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Sri Chaitanya Techno School - India

CBSE Advanced 10th Class Pre Mid Term Time Table 2022-23

Class / Date 19.04.2022 20.04.2022 21.04.2022 22.04.2022 23.04.2022

Advanced 10th Class

(Techno/C Batch/ I Language Mathematics General Science Social Science II Language

Note:- I. Advanced 10th Pre Mid Term Revision :: 12.04.2022 to 18.04.2022

II.Every day one exam will be conducted.
III.Timings to be followed :: 08.00 am to 10.40am - Preparation for Examination
10.40 am to 11.00am - Break & Seating Arrangement
11.00 am to 12.30pm - Examination
12.30 pm to 01.00pm - Lunch Break
01.00 pm onwords - Preparation for Next Day Examination

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