Speaking: Find The Difference

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Con sẽ nói:

In picture 1, there is / there are ...

But in picture 2, there is / there are …

Ví dụ: In picture 1, there is 1 clown; but in picture 2, there are 2 clowns.

Hoặc nói về thời tiết:

In picture 1, the weather is ….

But in picture 2, the weather is …

Ví dụ: In picture 1, the weather is rainy; but in picture 2, the weather is sunny.

Hoặc con sẽ nói:

In picture 1, it is ...

But in picture 2, it is …

Ví dụ: In picture 1, it is rainy; but in picture 2, it is sunny.

Hoặc nói về màu sắc:

In picture 1, the … is …

But in picture 2, the … is …

Ví dụ: In picture 1, the table is red; but in picture 2, the table is yellow.


Con sẽ phải biết cách đặt câu hỏi:

1/ WH_ questions: WHAT, WHO, WHEN, WHERE, WHICH

WH_ question nào + loại động từ (to be / to V) nào + thì (hiện tại / quá khứ / tương lai)

Ví dụ: What / problem (s)? → What is problem? What are problems?

→ What was problem? What were problems?

→ What will be problem? What will be problems?

What time / start work? → What time do you start work?

→ What time does he start work?

Who / helped? → Who did help you? / Who did help him?

Who / he? → Who is he?

Who / they? → Who are they?

Who / I? → Who am I?

When / exam? → When is the exam date? / When will the exam start?

When / exams? → When are the exams date? / When will the exams start?

Where / study? → Where do you study? / Where does he study?

Where / studied? → Where did you study?

Where / studying? → Where are you studying? / Where is he studying?

Where / you? → Where are you? / Where were you?

/ Where will you be this weekend?

Where / she? → Where is she? / Where was she?

/ Where will she be this weekend?

Which / sport(s)? → Which sport(s) are you playing? / Which sport(s) do you practice?

→ Which sport(s) is he playing? / Which sport(s) does he practice?

→ Which sport(s) were you playing? / Which sport(s) did you play?

→ Which sport(s) was he playing? / Which sport(s) did he practice?

Which / subject(s)? → Which subject(s) are you studying?

/ Which subject(s) were you studying?

→ Which subject(s) is he studying?

/ Which subject(s) was he studying?

→ Which subject(s) are you good at?

/ Which subject(s) were you good at?

→ Which subject(s) is she good at?

/ Which subject(s) was she good at?

1/ HOW_ questions: How, How long, How far, How much, How many, How often

thì con cũng chú ý đến loại động từ (to be / to V) nào + thì (hiện tại / quá khứ / tương lai)

How: How are you? How is she?

How tall are you? How tall is he?

How big is the house? How high is the Big Bang?

→ How + tính từ + to be + chủ từ?

How long: (bao lâu) → Câu trả lời phải là Time (thời gian) + phương tiện di chuyển

How long is the road? → 2 hours on foot / by walking

How long will it take from London to Paris? → 12 hours by train

How long does it take from HCM to HN? → 2 hours by plane

→ How + tính từ + does / will + it take?

How far: (khoảng cách bao xa)

How far is the bus station please? → only 5 miles.

How far is the supermarket please? → about 3 kilometers.

How far is it from VN to UK? → about 5000 kilometers.

How much:

+ Hỏi bao nhiêu tiền: HOW MUCH + DOES + chủ từ + COST?

How much does it cost?

How much does the phone cost? How much does the ticket cost?

+ Hỏi số lượng cho danh từ KHÔNG đếm được:

HOW MUCH + Danh từ + do/does/did + chủ từ + động từ?

How much money did she spend? How much time do we have to finish the test?
How many: Hỏi số lượng cho danh từ đếm được

HOW MANY + Danh từ + are there + … ? → There are + số lượng …

How many children are there in our class? → 30 people.

How many tables are there in your house? → 5 tables.

HOW MANY + Danh từ + do/does/did + chủ từ + động từ?

How many children does she have? → 2 children.

How many cookies did you make for this party? → 100 cookies.

How often: Hỏi tần suất làm cái gì

HOW OFTEN + do/does + chủ từ + động từ? → Câu trả lời là số lần

How often do you practice tennis? → 3 times a week.

How often does he travel? → 2 times (twice) a year

* once = one time, twice = 2 times, thrice times, four times, five times, …

 Hỏi đi bằng phương tiện gì?

How can you get there?
How did you go there?
How do you get there?
How does he go there?


+ 5 pictures

+ dùng thì Quá Khứ để kể lại câu chuyện: were / was / V_ed / V2

+ dùng các từ liên kết các ý: On one day / Firstly / Then / After that / Finally

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