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He tells Kaede about Kikyō still living then learns Kagome returned to her era

without telling him, so he goes there as well only to earn her disdain by ruining her
bike, and he meets her friends who had imagined him in a different way and find him
cool, believing him to be half-foreign.[25]
Battle against Mōryōmaru
As Inuyasha and his friends search for Naraku still alive, they learn of a mystical
stone capable of masking yōki called the Fuyōheki stolen from a demon-mountain
named Gakusanjin, and thereafter happen upon a composite yōkai vessel
named Mōryōmaru created by Hakudōshi to be used by his other half together with
the Fuyōheki to hide and protect himself. After discovering the infant was being
hidden at Goryōmaru's temple, Inuyasha and his friends are led by Naraku to a stone
oni's stomach where he uses the sacred jewel to wake up the stone oni, causing it to
return to flesh. With none of his attacks being effective and his friends suffering,
Inuyasha is faced with no choice but to use a sacred shard on himself. However just
as Naraku expected, the shard, by leaving Kagome's hands, becomes polluted by the
evil of the inside of the stone oni and affects both Tessaiga and Inuyasha who
transforms into his fully demonic state. But thanks to Kagome who rushes through
the tide of acid to hold him, the corrupted fragment is purified and Inuyasha regains
his composure. He then uses Kongōsōha which blasts through the stone oni, saving
When Kikyō summons and fuses Midoriko's soul into her own body to close her
wounds and hold out the miasma which had actually been temporarily healed by
Kagome, he is bothered by her belief that his sword canno't destroy Naraku and her
plan to defeat him by purifying both his soul and the Shikon Jewel the instant he'd
complete the entire jewel since it means removing Kohaku's life-sustaining shard.
He encounters a badger demon with a sword capable of absorbing demon energy
and, in order to learn how to get that ability for Tessaiga to defeat Mōryōmaru,
consults Tōtōsai who together with Myōga reveals the source of that ability being
the scale of a yōkai named Ryūjin who gave his scales to a human swordsmith
named Tōshū to create a yōkai sword named Dakki. After managing to defeat Ryūjin,
Inuyasha is challenged by Tōshū who turned out to have requested Ryūjin to give
some of his scales to make a sword and, after perfecting the Dakki by stabbing
Ryūjin and absorbing his power, attempts to take Tessaiga's power. As the two
swords clash, Tessaiga suffers various cracks and runs the risk of turning into a
rusty sword, but Inuyasha manages to defeat Tōshū and upgrade the sword to
become the Dragon-Scaled Tessaiga. However, he didn't master the Dragon-Scaled
Tessaiga right away, as being a hanyō limited the amount of yōki Tessaiga could
absorb before the yōki would backfire on Inuyasha and injure him, and later on
Tōtōsai tells him to find Yōreitaisei who teaches him to see the vortex of a demon's
energy and to cut it with the Dragon-Scaled Tessaiga, instantly destroying normal
His new technique and training proved worthy, as while helping two young wolf
demons named Kai and Shinta, he and Kōga who gained a new weapon
called Goraishi confront a renewed Moryōmaru who had been increasing in power
mainly by absorbing Meiōjū’s armored shell as well as Inuyasha’s diamond spears,
and succeed in damaging his armor, forcing Moryōmaru to retreat. Shortly after, as
he and his friends chase Naraku who revived and absorbed a tree demon known
as Yōmeiju, they find him confronting Moryōmaru and just stand by and watch their
fight until Moryōmaru swallows Naraku into his own body. Inuyasha and Kōga team
up against Moryōmaru but the battle is not as easy as before due to the Fuyōheki
held by the infant masking Moryōmaru’s demonic energy, and the two are captured
by his tentacles. So Inuyasha thought of strengthening Tessaiga by absorbing
Goraishi’s demonic energy and attacks Moryōmaru’s back in which he is trying to
swallow Kōga, but it allows only him to escape while Kōga remains in Moryōmaru’s
grasp. He, Kagome and Kirara

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