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                                             and THE MIDNIGHT BLADE

So this story is about the 4 kids alive on earth among the zombies, who were Jack Sullivan, Quint Baker, June
Del Toro and Dirk Savage . And how they save themselves and the rest of the world from
cosmic domination. This is the fifth series of the book ''THE LAST KIDS ON EARTH’’.  

In the starting of this novel the go undercover as a zombie to finish the 2 villains who were GHAZT and
EVIE. Evie made a very bad cosmic plan and all the zombies were a part of it and she performed a ritual to
bring the Cosmic Terror of GHAZT into our dimension. ghost is ‘’The General’’ and he has the ability to
control zombies with his tail. they went undercover at the villains base and defeated them. When they
defeated them, ghost tail was also destroyed which could control zombies so the zombies shouldn’t be
moving but as they were going back the zombies followed them, because now Zack’s sword had the ability
to control them but Zack didn’t know how to control it so he started ‘’LEGENDARY HERO
For a bunch of days he had a lot of failures and he wanted to give up but he didn’t , he took a break
from training and wanted to hang out with his friends when he realises the one of this friend Dirk is
acting weird, he is not talking to anyone. So Jake, June and Quint makes a plan of ‘’MISSION
OPERATION: CHEER UP DIRK’’, they tried many things but Dirk didn’t cheer up so made another plan
of playing BATTLE ROYAL for real, which will include all the zombies. In the game Jack paired up with
Dirk to ask him why is he acting this way, and after many tries Dirk tells him and then Dirk feels well and
the friendship stays normal.

At the end one of their monster friend Bradley who is from another domination, dies. Jake and a monster
fights, Jake was in capture when the last words of Bradley came in his head ‘’ The decision… is now… in
your hands…’’ (the decision of using his blade powers) He then uses it and after some moments his friends
in the Big Mama’s truck bed holding the epic goo-slime blaster and the win the BATTLE ROYAL. In the
very end they found out about Thurl, and what is said ,’’a different kind of army’’. they look at Evie’s
book and sees some ancient drawings that shows not zombies but skeletal soldiers. And the story ends. 

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