful
6. How do you manage your time as a student?


7. What task can pressure you the most that can turn into stress?


8. How do you manage your task as a student?


9. What are the advantages of the modular distance learning?


10. What are the disadvantages of the modular distance learning?

Data Gathering Procedure

After the validation of the instrument, the researcher secured a written letter of
request to conduct the study. The researcher constructed of questionnaire checklist, validated
by the professor of the subject then the questionnaire checklists are distributed. The
researcher conducts the research in SAMAR NATIONAL SCHOOL through questionnaire,
because of the advantages of the questionnaire method. The researcher explains to the
respondents the importance of their response to the study. The researcher will clarify some
terms to the respondents. Therefore, respondents can answer the questionnaire with full
knowledge of their responsibility as the subject of the study. The researcher requested to the
respondents to answer with all honesty. The researcher uses a systematic sampling were
evenly distributed by the researcher. In this study since the researcher goal is to determine the
“Effects of modular distance learning towards stress levels and management encountered by
the Grade 12 - GAS - Perseverance students in Samar National School.” The researcher
believes that this method is the most appropriate in choosing the sample for the research after
the respondents answer the questionnaire, the research collected and tallied the appropriate
statistical tools to be use and in interpreting data base on the data researcher comes up with
conclusion and recommendation for this study.

Statistical Treatment for Data

The researcher used the questionnaire in gathering data from the respondents.
Copies of questionnaire stated in English are used. The data gathered were arranged using the
quantitative method and expressed by Likert Scale. Afterwards, the researcher will arrange
the questions and results of the observation of respondents. The statistical treatment that
researchers chosen was the Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient, to test the correlation and
significance of the relationship between the “Effects of modular distance learning towards
stress levels and management encountered by the Grade 12- GAS Perseverance students in
Samar National School.”

The standard table for interpretation of the correlation was stated below:


0 No Correlation
O.0-0.2 Very Weak Correlation
0.2-0.4 Weak Correlation
0.4-0.6 Moderately Strong Correlation
0.6-0.8 Strong Correlation
0.8-1.0 Very Strong Correlation
1 Perfect Correlation

The responses made by students describing their demographic profile. For

instance, gender, age, education, marital status, living arrangement, employment status. In
providing overall picture of the demographic profile, as well as anticipated problems in
pursuing their studies and its effect on students, summary presentation will also be presented.


o Male
o Female


o 15-18 year’s old

o 18 and above


o High school or less

o Become college
o Bachelor’s degree or more

Marital status

o Single
o Married

Living arrangement

o With family or relatives

o Living alone

Employment status

o Employed
o Unemployed

Responses to the questionnaire by senior high school (Grade 12 –Perseverance)

students were statistically analyzed with the requirements of the study. Students were
statistically analyzed with the data instrument of the study.

To know if there is a correlation between the independent and dependent

variables Pearson Product Moment of Correlation Coefficient was utilized wit 0.6-O.8 level
of significance.

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