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start with a prewritten paragraph on "LOL"

 Some popular terms like LOL (for "laugh out loud") have evolved into unique words that
have a meaning greater than their original abbreviation. LOL is now used to add a
joking or lighthearted inflection to messages almost like a type of punctuation. It doesn't
always indicate literal laughter. This is just one example of how Internet and text
shorthand is becoming a language all its own. Where writing was once a solitary
activity, it has now become a very social way to communicate. Before the Internet, most
people wrote to communicate with one other person. Now we reach hundreds or
thousands of people with a single post. We search for laptop deals with an eye to
wireless connectivity in order to stay connected and communicate with a global
audience at a moment's notice. Rather than eroding our writing skills, this has
sharpened them. Blogging, in particular, is a powerful way for people to improve their

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 Omg Lol. I just looked this up because today I was telling a story to my friends at
school about how someone legit squirted Hans sanitizer into my EYE! And one of them
said “such a ginger thing to do” I was like..okay?? I never even knew people didn’t like
redheads or had superstitions about them until now! I always thought it was the dumb
blondes lol. I’ve never been bullied for my hair, most people tell me it’s pretty. So that
remark that my friend said caught me off guard! But it doesn’t really bother me. Even
though my insecurities maybe rose up by .01%. I like my hair soo

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 Laura: Well I will just get my peanuts ready now cause I know she hasn’t read this lol.
Haha I will have to teach her some new Scottish cuss words so she can chew me out in
a way I will understand lol oh u have to read it it’s sort of love triangley <– not even a
word but it’s good she will like it The Ghost In My Bedroom by Heather Jones <— “Lucy
Warner has managed to fall in love with her roommate Ryan – who has been dead for
about 25 years. Since he’s been haunting her bedroom from the time when she was a
baby, they have grown to be very close friends; a secret no one else knows about…”
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 The qualifications for a certified lash technician don’t stop with the “certified-ification”
(lol new word alert). Many states require you, yes be certified in lash extensions, but
also be licensed as either a cosmetologist or aesthetician! Why is that? Well, any time
you are working on a sensitive area of the human body, it is necessary that you know
more than the average joe-shmoe. Lash extensions also require a few different
chemical products that, if used incorrectly, could severely harm or damage the eyes or
skin, YIKES! Not all states, however, require a license believe it or not. I recommend
that you be licensed, though, as it will make you a credible and reputable option for
potential clients!

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 LK: LOL — I don’t tell many people that I keep track. When I asked my book group if
they kept lists, they said no – but concluded it would have been helpful when they
started reading a book they’d already read (or already purchased). I do consult my lists
when I’ve had to (gasp) skip over series titles (Jack Reacher) and need to fill in the
blanks. AO: Well, other than reading an occasional poetry book just for a quick score
on my tally, I don’t think it has. I started keeping track because I needed to read certain
books for the Golden Sower committee, but I would have been reading those
regardless, and my “adult” book preferences haven’t changed.

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 The advent of electronic communications at the end of the 20th century introduced new
traditions into jokes. A verbal joke or cartoon is emailed to a friend or posted on a
bulletin board; reactions include a replied email with a :-) or LOL, or a forward on to
further recipients. Interaction is limited to the computer screen and for the most part
solitary. While preserving the text of a joke, both context and variants are lost in internet
joking; for the most part emailed jokes are passed along verbatim. The framing of the
joke frequently occurs in the subject line: "RE: laugh for the day" or something similar.
The forward of an email joke can increase the number of recipients exponentially.

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 Jeremy’s half term was dominated by late night/early morning sessions of LoL. 2am
was a regular cut off time and has extended his play time to over 190 hours. Mummy’s
last day of her holiday involved playing mahjong in the clubhouse and meeting for
pigeon dinner at the dai pai dong in Fo Tan. Mummy went to temple twice and came
home with things to put in the house and loads of fruit. Daddy acted as a human
your program and will continue to

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