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Name: CJ T.

Porras__ Section: BSN 1-O___ Subject: (NCM 103 (Fundamentals of Nursing)

A. Introductory Phase Therapeutic Communication Dialogue

Technique Use

Nurse: Hi ma’am, Good day. I

 Using open-ended am CJ Porras and I will be your
question student nurse for today. How
are you feeling today?

Patient: To be honest, not

totally fine. (looks worried and

Nurse: Well, I think ma’am

everything will fall into place,
everything will be okay. Don’t
stress yourself because I know
all this will end up positive soon

Patient: Hmmm, I hope so.

B. Working Phase  Inferring Nurse: So, ma’am I have

informed by your doctor and I
 Seeking Clarification know you are also aware about
the things or option that you
will undergo so that your
 Giving Information current condition will not to get
 Focusing
Patient: Yes nurse, I am aware
of it but something is bothering
in my mind. There are a lot of
questions that stuck in my head.

Nurse: I understand it ma’am

but base on the diagnosis this is
the only option that can be
done to prevent your illness
from getting worse.

Patient: What if this will not

work. So, I’m going to die?

Nurse: Well, in radiotherapy

more than half of all people
with cancer receive radiation
therapy as part of their cancer
treatment were in it is delivered
using machines called linear
accelerators or via radioactive
sources placed inside the
patient on a temporary or
permanent basis, while
chemotherapy uses drugs to
destroy cancer cells. It usually
works by keeping the cancer
cells from growing, dividing, and
making more cells. And these
therapies don’t cause death but
it has a side effects on the
patients who got an infection
because of the low level of
white blood cell count.

Patient: What are the side

effects of this procedures?

Nurse: So, the side effects can

range from tiredness and flu-
like symptoms to hair loss and
blood clotting problems.
Fortunately, most side effects
are temporary. As the body's
normal cells recover, these
problems start to go away.

Patient: Hmm... I hope that is

true nurse.

Nurse: Yes ma’am. All of this is


C. Termination Phase  Well Places Phase Nurse: Any questions ma’am or

anything to clarify about these
 Summarizing and procedures?
Patient: So far, everything is
well explained and I hope this
will work.

Nurse: Yes, ma’am we will do

our best to provide you a
successful procedure in order
for your fast recoveration.

Patient: You have my trust

nurse and I hope this will be
successful. I am ready to take
those procedure nurse.

Nurse: Thank you ma’am for

your trust and again we will do
our best to give you a smooth

Patient: Thank you also nurse.

Criteria 5 4 3 2-1

1. Content- Has completed Has completed Has 6-9 techniques Has less than 5
all the elements elements given ;some techniques
needed(10 needed but elements/techniques given ;some
therapeutic some are used elements/techniques
communication elements/techn inappropriately are used
skills and three iques are used inappropriately
phases .Utilize inappropriately

2.Organization- Clear and logical Clear and Clear and logical unclear and not
flow of logical flow of flow of thoughts logical flow of
thoughts ;accur thoughts some many words used thoughts; many
ate and words used are are inaccurate and words used are
appropriate use inaccurate and inappropriate inaccurate and
of words inappropriate according to inappropriate
according to according to patient’s needs according to
patient’s needs patient’s needs patient’s needs

3.Puntuality- Submits on or Submits one Submits two days Submits three or

before deadline day after after deadline more days after
deadline deadline

Raw score 15

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