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Kikyō's Death

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To be added
As the sun sets, Inuyasha asks everyone to be left alone with her. During the night,
as he cradles Kikyō in his arms, she asks him if he remembers the discussion they
had about him becoming human using the Shikon Jewel which would have allowed
her to become a normal woman, before Naraku drove them apart, to which he
answers that he could not forget, and tells him that she finally became an ordinary
woman. Distraught, he tells Kikyō that she is the first woman he ever loved and
begins to cry and mournfully yells not having been able to save her, but Kikyō
surprised to see him cry for the first time tells him that it was enough that he tried,
and he kisses her passionately. As Kikyō dies, her body dissolves in a bright light and
her soul collectors arrive and carry it into the starry night sky towards heaven. As
Inuyasha watches the stars, he at least knows that Kikyō will not suffer anymore. [26]
Thereafter, he and his friends arrive at a village controlled by a yōkai
named Kaō who uses people's sufferings as sustenance for his flowers, and he
would be lured to Kaō's mansion as his pain was deemed so great by Kaō stating
that he wishes to join Kikyō in death, that it would have the finest flavor for his
flowers. Enveloped in vines, Inuyasha is pulled through the ground by a pool of
blood and is taken inside Kaō's mansion, where he cries blood while dreaming of
Kikyō, who extends her hand beckoning him to come with her, but he wakes up by
hearing Kagome yelling for him and together with her succeeds in destroying the
demon, although he learned that her pain was greater than his. Having realized that
he was so focused on his own suffering that he didn't notice that Kagome was also
suffering greatly for Kikyō's death, he apologized to her.
Inheriting Meidō Zangetsuha
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Final Battle
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Everyone except for Shippō and Kohaku who were ordered to stay behind,
confronted Naraku's huge spider body. Since Rin is inside, Sesshōmaru didn't
hesitate to enter, with Kagome and Inuyasha going in right after and Sango, Miroku,
and Kirara follow after them. Once inside, they realize that the whole body is
completely Naraku, and no matter how many parts of Naraku's flesh they attack,
tentacles and clones keep coming back. Inuyasha was going to use Meidō
Zangetsuha but when he saw Naraku's illusion, he realised it would hurt Rin.
Eventually, Naraku splits their group up by moving Miroku and Sango to another
location. Inuyasha freezes and turns into his full demon form. He's too close to the
defiled Sacred Jewel, and has become corrupted by it. He slashes at Kagome,
wounding her right shoulder. Inuyasha pushes Kagome into the cavern. [27]
Inuyasha wanders aimlessly, remembering his parting with Kikyō. Until he snaps out
of his demonic mind-set, then he smells Kagome's blood on his hand. Naraku taunts
Inuyasha by saying he has lost his human form because he killed Kagome and this
torments Inuyasha. Then Naraku said he could grant Inuyasha salvation. However
this is not what he wants. Inuyasha bumps into Rin, he protects her and tries to
confront Magatsuhi, But Magatsuhi possesses Inuyasha’s body to fight his
opponent. Sesshōmaru, catching Rin's scent flies towards her with Kagome, but
Naraku swallows Rin into his flesh.
Magatsuhi uses Inuyasha’s Meidō Tessaiga against Sesshōmaru. Unfortunately it
didn’t work out and Sesshōmaru disarmed him and Inuyasha’s Tessaiga lands above
them. They continue fighting. Sesshōmaru uses Tenseiga but that won’t work
against Magatsuhi as he is in Inuyasha's body. Attempting to retrieve Tessaiga,
Kagome is plunged into Naraku’s wall. Nonetheless Kagome holds on but her injury
starts to bleed and as Inuyasha smells her blood he starts to remember his promise
to protect her as he gains control of his mind.
To be added
He saw a glowing pink light line as the Tessaiga glows black that leads to Kagome so
he opens a Meidō and reunite with Kagome and a kiss. They look at the Shikon Jewel
as Kagome prepares to grant her wish, she tells it to disappear forever, they're glad
it's over. First, the Bone-Eater's Well in the modern era is back as she reunited with
her family but she thanked him for saving her life, the magic happened forced him
back to the feudal era as he told Miroku, Sango, and Shippō that Kagome is safe.
Later life
Three years later in Feudal Era, Miroku is exorcising a demon from a mansion in
exchange for a bail of rice for each charm he uses; Miroku places three, which
scares his customers. A canine demon escapes from the building, prompting Miroku
to call for Inuyasha. Spacing out, Inuyasha hears Miroku and easily slays the demon.
He carrying Miroku's payment, Inuyasha scolds his friend for still being a swindler;
however, Miroku de

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